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[–]Drenzard [スコア非表示]  (12子コメント)

I wasn't "quoting" anyone, I was listing things in that text format. I don't think the killers in question had anything to do with FAW particularly. Even Elliot, he killed males too after all, just snapped. But my thoughts are for any of those instances, really, or school shootings in general.

I think it's rather ironic how when certain organizations or groups kill people somewhere far away, or even if they kill guys that society doesn't like at home, then it's fine to have an "intellectual debate" on what their grievances are. But when it comes to guys like Elliot, suddenly they flip their shit and if you don't instantly concur these guys were motivated by being "psychomonsterinsanefreakinhumandelusionalnarcissist" then it's treated like heresy.

I'll tell you where the inconsistency comes from. Because all of those ostracized male shooters strike normies and women directly, that's why there is such a faux uproar about it. But if it's just some guys in Asia or the Middle-east, then hey, we can freely examine their motives, right?

but in my experience vulnerable or unattractive women only nail guys who read them as desperate, use them as human cum dumpsters, and then treat them like shit or become abusive/manipulative.

You know why that is, right? Because your unattractive women want Chad, and the only Chads who would be willing to hit on those women are indeed the ones looking to use them as human cum dumpsters and pick on them. Here's an idea - hook up with an obese guy with Asperger's who stutters and is too shy to even speak to a cashier. I guarantee none of what you said will happen.

[–]aoeusntt [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

You know why that is, right? Because your unattractive women want Chad, and the only Chads who would be willing to hit on those women are indeed the ones looking to use them as human cum dumpsters and pick on them. Here's an idea - hook up with an obese guy with Asperger's who stutters and is too shy to even speak to a cashier. I guarantee none of what you said will happen.

This is totally correct and they always miss this part. It's mostly Chads who "use" you. A desperate guy who never had a GF is going to be the complete opposite of that: they will try to appease you and also desire to get into a relationship faster than the woman. I'm not trying to pick on you /u/vcardthrow1 but you made posts yourself that you are only attracted to Chads. So I'm not sure why you're so involved in defending your position.

[–]vcardthrow1 [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

I stopped replying to you for a reason, and you're the one that says I keep making posts?

There are non-chads who are so poorly socialized they treat women like shit. I'll say it again--it isn't just "chads" that can be fucks. No matter what objective proof can be unearthed, short of photos, you will say all women are chad chasers.

What if I said I don't judge men for wanting reasonably attractive women or feeling like shit they're too conventionally unnattractive for an average woman?

"you made posts yourself that you are only attracted to Chads. So I'm not sure why you're so involved in defending your position." What positions, asshole?

Why would I engage someone who stalked me in the FA subreddit when I admitted to feeling horrible for feeling ugly because I wanted to feel some attraction to the person I end up with, and he called me a hypocritical chad chaser? Why would I want to engage you when Guy ABC has done multiple versions of the same post trick, to women and fixating on one thing to paint them as villains when they're coming to admit self-hatred or loneliness or guilt?

You and the those that deems us all "chadchasers" know fuckall about my life; and the reason I'm here is because my sub is now a closed door to women coming to find women to talk to, because of you and constant harassment from this sub, poisoning MY community with your collective pettiness. THAT'S WHY.

I will leave you to your fucking sausage cesspool now.

[–]TedBundy_Got_It [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

There are non-chads who are so poorly socialized they treat women like shit. I'll say it again--it isn't just "chads" that can be fucks.

No but what type of man is in the better position to use, abuse, and dump? Certainly not the overweight autist who just wants to please. You missed the whole fucking point.

and the reason I'm here is because my sub is now a closed door to women coming to find women to talk to

Nothing of value was lost. You had like maybe 2 threads a day between 4 different members. all of whom just wallowed in self pity as they would admit time and time again they couldnt get the certain top tier man they desired. No one harassed you. We harassed you on the same level SRD harasses literally every sub their cancerous subreddit links to to give examples of "drama". We gave examples of how no woman can be FU. Theres a reason why this place is a "sausage cesspool" and FAW had like only 4k members in the 6 years since it was created.

[–]vcardthrow1 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Fuck you, you miserable prick. Fuck you, because of course I understand a Chad is more likely to abuse freely, but overweight, isolated, undersocialized non-chads women choose because they think they're similar people still exploited them or were dicks or told women they were ugly. Are you four years old? Do you think ugly people can't be mean or unfair, too? That's not how human diversity works. You already have it fixed that unless women match up with "obese autists" they have no right to complain.

Fuck you, for daring to complain about being single and alone when you tap Ted Bundy as an inspiration. I feel bad for all the actual "beta males" and awkward guys and invisible people out there who associated with miserable, amoral people like you.

Fuck you for absolving yourself of poisoning MY community, and fuck you that you people are responsible for it. IT IS NOT YOUR DECISION WHETHER SOMETHING WAS LOST. It's the decision of the people that used it or would have, who used it without shitting on you dumbfucks until they got regular notifications how often you were linking from them to shit on them. Fuck you, when--no shit--it was already a struggling community and women moved to different subreddits or sites because it was barely active.

[–]TedBundy_Got_It [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Its funny, really. No one bitched or moaned when actual FA men were being mocked and harassed on FA yet when the few women on your sub were called out on being chad chasers, all fucking hell breaks lose. Your sub is still going, have at it. We have our place, you have yours. In the end, we both lose, because we both need to be coddled and protected in this safespace of a private subreddit. You are so full of hatred, moreso then me or any other dude in this entire subreddit. May you one day find Chads cock on this infinite desperate abyss of men as you so desperately crave. You need it.

[–]Carkudo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Fuck you for absolving yourself of poisoning MY community

How exactly did we "poison" your community?

until they got regular notifications how often you were linking from them

Oh, you mean, it's our fault because LOOK WHAT YOU MAKE US DO? No, it was the FAWs' decision to come here and argue with people. It's FAWs' decision to make such a big fuss about someone on a different sub disagreeing with them.

[–]Drenzard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Do you think ugly people can't be mean or unfair, too? That's not how human diversity works.

As a matter of fact, there is a significantly lower likelihood that ugly people will be mean or unfair to you in the manner that you are wary of, not because they are genetically kinder, but simply because they aren't in a position to do so. For an obese neckbeard to call you ugly in person ( Trolling on the internet is entirely different ) would be a laughably ineffective insult which would quickly backfire, for obvious reasons. Whereas an attractive guy can play on your strings by saying you are ugly without opening himself to a counterattack.

How many beggars do you see making fun of a construction worker for being poor? Now how much more likely it is that a corporate CEO will use taunts about being poor as a psychological lever against someone? You are too passionate to think about that clearly.

[–]aoeusntt [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

you will say all women are chad chasers.

No, I'm not saying that.

What if I said I don't judge men for wanting reasonably attractive women or feeling like shit they're too conventionally unnattractive for an average woman?

That's good. I don't judge women for wanting a reasonably attractive man. Everybody is attracted to attractive people. The reason this is brought up is that saying your situation is so terrible while many FA average-ish looks guys will accept you, but you will reject them.

What positions, asshole?

That women don't have it better.

Why would I engage someone who stalked me

Did not even stalk you. I just remember the post.

multiple versions of the same post trick, to women and fixating on one thing to paint them as villains when they're coming to admit self-hatred or loneliness or guilt?

I do not support that. I disagree with their attitude actually.

know fuckall about my life

You know fuckall about ours and the reasons why we feel the way we do.

[–]vcardthrow1 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

"You know fuckall about ours and the reasons why we feel the way we do."

Guy ABC stalked me, and again--what I do know is that you assholes constantly harass women in FAW, and now a community with a tiny number of active posters or people that stay is poorer for it.

[–]GuyABC5 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Stalked you? I just read your posts on a public forum.

You're a good example of the female sexuality we talk about in here so I linked your posts. It's not a big deal.

[–]Drenzard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

But the statement wasn't that just chads can be fucks ( even though psychopathy and Dark Triad is more common in popular and successful people, really ), but that the only Chads FAwomen meet are the "fucks" who are looking for a punching bag or a cumrag. Most of the more sociable Chads would rather date some pretty girl.

feeling horrible for feeling ugly because I wanted to feel some attraction to the person I end up with

You think that any male FA wouldn't absolutely love to be an attractive popular guy who could have sex and relationships with hot girls? It will still be hypocritical if he only wanted a Stacy, and he will be a shallow person if he would never want to date an uglier or fat girl no matter what. Male FU's are expected to compromise as much as possible. Males FU's are encouraged to prove their status by getting rejected by hundreds of the ugliest women imaginable.

Why do you think that it is a discriminatory offense against you personally when you're judged identically to males?

[–]Drenzard [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

They really do seem to have trouble processing anything other than emotions. Their thinking goes something like this - "I want Chad. Chad doesn't want me. This makes me feel bad. Some pesky male suggests dating someone other than Chad. That makes me unhappy too, because I really like Chad. I'll try to improvise a way to reconcile logic with my feelings". And it just rolls on from there.