@theawayfans @ClickBaitExpose before this gets clickbaited
Somebody has spray painted this on Ryan Giggs's gates to his house.pic.twitter.com/FvFc0AfC7k
254 いいね
@theawayfans@ClickBaitExpose I know but I'm saying that other pages would clickbait it.0件のリツイート 0 いいね
@theawayfans playing away again obviously. Didn't he cheat with his brothers wife or something1件のリツイート 2 いいね -
@theawayfans if he wanted he would jus get a new fence, every day, till he dies, and not give a fuck about some scruffy writer :)0件のリツイート 0 いいね -
@theawayfans http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3576823/I-hope-s-worth-cheating-t-t-Ryan-Giggs-2million-mansion-covered-graffiti-wife-left-flirting-PR-girl-showering-gifts.html … first class from ya boy@Winstud105:12 - 2016年5月6日 · 詳細0件のリツイート 0 いいね