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This sub is essentially THE central hub on the internet for 56 year old millionaire black women with a middle school education and no internet access. EnoughSandersSpam / EnoughSandernistaSpam highlights some of the laughably absurd things seen from Sanders and particularly his supporters. We are wonks from many backgrounds: left-libertarians, right-libertarians, Trump supporters, Hillary supporters, Republicans, Democrats, social-democrats, moderates, and independents (and even anarchists, democratic-socialists, and revolutionaries: just don't proselytize or agitate, please) who are tired of the:
  • wild conspiracy theories
  • discussions of politics / Sanders that are too forced, awkward or otherwise irrelevant
  • blacks and latinos being told how to vote
  • identity politics
  • abstract declarations of war on millionaires and billionaires with no specific tax plan released
  • people who conflate the concepts of net income and wealth
  • religious followers being told how to exegetize and exercise their own faith
Other Eyebleach:
Other subreddits that attempt to curate similar rabidly dogmatic content or over-the-top cult-of-personality when it's seen:
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Memorable Megathreads:
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[–]PAPIST_SUBVERSIVE -17 points-16 points-15 points  (0 children)
The situation of the black community today is the result of "free shit" laws. Lyndon B. "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years" Johnson's Great Society program made breaking apart black families more financially expedient than keeping them together. At that point, blacks were well on their way to achieving more-or-less social and economic equality. But that wasn't politically expedient, so it had to be stopped. It's a fucking tragedy.
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