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Welcome to the hub of Food on reddit!
We have a few rules here, please take a moment to make yourself aware of them:
Be nice to each other. We enforce reddiquete as a rule here. Please learn it and follow it. Reddiquette Please note that /r/food is not the place for your dietary choices activism.
Only food-related posts are allowed. Do not post in response to other posts, to cause trouble or to intentionally upset people. No social media posts, including links in the comments. Meme posts or comments are not allowed.
No overt blogspam. We follow the 1/10 rule and encourage users to read the SPAM guidelines as well as the Self Promotion Guidelines. This rule includes posts or comments linking blog sites, including wordpress and blogspot for example.
Use links when linking to other subs or to this one. We do not allow brigade voting and will remove users for it.
Please make your titles descriptive and just about the food. Posts with titles that do not describe the link contents will be removed without notice. Do not make posts that are a response to another post. Do not use phrases like "first attempt", first try" etc. Just describe the food, please.
If you see a violation of these rules, report it. We will act swiftly.
Mods may remove any post, comment or user, if the post, comment or user is deemed detrimental to the community.
Have's just food. Remember, we are a general food sub, not specific to recipes, images, quality or any other set discriminatory factor. Just food. We all eat it, in some shape or another. Let's enjoy and share it!
There are many other food related subreddits listed here. If you want to add yours or just chat, please message the mods.
Check out these other Food Subreddits! (mobile click here)
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