全 42 件のコメント

[–]Stayinghereforreal 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

So, no ownership of the problem and no attempt to seek solution? Rather she is telling the dog to get back into the crate.

BTW, your major screw up was the online profile thing. That is some pretty nuclear stuff. It gives her plenty of ground to play the injured party here, first in trying to control you via shame, and later when she broadcasts it to her friends and family.

She will be riding that "he created a profile on sex sites!" horse the whole time from this point on, completely ignoring 7 years of dead bedroom. You are now the sicko seeking sex on the internet, in the narrative she will tell everyone else. Be prepared for that, and OWN IT. When you hear from her, her lawyer, her father, her friends, or anyone else about your "sex site ads" (yeah, expect it to escalate into a sleazy thing), respond plainly and frankly: "The marriage was over at that point. We were no longer lovers, only roommates. That was her choice, not mine, because after 7 years of a disinterested spouse, I needed to leave. My heart was broken and I was terribly lonely."

No apology, no expression of regret.

People will be startled by your statement that you lived in a sexless marriage for 7 years before leaving. Some will even then say, "Yeah, I know how you feel..." Others will have a sense that you were entitled to move on, and see it as a proper response. And still others, often low libido partners themselves, will not understand you leaving her no matter what.

I would put the ring into a drawer, so you can give to your daughter or son someday as a keepsake, call a lawyer for an appointment, and start the process of disentangling your life from hers. Be polite, be firm, be strong. Don't be angry, vindictive, or soft. No more conversations where she yells and you listen. When she escalates, you leave. No explanation, no response beyond a very quiet, "I don't talk to people who yell at me and don't listen." /exit

If at any point she sincerely seeks to change HER behavior, and asks for your assistance in some reasonable way, reward that with cooperative engagement measured to match hers. (ie, don't offer too much help or too little, relative to her efforts). That is true in all matters, even if you divorce. So if she is good about cooperative parenting, YOU be good about cooperative parenting. If she is good about splitting assets, you be good. If she seeks reconciliation by changing herself, you be open to the idea, but not the leader of the effort.

And conversely, if she is poor about parenting, asset division or reconciliation, you simply disengage, let the lawyer do the talking, and stay utterly, completely, strongly unmoved by her attempts to shame and yell you back into the crate.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Fortunately again, the house is in her name, and we each have our own personal accounts as well as a joint account. I'm actually perfectly fine letting her have everything except the stuff that was clearly mine, like my consoles and beer brewing equipment, and the money in my personal account. The joint account money was given by me in good faith and it's a dick move to take it. And we have no children.

[–]Stayinghereforreal 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

we have no children.

Wish her the best. Be nice. Move on.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Again, fortunately, I can prove it was only on match.com and okcupid which are well known normal dating sites. If she does try a sex site smear (I don't think she would but I just don't know anymore) I will shut that shit down and give anyone who asks the same explanation and acknowledgement that it was a bad idea.

[–]NiftyDolphin [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

She'll just do the cheater smear, which you've given to her on a silver platter.

I will shut that shit down and give anyone who asks the same explanation and acknowledgement that it was a bad idea

Good plan.

[–]deadbedted -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Move all your stuff that you can into a storage unit. I'm guessing she'll set in on fire, throw it away, etc. because you're wrong.

When she hems and haws about the dating profile, ask her what she expected when she dumped you, sexually, seven years ago. Ask her why she cares what you do. She never cared when you asked her for a sex life, what changed? She doesn't want you, OP, she just doesn't want anyone else to have you.

[–]Johnny_Lawless_Esq 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know her, but I would guess that she is really, really, REALLY pissed that you're bringing this up after letting it lie for so long. She had gotten herself into a headspace where everything is alright, she was able to convince herself that she has a happy and successful marriage, and here you are, busting that up like rotten kindling.

IMO, the apartment and dating site profiles were a mistake (they make it seem like you aren't committed), but what's done is done.

Don't apply for an apartment. Wherever you live is your god damned home as much as hers. Don't let her chase you out. If she doesn't want anything to do with you, let HER leave.

Again, you just completely blew up the story that she tells herself about her life. That's going to have a profound effect. If she comes home and is willing to talk, apologize straight away for the dating site profiles and apartment, and tell her that it's something that you did because some stupid book (which it is, it's really retarded, NMMNG is much better) said it's a good idea, but that you read that stupid book because you feel so damned alone and didn't know what else to do. Don't give ground on anything else.

EDIT: In fact, if she spends any time on facebook messenger at work, I would ping her straight away and make the apology for the appartment/dating site stuff, giving the excuse I said, but not giving in on anything else. You DO love her, right? Tell her that.

[–]marriedscoundrel 1ポイント2ポイント  (10子コメント)

She's trying to turn it back on you - a deflection tactic. She'd rather make you be the bad guy rather than admit the problem and work towards a solution.

Your gut is probably right.

[–]ucde 1ポイント2ポイント  (7子コメント)

I concur.

We still aren't in grown-up territory yet. Until she can calmly acknowledge her role in things, or open up to a discussion in an even-keeled and respectful way, she's basically just acting out drama.

She is escalating the conflict. Not a wise move for a woman in her position to make, but not everyone has the emotional resources to handle these things well.

I personally think making online dating profiles was not a cool move on your part. That is adding a degree of intensity to things that it would be difficult for anyone to handle. It takes the discussion from "We need to seriously talk about things" to "Look, I'm basically leaving you", and the other party might be too shell-shocked to adjust, or even to see straight in light of that disclosure. She is going to be in fight-or-flight mode already. But maybe it was necessary. Seven years is a hella long time, and she doesn't sound particularly receptive to communication..

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

I don't think it was the best idea either but it's too late now. I did explain why I did it but the damage was done.

[–]ucde 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

The drama pulls both parties in and makes you do things you otherwise wouldn't, it has a magnetism that amps up the "crazy" on all sides. Sorry for nitpicking. I forget what its like, you must be in the center of an incredibly strong storm of emotion right now.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah. I took today and tomorrow off of work so at least I don't have that worry. It sucks- I want a passionate sexual relationship. I wanna come come and find her naked and ready, I want to try Anal, role play, and whatever other fucked up shit we think of 3-4 times a week at least. And I can't see her going beyond vanilla once every 2 weeks at the very most.

[–]ucde 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah man, I think you need another chick for those experiences to be realized. And there are lots of women out there who will do all those things.

And in the meantime you get a lot of opportunities to improve your self-care game. Self-care, self-care, self-care, and more self-care! :)

[–]throwawayno123456789 -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

You know what? We screw up sometimes.

You can honestly tell her that making the profile was a stupid move and you regret it. That you read it in a book and that you were desperate to get your point across about how much this means to you. All true.

Stick to YOUR FEELINGS. Try not to globalize (keep away from words like always and never because absolutes are rarely 100% true).

But you can admit mistakes. It's not a game where you lose if you admit mistakes. Being gracious about fuck ups (within reason) is part of a good, loving relationship.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I did tell her that, and she said I could have just communicated that to her. I told her she was right about that and apologized for waiting so long that it had reached that point.

[–]throwawayno123456789 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sometimes you do all you can and they just don't want to meet you part way.

[–]MeiuneF -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

This this this!!! It's all about deflection and playing the victim. It took me years to realize this was a tactic. Stand firm and hang on. It's going to be a bumpy ride but don't give in and take the full blame

[–]kettcar -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, but that is always the case with any argument, no matter what the topic is. Otherwise it wouldn't be an argument.

[–]letsconverse 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

I agree with the post apart from the online dating profiles..

How can you stand on the moral high ground after that?

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yeah, that was not a good idea. The goal was simply to communicate that "hey, I have other options but I'd much rather it be you. PLEASE let it be you!" That blew up right in my face. I was just so desperate for her to understand how serious the situation was that I didn't think that one out.

[–]letsconverse 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm in the same situation as you man and gonna be locked down for some time...

Its so rubbish when they always get defensive and aggressive, it puts you off approaching them!

My SO is on the whole a very good girl, but doesn't give me any attention in a intimate sense, but I get frequent attention off very hot women and I do lust over them sometimes, but cheating isn't an answer...

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No it isn't. I never had any contact with any women and had no intention of cheating. I'd hoped she'd think "Oh man, he must be really serious, what can I do?"

[–]LearningToHate05 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Hold strong. She's going to flail and stomp around. Highly motivated change isn't easy.

I remember that phase of being angry all the time when I started fighting back. Congrats for finding your balls too.

It definitely sounds like the current context has anything you do being taken negatively. Hopefully the reason for that context isn't the same as mine was.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Fortunately I don't think she's cheating. She works a lot as a teacher so I know where she is during the day. At night she's always with me.

[–]LearningToHate05 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I honestly hope you're right. I don't wish that pain on anyone.

[–]throwawayno123456789 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stick to your feelings and your truth.

Take it from someone who was married to the king of deflection. It is what will save you.

If the truth breaks it, it needed to be broken.

[–]BiggusDickus9284 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

"She gets angry again and starts berating me, telling me that when we are out in public she'll show me affection like scratching the top of my head..."

Scratching the top of a creature's head is how you show a dog affection.

Of course you are not perfect -- but she is pointing those things out so that you can put this all back on you.

If there are no kids involved, then you should get out. I wasn't that lucky. My kids and the family we've built are what keeps me around for now.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I actually thought the same thing about the head scratching but didn't want to escalate any more.

[–]deadbedted 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So she cares about public appearances and the facade of a happy marriage, just not making YOU happy. Got it.

[–]DeprivedInSF 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So terrible. Just sounds like a power play thing on her part. With the online profile and you pushing her to change behavior, she's feeling pushed so she one ups you by taking off her rings. So sad. It's the behavior of someone who must win all arguments, period, no matter the consequence or if they're right or wrong on the merits.

[–]JustDiscoveredSex [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yeah no. That's a strong statement. I haven't worn my wedding rings in about a year. Because looking at them only made me angry.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I do plan on doing exactly that. She just asked me if deep down, without thinking about what others would think of me or her own feelings if that what was what I wanted to do. I don't know. I'm afraid I'd be a resentful douche even when she was trying her best and don't want her to suffer because of my stupid libido.

[–]deadbedted 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Who cares? She apparently doesn't.

You called her out on her behavior. Nope, she can't be wrong. Ok, that's fine. She can be righteously indignant...and single.

When she starts beating you up, just tell her, "I told you that I'm not happy. I told you why. I don't want to stay in a relationship where I'm not wanted."

Prepare to get out. Her being "right" is more important than your happiness.

The online dating thing is kinda shitty, but it's done. "When you stopped wanting me, I needed to know if it was because I wasn't attractive to anyone, or just unattractive to you."

If you want to make a dig, "From the way you've been carrying on and unable to do anything to fix this, It looks like it's just you." (I don't recommend.)

Your spouse doesn't make you feel wanted. It's as simple as that. You don't want to be where you're merely tolerated and put up with. You want to be wanted back. You don't have that. Say it a million different ways, but stick with the basic. She can bluster and bully all she wants, just drive it back to you want to be wanted. Simple, precise. Everything else is a distraction.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah. The online dating was just a jealousy ploy, nothing more. She's picking up what I'm putting down on that front though she is understandably angry about that part. She knows how I feel now. Am going apartment shopping today.

[–]DBIsBullshitM/HL/Sad -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm sorry to hear that. But this might be for the best. If your desperate pleas for intimacy result in her trying to play the victim and blame you for the lack of sexual frequency, we'll then you basically know her feelings on the matter. She doesn't think (or won't admit) she did anything wrong, so chances of her changing her behavior are slim.

It's simple, really. If you had to make a choice between having sex with her or other women, you'd chose her. But if the choice is between having no sex with her vs some sex with someone else, shes going to lose out.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yep. I'm going to apply for an apartment today.

[–]throwawayno123456789 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

When you have honestly tried all that you could, honestly shared your feelings and asked for what you needed and have been willing to compromise, you will be sad if it ends. But it won't be a corrosive, terrible sadness. It will be a sadness of grief and it will go away. Been there. Just watched a friend go through a break up. She did all she could and he just was unwilling to do much of anything to help the relationship, regardless of how small. She is a little sad, but not terribly.


[–]OmgWhyNowHLF26 -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

Walk out on her. It's done.

[–]EverybodysbastardHLM36[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh right, she wanted to know what sparked this- an AskReddit thread having to do with sex. A guy had mentioned he was only having sex twice a month so I one upped him and said that was six times more than I got laid. The thread basically imploded in horror about how not right that was and I got directed here. I learned how not normal that was and that I wasn't a monster or rapist for wanting an active, passionate sex life. When I saw how happy people were with folks who matched their libido, it made me very angry that my wife and I were so mismatched, she KNOWS how much sex means to me, and was denying me anyway.

[–]Jack_stokes -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dont feel too rough bout the online thing. Shitty thing to do, but your apologetic.

It speaks of her maturity if she feels that is a major transgression, but forcing you into a chaste relationship with zero effort to change isn't.