news 内の GaussianCurve によるリンク US government: North Carolina LGBT law violates civil rights

[–]GreatnessMerchant [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I want to pinch the loaf of this issue out and pinch it off. How can we defecate these issues down into the bowl of solution and flush away a resolution?

news 内の GaussianCurve によるリンク US government: North Carolina LGBT law violates civil rights

[–]GreatnessMerchant [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"U.S. Government"

Translation, Obama appointed far left wing Chicago mob connected official says you need to allow men into 14 year old teen girls swimming pool shower/changing rooms so that culturally marxist leftists "feel" morally superior as we slide and descend into cultural suicide.

news 内の GaussianCurve によるリンク US government: North Carolina LGBT law violates civil rights

[–]GreatnessMerchant -19ポイント-18ポイント  (0子コメント)

The far leftist mayor Jill Cuckoldson is pushing the culturally marxist agenda. Nothing more, nothing less. The cities newspaper, the Charlotte Observer has gone so far to the left it isn't even a newspaper anymore, it is a communist red star leaflet.

Just biding my time until they come for the guns here. Until then, I do not care who shits where.

In fact, if they pass a law saying men can shit in women's rooms I am going to eat Taco Bell for three meals a day, I mean the largest bean hot fire chilli burritos and tacos I can get, that greasy slimey Taco Bell breakfast, and then shit exclusively in upscale leftist women's bathrooms. I am going to go visit the local Democratic Party headquarters and drop the largest steamer I can in the women's room.

I am Gender Fluid, and when I eat Taco bell I feel that I need to identify as a shitter in the Women's rest Rooms.

Operation Shit Storm is a brewing.

I just do not care who shits where, but if it is a free for all, I am going for the mother fucking gold medal of shitting in the womens rest rooms.

Hell I will shower with naked teen high school girls at the local pool and walkz right into the girls shower room.

Go into the girls changing room and the mall.

Anyone harasses me? Lawsuit out the ass. Gonna get paid! Get a large nosed lawyer and hit the gym!

As Sheldor says on his show "BAZOOPERS!".

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump is National Socialism, without the Bernie Bot Socialism! Just Nationalism.

NA ism, without the BernieBot ZI .

Make America Great Again! And notice it is the leftist flag burning Bernie Bots who are against making America great again. Because they hate our country. They hate our constitution. They hate free speech. They hate our gun rights. They hate liberty and independence.

They want cultural marxism. They want "hate speech" laws and "cyber violence" laws against online criticism. They want the people unarmed and begging the big brother leftist state for protection. They want globalism where we give away all that we have to other nations.

They want to feel morally superior, even at the cost of cultural suicide.

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oiy vey! rubs hands greedily together

20 VX gas missiles? What do you need 10 VX gas missiles for? No one needs 5 VX gas missiles.

AdviceAnimals 内の threefingersplease によるリンク Bad Luck young American Millennials.

[–]GreatnessMerchant 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am 38 and I registered to vote for the very first time in my life. I am a Iraq war combat veteran.

I am excited to vote for Trump.

Do not you want to put America first?

Do you not want to put Americans first?

To fix our crumbling American infrastructure? We cannot even get clean drinking water to Detroit, but we are giving free health care to Mexicans who waltz right across the border? We cannot even give VA care to our combat war veterans, but we are giving it to illegal alien criminal Mexicans?

Don't you want to put American workers and American jobs first? Before China and India and Mexico? Put America first for fucking once?

I just do not understand, do you hate our country? Do you hate our constitution and America?

science 内の SirT6 によるリンク Misperceiving Bullshit as Profound Is Associated with Favorable Views of Cruz, Rubio, Trump and Conservatism

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Scientifically speaking as a person with a doctorate in Imaginational Exploratory Visualization Modeling, imagination is defined in our field as a virtual simulation occurring inside of the mind. It is literally occurring as a space time event.

A virtual simulation (imagination) occurs at a location (A space/time event) and the longer the virtual imagination simulation occurs, the more events, participants, activities occur and are connected to that virtual simulation. It literally becomes exponential.

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have a dream that one day, down in California, with its vicious leftists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "privilege" and "hate speech" and "common sense gun control" -- one day right there in California little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers and round up and execute cultural Marxist American hating flag burning Bernie Bots with right wing death squads.

I have a dream that someday Moon Man will symbolize not racism, but black and white Trump supporters joining forces to round up illegal alien criminal Mexicans and forcibly deporting them.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin by the left wing bigots who would tell them to check their privilege simply because of what race they were born as, but by the content of their character.

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

We must secure the existence of our country, and a future for American children.

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)

Are they sure they want to fuck with the people who invented chemical weapons and nerve agents, who had the audacity and outrageous will to strap explosives to a tube and explode up to the moon, walk on it's surface and stick a fucking flag in it for all humanity?

Are you really, really sure you want to fuck with these people?

Perhaps it would be wise to not piss off the people who invented the Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapons system?

It doesn't usually go well to do so.

We literally invented the flame thrower to set fire to fuckers way over yonder who pissed us off.

You sure you want to fuck with us?

The_Donald 内の Saenii によるリンク Anti-Trump PAC tweets that they hate white children

[–]GreatnessMerchant 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

I just want to fuck anyone that I choose without having some large nosed merchant rubbing their hands greedily together trying to tell me if I do not fuck who they tell me to fuck I am a racist, a bigot and a nazi kkk skinhead.

The_Donald 内の pogletfucker によるリンク BASED snapchat

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Shouldn't the free market be creating more schools to fill in the need to provide education? Maybe we can toss out some more government loans to build more colleges.

Shits online now, some wrinkled faggot at Harvard teaching privilege and micro aggression can be hit up on Wikipedia. Maybe we should start thinking about building more colleges to teach software and robotics, engineering and physics and less social justice and women's studies at MIT.

The_Donald 内の shadowman3001 によるリンク Tiny Ben Shapiro tweets that Kasich has all the momentum... 2 hours before Kasich drops from the race.

[–]GreatnessMerchant 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't forget to mention that he is a very adamant supporter of gun rights and the second amendment.

The_Donald 内の shadowman3001 によるリンク Tiny Ben Shapiro tweets that Kasich has all the momentum... 2 hours before Kasich drops from the race.

[–]GreatnessMerchant 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tiny little fucking manlet.

Has there ever been a sadder career public self destruction than Ben Cuckiro?

I hope the shekels they paid you were worth it Ben. You sold out like a leftist fucking traitor, and we will never forgive you for it.

And we will never forget it.

Facts do not care about your feelings Ben.

The saddest part is you didn't even get your dick sucked when you white knighted over Arm Gate.

The_Donald 内の Ditario によるリンク We are not officially the Nominee. Yet.

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Commies will always try and destroyim the goyim.

The_Donald 内の Ditario によるリンク We are not officially the Nominee. Yet.

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If they intend to steal my vote and nominate someone other than Trump, then they better fucking arm themselves.

news 内の frankreddit5 によるリンク CIA Director claims the missing 28 pages from the 9/11 report contain 'inaccurate information'

[–]GreatnessMerchant -22ポイント-21ポイント  (0子コメント)

Whats more disturbing is the 350 million Americans ignoring the 1 billion Muslims in the world going on raping girls, and then stoning them to death after they rape them for being whores.

It took us allowing/supporting the Saudi terrorists to get us into the "Global War On Islam Terror" to get people to tie a yellow ribbon around a tree and "Support the troops" killing brown people.

Islam is a greater threat to humanity than a ten mile wide Asteroid.

We literally have 1/6th of the population of the planet Earth who believes people should be raped, enslaved, forcibly converted or killed if they are non Muslims.

And half of the 1/6 population of Earth wants to kill the other half of the 1/6th population of earth based upon how many times per day (3 versus 5) they pray to a moon rune moon rock glued to the side of a square brick in Mecca.

People, we are running out of time. Our species will not survive 1 billion heavily armed Westboro Baptist Church members marrying Scientologists led by a dominionist smoking meth mixed with crack that we call "Islam".

Islam goes, or our entire species collapses back into the stone ages shortly.

There is no way to make Islam become moderate. This ideology, this belief system is moderate proof.

Which do you want, gays to have to fight to have a wedding cake, or gays to have to fight to not be hung from cranes in the city streets of the "progressive" Islamic nations?

Women to be raped and stoned to death for not dressing moderately enough, or women to dress in the uniform of prostitutes and go on "slut marches" carrying mattresses after regretting drunken sex.

Decide soon because we have very little time left.

gaming 内の Apterygidae によるリンク Finally got my hands on an Xbox360, and I'm looking forward to an adventure

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eat less pizza and drink less soda. Drink water, eat Ramen noodles, buy a game system you pleb.

Maybe OP just got out of prison for rape and homicide.

Or homicide and then rape.

Or homicide by rape.

gaming 内の maromarius によるリンク Nostalgia

[–]GreatnessMerchant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You will never be able to play as a Kobold race and defend your peoples candles :(

Why even roll?

gaming 内の WilliamVandyke によるリンク My biggest request for the next-gen games.

[–]GreatnessMerchant -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe he meant "Throw the Jew down the well" which is a game played by every single country in Europe at one point in time throughout human history.