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[–]TropicalFishLover [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Dont worry, Trump if he wins has no issues doing the very same thing to civilians in order to get the target.
Snarkyness aside, these people are animals and should be treated as such. I have no problems if captured, dragging these cave dwelling humans by their feet behind a pick up truck. Show them the same respect that they have shown the thousands they have killed just because of a religion.

[–]ToadGoon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

These people shroud themselves in civilians and use them as shields, if you truly believe that no civilians are being harmed by the countless drone strikes from Obama's Administration than you're mental. Stating blindly that Trump will target civilians without issue is the most absurd thing I've heard since Hillary last opened her mouth.

Whats your solution? Let them come here and fight us? that way we know who not to harm?


[–]Mier- [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

No no, you misunderstand. According to some here we don't need to be bothered by religious zealotry. A president should deny his faith and only tend to the economy. Don't thump your bible and point to the slaughter of innocents be they Christian or otherwise. Religion is for others we are to wise for such trivialities.