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    [–]godslam -12ポイント-11ポイント  (10子コメント)

    I'm a white male. I have all the privilege. I'm well aware of this. I have no control over how I was born or how another person was born, but I do everything in my power to further equal rights.

    I'm also not sure why you're upset (if you are).

    [–]AThrowawayAccountUK 65ポイント66ポイント  (9子コメント)

    I'm an Arab male. Mind telling me what magical "white privileges" I'm missing out on, apart from not having to hear about stale terrorist jokes in high school?

    This entire aspect of "white privilege" seems to be spouted mostly by white guys who want to feel guilty or ashamed despite the fact that most of us non-white folk just don't give a fuck.

    I find the fact that I'm being told I'm disprivileged because of my skin colour more offensive, especially when it's from the same people who hides behind the shield of social justice and equal rights.

    [–]Gonzoent -23ポイント-22ポイント  (8子コメント)

    You have to be kidding if you think there isn't a white privilege, white men virtually run the planet, we are more likely to get a job than you are, people tend to think we're nicer, smarter, more trustworthy. By pretending things are equal you're honestly doing a disservice to all minorities.

    [–]KupieAgain 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Meanwhile, in the White House...

    [–]AThrowawayAccountUK 11ポイント12ポイント  (3子コメント)

    white men virtually run the planet

    That's because they're [ ] genuine hard workers [ ] greedy wankers, pick one depending on your fiscal political views. Suggesting that there's some racial conspiracy behind it is ridiculous, there are tons of powerful non-white people.

    we are more likely to get a job than you are

    [citation needed]

    people tend to think we're nicer, smarter, more trustworthy

    Who does? You're just making shit up now.

    By pretending things are equal you're honestly doing a disservice to all minorities.

    By pretending things are greatly unequal you're honestly doing a disservice to minorities who just don't give a fuck and don't experience your asinine projections. I bet you're a white suburban male, just like all the other mouth breathers.

    [–]IWannaFuckEllenPage 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That's because they're [ ] genuine hard workers [ ] greedy wankers, pick one depending on your fiscal political views.

    I agree with you all the way, but this especially made me laugh. You word it so well.

    [–]YahwehTG 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    white men virtually run the planet

    Yet here I sit, a nineteen year old university student, somehow wondering what the hell separates me from the other kids of other ethnicities who are all in the same position as me.

    Did I miss the meeting in which I'd be given my own share of the world?

    [–]youareahomo 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Gtfo with your "white guilt" faggot.