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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

Dicks and butts


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File: 1451293946379.jpeg (514.36 KB, 661x920, 661:920, Fuck Me.jpeg)


This thread is for posting pictures of yourself, asking for ratings, and trying to find people to have sex with. Don't make threads for this kind of stuff, you dummies.


File: 1461369179401.gif (937.57 KB, 500x339, 500:339, 1437967865025.gif)


kek, do you even look at the pictures before posting?



Thanks, anon!



>I swear my dick gets larger when erect..

pls post erect dick


File: 1461372758455.webm (Spoiler Image, 4.58 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, Movie on 4-20-16 at 11.39….webm)


File: 1461372793614.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.76 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, Movie on 4-21-16 at 12.12….webm)



n-no homo



File: 1461374203491-0.jpeg (60.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, received_981316328626796.jpeg)

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I'm new here, be nice. Malegeneral and then chansluts /tg/ used to be home but now we're here because dear Zaren wants to see my ass.

Don't worry, I only bite if you pay extra :p


I have another50 or so pictures I took today but I don't want to clog the thread? I'm more accustom to having my own thread so I'm moderately confused as to etiquette.



Still the right amount of cute after so many years. I still wish I had the other stuff.


Would say wait and see how the waters look, but that's me.



Ugh, disgusting!



man, the fuck are you talking about



I'm talking about the fact that that's neither cute, nor a boy. That's just some greasy gay dude trying to act "cute." There's a board for tripfags like yourselves.




>well gee, I'm the arbiter of cute boys, I don't like this

>calling me a tripfag

Are you thick or was your head formed this way


File: 1461382781729.jpeg (95.62 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981316051960157.jpeg)

Easy easy killer, let the man have an opinion. I know you love me :3

But you, anon, you're going to make me get dressed to prove you wrong… What is the point of that? But I'll do it, tomorrow. You know my ass is killer anyway.



What is this autism? It's cringe as fuck.


File: 1461383762611-0.jpg (402.43 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2714.JPG)

File: 1461383762611-1.jpg (318.06 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2711.JPG)

File: 1461383762611-2.jpg (352.98 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2728.JPG)

hey cuteboys~



oh my





If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Your tone isn't very cute so maybe you should leave as well.



>only underaged looks boys can post nudes here

This is why this board is shit. 97 percent of this board are nothing but closeted biscum to scared to actually date/fap to some that actually looks like a man.



then fuck off to /handsomemen/ then



3 percent are closet trans looking for men to woo over



All kinds of guys can post here, fyi. Just because you don't like guys that are different from what you like doesn't mean they can't be allowed to post.




9/10 would relentlessy breed with as often as possible



>tfw not a pedo

Feels good man.



I remember a post where you had like 3 cute pictures but I can't find it :(




How about you fuck off to /ss/?


File: 1461406292500-0.jpeg (60.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981316325293463.jpeg)

File: 1461406292500-1.jpeg (70.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, received_981315638626865.jpeg)

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File: 1461406292501-3.jpeg (70.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, received_981315485293547.jpeg)

So are we going to let the one guy who is probably Eske anyway ruin this wonderful ass? I didn't think so.

Any requests? I'm going to slowly let go of the set for a few days as I collect requests and ideas for the next shoot. I usually use props but I was feeling myself naked yesterday. I hadn't seen my ass on film in years so the new perspective was still settling in. I'll do something cute with a sweater and get all hairless for you straightfags later.



Just keep posting you fucking masc bottom slut.


File: 1461407090190.jpg (12.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1461395727921.jpg)



never post again


"masc bottom"


File: 1461411485728-0.jpeg (65.04 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981316341960128.jpeg)

File: 1461411485728-1.jpeg (50.34 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981316401960122.jpeg)

File: 1461411485729-2.jpeg (60.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981316325293463.jpeg)

File: 1461411485729-3.jpeg (70.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, received_981316318626797.jpeg)

File: 1461411485729-4.jpeg (70.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, received_981316295293466.jpeg)


I'm going to start calling you garbage-kun because the heckling skills you don't have are fucking garbage. It seems redundant and a little too easy, like in a stupid way, but hey, seems fitting.


Awww, yeah, that's me, I'm a slut :3 I hope you came :p

I'm just going to post the whole set and hopefully without any reposts, but life, like sex, is messy, which is sometimes half the fun!



Kill yourself EU trash. Masc bottoms are top tier. Sorry you can't handle that.


File: 1461412308804-0.jpeg (82.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981315925293503.jpeg)

File: 1461412308804-1.jpeg (84.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981315858626843.jpeg)

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File: 1461412308804-3.jpeg (78.56 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981315855293510.jpeg)

File: 1461412308804-4.jpeg (71.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, received_981315825293513.jpeg)

Wanna know how to tell if a camwhore is a lil slut and doesn't care about nuffin?

Does feet without being asked :0


Oh god can I only post 5 at a time? I need to post a rar or something. Whatever brb.


File: 1461417275381.jpg (22.49 KB, 378x300, 63:50, dawww.jpg)






This kills the /cuteboy/ board



>masc guys aren't allowed but literal fucking women with tits are

You guys are all cancer.



Fuck off, faggot. The purpose of this board is for CUTE BOYS. If you want to look at masc dudes, just create your own board. Don't shit up this one.



What are you, some sort of pedophile or something? That kind of stuff is illegal you sick fuck.



File: 1461421411458.gif (482.16 KB, 256x192, 4:3, popcorn-s.gif)

This thread is entertaining.


>just create your own board

Funny you should say that, seeing as how the creator of this board himself allowed the masc, hairy, etc. guys to post should they want to.



It's almost like this is a gay board and not a "it's not gay if it's a trap!" board for pussies in denial.


File: 1461422374171.jpg (38.97 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 12079213_10153641807569320….jpg)



He's obviously a bottom, and not particularly masculine tbh. You have to shave or get laser removal to be that hairless, and having a beard means jackshit if you have 10 minutes and a razor.

Even if you ignored that, this is the slut thread.

Not the Trap Slut thread, not the Trans Slut thread, not the Underage Slut thread. It's just the slut thread, so honestly, anyone trying to find a hookup or show off can post here and you getting pissed off at it rather than just scrolling past the pictures is just making you look like a dumbass.

Now if you don't have any content to share I'm gonna go back to browsing this board like a normal person rather than yelling at people posting in the places that they're intended for.


I personally think he's pretty hot


File: 1461434901990-0.jpg (2.41 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 1461434752382-582767316.jpg)

File: 1461434901990-1.jpg (2.25 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 1461434791838-1111111563.jpg)


Yeahhh, I don't really care where I post, I have been everywhere and everything, and I'll move if needed, but can I just say, garbage-kun, that NOBODY COMES TO YOU WHINING.

Unrelated: I have a lot of scars, my apologies. The spot on my left asscheek, along with a few others, is from jumping out of a moving vehicle :3



>tfw when the only place you like that has traps in it is being overrun by normal homosexuals with beards

RIP in pepperoni

/cuteboys/ 2013-2016





>tfw this board was killed by "I'm not gay I just have a fetish for dicks!" plebs


File: 1461444688102-0.jpg (900.46 KB, 2560x1536, 5:3, 20160423_214140.jpg)

File: 1461444688102-1.jpg (278.94 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20160423_213811.jpg)

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File: 1461444688102-3.jpg (963.24 KB, 2560x1536, 5:3, 20160411_114041.jpg)

File: 1461444688102-4.jpg (277.42 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20160412_010131.jpg)

Hi, Am I cute enough to be here?



labour voters please leave



>gay faggots going through a midlife crisis can't take a hint that they're not as cute as they used to be anymore



Where in the UK? Would totes do lewd things to you




Lincoln, Also sometimes live up in lancashire


File: 1461450141123-0.jpg (1.97 MB, 1830x2448, 305:408, cock.jpg)

File: 1461450141124-1.jpg (761.25 KB, 1097x1053, 1097:1053, cock2.jpg)



Mine is "brycemaster".

Pics related.



I am near neither of those places ;-;



holy shit



Skype is a personal one for me, do you have kik?





While I'm not monster cock guy, if you fancy chatting too another UK peep, hit me up on kik @ plugpig :)


File: 1461450974899.gif (1.62 MB, 195x320, 39:64, gif.gif)


I don't but I could make one if you'd prefer not to make a skype c:

I just hate typing on my phone.






Any UK anons feel free to add me, skype is in my first post:




lmao it only really depends on how far you'd be willing to go just to talk to this one random stranger on the internet, but ye I don't give my skype out c:

I love your cock tho hng



Ah to hell with it.




2nd pic is cute, just needs to be a little bit softer for my own liking though.


some more pics why not


File: 1461458897573-0.png (626.95 KB, 760x1384, 95:173, 20160423_051318.png)

File: 1461458897573-1.png (479.66 KB, 645x1364, 645:1364, 20160422_021432.png)

File: 1461458897574-2.png (477.5 KB, 783x1176, 261:392, 20160422_021305.png)

File: 1461458897574-3.png (374.52 KB, 1095x651, 365:217, 20160422_014530.png)


ok with pics this time



those stretch marks in the first pic look exactly like how mine are now.. anyways 7.5/10

;-; sry for pointing them out



Its all good I'm just glad my body is decent at all. thanks for the rate :D now the thing that really pisses me off is the guy hair line that shit triggers me







That cock looks tasty~~



cutie :)


File: 1461477639432.jpeg (407.26 KB, 1932x2576, 3:4, image.jpeg)

How is my little uncut friend? I'm trying to hook up with a friend of mine and he is super into little shota dicks. (:


File: 1461485360586-0.jpg (2.17 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 20160306_113640.jpg)

File: 1461485360586-1.jpg (2.17 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 20160415_124456.jpg)

anyone in the uk want to chat for a bit my kik: beeeee209



good hip to waist ratio. i want to see you bent over.



Oh god I wanna make that little thing cum, post moar plssss


File: 1461509991626.jpg (46.2 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1437205666036.jpg)


File: 1461510377711.jpg (127.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_3321[1].JPG)




oy gevalt its another shoah


File: 1461513058343.jpg (19.71 KB, 480x362, 240:181, sneak.jpg)


can someone nuke the british isles already? ive FUCKEN had it with limeys already!!!!!


File: 1461513364493.jpg (1.14 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, oh hai.jpg)

oh hai



what do u mean by this lol



Admin said masc guys can post here so kill yourself loser.





Cry some more.


File: 1461530237449-0.jpg (2.05 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, IMG_20160412_212043.jpg)

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File: 1461537794278.jpg (20.74 KB, 240x313, 240:313, 1356763024778.jpg)


Holy fuck


File: 1461539688256.jpg (400.84 KB, 1595x1196, 1595:1196, as.jpg)



>10/10 hips

>10/10 tummy

>10/10 thighs

>perfect inny

>not a skinny fag

>perfect mole placement

>you will never be this cute

Why even live anymore



would bend over toilet and fuck until you came in your swimsuit / 10


File: 1461546655674-0.jpg (1.93 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, uno.jpg)

File: 1461546655675-1.jpg (1.89 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, dos.jpg)


Someone here knows me



Oh hello. Got any showing the muscles?



I'd like to :3



Maybe I recognize you better if you turn around and bend over? ;)

Also show that cock hiding in that big bulge.



B-but I haven't shaved :c


File: 1461551185660.jpg (2.9 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, Tres.jpg)



I don't like to disappoint though…



Nice! where abouts in the uk are you from? ;3


File: 1461561540656.jpg (624.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160118_224549.jpg)

B-be gentle


File: 1461572537920-0.jpg (245.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Me.jpg)

File: 1461572537920-1.jpg (214.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mee2.jpg)

File: 1461572537920-2.jpg (221.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Meee3.jpg)

Dropping off some pics


Really in the mood, not sure if I should post. what do you guys like? :/



Bruh it's 6am

Post anything.



He is calling you a jew.

Don't worry about it, he's an idiot.



You deleted me on steam. :/


File: 1461623321329-0.webm (5.65 MB, 640x368, 40:23, c1aedb7a-36fc-41ac-80df-b….webm)

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File: 1461623321329-2.jpg (872.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 4b350145-0d89-40c7-b227-f0….jpg)

Hey I have infinite self-consciousness so I wont show my face right now (especially because I got a bad haircut) but I do have some pictures/webms of my ass. Any advice you could offer would be appreciated <3

It's not as good as anyone elses on here but hopefully I made at least 1 person happy


File: 1461625098638.jpg (227.77 KB, 1181x2691, 1181:2691, 20160425_155655.jpg)

What do you think?



If you get a long mirror then dildos stick to it much easier for you to ride it~ (plus you can just wipe it down and store it in your room as an excuse to have it)




If you want a place for masculine guys, try Reddit instead. That's not meant as an insult; every gay subreddit favours the masc side of things. You'd be better received there.



Bigotry in the gay community of all places



I want to tear off that underwear.



Damn that fucking skirt is sexy.

I'd love to spank you like the naughty little girl you are until you cry and call me daddy.


File: 1461677770346.jpg (919.91 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, IMAG0004.jpg)

Is this cute yet?


File: 1461678002569.jpg (66.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 802207726_82534.jpg)

Can you guys rate my dick? Please and thank you!


File: 1461678031776.jpg (354.37 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ass.jpg)







Would suck/10


one of you sluts draw a (´・ω・`) on your butt and take a pic, but make sure to tuck your balls out of the way



I would but my butt isn't cute



Unfortunately. But don't mind him, you're cute.


File: 1461708967855.jpg (135.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20160426_102232.jpg)



Where would the ω go?


feelin too shy for an outright pic but hey! if anyones curious, my kik is "fuckinwhoknows"

chat with me, let me show off? :3



could just draw it on one buttcheek as opposed to across both whatever works



Thank you :)


File: 1461730392941.png (349.08 KB, 390x610, 39:61, 1461469142364.png)

Um, do guys mind veiny penises?



Show it!



Such a plump butt.



Damn this is hard


File: 1461738941198.jpg (3.67 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20160425_170911.jpg)

Any traps/sissies in TN? add me on kik, its JJhopkii



this really turned me on


File: 1461801844839-0.jpg (332.5 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2825.JPG)

File: 1461801844839-1.jpg (363.13 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2827.JPG)


please do, daddy ;)




Oh my.. Where are you from? <3


File: 1461804972224-0.jpg (1 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20160428_104944.jpg)

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File: 1461804972224-2.jpg (1007.52 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20160428_105054.jpg)

First time posting


File: 1461806131610.gif (1.23 MB, 240x281, 240:281, 1436232728851-1.gif)


I love it


File: 1461823914773.jpg (68.93 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, ^18FABC78B3F45E22255764221….jpg)

im not a slut!



pfft. those pristine little toes, diligently-shaven legs and even your worthless little hairless sack really don't back your claim up.

least you've got the cute part down.













Brisbane, sorry



yeh, show booty hole


File: 1461849588211.jpg (18.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, costanza_400x400.jpg)


>im not a slut!


File: 1461849750429-0.jpg (1.89 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20160426_232103.jpg)

File: 1461849750429-1.jpg (1.7 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20160415_213049.jpg)

am I cute enough?



I want to suck those cute toes


File: 1461898750979.jpg (62.67 KB, 485x861, 485:861, 5a0cedca-7229-4bcb-8229-fb….jpg)



either of you in TX?


File: 1461901041979-0.jpg (463.54 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2537.JPG)

File: 1461901041979-1.jpg (384.06 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2550.JPG)

File: 1461901041980-2.jpg (369.93 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2538.JPG)

Me in some sailor moon stuff
















nigga you can't walk two steps in San Fran without bumping into a flamer, why are you looking on an imageboard?



You are almost sickeningly pretty. Serious, the unrequited desire to chat you up is making me physically ill.

Can I really chat you up on Kik? I know, I know, I will try to refrain from hitting on you like a jackhammer.


File: 1461911819573.jpg (51.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2rh1jyb copy.jpg)

Rate me please



Bah, you've got just enough hair. I like qtbois with hair, it emphasizes this is a boy who is pretty, not just a girl.




Love that skirt. Please say you're in the Midwest. :D

Lots of other qts, thanks all.







charles is that you?



nope lol



nope lol


File: 1461963059683-0.jpg (316.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160201_181535.jpg)

File: 1461963059684-1.jpg (431.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160201_181813.jpg)

Any other cute boys in the Atlanta area and want to fuck tonight? Send me a message

kik: benjj921




San Fagsisco Bay Area resident here, there's not as many as there used to be with all the tech companies moving in

(And the ones I have seen probably have STDs)


File: 1461985124642-0.jpg (1.22 MB, 3084x2599, 3084:2599, Picture 18-a.jpg)

File: 1461985124642-1.jpg (1.46 MB, 5168x2907, 16:9, Picture 19.jpg)

What would you guys rate me?



9/10, seriously fucking cute, wanna see more with less clothes tho. where from?



Brighton atm, just shaving atm so I might take a pic or 2 soon



8/10 I like emo hair but ffs cut your bangs so they don't completely cover your eyes.


File: 1461990819752.jpg (1.47 MB, 5168x2907, 16:9, Picture 22.jpg)


There you go


File: 1461993528703.jpg (4.36 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20160429_082520.jpg)

Easily the best photo I've taken


File: 1462002542354.jpg (4.87 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 2016-03-16 21.39.42.jpg)




Dude post more webms?



very cute


File: 1462032271956.jpg (14.92 KB, 463x260, 463:260, IMG_3012.jpg)

Here's my big softie. xD

I think it looks odd, what do you think?


any cuteboys want to take a chubby 18 year old's virginity?



in what dimension is that big?


prolly no one xD



i think thats hopeful


lets compare xD


I wish someone was here to fuck me while I suck cock wearing panties, bra and stockings…



That's such a nice ass


File: 1462069266967-0.jpg (247.8 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1234567.jpg)

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File: 1462069266968-4.jpg (201.19 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 5671234.jpg)




better! :D You're definitely a qt


File: 1462076236503-0.jpg (163.17 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, top1.jpg)

File: 1462076236503-1.jpg (145.42 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, top2.jpg)

File: 1462076236503-2.jpg (167.99 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, top3.jpg)

Hello! Can you guys tell me what you think pretty please?




total semen demon.

would collar up, hold your leash and ravage from behind / 10 :3



cute cock mang :3


File: 1462076984653.jpg (152.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, top4.jpg)


thank you~


File: 1462077269324.jpg (270.09 KB, 2287x4252, 2287:4252, Lean 1 hq-1.jpg)




File: 1462077422732.jpg (235.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Asspussy.jpg)






>petite emo cuteboys

all of my yes

you're cute as a god damned button D:



no prob <3

kik or skype? <//<


File: 1462079352660.jpg (111.26 KB, 729x1308, 243:436, Untitled.jpg)


I took a few pics earlier, they're shitty quality but I'm too lazy to redo them now.





where do you live in Bongistan?

The quality is fine c:

also dat booty


File: 1462085976693.jpg (1.41 MB, 3340x2879, 3340:2879, Picture 15.jpg)


I live in fag central aka Brighton



just bend over and take the dick


File: 1462086560517.jpg (762.01 KB, 3420x2867, 3420:2867, Picture 22.jpg)


I'm a top but I like sucking.



so southern coast, huh?

my lil bro goes to school in Scotland and I might visit him this summer. I've never been to Britain, so I'm lookin forward to it… he went to the south once but he's spent most of his time up there

You got Steam or Skype? c:



Laphantom for both, if you can't find my steam here is the link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MoondDuskUK/



added on skype



Depends, where are ya?





So are you gonna stop teasing and take those pants off


File: 1462137680444.jpg (1.67 MB, 5168x2907, 16:9, Lzean1Q.jpg)


Wanna see this?



where in the US?



y-yes please



This is my kind of guy. You're really cute and seem like a cool person. Easily an 8.5/10



You're my kinda top tbh. You're cute with your porcelain skin and striking blue eyes. And I love your hair. I wish you lived here so we could hold hands



you wouldn't be near northern indiana would you?



Damn I'm in SoCal



My eyes are more green than blue apparently but sounds good



You pull off both adorable and sexy very well.



We're gonna need some more anon


File: 1462157758049.jpg (482.65 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, R9Q76Sy.jpg)


Better? :P



mmm I can already tell you have a nice dick, let's see it


File: 1462158636744.jpg (391.7 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, CXspos8.jpg)


Here is an old pic



very nice :) what's underneath?






Enough to choke you with



Yup I was right, very suckable. I bet you taste great. Got anymore?


File: 1462159382729.jpg (260.81 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, jkqte6r.jpg)



there you go

Someone is posing as me so I'll have to put a pic of me with every comment now…



Holy shit you delivered, those are all amazing. i want to lick that cum off your tummy so bad



Too bad you're a britbong. Otherwise I'd bang you. Consensually of course.



Come over and I'll let you lick all the cum you can off me



I'm a top but I'd still be happy to suck you dry



I can't tell if you really look like him cause of your emo hair, but you sort of remind me of a young cuter Cillian Murphy. How old are you btw?



Wish I could…keep posting like that and I might need to buy a plane ticket. Why are all the emo guys so far away



As far as I'm aware they're all in America



Thanks, and take a guess




Thank god someone finally thinks I'm younger than I am, I'm 20



You look closer to 17 in your pics honestly haha. Would guiltlessly pop a boner if I saw you in public now that I know you're my age.



I'd be thinking of sucking it if I saw that



Do you use kik or anything? Maybe I can entertain you a bit.

If you do here's my username:



Any cute/twink boys around the Merced, Cali area? Looking for some fun. Hit me up on my kik at staticstar1 . ;)


File: 1462184810875-0.jpg (262.98 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_3645.jpg)

File: 1462184810876-1.jpg (133.77 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, jhg.jpg)

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File: 1462184810878-3.jpg (273.7 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_3647.jpg)

I don't know if these are any good butt I might as well see if anyone likes them :3




Not sure if cuteboy from the rising sun or cuteboy from a proxy. Or, worse yet, a weaboo.




Don't worry it's only because I Have to use a proxy, 8ch was blocked where I uploaded that ;-; (live in New Zealand)












File: 1462197712192-0.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Snapchat-16746803195093805….jpg)

File: 1462197712193-1.jpg (1.08 MB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Snapchat-73231485926775647….jpg)

Some fun I had with someone on snapchat ;3c

These are mine


i really need to find a slutty qt in london that likes chubby guys







Christchurch ;-;



Christchurch ;-;



would impregnate/10



Hmm year old album and other fishy shit going on, can you timestamp? If you're real you're hot as fuck though and should post feet


File: 1462230929511.jpg (261.2 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 2QtRLAb.jpg)


Is this better? I don't feel like doing lewds atm. I'm wearing the same festival band that is in some of those lewds though



nice :) sorry for doubting. Hope you post more OC sometime you're one of the hottest boys I've seen here


File: 1462231824546.jpg (140.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WIN_20160502_192559.JPG)

Hey, it's brown trapfag! I finally bought a dildo; never used one before, but that's never stopped anyone!



Its ok, there have been people pretending to be me lately anyway


File: 1462236441690.webm (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CumshotPovChurrostrapR.webm)

Posting more after some inactivity, hi!



holy shit looks delicious, I wish that had sound



holy fuck i want to suck that while you cum looks tasty



Wait was that actually you who posted your steam/skype?



so…how about now? I second the feet request, or butt, or both :3



get yer tits out luv



You should make a webm



I don't do butt stuff, sorry


File: 1462249729877.mp4 (6.06 MB, 800x600, 4:3, Untitled2.mp4)


Its an old one but enjoy



I may have been very drunk last night…



oh my god that's so hot



Can we just see your butt? It's not like you have to finger yourself or anything



Woah. I can forgive the lack of butt if you post more like that with cum ;)


is there any , any way to see the archive of the previous posts in the slut thread? i lost a godamn contact.




Why? this sucks. i'm sure its archived somewhere.

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