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How to Convert to Hinduism
Two Parts:What is Hinduism?Conversion to HinduismCommunity Q&A
You have learned all about Hinduism, and have decided that it is the religion that you truly believe in. The only thing that is preventing you from doing this is: you must officially convert to the Hinduism faith.
Part 1
What is Hinduism?
1Understand that Hinduism is basically the way of life and a wide collective belief system based on Karma (collective actions and reactions from the universe). Hindus and Buddhists alike believe in Dharma (believing we all have "duties/causes/roles" to fulfill in this life, for example, as a parent, sibling, friend, lover, partner etc.) and that peace can be achieved while fulfilling these to the best of our abilities.
2Hindus are supposed to understand and respect all God-given/God manifestations that affect our life from the elements, planets, welcoming the day and the Sun (Surya namaskar) and even practicing yoga, which enables self healing while clearing thoughts. Hence "20,000" gods to choose from all under the banner of the Trinity (Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer - or Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva).
Part 2
Conversion to Hinduism
1Find the sects that will accept you. Most Hindus will tell you that you cannot officially convert to Hinduism. They might tell you that Hinduism is something people are born into and that it is not a religion that an outsider may enter into. But fear not, there are some Hindu sects which are open to Westerners.
- The most famous sect is the International Society of Krishna Consciousness, which is also known as the 'Hare Krishna.' That was a Hindu sect, which had been proselytized in the West, back in the 1960s. Another popular sect is the Transcendental Mediation.
2Do not expect to "convert". "Conversion" is not a requirement in Hinduism nor is there any "conversion" ceremony where you pledge to a belief in a particular savior. Embracing Hinduism means letting your actions, thoughts, way of life and philosophy reflect your belief in Hinduism. It involves organic growth and constant resolution to love and learn.
3Become a disciple of a Hindu spiritual leader. For example, many New Age groupies are fans of Deepak Chopra.
4Start yoga. While yoga is sometimes used for fitness workouts, many people practice it for its spiritual benefits, which are strictly derived from Hinduism. So, you could check out your local yoga club, and find out how devoted it is to the spiritual side of the practice, which is Hindu.
Community Q&A
- Anyone with a pure soul and a pure heart can become a Hindu. Contact any Hindu guru for guidance and they will surely help you.
- The term "Hindu" was a Persian mispronunciation of the term "Sindhu" or the "people who live beyond the Sindhu river civilization", also known as the "Indus valley civilization" around 7000-3300 BC. Hence, ancient Greece/Mesopotamia through Persian connections called the people of the land and beyond "Hindu", or Indu if the "H" cannot be pronounced, or India.
- Ninety percent of other rituals/prayers/poojas are based on region specific culture and traditions. So don't worry if you don't understand straight away what's going on, most Hindus from other regions don't either.
- Hinduism is ever eternal, ever welcoming. There is no procedure to enter. Let your mind free, and believe in the holy Vedas, believe that there is one God - Para Brahma and that he is ever eternal and has many manifestations.
- Respect all others and know that each action has an equal and opposite reaction (Karma). Perform Yoga, and make non violence one of your highest qualities.
- In order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad-Gita with full understanding it is necessary to attune our soul to it.
Article Info
Categories: Hinduism
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Español: convertirte al hinduismo, Русский: перейти в индуизм, Português: se Converter ao Hinduísmo, Italiano: Convertirsi all'Induismo
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