Last week, there was a post in this subreddit.
Please, no one link to it and no one call out the username of the person who posted it.
Do not ask me to post or send you a link. It's not happening.
The n-mother was in a very vulnerable state of health and the OP had been consciously doing things that could kill the mother. This wasn't self defense from immediate danger. This was an attempt at murder.
This subreddit will not support this.
Unfortunately, none of the mods actually saw this post. We only saw the fall-out from it. We saw posts about it and only one person modmailed about it, but only days or maybe even over a week after the fact. No one reported it. No one reported the multitude of comments under that post supporting this decision. For example a comment that read, "It's probably for the best." I only got to see what happened after someone sent me an archived link to the post. What I saw was alarming and disturbing.
Folks, this is murder. It's not okay.
When someone's life is in immediate danger, then yes, of course, we support self-defense. We all need to defend ourselves from immediate physical harm, if we can. But, that isn't what this post was about. This post was about murder.
If you are planning on doing things that will physically harm or even kill another person, this is a psychiatric emergency. Please call 911 or whatever the emergency number is where you life or get yourself to a hospital. People on the verge of committing these sorts of acts need and deserve professional treatment. Please, get help.
We seem to have a lot of people who also do not understand that we do not support becoming abusive in response to abuse. Becoming abusive is engaging with the abuser, which can seriously harm your mental health. Maybe you start by thinking you will just gaslight your n-parent, but that kind of behavior changes you. Gas lighting becomes a coping technique and it spreads across your life. And, let's not forget that gas lighting your n-parent makes you an abuser, too.
Yes, of course, if your life is in danger and you have to gas light (for example) your abuser so that you don't get beaten or shot or stabbed, then you have to do what you have to do. This is self-defense. What I am talking about as being a problem is waging a campaign of abuse against an abuser. It is far better to get out and get away, if possible, than to become an abuser.
Members of this subreddit, we do routinely remove comments advising posters to steal from their abusers, to gaslight their abusers, to ruin their abusers' careers (unless, of course, the abusers is, say, a child molester and works with children and their career really
be ruined, for example), etc. A lot of people may not know this, because the comments are removed. The mods do almost always leave comments explaining removals, but those are usually not upvoted and sometimes downvoted, so most people don't see them. We have actually banned people who have not listened to the mods and who have continually advised people to physically attack their abusers, steal from them, poison them, etc. We have reported to the admins people who seemed to be in immediate danger of killing or physically harming others.
I do not recommend just being a doormat and absorbing heaps of abuse. Boundaries are important and let's not forget that the best revenge is living a life free from narc control. This may mean moving away and going no contact for some people. It may mean limited contact for other people. It always means boundaries. It means building walls that keeps sanity safe and keeps the narcs at a healthy distance. Creating these boundaries and getting the healthy distance needed can take time and it is certainly easier said than done. I know. I've been there. It is still something we can work towards and it is certainly better than murder or becoming abusers ourselves.
Subscribers: I urge you to please report posts and comments that advocate violence, murder, illegal things, etc. That is not what this subreddit is about.
There are hundreds of commenters here a day. The mods do not read all the comments or posts here. We can't. There aren't enough of us (not for lack of trying to find mods). All of us have very busy lives and we devote a good portion of what little free time we have to managing this group. As much as we'd like to have the time and energy to read every post and comment, it's just not possible.
We do not read every post or comment. If you see something rule breaking, REPORT IT. Do not assume a moderator saw it and thought it was okay. Most of the comments in this group are not read by moderators. The mods probably haven't even seen it. REPORT IT.