I think the problem is that a lot of people don't believe that emotional abuse is real and a lot of people think you can't get PTSD from it. Then there are people who don't think you can get PTSD unless you have been in a war.
There are people who are abusive and want to stand up for abusers. I think that is a lot of what is going on in that hate group. Some of the people might be enablers... but those are just abusers-lite, because they are still abusive. They just protect the abusers and use the abusers like a gun to shoot at people.
There are people who think that all parents must be saints.
There are people who are in denial about the abuse they have suffered and thus attack anyone who has their eyes open to the problem.
There are so many kinds of people who have problems with us... it's crazy. But, there are 91K people here who do understand and we are growing by, on average, 110 new subscribers a day. Abusers, enablers and deniers can get upset about this all they want, but this group just gets bigger and more people are supported every day. We are thriving and they have no power to stop us. All they can do is jeer from the sidelines.