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This is a support group for people raised by a parent with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders.
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submitted by Limitfromspace
She's on dialysis, well, she will be. She hasn't cut down on her salt-rich diet, because she's an N and N's don't take any advice and she will immediately behave as though we've never warned her about the dangers of her bad temper and the high-salt diet and it'll be all our fault that we didn't say anything because she thinks she knows better.
For a week, she's gotten extremely angry over little things like polite kisses on the cheek and claiming N/EDad was "cheating" and the fact we weren't cleaning the kitchen at 6:00 am because of these things. It's like NMom doesn't know basic human behaviour. She doesn't control her temper, it's like an aggressive dog on a leash, she doesn't pull it back, she just lets go off the leash.
At this rate she'll kill herself because "we stress her out" WE'RE the "problem". Not the fact she lacks self-control, self-awareness or any kind of restraint. I'm tired of her crocodile tears, I honestly don't care because all of the things she struggles with is her fault. She brought all of her problems on herself.
Edit: She needs to go to the emergency room.
Edit: She popped a stitch, I knew I was doing the right thing by telling her not to go out. She, oblivious to the fact I was actually showing that I care. Simply told me that I'm "Only looking after myself". She came home with no apology, except she bought me gifts and with a totally different attitude.
It seems I'm not going to leave her evil abuse.
Edit: It turns out if NMom has any bacteria enter her incisions, she'll lapse into a coma. So whenever I have to change her bandages, I pick my nose as I walk to her bedroom.
all 12 comments
[–]proudsellout 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
Let her.
[–]Limitfromspace[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
I was too nice to say that.
[–]Aladayle 4 points5 points6 points  (5 children)
Isn't your Nmom the one whose blood sugar shoots up to huge levels and she won't do anything until she's forced into the hospital? I remember reading a post about her if so...gods.
She needs to get ahold of herself. Diabetes wrecks the brain too so it's probably making her even more mean and delusional too.
[–]Limitfromspace[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
No, that's not me. But she has diabetes.
[–]Aladayle 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
How long is she supposed to have been on the low-sodium diet? Meaning how long ago did the doctor say it. I just...don't get how she can ignore a doctor saying "Hey cut back on the salt"...
[–]Limitfromspace[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Since 10 years ago, she's burned out her kidneys by eating fruit and salt.
[–]Aladayle 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
I can't imagine her doing well when she gets to the point of needing dialysis. As uncomfortable as she is around doctors though you'd think she would want to PREVENT that, but...
lol if only you could burn calories with these mental gymnastics.
[–]beretbabe88 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
This may be seen as an unkind thing to say, but maybe it's for the best. Sounds like she's committing suicide slowly. She isn't happy, she's making your lives miserable, she has no quality of life because she won't follow medical advice. Maybe she'll finally be at peace.
[–]Limitfromspace[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
It's not. Your Nparent, MY Nparent would pull the plug on us if they got the chance.
[–]a_pretty_strawberry 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Do you realise that you are LITERALLY a dangerous person? even IF she abused you, and emphasis on IF - (as none of your previous posts actually show anything like it, just you severely overreacting) you realise that doing this:
Edit: It turns out if NMom has any bacteria enter her incisions, she'll lapse into a coma. So whenever I have to change her bandages, I pick my nose as I walk to her bedroom.
is literally endangering another person? you can and will go to jail for that if anyone ever finds identifiable information about you and reports it (which i pray to god happens)
edit: also lol @context of abuse rule, we dont even need to assume a context of abuse, we can clearly see that youre abusive, no assuming required.
[–]coldlikedeath 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I love the last bit. Fuck her. I know it's hard to watch but you have yourself to care for too.
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