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all 61 comments
[–]TheOneFreeEngineer -34 points-35 points-36 points  (2 children)
Unironically telling people to look up David Irving as a unbiased historian of WWII... Literal Nazis.
[–]NotTimBuckleyOF DEEZ NUTZ -24 points-25 points-26 points  (0 children)
I googled his name and the second result is his wikipedia article, which mentions his Holocaust denial in the first sentence.
That's a pretty big red flag in my book.
[–]bustaahh -6 points-7 points-8 points  (0 children)
I don't get it, some guy claiming that David Irving revision of history is done because that he took his facts from "top nazis personally".
Listen to David Irving, the only historian who gets his sources from talking to top Nazi's personally, and is the best at uncovering secrete/new info. Also the only major historian to be jailed for what he believes is the truth.
I just don't get it, so he is basically sympathizing with top nazi officials and how they are the only ones with the truth about how misunderstood and totally innocent they are. His logic is basically ask the killer if he killed someone or not, he said no? case closed, killer is innocent guys! You are all just being SJW for falling for the jewish conspiracy and the millions which died in WWII were just a lie. The Nazis said they didn't do it you communist shitlords, so they didn't do it. Isn't that just exactly what neo nazi shitheads believe?
[–]PM_ME_A_FACT -67 points-68 points-69 points  (2 children)
That thread is an actual neo nazi circlejerk.
[–]ChicomoztocThe evil empire salutes the shevil fempire ☭ -32 points-33 points-34 points  (0 children)
Literally. Those are fascists commenting about neonazi propaganda.
[–]Chihuey -9 points-10 points-11 points  (0 children)
At this point I'm not even surprised.
[–]Rehkit -63 points-64 points-65 points  (4 children)
And of course the guy has 88 in his username.
Also as a person living in Paris : fuck you.
Edit: yay hate mail.
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -38 points-39 points-40 points  (0 children)
Join antifa!
[–]timetide -12 points-13 points-14 points  (2 children)
Bastards ruined my birth year. I used to put 88 at the end of things when the website insisted on numbers in the name.
[–]theslickestpompadour -30 points-31 points-32 points  (1 child)
They're comparing Nazis to Muslims but not Jewish people during that era. How unsurprising.
MAGA amirite guys?!
[–]bobappleyard -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
given the context of the thread that might be a compliment though
[–]ESSSJAYDUBELEW -35 points-36 points-37 points  (7 children)
During the German occupation, a forced labour policy, called Service du Travail Obligatoire ("Obligatory work service, STO"), consisted of the requisition and transfer of hundreds of thousands of French workers to Germany against their will, for the German war effort. In addition to work camps for factories, agriculture, and railroads, forced labour was used for V-1 launch sites and other military facilities targeted by the Allies in Operation Crossbow. Beginning in 1942, many refused to be drafted to factories and farms in Germany by the STO, going underground to avoid imprisonment and subsequent deportation to Germany. For the most part, those "work dodgers" (réfractaires) became maquisards.
There were German reprisals against civilians in occupied countries; in France, the Nazis built an execution chamber in the cellars of the former Ministry of Aviation building in Paris.[28]
Many Jews were victims of the Holocaust in France. Approximately 49 concentration camps were in use in France during the occupation, the largest of them at Drancy. In the occupied zone, as of 1942, Jews were required to wear the yellow badge and were only allowed to ride in the last carriage of the Paris Métro. 13,152 Jews residing in the Paris region were victims of a mass arrest by pro-Nazi French authorities on 16 and 17 July 1942, known as the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup, and were transported to Auschwitz where they were killed.[29]
Overall, according to a detailed count drawn under Serge Klarsfeld, slightly below 77,500 of the Jews residing in France died during the war, overwhelmingly after being deported to death camps.[30][31] Out of a Jewish population in France in 1940 of 350,000, this means that somewhat less than a quarter died. While horrific, the mortality rate was lower than in other occupied countries (e.g. 75 percent in the Netherlands) and, because the majority of the Jews were recent immigrants to France (mostly exiles from Germany), more Jews lived in France at the end of the occupation than did approximately 10 years earlier when Hitler formally came to power.[32]
Literally better than refugees
[–]EtienneZola -37 points-38 points-39 points  (1 child)
Lying SJW! Hitler was just misunderstood. All he did in Paris was visit the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees. Anything bad that happened was the fault of Jews and communists. Hitler was there to protect the good French!
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -22 points-23 points-24 points  (0 children)
"fascists got the trains running on time"
[–]learntouseapostropheLiberal-Marxist Legneck Beardbaby Delta Cuckjob -27 points-28 points-29 points  (4 children)
Literally better than refugees
it's time to play hate or delusion! for the grand prize, is r/the_adolf claiming refugee children are worse than literally hitler because they're delusional or because they just hate brown people that much? take your time, and remember, it's always both.
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -22 points-23 points-24 points  (2 children)
I love how they have to deny the Holocaust but think it's great.
[–]I_AM_A_SKELETON(a skeleton juice warrior) -8 points-9 points-10 points  (0 children)
I've never heard it phrased like this, but you're right on the money. It pretty much is just another example of them twisting "facts" to suit whatever hateful agenda is on the menu that day.
[–]bipolar_homo -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
yep. It's always "The holocaust didn't happen - if only!"
[–]ESSSJAYDUBELEW -18 points-19 points-20 points  (0 children)
Refugees are Hitler
Loves Hitler
Hates refugees
[–]FUCKGRINGOSNationalism has not been a great blessing for this planet. -20 points-21 points-22 points  (2 children)
Je préférerais avoir un billion de musulmans plutôt qu’un fasciste.
[–]your_mom_nakedmy freeze peaches bring all the redditors to the yard -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
La même ici.
[–]Padexin -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
"If you prefer that over a billion muslims, you're a fascist"?
Did I get it right?
Dangit, according to Google Translate, "I would rather have a billion Muslims than a fascist"
I need to brush up on my French
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -19 points-20 points-21 points  (2 children)
Warning: Not Safe For Fascists
[–]mst3kluv -6 points-7 points-8 points  (0 children)
That was the day Germany got cucked :(
[–]khalifabinaliWhitewhenConvient -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
That is an awesome picture
[–]nopus_dei -9 points-10 points-11 points  (0 children)
Muslims are lHitlerally fascism you guise!!!11!1
[–]TrogdorCronus27Ronald Wilson Reagan --> Insane Anglo Warlord (wake up sheeple) -24 points-25 points-26 points  (2 children)
[–]HisHighnessStannis -8 points-9 points-10 points  (0 children)
Ah yes! Fantastic!
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
Added to the commemeism library
[–]starbucks_red_cupFear my High Melanin -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
[–]majere616 -24 points-25 points-26 points  (0 children)
I have zero understanding of what Nazi occupation entailed and/or I am a neonazi.
[–]EtienneZola -11 points-12 points-13 points  (0 children)
That comment and the OP's submission made my day. Really a choice slice of stupid. I feel like Agent Cooper and I just got a damn fine cup of a-historical hyperbole from Norma's Double R Cafe.
[–]VoteRonaldRayGunEsq. Dilderbrd Group -8 points-9 points-10 points  (0 children)
When asked for a source multiple users replied with links to David Irving, Holocaust denier.
[–]ArchchancellorExtruded Plastic Dingus -18 points-19 points-20 points  (0 children)
Whoever wrote that shit is possibly the stupidest fucker on this planet.
Seriously, if you wind up reading this: you stoopid.
Your 41 homies are pretty damn dumb, too.
[–]LogieBearWebber>calls people cucks >has never had a gf -7 points-8 points-9 points  (0 children)
I've always suspected that neo-Nazis are just weaklings frightened of anything darker than a peach crayon and on this evidence you can see why
[–]starbucks_red_cupFear my High Melanin -9 points-10 points-11 points  (2 children)
Hey Fascists, never forget when the Allies kicked your asses in Normandy.
[–]Minn-ee-sottaaMarx, Lenin and revolution, real girls' talk. -5 points-6 points-7 points  (1 child)
You mean Stalingrad ;)
[–]starbucks_red_cupFear my High Melanin -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
Both actually.
[–]HisHighnessStannis -22 points-23 points-24 points  (0 children)
Seriously probably the most fucked up think ever upvoted by The_Donald, and thats saying something
Thanks /u/spez thanks a lot
[–]EtienneZola -21 points-22 points-23 points  (10 children)
I'm basing these numbers off of wikipedia, so they could be a smidge on the squiggy side (but I doubt so much so as to make the point irrelevant). And that is, the metro population of Paris is about 12.3 million. The urban population, about 10.5 million. The city core, 2.2 million. The population of the city from the Maghreb states of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco (which is where most of what these nitwits lump altogether as Muslims come from), number about 66 thousand.
White genocide! indeed.
[–]HisHighnessStannis -14 points-15 points-16 points  (0 children)
If there is a white genocide, i think i know where i'd start
[–]Hermas --3 points--2 points--1 points  (8 children)
I wish it was white genocide actually.
[–]EtienneZola -19 points-20 points-21 points  (6 children)
As a fellow of the paler persuasion, I think I'd rather avoid that nastiness. I'd settle for a radical interpretation of what it means to be white and western, a recognition that racism, slavery, and empire are inextricable features of the making of modernity (both conceptually and concretely), and an agreement that any possible foundation for future justice and peace depends upon enacting an anti-colonial project that cuts to the very core of westerness and whiteness, and ultimately succeeds in dismantling the power structures that continue to privilege certain embodied experiences over every other.
[–]Woldingfeminism made me sexist -15 points-16 points-17 points  (0 children)
Yeah that's basically white genocide tho
[–]oboeplum -7 points-8 points-9 points  (1 child)
oh god paler persuasion
[–]EtienneZola -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
Alternatively, as a person who makes Caspar look like a bronzed beach stud ...
[–]craftycthonius --2 points--1 points-0 points  (0 children)
That's all well and good but let's have a white genocide anyway
[–]rulbam -0 points-1 point-2 points  (1 child)
A radical interpretation of whiteness can only come in the form of the fundamental critique/abolition of the white race as a social relation. There is no such thing as “ethical” whiteness.
[–]EtienneZola -0 points-1 point-2 points  (0 children)
It's interesting, I think I mostly agree with you. Something about using the phrase "social relation" rather than "power relation" makes me want to quibble, but I've tried writing a response that articulates that several times, and haven't been able to come up with anything significantly better. So yeah, fair play to you.
[–]VorpalEskimoSummum bonum in mundo exterminium "albus populo". -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
Yeah, it'd really give them something to cry about.
[–]learntouseapostropheLiberal-Marxist Legneck Beardbaby Delta Cuckjob -12 points-13 points-14 points  (0 children)
r/the_adolf literally believes we're at war with every single Muslim.
le epic maymay would be more accurate if it had been a picture of jews fleeing nazi germany. they would also be opposed to letting them in, of course.
also lol that nazi circlejerk going on in the comments
[–]kapparothAsa Whiteman -5 points-6 points-7 points  (0 children)
Literally /r/The_Adolf.
[–]GearyDigitActually a furry -6 points-7 points-8 points  (0 children)
I mean, for the Nazis, sure.
[–]Beejsterb -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
Are these people joking? What the actual fuck.
[–]mst3kluv -3 points-4 points-5 points  (0 children)
[–]SRScreenshot ~Automated Poopologist v0.1~wow -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
"Paris under Nazi occupation was safer than under its current Muslim occupation" [+41]

At 2016-04-29 18:11:00 UTC, Curaga88 replied to "If SJW newspeak was used in 1940." [+40 points: +40, -0]:
Paris under Nazi occupation was safer than under its current Muslim occupation
 This comment posted by a bot | Report an error | FAQ
[–]obscurelitreference1 -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
If you were a Nazi, that is.
[–]darkclaw6722Former TiA user[S] -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
Sorry for reposting this. I deleted my last post since it had the wrong link.
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