CRITICAL SHOWER THOUGHTS: A safe place to discuss outside-of-the-box thinking.
To activate the "entertain the thought" system: Just add Premise: "......" to your title or into the text box.
If you are not willing to entertain the thought, don't click on the link or enter the thread. Rule breakers will usually be warned first, with the possibility of a temporary or permanent ban for subsequent offenses.
If you do not understand what "entertaining the thought" means, then click here.
The Golden Rule:
Treat others with respect and avoid conversations devolving into insults. | If you feel the need, attack the argument, not the person. Link to sources that further explain your view, and debate the sources on their factual basis. Personal attacks or logical fallacies are an inferior debate technique and not suitable for this sub. Most users will be given a warning. Repeat offenders may be subject to a ban (which may be permanent).
Due to the nature and purpose of this sub, shit posts and drama posts are unnecessary and distracting to the users and content creators here and will be interpreted as a violation of the Golden Rule. | Therefore, these submissions are subject to removal. Repeat offenders may get a temporary or permanent ban.
Moderator Transparency | In our efforts to remain as censor-free as possible, we generally do not delete comments. Furthermore, we try to approach moderation as "Hands-Off" as possible in these concerns. We still encourage Reporting offenses of the Golden Rule, as it helps us to monitor for the potential to intervene, if necessary.
To further support a censor-free environment, we have added /u/nucensorship (its a bot) to the mod team. Information about it can be found at /r/uncensorship.
Self.Posts must contain a link and brief blurb to a product or service that is affiliated with the CST-way of thinking and it must relate content-wise with your post. For further clarification, please see JCP's post here
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