Summary: A key component of the anger phase is a limiting belief based on something one should be able to have. To successfully exit the anger phase, one must completely embrace the truth of your inherent social worthlessness to women and society in general.
All those who've cruised through the anger phase can empathize with this: realizing that the girl who pretended to be your friend all that time really only wanted your shoulder to cry on and that, to some degree or another, you're only a wallet, dildo or shoulder to cry on to women, you suddenly become enraged, your perceptions forever dashed.
From reading comments on this sub (my own and others), I can safely say that everyone going through the phase needs to embrace the following truths:
A) You are socially worthless unless you actively produce value
That slut put you on the backburner because the only reason she needs you is to solve her emotional problems and do her homework for her.
If you turned her on, she would have fucked you.
It doesn't matter how hard it hits you, this is how it is.
B) Women will only ascertain you by their perception of you.
A common blue pill myth is that opening up emotionally to a woman will make her love you more. It will actually do the opposite.
If you admit to being a weakling to her face, she will view you as one. Women have absolutely no moral sense when it comes to men. If you choose to deal with them, be sure to be absolutely larger than life, or else expect to be treated like just another cog.
C) Society is a game of feast and be feasted on.
There was a post on Wall Street Playboys (a finance/lifestyle blog) about how Wal Mart extracts ten times more money than it pays from its workers.
This society is created by the rich for the rich. If you want to rule, get money and know how to spend it. And when those girls come to you, you know they're after one thing.
D) Self-sufficiency is the highest ideal Red Pillers should strive for.
A truly self-sufficient person is a person that does not need to interact with others. They produce their own goods and do not answer to the feminist mafia state. They do not fall prey to their carnal desires and are not manipulated by them.
How you choose to go about this is up to you. You should be well to remember that life is two things: a classroom, and a game of kill or be killed.
Lessons learned:
Make yourself useful or be useless
Girls size up your value. Acting like a wallet or an emotional tampon will lead to you being used as one.
MGTOW-like self-sufficiency is a goal to be pursued by all involved with the Red Pill. Having to interact with women to soothe your carnal desires and dancing to their tune is not a lifestyle one should pursue.
Most MGTOW do not practice what they preach as bitching on a forum is not self-sufficiency (and TBP, if you feel tempted to criticize this, I admit, I am not where I want to be; I should not be spending my time on this)
[–]Endorsed Contributordown_with_whomever 51ポイント52ポイント53ポイント (10子コメント)
[–]Ardubinston[S] 9ポイント10ポイント11ポイント (8子コメント)
[–]Endorsed Contributordown_with_whomever 31ポイント32ポイント33ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]trumpisafaggybeta 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (2子コメント)
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