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全 63 件のコメント

[–]RenoreiUnited States of America 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most Jews are perfectly nice people. But percentage-wise Jews seem to be way more likely to be leftist and pro-multiculti than whites, unless they're in Israel. They are also smarter than whites on average, and seem more prone to subversiveness, have interests as a group that do not always align with ours, and because of the concentration camps during WWII, it is basically impossible to level any criticism, no matter how legitimate, against international Jewry without having people immediately screaming "ANTI-SEMITE! RACIST! NAZI! HITLER!" and trying to dismiss your concerns...yet it's perfectly okay to level criticisms against whites. Like I said, most Jews are good people, and certainly many Jews have contributed a great deal...but I would say Jewish influence overall has been harmful to indigenous Europeans. It doesn't matter how many scientific, cultural, or artistic advancements Jews have contributed if their influence ultimately results in Europeans losing our homeland and our future, which seems to be what might happen.

Since most Jews are good people, I wish them no harm. But ideally I would want them gone, and not "dead and gone," but simply away from us. Somewhere where they can't hurt us anymore, somewhere we can be free of their influence, so that we can have self-determination as a people. Our interests completely conflict--Jews like a diverse, individualistic, rampantly liberal society (unless Jews are the majority), whereas whites suffer in societies like this. Whites thrive in a homogeneous, nationalistic society that is moderate/conservative. Considering Europe is our land, our needs come first...and we can tell by looking at Israel that when Jews are the majority they choose to create a society that is remarkably similar to what we would create if everyone would just leave us alone. I don't see why it's right that Jews should be able to create a society like that, while whites can't.

[–]qdegtjuloCroatia 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

My opinion is that they're being used as useful idiots. My conclusion comes from the interview with a Jew in Sweden who is arguing against immigration because the Muslims that arrive try to stone Jews and it's contrast to the statements of British Jews who call for more immigration.

[–][削除されました]  (2子コメント)


    [–]Cantstop01Of Germanic Descent 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    This is something I wish more people like tragfalar would understand. It's not like all Jews want death to the white race, only those Zionist/globalist/multicultural fucks.

    [–]LolPharisees 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Jews are the intellectual Vanguard of the left as well as neo-conservatism. There's not much coordination, it just seems they can't help but use their annoyingly high verbal IQ for anything besides subversion. We should encourage their repatriation to Israel.

    [–]luckinator 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    it just seems they can't help but use their annoyingly high verbal IQ for anything besides subversion

    I've thought the same thing myself more than once.

    [–]northernracerealist 8ポイント9ポイント  (5子コメント)

    I'm neither national socialist, nor do I think there's a coordinated jewish conspiracy. However, you can't deny the fact that wherever multiculturalism is pushed, it usually is a jew promoting it. It's legitimate to say that they are the inventors and most ardent proponents of leftist sociology such as cultural marxism or critical theory and as such proponents, I think they must be opposed.

    [–]Enoch_FarageSupport National Action.[S] 4ポイント5ポイント  (4子コメント)

    One of the best quotes I ever heard about the whole "Jewish ploy" thing was "There is no coordinated 'Jewish conspiracy' anymore than there is a coordinated 'black conspiracy', but blacks just act like niggers and Jews just act like Jews, Blacks will burn your neighbourhood to the ground and Jews will say it was the result of social-economic problems cause by white privilege."

    If you think every Jew in the world goes to a big annual meeting and determines what they're going to do then you're an idiot, the Jew wants the same thing every race wants, domination. They're not the biggest race but they are the most powerful, almost every government in the world is in accordance with the rothschilds banking, Libya got toppled because it wasn't using one, the only countries that don't include North Korea and Iran, who are the US's biggest enemy? This isn't because they fought a war 60 years ago this is because they're not owned by the Rothschilds.

    Why does the US hate Iran? There was no starting point yet they're mortal enemies, the only real thing that happened was the embassy, hardly worth the death feud they have.

    [–]northernracerealist 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

    "There is no coordinated 'Jewish conspiracy' anymore than there is a coordinated 'black conspiracy', but blacks just act like niggers and Jews just act like Jews, Blacks will burn your neighbourhood to the ground and Jews will say it was the result of social-economic problems cause by white privilege."

    I rather think that owing to their high average IQ and their long lasting intellectual culture, ashkenazi jews are more prone to academic career. A lot of academics tend to favor top-down approaches when solving problems and academic jews, being heavily prominent in college education and policy making, resort to this top-down approach as well when trying to solve society's problems. Thus, they don't seek to explain society from the bottom up (i.e. evolution and genetics), but from a purely social standpoint.

    Also, in my anecdotal experience, the jews are kind of split 50/50 with 50% being cultural marxist leftist scum and the other 50% being conservatives in the European sense of the word.

    almost every government in the world is in accordance with the rothschilds banking, Libya got toppled because it wasn't using one, the only countries that don't include North Korea and Iran, who are the US's biggest enemy? This isn't because they fought a war 60 years ago this is because they're not owned by the Rothschilds.

    See, that's where you start losing me. I know that several US presidents fought against the plans of the Rothschilds to establish a banking system like the one that was in place in Europe. I fail to see how you can extend this occurence to the whole of jews, however. Also, the factual basis is very thin at this point.

    [–]Enoch_FarageSupport National Action.[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I rather think that owing to their high average IQ and their long lasting intellectual culture, ashkenazi jews are more prone to academic career. A lot of academics tend to favor top-down approaches when solving problems and academic jews, being heavily prominent in college education and policy making, resort to this top-down approach as well when trying to solve society's problems. Thus, they don't seek to explain society from the bottom up (i.e. evolution and genetics), but from a purely social standpoint.

    Good points, Jews are suited to the academic career due to their high IQs and academic backgrounds, but they also only amount to 1% of the population so at a push 10% at most of the top positions, doctors, politicians, bankers should be Jews but actually a lot more are, why? Proportionately that shouldn't be the case, by the logic Japanese people who also have high IQs and academic backgrounds should flourish too but are there and Japanese MPs? Are there any Japanese MEPs? No. It doesn't add up, Japanese people make up roughly 1% of the British population but they don't have nearly the power or influence of the Jews.

    Also, in my anecdotal experience, the jews are kind of split 50/50 with 50% being cultural marxist leftist scum and the other 50% being conservatives in the European sense of the word.

    Modern European conservatives are cultural marxists.

    See, that's where you start losing me. I know that several US presidents fought against the plans of the Rothschilds to establish a banking system like the one that was in place in Europe. I fail to see how you can extend this occurence to the whole of jews, however. Also, the factual basis is very thin at this point.

    Every Jew isn't a billionaire, there are poor Jews, but what I'm saying is the amount of influence the Jews, 1% have is more than is owed to them.

    [–]northernracerealist -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    they also only amount to 1% of the population so at a push 10% at most of the top positions, doctors, politicians, bankers should be Jews but actually a lot more are, why?

    I think this is because of societal selection pressure put on the European jews from the early medieval age on. Jews weren't allowed to go into the regular trades and agricultural professions, so they became merchants, financiers etc. Those who were unintelligent were unsuccesful, had less money and therefore less children. The ones that were smart made more money and had more children, thus societal selection over hundreds of generations weeded out the unsuccessful jews. Now, if you're successful as a merchant/financier, you're likely to become rich as your business is easily scalable. And if you're rich, it's easier to gain influence in society. Also, wealth and good connections protect you from persecution (think of the pogroms that wiped out entire jewish colonies). The European jews you see today literally are the product of a long-lasting very harsh societeal selection pressure.

    Now, what we're to do with this knowledge and the fact that the interests of jews and Europeans don't always align, I don't know yet myself.

    [–]Crypt0An0n23The German Empire 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 6ポイント7ポイント  (21子コメント)

    Before moving to London I had never had any experience with Jews. They practically don't exist in Ireland beyond a tiny population in south Dublin. Something like 2000 of them at most. So as a result I don't really think anything of them.

    I don't know what to make of anti-Jewish sentiments often talked about here. The only prominent contemporary Jew in Ireland was the one who started handing Irish passports to asylum seekers and immigrants like it was going out of fashion.

    [–]Enoch_FarageSupport National Action.[S] 7ポイント8ポイント  (20子コメント)

    The only prominent contemporary Jew in Ireland was the one who started handing Irish passports to asylum seekers and immigrants like it was going out of fashion.

    The only Jew you knew was illegally getting other races into Europe.. This is why people dislike Jews, they're all like this, this is the perfect activity for Jews, it both disunites the host country so they can't turn on them and makes them good money, this is what the Jew is.

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 9ポイント10ポイント  (18子コメント)

    The only thing I can't get my head around is that the majority of the non-EU immigrants who receive citizenship appear to be from Muslim countries.

    The Muslim population in Ireland is extremely anti-Jewish. For example there was a march against ISIS by the Muslim community last month and 350 Muslims marched in it. There was an Anti-Zionism march last year and 10,000 approx Muslims were at it. That is 1/8th of the Muslim population of the country.

    So why would a Jew let people in who natural despise him and his people?

    [–]mcctaggart 3ポイント4ポイント  (14子コメント)

    The next minister of Justice who wasn't Jewish is doing exactly the same as did the one before him.

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 0ポイント1ポイント  (13子コメント)

    Shatter was the one who really got the ball rolling though with population replacement.

    I'm just trying to understand the theory of Jews supporting immigration for those that largely hate them because of their primitive religion telling them to.

    [–]mcctaggart 1ポイント2ポイント  (11子コメント)

    nah, it was going on before this current government. All Shatter did was introduce citizenship ceremonies. They were giving out citizenship before but didn't have ceremonies.

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 0ポイント1ポイント  (10子コメント)

    Yeah of course they were giving out citizenship before the FG government came into power. However, I don't believe it was on the same scale as it is now. There is an active move to replace the population that has been lost to Australia and Canada.

    [–]mcctaggart 0ポイント1ポイント  (9子コメント)

    Pretty sure you'll find they very much were.

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 0ポイント1ポイント  (8子コメント)

    In 2013 Ireland gave out more citizenships proportionately than any other country in the EU. Yes, more than Sweden. That is the first time Ireland was in the top 5 for citizenships granted.

    [–]mcctaggart 0ポイント1ポイント  (7子コメント)

    We should be able to find out the figures for all years, then we can see. Anyway, it's not just citizenship, since Eastern Europe joined the EU, immigration has soared.

    [–]Inquisitor777Ireland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The theory from what I can tell is that, the Jew, wants the white population to be a minority in Europe after mass immigration and then to be bred out of existence.

    [–]Enoch_FarageSupport National Action.[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I used to feel this way but you always have to look at the greater picture.

    Jews let in people that hate their guts, what do they gain from this? Sympathy. I don't know about Ireland specifically but what do we see in Britain? "Britain first" go on "solidarity partrols" distributing anti-Islam Leaflets in Jewish areas of London, the English Defence League has a Jewish division and regularly carries Israeli flags round with them. These are meant to be the "far-right" so every single group in Britain loves the Jews, even the "far-right" who's supposed to hate them.

    But apart from Sympathy what do they gain? Well think about it, imagine a 99% white country with 1% jews, if the 1% jews owned 50% of the political offices, 75% of the banking jobs, etcetera, they'd be HATED, now add in a few muslims, 89% white 10% muslim, 1% jews. The Jews play us against each other, some whites hate muslims, all muslims hate whites, some whites defend muslims and hate fellow whites, this is the battleground, nobody cares about the 1% who own everything because Mohammed just opened a kebab shop.

    It's the perfect strategy for domination, the daily mail keeps the people's anger directed at muslims, the local Imam keeps the muslims anger directed at the Whites and the "socialist worker" keeps the leftists angry with the other whites. But what keeps people mad against the 1% of Jews who own everything? Which media keeps the people angry with the Jews? None. Absolutely nothing is against the 1% because the Jews own all the companies. The owner of facebook, "Mark Zuckerberg" that's a good ol' American name, isn't it? No. It's a Jewish name.

    It isn't an easy slope to slip down and if you want to keep your current perception of Jews I recommend you read no more into this, you can't unread things and you think I'm a massive irrational anti-semitic loon who wears a tin foil hat so if you don't want to become like me stop now.

    But as yourself, why did the first crusade burn down Jewish villages? Why were the Jews exiled from Spain? This wasn't done because they were all irrational anti-semitic loons, this was done because the Jews are and always have been the same, all this persecution of Jews wasn't for fun, The King of Spain didn't wear a tin foil crown.

    [–]Leviathan7337Ich bin Scoopmonkey 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    No, I appreciate the insight to it. I mean I've always wondered the how and whys behind why they seem to have the reputation as the most persecuted people in history.

    Again I admit that I have little to no interaction with Jews growing up, they never held positions of power really. So I have focused most of my nationalist views upon the Muslim immigration into Ireland. Which I don't think anyone would dispute is a problem also.

    I watched this video last week from a channel that is undoubtedly pro-Israel but I am interested in their argument more so than the source for why the Jews are so persecuted through out history. After watching it, I'm left wondering why the commentator is basing the Jews success in Israel down to their religious ethnicity rather than the fact they came from more technologically developed European countries.

    [–]lala_xyyz 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    So why would a Jew let people in who natural despise him and his people?

    They always have Israel to flee to, should shit hit the fan. They don't care what happens to the host country. It's in their long-term interest that any country becomes a mongrel nation of individuals with no common race/ideology/religion to unite them, because that gives advantage to Jews (which are close-knit) to dominate them all. It's a natural instinct to them, developed through centuries.

    [–]BladeStrikesVlad the Impaler - best Romanian diplomat 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

    I think most of them are just average people but there is an elite that I consider flat out suicidal, give there actions. I have no idea why they promote multiculturalism so much, I don't see how a non-white, muslim Europe and US could benefit the jews.

    [–]Evil_white_oppressorIreland 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

    It's not really suicidal for the elites. The elite Jews such as Soros will never be attacked by a Muslim on the street. He'll always live in a gated community and have body guards at all time.

    Jews benefit from multiculturalism, as it makes it easier for them to infiltrate the banks and government of a nation. It's much harder to infiltrate a homogenous nation like Finland and Iceland over a multiracial place such as Brazil or Venezuela.

    [–]BladeStrikesVlad the Impaler - best Romanian diplomat 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

    I said a non-white muslim Europe, not multicultural Europe but one where non-white muslims have won and taken over. If that happens I don't see how the Jewish elite will survive.

    [–]Evil_white_oppressorIreland 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

    The Jewish elite could always pretend to convert to Islam and still be crypto Jews. This was actually very well recorded in Spain, and many Jews pretended to be Catholic when they really weren't.

    [–]BladeStrikesVlad the Impaler - best Romanian diplomat 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Damm, that's interesting. Never new they where that sneaky.

    Still, what religion they follow doesn't matter to me, I don't even think most of the jewish elite care about judaism, its there identity as an ethnic group that seems to matter far more.

    I don't know about you but to me, the jewish elite look white. In my opinion that is there biggest advantage, take it way and its game over. Put the jews in africa or asia and it would be the equivalent of painting them blue in a western nation. If whites are gone, I can't see how converting to Islam will save them, they would still be in an africa/arab continent.

    [–]Evil_white_oppressorIreland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    You need to remember that many Arabs look just as white as Jews, especially Arabs from places like Syria. These Jews could very easily pretend to be lighter skinned Muslims.

    [–]donkey_democrat 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Overrepresented in leftism

    [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


      [–]TotesMessenger 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

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      [–]trafalgarianwith jews, you lose 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

      The person who posted that is very new to nationalism. Factually, there is no system that has the tools to fight globalism, outside of National Socialism. No form of capitalism will do it. Christianity failed miserably. Communism is the invention of jews. Most people will never understand the jewish question, because jews aren't that visible in society. If you think you can democratically fight the system that was put into place by illegal means, you aren't a grown up. You simply don't have the intellectual gumption to understand how the system is run. The common denominator with people who disparage Hitler while complaining about "Islam" is cowardice. They will never win because they are afraid. They also aren't intelligent enough to see how they are carrying water for the enemy by using the kosher talking points. The left has a better quality of people associated with it than the conservatives nationalists unfortunately have to deal with.

      [–] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      You are right as usual.

      [–][deleted] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      as always, agreed

      [–]scissornuggetin greece 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      To be perfectly honest, I don't care much about them. I know all this they should not be trusted, they are sneaky, they control the world yadayada etc. I'm a simple man, so I really don't care about them since they are not chimping out on the streets. I work together with a lot of jews(from Israel) and they are mostly young civilized people, good to have a drink with and rant about muslims.

      [–]mcctaggart 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Which Jews?

      [–]95waveIsrael 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

      Honestly, I find white people blaming jews for all of their problems similar to black people blaming whites for all of theirs.

      [–]mcctaggart 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      more like "the jooriarchy".

      [–]depuis1919FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

      "gassing the kikes" and idolising Hitler aren't my ideals nor the ideals of the vast, vast, vast majority of people.

      They are the ideals of an increasing number of people, and that number will increase until the jewish problem is solved because the jews won't stop their attack on our people.

      There is, then, no danger in the circumstances that anti-semitism will disappear, for it is the Jews themselves who add fuel to its flames and see that it is kept well stoked. Before the opposition to it can disappear, the malady itself must disappear. And from that point of view, you can rely on the Jews: as long as they survive, anti-semitism will never fade.

      • Adolf Hitler

      [–]TotesMessenger 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

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      [–]Inquisitor777Ireland 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I could take em or leave em....... in an oven.

      Seriously though, I've never met one, so I can't talk beyond the shit I see on the news about the settlers and stuff on the net. Ordinary secular Jew - No problem ---- Zionists bent on world domination ---- should be gassed.

      They were, however, ran out of my county in Ireland - Limerick.

      [–]EuroPea_077Jobbik 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I don't have anything against Jews.

      except when it comes to these inbred abominations. Coming from experince.

      Also, fuck Israel.

      [–]DidntDoNuffinsstop White genocide 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Preheat the oven.

      [–]metallikoh 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I like Natalie Portman

      [–]LordoftheBanterUnited Kingdom -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I have to admit, Israel is one hell of a military force for such a small nation.

      It's a very advanced society. Netanyahu is a complete cunt who serves only his own and the far right of Israel's interests.

      Jews as a group tend to be no more self serving than any other ethnic or religious group; multiculturalism benefits them because they're educated.

      It has never been the rich and educated who suffer from high immigration. Just look at the EDL - that guy who said "Muslamic Ray Guns" tried to say "Muslim Rape Gangs" but failed spectacularly. Several years before Rotherham was exposed.

      So, no. I don't see Jews as anything more than just another group who wants what's best for themselves, their families and their communities.

      My least favourite thing about this sub is the antisemitism; Criticism of Israel is fine, but damn, I really don't see a difference between a Jew and some poncy Southerner who has never been in a council estate talking about how multiculturalism benefits us all (Yeah, two cultures. "Eastern European" all lumped into one for some reason and Pakistan)

      [–]TheLazyLinxFuck Carol II -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

      I just don't care. They only represent 0.2 of the population. The whole you can't argue about the Holocaust is stupid and BS, and that is more to do with Israel not just jews in general. But I feel like this sub is full of Stormfag Hipster-Hitlers who hate the jews because "muh Nazi party was Reich!!!"

      [–][deleted] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


      Almost always said by someone who's never visited Stormfront.

      [–]mcctaggart -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

      full of Stormfag Hipster-Hitlers

      they're aren't that many of them but yes.

      [–]Internetologist -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Most Jews I've encountered are just regular white people who are a-ok. What's with all the controversy surrounding them?

      [–]fallingandflying -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

      With you have lots of groups like the Muslims have. Only a small part rules banks, pushes for more immigration and call all criticism anti Semitic.

      These Jews are a problem, to put it lighty. And people need to do something about that.