The password manager your team was waiting for. Free, open source, extensible, based on OpenPGP.

Available now on firefox!

and yes, a chrome add-on is on the roadmap

a screenshot of the password share dialog

Share passwords with your team

a screenshot of the password workspace

Search and filter on passwords

a screenshot of the user workspace

Manage user privileges

a screenshot of the edit password dialog

Edit and review your password complexity

a screenshot of the profile workspace

Import and export your OpenPGP keys

a screenshot of the login form

Authenticate using your OpenPGP key

Coming soon to a terminal near you!

Because we believe system administrator appreciation day should be everyday, we started building a client based on nodejs. Come join us on github!

Show me the code!
Command line example
$ passbolt find --name=root@

$ passbolt get d1acbfc1-78d8-3e25-ad8b-7ab1eb0332dc
Version: GnuPG v2


$ gpg --decrypt $(passbolt get last)
please enter passphrase: 

How is passbolt different from other password managers?

Built for teams
It works with tools your team already uses such as your email client and chat.
Open source & free
Run it on your own servers. Customize it and share back the changes.
Extensible by design
Start building on top of our API to get more of your password solution.
Embrace open security standards
Secrets are encrypted in a browser extension using OpenPGP and sent over SSL.
Top of the line tooling
We ship with tools and code standards your admin team will like to work with.
Methodically tested
Half of the code base is there to make sure the other half is behaving.

Discover passbolt API

Our long term vision is to play nice with others. We aim to provide integrations with other password managers, keyrings and user management services instead of trying to replace them.

Obviously there is still a long way to go, but for now you can already build custom integrations by taking advantage of the JSON API.

Did we mention we also provide a styleguide in case you want to customize passbolt look and feel?

Let's keep in touch!