History's cool kids, looking fantastic!
A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between.
If you've found a photo, video, or photo essay of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.
1: Photos and videos must be over 25 years old.
2: Please put the year or decade in title, otherwise your post will be removed.
3: All racist, homophobic, sexist and offensive comments will result in an immediate, lifetime ban. This includes offensive comments about people's moms. Nobody cares about your sexual impulses, least of all the OP.
4: All posts highlighting someone has recently passed away or trying to evoke sympathy upvotes will be deleted. Please add the info in the comments.
5: All reposts less than six months old and all reposts less than a year old from Top 100 will be removed.
6: All posts must feature a person.
7: We reserve the right to remove any post that doesn't showcase historical coolness. This includes photos, which are not obviously retro and portraits of famous young women doing nothing but posing.
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[–]tjhovr -2ポイント-1ポイント0ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]huntergreeny -2ポイント-1ポイント0ポイント (0子コメント)