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[–]IamAplatypusAMA 99ポイント100ポイント  (6子コメント)

way to go germany, on your knees in front of turkey. wtf happened?

[–]extremelycynical 12ポイント13ポイント  (5子コメント)

  1. A law exists.
  2. People can sue.
  3. Accused people will get arrested.

Not to mention that in Germany anyone can get arrested, fined and jailed for insulting others. If someone insults you in Germany, you can also sue that person. Has very little to do with "heads of state", too.

Also: Why is it that in any thread about drug use I see apologists say things like "Well, he got arrested and jailed because he broke the law! If you don't want to get arrested, don't break the law!" but then in threads like these I only see "fuck this law, this guy shouldn't be arrested!". Make up your minds, people.

[–]CobbITGuy 35ポイント36ポイント  (4子コメント)

The difference is in the US the right to criticize, lampoon, mock, insult, deride and satirize politicians is constitutionally guaranteed.

If the police arrested you for making fun of a politician here, you'd probably wind up making some money suing them.

The situation seems very odd to us.

[–]extremelycynical -4ポイント-3ポイント  (3子コメント)

Cool story, but obviously bullshit.

Go to a black police officer in the US and do the following:
Show him your middle finger and scream "Fuck you, you nigger cunt! Go and pick my cotton, boy. You nigger are worthy of nothing but being my slave, why do you dress like a human being, you ape?"

See what happens.

The situation seems very odd to us.

Well, I guess the only reason the story seems odd to Americans is because they are fucking idiots who don't understand what's going on or the reality in their own nation.

[–]GetOutOfBox 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Your right to free speech is limited by hate speech laws. Don't see the argument for how this is a problem.

[–]FuckURedditor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

No, it isn't. Not in America.

And nothing will happen. You'll get arrested, you'll make a complaint which will go in that officer's file. That officer will likely never be promoted again, because the guy who doesn't that doesn't just do it once. And then you'll go off free, with the ability to sue the government for redress.

What will happen in Germany? They might change the law, which won't actually help this guy at all? Maybe... or they might just convict him to 'send a message' about hate speech.

But there is no legal distinction between hate speech and free speech in America. We understand freedom here. We don't carve out loopholes. Because you are either free, or you are not free. There is no grey area. And if some are not free to speak their minds, than nobody can truly be free, because they will always have to worry 'Will I be next?'

Americans understand this. Europeans do not. That is what makes us superior to them.

[–]Synthetic347 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

So if the press publicly ostracize a person and the person's life as a result is ruined because he gets ridiculed in public according to your logic the press is not guilty of doing anything wrong. I gladly pass on that kind of freedom.