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Sofa KingThe/Donald has gone full retard. (np.reddit.com)
ayePALINDROMEeyeNever trump. Never. が 投稿 - stickied post
Watch thisMilton Friedman - Free Trade vs. Protectionism (youtube.com)
jackbauersConservative Independent が 投稿
Lying liars lie.Might as well nip this one in the bud: There’s A Video Going Around Of Cruz Allegedly Bribing A Delegate. Here’s The Real Story (dailycaller.com)
DanburyBaptistInalienable Rights of Conscience が 投稿
Ted Cruz didn't bribe anyone. He passed a donation to his body man. (self.Conservative)
ayePALINDROMEeyeNever trump. Never. が 投稿
Buyer's Remorse. Anne Coulter: "I Hate The New Trump" (thehill.com)
IronPathologistSowellian Buckleyite が 投稿
John Kasich Campaign Has A March Fundraising Disaster (redstate.com)
DanburyBaptistInalienable Rights of Conscience が 投稿
Gov. Scott Walker lays the praise on Sen. Ted Cruz (jsonline.com)
Clatsopvincit omnia veritas が 投稿
Obama Cuts Military Pay for 3rd year in a row. While screaming for a $15.00 per hour Minimum Wage. (truthandaction.org)
PhredexProud to be on the Drone Strike list が 投稿