This is truly devastating news. The greatest performer I have ever seen. A true genius. Musically way ahead of any of us. Sang with him twice on stage. What an honour. Rest in peace you purple warrior. #Prince #RIP Elton Johnさん(@eltonjohn)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 12:04午後 PDT
This is truly devastating news. The greatest performer I have ever seen. A true genius. Musically way ahead of any of us. Sang with him twice on stage. What an honour. Rest in peace you purple warrior. #Prince #RIP
Elton Johnさん(@eltonjohn)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 12:04午後 PDT
R.I.P. Prince. He was one of my favourite guitarist..プリンスが亡くなった。大好きなギタリストだった。とてもショックだ。Fly into your dreamを彼に捧げたい。 #Hotei #prince #guitarist #rip #respect #尊敬 HOTEI Officialさん(@hotei_official)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 11:10午前 PDT
R.I.P. Prince. He was one of my favourite guitarist..プリンスが亡くなった。大好きなギタリストだった。とてもショックだ。Fly into your dreamを彼に捧げたい。 #Hotei #prince #guitarist #rip #respect #尊敬
HOTEI Officialさん(@hotei_official)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 11:10午前 PDT
“PRINCE We Love You Shockadelica Joint” A celebration of his life. We will dance, sing and shout to his music. Wear something purple. Time: 8PM TONIGHT Location: 40 Acres 75. S Elliott Place Between DeKalb Ave and Lafayette Ave. Fort Greene. Da Republic Of Brooklyn, New York. Spike Leeさん(@officialspikelee)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 12:03午後 PDT
“PRINCE We Love You Shockadelica Joint” A celebration of his life. We will dance, sing and shout to his music. Wear something purple. Time: 8PM TONIGHT Location: 40 Acres 75. S Elliott Place Between DeKalb Ave and Lafayette Ave. Fort Greene. Da Republic Of Brooklyn, New York.
Spike Leeさん(@officialspikelee)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 12:03午後 PDT
Rest in Peace dear Prince. ここ10年で最高のアルバムだと宣伝しまくっていたら、最後の作品になってしまった。 おれにとってどの音楽家やどのアーティストより、大きな刺激と影響を与え続けてくれたプリンス。 いまは、まだ言葉もありません・・・ #Prince Suga Shikaoさん(@suga_shikao)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 3:38午後 PDT
Rest in Peace dear Prince. ここ10年で最高のアルバムだと宣伝しまくっていたら、最後の作品になってしまった。 おれにとってどの音楽家やどのアーティストより、大きな刺激と影響を与え続けてくれたプリンス。 いまは、まだ言葉もありません・・・ #Prince
Suga Shikaoさん(@suga_shikao)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 3:38午後 PDT
we've been sitting together all morning trying to put into words what prince meant to us. it's pretty much impossible but we are gonna try- he was and is our #1 idol. without him we would have never picked up instruments, started writing songs, or become a band. he is and will always be the most inspiring musician in our lives. we will miss you forever prince, nothing compares 2 u HAIMさん(@haimtheband)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 1:22午後 PDT
we've been sitting together all morning trying to put into words what prince meant to us. it's pretty much impossible but we are gonna try- he was and is our #1 idol. without him we would have never picked up instruments, started writing songs, or become a band. he is and will always be the most inspiring musician in our lives. we will miss you forever prince, nothing compares 2 u
HAIMさん(@haimtheband)が投稿した写真 - 2016 4月 21 1:22午後 PDT