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Considering Onision's whole life reads like a shitty soap opera. I'm guessing he's one of the few things.https://twitter.com/Onision/status/722896150701801472 …
@pewdiepie @Onision ZING
@SkyDoesTweeting @pewdiepie oh hey Sky How ya been? Still hanging out of cars expecting adults to know who you are?
@Onision @pewdiepie Greg, bro you're like 25 and still beef on Twitter.
@SkyDoesTweeting @pewdiepie says the guy who just used the word "ZING" in response to another grown man with Twitter beef.
@Onision @pewdiepie ah yes, I should have known.. The word Zing obviously is associated mental maturity. Fuck, how could I be so dumb.
@SkyDoesTweeting @pewdiepie I know right?
@Onision @pewdiepie I'm gonna go ahead and go back to talking with normal people. Nice chat Greg. HMU when you upload another banana vid.
@pewdiepie your comeback game has been so strong teach me
@pewdiepie @Onision fuck yes
@pewdiepie @Onision thought you were against YouTube drama bro, just let it be... .-.
@pewdiepie Oh my. Onision is still a thing. And he's still the same. Two bad news for today.
@pewdiepie I live for your tweets recently #savage