Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

the guy who sells outdated tech to retards who don't know any better is laughing at someone else's life prospects.

Outdated? HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHA!! VOIP business phone systems are exploding, stupid. Since you've never had a job, know nothing about the business world, businesses don't give out a fucking CELL PHONE NUMBER for their company listing! HAHAHA!! They would be laughed at and go bankrupt.

The only businesses that operate off of a cell phone are just rinky-dink one man operations doing electrical work or plumbing. It's hilarious how you unintentionally are showing your extreme ignorance of the business world.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Lol All Grace Hopper did was file index cards. She didn't build a computer, you moron. Yet another wildly exaggerated Feminist myth and a fraud. Here's what women achieve: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/theranos-blow-9-billion-6-123500740.html

Defrauding investors, fraud, fraud and more fraud.

The only thing women invent are women inventors: http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/fisking-feminism-how-womyn-invent-inventors/

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Also why do you think a butch lesbian can do it but not a straight woman, they're both still women.

Because I meet more women and people in general in one week than most people meet in 6 months and my eyes and ears don't lie to me. I can see exactly what 99% of women do: Nothing.

You think women has contributed nothing to the world. Really? Google is your friend. And again you want to call women useless and stupid. You've never heard of a woman engineer, doctor, judge? You know women in real careers.

About 5% of women. 95% of women work as secretaries, nurses, low grade education and retail. U.S. Dept of Labor: http://www.dol.gov/wb/factsheets/20lead2010.htm

Never even bothered to look, did you? See how stupid you are? And how brainrinsed you are? WHY do you think they keep telling girls and women they're great over and over again.. because they are? If they were, then it would show and there would be any NEED for the constant encouragement. It's like telling handicapped people they're 'handi-capable,' to give them hope and encouragement. But the sad reality is that women are extremely lazy both physically and mentally.

Happy people don't think the way you do

Intelligent people think like I do.

You apply the same hateful thoughts about women to your daughter too? As you live off her? No wonder she can't stand you.

Who are you even talking to, loser? I don't live with my daughter.

I'll take being me, a woman content with life, surrounded by people that love me and progressing in life over the nothing that you are.

Translation: You're a parasite.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Ooo You know one female who might actually know how to repair something (that's assuming you're not lying which I'm sure you are and/or wildly exaggerating) meanwhile in the real world 99.999% of women do nothing but shop, gossip complain and eat and just get in the way in the workplace.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

you contribute literally none of this yourself

Yes I have. I worked in construction for over 10 years. Now I work in a different field that is just as legit and almost as necessary.

I grow crops and raise livestock, I've fixed stuff in my house plenty of times. I'm independent at 21, own house, own car, no relationship or anything to mooch off of or carry me to that point.

You're lying. How do I know? Because ALL women lie about what they do and their education on line. And you give yourselves away every time by going way too overboard. You 'grow crops and raise livestock and own your own house at 21.' HAHAHAAAAHAHA!! Only in your fantasies. 99.999% of women especially under the age of 30 are all PARASITES and contribute next to nothing. So the odds of you even being independent is lower than winning the lottery.

You're a bitter old man living with your daughter because your bottom dollar job can't support you.

I don't live with my daughter and my income is 80,000 a year.

But I highly doubt that your career is any more important to the human race.

Once again showing your complete ignorance of the world, how it operates and you appreciate nothing men do for you. Without men to invent, build, maintain and repair everything you would be still living in a CAVE, Dumbass.

This video explains just how little women contribute to the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nSSIBQcMGA

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the "father of the computer", he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Babbage

See how all of your revisionist Feminist history taught to you by your ignorant Feminist teachers has made you so incredibly stupid and ignorant? Now you're more stupid than you were before you went to school. How embarrassing for you.

And of course because you're so stupid, you have no future and no prospects in life and will just die a stupid bum. Sad really.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

(??) Who are you even talking to? I don't live with my daughter (she wants to live with me, but not going to happen) and my career is going great! What a fucking loser, you can't even get your facts straight. Let me guess, that's why you're unemployed.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2014 that U.S. real (inflation adjusted) median household income was $51,939 in 2013 versus $51,759 in 2012, statistically unchanged." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States

So looks like you haven't the faintest clue as to what you're talking about, what a shocker. And let me guess, your income is MINUS 20,000 a year because you're just a parasite that mooches off your mother. I'm not relying on my daughter for anything. Do you even know how to read?

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Lol Those photos are all staged and nothing but Feminist propaganda, Dumbass. Pay attention for once in your pointless life and look at every construction site in the real world whether it be a home or office building; 100% MEN doing ALL of the work. Are you fucking retarded?

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Sometimes in one day she'd fix the car, cook me dinner, put up a shelf, work on making a new dress for herself and fix the computer and all that without a man in sight. And she's inspired me to be the same.

You're lying. The amount of women who have any skill to do anything actually useful such as repairing a car or a house is so extremely tiny (usually butch lesbians) your odds of meeting one is less than winning the lottery. Women are lazy, do nothing, get in the way and just make false accusations and file phony lawsuits.

You're a pathetic little nothing that hasn't amounted to anything. What have you personally done to be so proud of. And I'm not talking about the achievements of other men. I mean you.

I'm very successful and have a great career and have done a lot for other people, meanwhile women do nothing for anyone, are the very epitome of selfishness and sickening laziness and entitlement and contribute nothing to the world besides excrement. You've just been fooled into thinking women are actually doing something because there are so many on TV running their idiot mouths about nothing. That's not an accomplishment, doesn't invent anything, doesn't cure diseases or build anything.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Lol You don't even know what you're talking about. Just another 30 year old loser sitting in your mother's house and you've never even had a job.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -10ポイント-9ポイント  (0子コメント)

You might want to pay attention to the world you live in sometime; women cause a lot of problems for everyone.

False accusations of rape and sexual assault if you don't give into their shrieking demands, sucking up all of the money you pay in taxes and using it all to live for free and suck more rights away from men and demean them, getting in the way in the workplace, filing phony lawsuits against employers, over half of mothers single by choice and it is a proven fact statistically that children raised by single mothers grow up to become criminals and more bums dependent on your taxes.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Look around the room you're sitting in, Dumbo. ALL of it invented and built by MEN. Everywhere you go everything built by men. And all invented by men. And men maintain it all and repair it all. When was the last time you saw a group of women building a house? Never.

What are your most basic needs? Food, clean water, clothing, shelter, gasoline in your car, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, your vehicle, your vehicle repaired. ALL done by MEN. Men build the roads you drive on and repair them and the entire infrastructure. The internet, your PHONE, all of it invented by MEN and provided by men daily in ways your puny gnat brain doesn't even comprehend. Women just think it's all 'magic.' Haha And without all of those MEN building, maintaining, inventing and repairing everything you would die because you're so utter helpless and dependent as a female.

If all men disappeared, there wouldn't be even ONE female you would be able to find who can repair or know how to do anything essential.

Is your job useless? The question is your job necessary? No.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't live with my daughter. I'm successful at what I do and I'm 5,000 times the man you are. But what that has to do with the article only you know in your gnat sized brain.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -6ポイント-5ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you bucked up your ideas and paid attention a bit more, you too could be a telephone salesman. Get out there and make us proud, son.

... and make 80,000 a year instead of working at Taco Bell which is the only place hiring you with your worthless liberal arts degree.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just simply write "DURP. DURP. DURP. DURP." It will be a lot less effort for you and make exactly as much sense.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Riiiiiight. Telecom companies never need attorneys, nor would they ever have attorneys as clients. Attorneys don't need office phone systems.

Pfft. I actually thought there might have been a chance you were telling the truth, but with that complete vomiting up of extreme stupidity there's no doubt you're nothing but a basement dweller alone with your fantasies.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh OK, so you think I have nothing in common with him. Good. Thanks! Of course I could have told you that already, Loser.

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -6ポイント-5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nope. Never worked at a 'help desk' in my entire life. I work in corporate sales. That requires talent and skills you don't even know exist, much less have. HAHAhaha

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Talking about even more imaginary people? ".. and JumbledOne became desperate and a serial rapist as well as a thief, but was far too stupid and got caught, now goes on redditt in prison while being fucked up the ass by prison guards. But at least the food is better than it was a mommy's house."

Drama 内の Discord_Dancing によるリンク Cray person who is definitely the next Elliot Rodger makes himself known in this hilarious meltdown thread. Extra fun developing slapfight at the bottom.

[–]Ovendice -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

a) why aren't gays talking about it?

Have you been living under a rock? Gays do talk about how toxic women are now and one highly vocal gay is talking about them in the MSM: Milo Yiannopoulos https://www.youtube.com/user/yiannopoulosm

Is this why they call you people 'low information?'