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[–]Thangleby_Slapdiback 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
Honestly, if I lived in Ohio I would probably say the same. For me it's about driving the Democratic Party back to a position where it once again looks out for the interests of the working class. Every four years I hear the same thing - You don't want to have the GOP in charge.
And they are right. I don't. But when the Democratic Party is participating in the same trickle down nonsense the GOP has pushed for 35 years, what difference does it make to me which group of executive fellating politicians hold office? Either way I get screwed.
To me, if the Democratic Party cannot cough up a honest candidate who cares about the people, it's time to burn the party to the ground.
You do that through a defeat that shows their "base" (in this case, liberals) abandoning them.
So, yeah, were I in a swing state I would indeed do the same.
[–]RivitPunk 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
So, LGBTQ, Minorities, Women & Non Christians....not to mention the Supreme Court... get screwed just to prove a point to the DNC?! Did you watch the GOP debates?! If if Hillarys own record is "evolving" on these issues, shes fair more rational then the the GOP. She hasnt compared LGBTQ to sex offenders. She's not talking about sending federal troops into homes to round up suspected immigrants. Shes not supported by the KKK & Stormfront. Is proving a point to the DNC worth allowing David Duke's preferred candidate the power to nominate THREE Supreme Court nominees?!
[–]Thangleby_Slapdiback -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
Don't you see that what you describe is the mechanism through which the Democratic Party keeps liberal working class people in check? There is always a protofascist to point to in order to drive the herd towards the corporate-approved Democrat? That's how Clinton did it in 96. That's how it was done in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2014. That's exactly how it is done.
The reason it's done that way is because it works. The needs of an admittedly neglected minority group are paid lip service while deals are made which negatively impact everyone - including those aforementioned groups.
I'm sick of voting for the "better" bag of shit. Give me a candidate I can vote for in good conscience or get stuffed.
Never again will I vote based on fear. In real life if someone tries to scare me into something he will face consequences. As far as I am concerned that ended in 2000 (with my Nader vote).
If the Democrats don't represent the working class they don't deserve the working class vote. End of story.
[–]Presidentdavidreiss666[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
That right there is the reason I actively refuse to vote for Sanders. His supporters lack the basic understanding of reality and that makes me think the same way. If I was running for office and had supporters who were totally wrong, I would denounce them. Instead Sanders seems willing to take that dumb support.
We have been down that road before. In 2000 a lot of Democrats didn't get out and vote for Gore because he didn't seem exciting enough. So we got Bush. I had Democratic friends tell me that people wouldn't let Bush do anything and that in 2004 he would turned out of office. Instead 9/11 happened and we got the Iraq war, and then a destroyed economy.
Now we have people wanting to blame Hillary Clinton for the Iraq war, when 78 Senators voted for the Iraq War resolution, and EVERY member who voted against the Iraq War resolution who is still in the Senate has endorsed Hillary Clinton. Not one of them has endorsed Sanders. Because they know something about foreign policy. Sanders tells everyone how he would have voted..... but the people who voted that way back then can't bring themselves to support Sanders.
Clinton acknowledges she made a mistake in voting for the war resolution. But the very people who think it was a mistake seem to want to insist that she double down on the wrong decision. A politician changes their mind for perfectly good and logical reasons, and they can't handle it.
I want a President that is capable of changing their mind on issues when they see new data. Only idiots insist that a politician double down on stupid. Idiots like that are the reason so many politicians do double down on stupid.
Sanders comes off way too much like W. Bush too me. At the end of the W. Bush administration he was asked the started question. Is there anything would change about your Presidency? Every President previous to him always had something they would have done different. FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, etc. W. Bush said he did everything perfectly and wouldn't change anything. Sanders says the same basic thing about his time in Congress..... that he always made the right decision and voted the right way. Which I am just going to say is obviously impossible. Everyone makes mistakes. Only idiots refuse to accept that. Yet W. Bush and Sanders both insist they are mistake free. I don't buy that. Period.
In 2000 Gore made mistakes. But so did the electorate. They should have elected Gore in spite of his mistakes (He didn't let Clinton get out and campaign for him until there was only three weeks left in the general election). W. Bush was a very bad President.
Also, this country will not survive if Trump or Cruz is elected. Trump, I am 100000% positive, will start a nuclear war and go down in history as worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined. Cruz will only be a little better in that he'll just slaughter millions of people instead of Trumps billions. The people who enable that will need to accept their responsibility in the process.
if Trump wins the White House, I would active support a quick military coup where the Joint Chiefs murder Trump, dissolve the cabinet and congress and assume direct control of the government. A military Junta would then be the best outcome because Trump would be more than a thousand times worse.
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