Your Mind

How A Torpedoed Kickstarter Campaign Unintentionally Revealed An Unlikely Unit of Cyber-Terrorists

By April 18, 2016 396

I imagine it may have gone something like this:

Zoe Quinn sat down at her computer. She was scrolling through hashtags and retweets pertaining to the one issue upon which her notoriety and personal brand hinged to: Cyber-bullying.

Maybe she was twirling her hair, maybe she was drinking a coffee—maybe she was sitting a top her bed in sweatpants; the relevant point here of course if that she was logged onto the Internet.

Perhaps she saw it right there on twitter, with the hashtag #cyberbullying affixed to it. Perhaps one of her of her 73.2k followers messaged it to her, or perhaps it landed right on her feed, having been circulated by the very anti-bullying organizations that she followed. The relevant point here of course, is that she saw it.

A 2 1/2 minute video, of what she perceived to be an unintelligible group of young women talking excitedly about how they were going to “break the internet”. Literally. A video, followed by a brief, Buzzfeed-like description laced with much-too obvious jokes and small jabs regarding women working in the field of the technology.

The video had come from Kickstarter.Com—a crowdfunding platform, which by nomenclature suggests an early stage for a company. And yet it was enough to strike a nerve within Zoe.

A real one.

Maybe she sit spit out her coffee, perhaps she froze with a strand of hair still wrapped around her finger; the point here of course is that whatever she was doing, she had now stopped to pay full attention.

The facts of the matter are that Zoe Quinn then unleashed a twitter assault, an early, aggressive move against a company in which she really knew nothing about. To be precise, she released 22 back-to-back tweets aimed at the project, presenting her self as a former victim who knew that such a solution to end cyber-bullying could not work.

“Spreading people’s abuse is quite often not at all what they want. Anything that is public facing at all has to be treated with privacy and onsent as the two biggest ethos or else it’s crap”, she wrote among many other things.

She received instant support and favoriting by the dozens.

But that wasn’t what she wanted.

It wasn’t what she wanted at all.

The day was just beginning to wind down. I hadn’t slept the night prior, as the nerves of my very first Crowdfunding effort had begun taking a real toll. We were up about $2700.00 (not bad for our first 13 hours of fundraising), and our friends and family were promising to push even hardest for us the next day.

We had pulled together the campaign seamlessly. We were networked with other anti-bullying organizations beforehand and were happy to see that the Tyler Clementi Foundation was among the first to re-tweet our Kickstarter effort that morning. I had been emailing back and forth with them, as we wanted to make sure our campaign would simultaneously provide support to their Day1 organization— myself, a huge fan of their mission.

I was wearing the lack of sleep on my face, and had been hitting the refresh button on our campaign page every few minutes to watch the dollar amount rise.

Had we done enough? Could we do more? Ever the perfectionist, doubt had begun to rear it’s ugly head.

Because we had switched the verbiage on our campaign last second, a decision I had made personally, to make it more digestible. I read an article entitled “Mistakes people make on kickstarter”, the night prior and it had listed “not knowing the kickstarter community” as one of them. It described the kickstarter community as “fun” and advised using humor which made me second guess the direction of ours. I felt the subject matter of the video was a bit heavy (we were talking about children commiting suicide for god’s sake), and it was therefore unnecessary to hold the description beneath the video in the same  regard.

Plus, we had strategized and had suspected we could raise the amount ($75,000) amongst our large circle of friends and family. Our focus was to extend our reach through them, and hit our goal through the networks that they existed in. We were extremely organized, and we had mapped out a day-by-day blueprint. Here is an excerpt from  the e-mail I circulated amongst a group of individuals and potential investors who had been involved in our project from day 1:

email campaign


By all accounts that evening, our plan had worked. My co-worker called me around 7:30pm to inform that we had been contacted via the Degree180 twitter handle. She said someone was asking how she could reach out to us to discuss the project:


zoe quinn dm


I should have investigated further but I didn’t. I considered this twitter request to be no different than any of the individuals that were reaching out to us via kickstarter directly, asking us to clarify certain aspects of our campaign.

Someone wanted to know more about our company? No problem.

“Give her my direct e-mail” I replied.

When Zoe Quinn e-mailed me at 8:33pm, she began with her credentials. She described herself as the:

“co-founder of Crash Override Network, one of the only online abuse helplines and victims advocacy groups. I’m also patient zero of GamerGate, which I will assume you’re familiar with given your line of work.”

Bad assumption.

I had never heard her name in my entire life, and hadn’t the slightest inclination as to who, or what Gamergate was.

Call me old fashioned, but I live outside of the virtual world and have had to make a living outside of my television set. I had spent the prior 4 years of my life working on Wall street and can lay slaughter to the myth that the city never sleeps;  It does—it’s people in it that don’t. In 2015 I had pivoted to the idea of starting my own company, to help be a part of the change that I feel our world needs to make.

I am a conscious capitalist. This was a term pegged by John Mackey (my idol) the founder of Whole Foods, and perpetuated by his old college roommate (Jeff Tindell) who just so happens to own the Container Store. Simply put it is the reimagination of capitalism as “a new system for doing business grounded in a more evolved ethical consciousness”. It’s an understanding that “making money” and “doing good”, need’nt exist as exclusives of one another. It is something I was ripe to partake in, most especially after having witnessed firsthand the innerworkings of the world of finance, (although to it, I owe the person that I am today).

My idea was big and little at the same time. I wanted to put an end to the era of internet thugging. It is something I’ve genuinely never understood, how people so recklessly utilize the web to invoke terror upon others. I had examined the correlation between the rising rate of suicides in teenagers over the years, and knew that, even it was never going to be explicitly stated— the age of social media had contributed significantly to its dark rise.

I had experienced it myself when I was in high school 10 years earlier. All we had was Facebook, but the writing was on the wall even then. I was involved in an incident that was labeled a “hate crime”, and exposed as a  victim to just how awful the cyber world could be, for both the victims and the accused.

So when Zoe introduced herself to me that night,  I was somewhat embarrassed that I had missed a scandal which she so pompously assumed I must know, given my campaign.

I did what any person does in such a pressed circumstance; I raced to Wikipedia, pulled up the story and did my best to play catch up.

I didn’t think I had to dig deeper then the first couple of sentences, really. I gathered she was a victim of severe cyber-bullying due to a crappy boyfriend and national press, and I immediately looked upon her sympathetically.

She continued:

“I came across your Kickstarter today and I would very much like to speak to you about it. Or rather, I would like to talk you out of it based on what I know from over a year and a half of being a leading voice in the discussion around solving online abuse. I’m assuming you’re coming from a place of good faith with trying to fix the issue of online abuse, and I’d like to ask you to assume I am as well given my expertise in the subject”

I thought this portion was weird. Because of all of the anti-bullying communities that we had networked with and reached out to, none had approached us with such an attitude. Questions initially? Sure. But stating an intention to “talk us out” of our company? That takes a certain amount of ego.

Nonetheless, I agreed to speak with her over the phone. I was anticipating a very short discussion between two people that were in the same camp. I expected to address her concerns, and answer them in ways that would lessen her anxiety. I also thought I would expand SocialAutopsy’s network of anti-bullying supporters.

I normally keep the grass cut low. The business of finance had properly exposed to me to the idea of snakes, and I had take away from it the ability to spot one out from a mile away. But Zoe was a victim, and managed to slide past my defenses easily. My guard was fully down when she phoned me at 9:50pm, from a Hawaii number.

At best, the conversation I had with her was weird. At worst, it was unstable.

She began normally by again stating her credentials and telling me that I was making a huge mistake. She informed me she spoke on behalf of all of the agencies and organizations that she worked with and told me that they had contacted her because they were concerned.

They were concerned that minors would be doxxed.

Interesting. That was first time we had heard that term in our campaign: “doxxed”.

 And I’m not referring to the kickstarter campaign that we were currently 12 hours into. We had actually shared our company story and intention with the world when it graced the front pages of all Connecticut newspapers six weeks earlier. It had been six weeks since the two articles had been published, and we had been e-mailed and facebooked with questions many times over. In fact, we had decided to put together a short FAQ video as a result, which we threw on our splash page at the time to tackle some of the more immediate concerns. While the question pertaining to “minors” had come up during that earlier time. The “doxxing”  word (a slang term) had not.

 Not once, ever, in the six weeks of initial feedback from many communities and organizations, had we heard the word “dox”.

 That aside, I was happy to answer her question because I was ready for it.

I told her that we never publish the addresses or telephone numbers of any individual, only the information that they have already published onto their linked-in pages or public profiles. (Schools they attended, Jobs, etc). I told her that regarding minors, it was something that I felt strongly we had to include them in—but that she needn’t worry because we had not a single minor in our database to date.

To clarify, I built this database with minors in mind. They are the ones I care about most deeply as any person who knows me will confirm. I did not come from a rich family. I had to take out loans to go to college, and work almost full-time throughout school to support myself. I chose to do that through nannying. So for 4 years of college and a year after college in NY, I made a career working with children.

Me, 2 months ago. Spending time with the children I babysat when they were toddlers. Me, 2 months ago. Spending time with the children I babysat when they were toddlers.

It is the best job I’ve ever had, and I consider every single child that I have cared for over the years to be family members to me. I have learned from children that everyone is born good and incredibly certain of who they are;  it is the world that strips that sense of self away over time.

It is incredibly difficult being a child, much less with the added saga of bullying that platforms like twitter, facebook, and instagram provide. I remember myself as a child that was way too thin, with fried hair, and having been made fun of for having no boobs (still don’t). I was lucky I didn’t have to go home and read the same criticisms of myself that I already harbored within my own mind. I can’t imagine feeling the echo of such words existing within the perpetuity of the internet.

Prior to launching our Kickstarter, I had met with high schools, teachers and parents throughout the state of Connecticut who had seen my article and wanted to get involved. People from all over the spectrum; even those involved in the aftermath of the horrific Newtown shootings, who were now devoting their lives in support of children. They all agreed that cyber-bullying is one of the biggest issues they face today, and coming up with solutions to combat it had proven difficult over the years.

The working idea was that we could infiltrate their consciousness at a young age to understand the weight of the internet (hey kids! what you say can actually last forever).  By holding their words on our database for a few (weeks? months?—we hadn’t decided anything yet)— then this sordid fact would register at a young age, and they wouldn’t make the same mistakes as an adult. Our mission was to stop the cycle, and you can only do that by affecting a young generation.

Children think about short term goals (scholarships, making sports team, etc) right? We had imagined that if organizations could sign up for SocialAutopsy and tell these young adults that they did “social background checks” on all of their students, students would think twice before hitting the enter button.

Our network LOVED the idea.

We weren’t so quick to assume that everyone in the world would though, so we knew that we first had to launch and actually EXIST first. As a database dedicated to adults, so that parents would see it and get an understanding for how effective it might be for children.

So to Zoe, I explained that the question of minors was a non-issue. It was something that didn’t even need to be discussed as it was a way-down-the-line consideration.

 Zoe then pivoted her argument and told me that she was concerned that the bullies would wind up being harassed by self-proclaimed vigilantes.

Had heard that one 4 times that day alone,  via backers on our kickstarter page and had answered it without any push back.

 I explained to her in depth our database. I explained to her that since it was pictorial-driven, you couldn’t search by keyword (#Britney Spears) and expect all of the people to come up who had said something against her. I explained to her that you could only search by a real first and last name, so if a person wanted to discover who “John Doe” was on twitter, our database would be useless to them. Because the screenshot would say John Doe, but that image would be registered under the real user’s name. In essence, you’d have to know who you were looking for, and if you already knew their first and last name, you could head to their social media pages regardless of us.

I felt confident in my answer because we had realized that potential flaw early on. When we first hatched the idea, I had an off-site web developer who had helped us to build, draw up a mock of how the website might function. He did it quickly—in about 10 days if I recall—before sending me a link that would allow us to go in and add profiles of people so that we could see all of the potential flaws in our design. We added about 100 or so profiles and sent around the not-live link to a close group of friends and relevant parties for feedback.

I explained this to Zoe.

Her next point was about legalities.

I didn’t even understand her point about legal concerns, because what we do is common-sense legal. If a person has on their public linked-in  and Facebook accounts that they work at Trader Joe’s, why the hell would they be upset that a third party site knew that they worked at Trader Joe’s?

Even more: why on earth would a “doxxer” come to our database to find that information when it’s in plain site on the person’s other profiles? I genuinely wasn’t clear on her concern, but stressed to her that we had already asked lawyers (of course) regarding what falls under public use: the answer is, mostly anything you can find on the internet published by the users themselves.

Turns out the internet is public.

Also, we had contacted Facebook’s legal team to garner a better understanding of their privacy guidelines, before we sank thousands of dollars into building the real database. Plus, on our kickstarter campaign we had explained that would be in need of more legal support, so wasn’t it much too early for this line of questioning regarding an un-launched database?

Zoe was growing frustrated with my failure to understand what she was failing to understand.

I thought I could earn her support by explaining to her that we were focused on threats–the kind of people that threaten to put a bullet in the back of someone’s head and rape their children because they disagree with their political opinions. In my estimation, such words belong to a parasitic community, a group that I do not at all fret when people ask “how could you create something that could potentially destroy their livelihood”?

Because how exactly do those people think such words don’t destroy the livelihood of the person those words are launched against? Have you ever been threatened to be killed or raped repeatedly, by an unknown harasser?

Zoe disagreed with me, and here is where it got weird.

She told me that she KNEW those people were not bad people. That she herself had been a part of the online group Anonymous, and that it was really just “something they did”. She explained that she would never want the people that harassed her listed anywhere, and that she knew the first and last name of some of them, and yet had never reported them.


I grew silent. I didn’t know what to say to someone telling me that they thought such internet aggression was light fun.I told her I appreciated the feedback and that she had given us an idea. That maybe we should let celebrities and victims opt out somehow if they knew their attackers. It felt like a good way to end the conversation positively.

She reiterated to me her credentials, and said I ought to listen to her because of them and that she didn’t want to go back to the anti-bullying organizations that had reached out to her with concerns with the current answers I was giving her.

I asked her to name which organizations, and she did not. I offered to have her put me in touch with them directly, and she declined.

This is about the point where my red flags starting waving back and forth wildly. I had been in the weeds with anti-bullying organizations and I knew it was highly unlikely that they would send a third party person to speak with us on their behalf.

We are all a part of the same initiative and want to help one another get there. There is absolutely no need to hide behind a third party spokesperson if you have any legitimate concerns.

She switched her tactic, once again, telling me that I did not know who I was messing with. She warned me that Gamergate (the community) would come after me and that they would be ruthless. She warned me that they would try to end my Kickstarter campaign, put me through cyber-hell, and that it wasn’t an experience I wanted to live through as she had.

It is very important to note that Zoe Quinn told me that Gamergate would try to end my Kickstarter campaign.

Again, I had no idea who or what Gamergate was, but I assured her I was ready to embrace their backlash. Of course, one cannot expect to end cyber-bullying without some sort of cyber-revolt against us, and I was confident we would be ready when the time came.

She then grew hysterical, claiming that it wasn’t enough. That she wanted to me put a stake in the project altogether, never bringing it to launch.

This part was practically insane to me; the fact that she thought that with a simple phone call, I would drop something that I had sank thousands of dollars of personal investment and hard work into, just because Zoe Quinn said so. Her suggestion was ego-manaical.

I told her firmly and with as much respect that I could muster at that point that we were going to have to agree to disagree; that I was not dropping the project nor was I clear on what it was exactly that had her so riled up, emotionally.

We had reached a point of no return here. She was beyond emotional, and I was (aside from confused), aware that she and I would never see eye to eye. I told her that I hoped that when we launched, she would see the value in the technology. At which point she broke into tears and exclaimed;

“By then it will be too late, it’ll ruin everything”.

With that, and after 43 minutes of erratic conversation, she hung up the phone on me.

I imagine that Zoe Quinn was devastated.

I imagine she had collapsed onto the floor of her bedroom in hysterics, maybe even punching a pillow in frustration on the way down; the point here of course, is that her plan to effectively shut down with flexed credentials and a pompous attitude had done nothing to shake it’s founder.

And so something had to be done.

Mentally, I couldn’t establish what had just transpired. A person who I thought was an obvious ally, had flown into a raging fit against me.

I called a close friend and recounted the situation. I told him;

“either she is severely stockholmed, or she herself is a troll. No questions about it”.

I didn’t expect to do anything with those suspicions of course because we were still in the early midst of our campaign; a campaign that I had spent a month prepping for.

I instead waited (about an hour or so), and then resolved to send her a nice follow up e-mail, so that I could completely reshift my focus:

E-mail from Candace Owens, Founder SocialAutopsy, to Zoe Quinn Crash Network Override E-mail from Candace Owens, Founder SocialAutopsy, to Zoe Quinn Crash Network Override

You will note that that e-mail went out to her at 12:53am that night, or technically, morning. I did not receive any response from her, and I myself did wind up making it to bed until around 4am.

That’s not because I couldn’t sleep, but because suddenly, my project took a sudden turn.

A mere 45 minutes after I had sent that e-mail out to Zoe, it began, with a message from “John Joe” via our Kickstarter page:


Nigger 1

And the onslaught continued nearly every 10 minutes straight into the morning after that:

ruin your life

Interesting account name, no? Because there was that word that we had never heard before again: “dox”. And we began seeing it over and over again, rapidly.

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Suddenly, our campaign had shifted from a positive one with plenty of support and feedback, to an ugly one with menacing threats. We were shocked by the anger being expressed in all of the messages:



The messages poured in with words that floated between misogyny and racism– and all came from, you guessed it: men. On our website, we were also being hit with feigned e-mail subscriptions with entries that were misogynistic and racist at the exact same time, like this one:
deserved rape


I want all of my readers to understand that we had not received a single item of spam to our kickstarter folder before these messages appeared, and now they were flooding in, one after the other: to our campaign page, to our degree180 accounts, and yup, you guessed it– via twitter. I could no longer answer any legitimate concerns to our backers because we were being spammed in every which direction.

To clarify, we had received exactly 8 legitimate messages to our kickstarter account from backers before I spoke to Zoe Quinn. After I spoke to her, we had received about 52 of veiled threats, before we had even gotten up for breakfast the next day.

I did not think this was a coincidence.

Men, Misogyny, and Gaming. Retrospectively, that was the one thing that was apparent in every single message I received, even down to the e-mail addresses used:


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Is it a coincidence? That everything Zoe feared for us happened within hours of her warning me it might? Is it also a coincidence that after 5 weeks of campaining and promotion that the fear that was suddenly being expressed was that minors would be “doxxed”?

My initial suspicion was the Zoe perhaps tipped the gaming community off and they were now coming down on us: hard.

However I exited that suspicion when I received this anonymous e-mail  that morning, alerting me of a planned attack to debunk our kickstarter efforts:

4 chan

It was another male. He was tipping me off, and simultaneously threatening me against continuing our campaign. He said he “wasn’t doing it to warn [me]”, and yet clearly, “he” was. But that wasn’t what stood out to me.

What stood out to me was the fact that this e-mail came in to my personal e-mail address. It was not directed to us via kickstarter (which is the most sensible way to contact us if you have real concerns), nor did it come in to us through many of the other highly publicized Degree180 and SocialAutopsy contact accounts. This came in through to my e-mail, the address of which I had only given to Zoe Quinn when she reached out to me via twitter.

My personal e-mail was then signed up for two porn sites, again odd, considering guessing my e-mail address would be an unnatural route for any person to take given the publicity of our campaign.

This was not a coincidence at all: She had slipped up.

Zoe e-mailed me a response to my follow up e-mail shortly thereafter at 1:09pm.  She was writing to warn me that my earlier site had been googled and alluded to the fact that this was evidence that our site was not developped in an expert way. She wrote:

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There it was. The months earlier mock site which we had used as a rough draft to our design flaws. I was confused, because we never brought that site live, but I understood the implications; she was going to push this out, and people were going to say they had uncovered our actual site, as evidence that what we built was technologically flawed.

And within minutes, we saw it being circulated on twitter.

I hit back, HARD in my e-mail back to her. I suddenly understood that she was at the center of trying to smear our reputation but I didn’t understand why:


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Her response?:

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Don’t hold your breath, bitch.

I had directed a twitter rant earlier that day to the #Gamergate community, using the appropriate hashtag. I felt I was under attack by them, and knew Zoe had tipped them off. I was trying desperately to get people to understand that my company wasn’t bad, these people were; Zoe for intiating it, and Gamergate for fighting the battle for her with full force.

Our twitter account was exploding still, now being mentioned about every 3 seconds. The rumor was that we were creating a site that would “dox” minors. They were tweeting at parenting organizations, at the FBI, at anyone who would listen to the fact that SocialAutopsy was committing a crime. They were retweeting and sharing facts as though they had been spoken from God himself.

And everything they were saying was a lie.

Since Zoe had alerted me to both the reddit (and presumedly the 4chan), I was now given a front row seat to the plan that was being devised to take us down. They had announced that we were, again “doxxing minors” and that if they all e-mailed Kickstarter they could have our campaign taken down.

And they did so, successfully.

I had alerted kickstarter to their plan and the e-mail chain, and they responded in kind which was reassuring, but hours later, we had learned that they had caved.


Less than 48 hours on Kickstarter, and for certain, we had somehow managed to go viral—but this was an odd instance of viral. We had gone viral within the very niche community of gaming, to which, we had no prior interest or connection to. That isn’t how viral works. In fact, we were viral only within the gamer community. It had somehow been contained, and the lies were growing more and more aggressive with personal shots taken at my character.

I was labeled a femi-nazi, which really? Had no one read my articles regarding how I hated feminism for the sake of feminism, and lambasting the #freekesha campaign?

I was photoshopped to appear anti-Semitic, although I had written once about the Jewish man I once dated, quite favorably. I was labeled a pedophile-supporter, an idiot, you name-it. It was vicious.

I knew of course that I was at the center of an effective smear campaign—against a database that hadn’t even launched.

The smoking gun.


Confession: I have no idea who Randi Lee Harper is. I saw that she was in my twitter mentions, but didn’t think to take the time to examine why a group of trolls kept wanting to shove her down my throat, in a positive light.

Double confession: I have no interest in discovering who Randi Lee Harper is, and still have no intention of looking her up or speaking with her, ever.

My boyfriend caught wind of a post from The Ralph Retort, that he labeled “fair”, which was a breath of fresh air from the vermin-like journalistic endeavors that we had seen being exercised thus far. Ralph’s post included excerpts from an open letter written by Harper, which can only be described as a diatribe against Candace Owens and

She of course began with her resume, which similar to her cohort Ms. Quinn, read like something from someone who thought they were on the fast track to become Oprah. The only difference is, she explained why she was listing her exhaustive qualifications:

“I’m telling you my credentials so you can understand where I’m coming from when I tell you, unequivocally, you are a goddamn trainwreck”

She continued her elementary style of writing, and teenaged like inflammatory language with a brave “You are a fucking idiot. So, gloves off. I’m going to tell you now why your idea is shit.”

No, really. That’s a direct quote, and not from any of the children under the age of ten that I once babysat. Yes, it is ironic that within this writing capacity she somehow felt empowered enough to take swipes at my professionalism and intelligence. And yes it is ironic that she proclaims she is a feminist.

It is both ironic, and borderline delusional. Indicative of someone who has begun to believe in her own infallibility.

Her crappy writing isn’t what warranted my attention, though (I was an English/Journalism major in college, and have therefore seen many examples of such writing; teetering frequently between poor grammar, and childishness).

What caught my attention was this line,

“You blamed your Kickstarter getting shut down on trolls. You’re wrong. That was [Zoe and I].”

It was that one little sentence, that one little line that locked everything into place to me, instantly.

Because Randi Lee Harper was making an appeal to the Gamergate community with it. She was, in one little sentence playing the martyr. She wanted them to believe that she and Zoe didn’t understand my twitter outrage against them, and that they were happy to admit that it was actually them.

Her and Zoe had coordinated poorly there. Because Zoe had called me warning me against Gamergate and telling me they were going to try to end our campaign. Zoe was the one dropping breadcrumbs for me to see exactly what “Gamergate’s  plans were to do so. It became very apparent to me, that they were playing both sides.

I suddenly began to wonder why.

Why did our kicksktarter campaign get so viciously attacked after 12 hours? Why had it gone viral within just one community? Why were we on reddit, blogs, 4chan, being tweeted every 3 seconds, receiving hate mail, threats, and spam from every direction? Why had someone taken the time to photoshop my face beside a swatsika? Why had someone called the Tyler Clementi Foundation and asked them why they were supporting an organization that was doxxing minors? Why had someone opened a counterfeit Twitter account pretend to be me? Why had they started a petition? Why had they inundated kickstarter with e-mails, and why was Randi Harper now penning a piece that was 2,567 words long?

It was a lot for 24 hours. It was too much, in fact.

One of our twitter followers may have said it best when he offered that “effort takes so much… effort”.

It was our campaigns first 24 hours, and yet all of this had transpired. These people (all anonymous I should mention) were not just voicing their opinions, they were spending hours and hours of dedicated time making sure I knew how awful I was and why I had to stop at everything. It was not only cyber harassment, it was a form of terrorism.


The Why:

Randi Harper and Zoe Quinn had discussed my project with one another. Regarding that, there can be no question.

They thought they could get me to pull the project down by beefing up their respective resumes, and with one phone call from “patient zero” of Gamergate.

When that didn’t work, the two of them launched an effort of cyber-terrorism. When I began suspecting as much, I created a list of all of the twitter names we had seen tweeting at us aggressively from the start. They were all anonymous and they were all retweeting one another, to make it appear as though they had all agreed and that the conclusion was unanimous about Social Autopsy; they were trying to appear bigger than they actually were.

And these initial accounts were connected by one thing and one thing only; effort. Early effort. And a lot of it. One account @withmetta, even took it upon herself to write a blog piece regarding socialautopsy on Hubpages. It was the first blog that anonymous user had ever written on Hubpages.

Other affiliated accounts tried to point out to me (a bit too conspicuously) that they hated certain other accounts, but hey “even [they] agree that your idea is terrible because it would doxx minors”.

I bet they did agree.

So I launched a plan to test my theory, because I knew that anything that had happened before  would be considered “coincidental”.

Our kickstarter had been shut down and yet we were still receiving e-mailed threats about our database, since we hadn’t backed down from launching it. This time the threats were going to bloggers of and to our respective contact accounts. Here is one such e-mail that was written on Friday April 15th, 8:45pm:

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 2.38.17 PM

From Jack, of course. Another guy. By then I read the multiple stories about how Randi and Zoe had made their money off of abuse from men. I had read specific examples regarding other women they had harassed and taken down, and about how they themselves had been accused of doxxing. Former victims contacted me (with their real names), and provided me with examples of their DNA: racism, misogyny, gamergate, troll accounts: a cocktail for success.

Back to my plan:

Shortly after receiving this e-mail from “Jack” I announced on Twitter that I would be releasing all of the e-mails; that I would be going on the Ralph Retort webcast with my suspicions that Zoe Quinn was behind the cyber attacks. I ranted that I thought she was behind all of the e-mail attacks we had received and that this time, to quote her cohort, “the gloves were off”. I announced that I had e-mails and evidence and that I would be speaking out. I focused purposely on the fact that I had e-mails.

My plan worked: the emails magically stopped. They stopped cold turkey. As I sit wring this today, we have gone an entire weekend without receiving so much as one e-mailed threat.

Still think that’s a coincidence?  A total inundation and then a total sudden stop? No that is the work of Zoe Quinn.

The why:

It’s interesting, and really something I had never considered. Just how much power you could yield if you devoted yourself to creating a cyber unit. Even if it was just you and 20 other people involved, each with multiple fake accounts.

If a blog piece was written about you, you could all inundate beneath it and write criticisms shifting the landscape of the other people’s thoughts. (Just watch what happens beneath this one).

If a company was coming out, and said in their crowdfunding video “what we are doing is figuratively lifting the masks off of trolls” you could inundate Kickstarter with e-mail complaints about minors and make them believe they were in involved in something dirty.

What you could do is control people’s perception. What is the valuation of that?

You could feign friends, feign your own support, and exaggerate your own presence and significance. Yes, if you were willing to spend full time dedicated to the web, you could begin to distort reality by presenting an assumed majority.

A false, assumed majority, that goes back and fourth on a 4chan thread. A false, assumed majority, that hits the internet writing as many awful things about Candace Owens and her technically not-yet-founded company SocialAutopsy, before they even get an opportunity to launch. An effort to deter investors, supporters, and the general public; and effort to control what lives and dies.

A false, assumed majority, that upvotes or downvotes whenever and whatever they see fit. They could contact the media via twitter for instance, via a simple method of false inundation. Because who isn’t going to jump when their Twitter mentions go from a sluggish, every 15 minutes, down to every 5 seconds all pertaining to the same issue? Who is going read, manipulated perhaps by what an assumed majority is saying about an issue?

“Oh this is terrible, I feel so bad” [Insert whatever link here]

You could create different personnas, thereby infiltrating certain communities. And if a company like SocialAutopsy developed a technology to unmask you?

…It would ruin everything. Literally.

The implications here are as vast as they are ugly. In fact, they make me sick.

I want to be clear here that I am not supporting Gamergate or making a point regarding whether or not every single member of that community is an upstanding citizen that is deserving of retribution.

I am sharing my story. As a woman who had no prior knowledge of this situation, or plans to reach out regarding it. I am sharing my story, as an entrepreneur who made a sincere attempt to take out an issue of cyber-bullying, and unintentionally happened upon what may be one of the darkest implications of the net we’ve seen to date.

That it is a business; that trolling and harassment is not only an unfortunate societal issue, but that it is a business that affects the bottomline of many people. That there are .orgs established because of it, that books deal are stricken regarding it, and that individuals are being propelled to fame as spokespersons on the exact same issue that they would never want to see nipped in the bud. Because they feed it.

I cannot immediately assume how thick this cyber-industry runs. What I can tell you though is that if an idea—a mere 2 1/2 minute video that was on Kickstarter and being looked at by no one— incited a cyber war within 18 hours, then it is a business that has profit margins that would ripple our economy if it came crashing down.

Indeed, we are looking at what may be the tip of an iceberg. and one that I am now for the first time, focused on exploring.

Beginning with Ms. Zoe Quinn and Randi Lee Harper.

Stay tuned…



  • pancakewizard


    I would suggest to talking to TFYC ( about what happened, as ZQ did something very similar to them early in the GamerGate scandal.

    I would also suggest you contact Cathy Young (@CathyYoung63) and Liana Kerzner (@redlianak) if you want at least some fair representation/insight in media in all this.

  • Unusual Pickle

    Candace, perhaps you’ll read this in the sea of other comments. Your plan wasn’t good. That doesn’t mean your intentions aren’t good, but it does indicate that you ladies launched into this without some key information, and taking certain necessary steps.

    What’s about to happen here is you’re going to get piled on by heaps of information that people are going to shout at you, with best intentions and perhaps some exasperated frustration, because you innocently walked into a pre-existing situation you weren’t aware of. Look, you didn’t know about doxxing. Probably not about swatting. You’re obviously not “from the internets” like the rest of us characters.

    What you should have done, foremost, was hired some sort of highly internet savvy consultant to explain how this crazy online world works. Someone who can neutrally explain the truth of what’s been going on without advocating for any particular agenda – because my god is it a mess. Ultimately this consultant should also be well versed in cybersecurity topics, because this is the realm you’re entering into – the collection and handling of personal identifying information, which is the very thing the bullies you aim to target would want most. It’s of far more value to the bad guys than the good guys. So you’d set up a situation where you’re target #1 for data theft attacks.

    I’d be happy to replace your pure naivety with as much information as you can absorb in a couple hours if you’re interested. No charge, just out of the goodness of my heart. I’m still pretty shocked that you’d get this far along in a project and have zero research. Somebody has to point you in the right direction or you’re going to get clobbered by reality.

  • SM

    It’s a real problem for professional harassers to have such a project see the light. I still think it’s a half-baked idea. But i can understand why they went so ballistic when they knew about this project

  • RealityCheck131

    This seems like a tech startup founded by someone that doesn’t have much of a clue about technology.

  • sotarrthewizard

    Just. . . damn. I saw the Kickstarter, it was recommended by another one I was in on. I wondered what happened. . .

  • Purple Skies

    I didn’t like your site originally because of the kid stuff. Even if it’s legal it still seems scummy. But this is hilariously sad, Zoe knows with a site like this she would have been caught in even more lies and harassment than she had been already.

  • Lll Hhh

    Hello. I was on reddit the day your kickstarter went viral. I had issues with the idea. It reminded me of the app “Peeple” that was marketed as a Yelp for people.

    Based on your kickstarter video and your FAQ, I had no other choice but to conclude that this was a bad idea. It may have been well-intended but it would ultimately lead to the very thing it is intended to stop. This idea lends itself to bullying.

    I don’t condone the kind of harassment you received. I dont have a side in GG and dont consider myself a gamer. I didnt send you or your company any messages. But I did report it to Kickstarter and reposted links to your kickstarter on various social media to raise awareness.

  • Greetings from Earth

    I know from experience, it’s rather easy to create several false online identities. Giving each a truly unique personality however requires some skill to pull off.

  • superwolfkin

    that’s a scary level of misinterpretation going on in this article.

  • chrisgale

    Learn from the VoxDay. Seriously.

    Do not fundraise. Do. Get the thing up. The Ilk got the SJWlist up in 24 hours. One guy started it, about five helped him.

    A small dedicated group can wreak havoc.

    I disagree with Social Autopsy, but I made this very clear on my blog.

    However, Emailing incoherent emails is childish.

    The issues around freedom of speech and the use of weaponized codes of conduct (Check out what Kickstarter has signed up to) are very important.

    The Gamergate boys KNOW who Quinn and Harper are. The SJWlist ifs for the rest of you all. So you can avoid this pain.

  • Barkhorn

    I don’t get why people are so surprised, to be honest. This isn’t GG’s style, really. I say this as someone who was there, and was part of the initial shitstorm. Though what Quinn did, in the styling of the emails, was interesting- she focused solely on racist, sexist slurs. Even the most hatred-fueled GG messages and emails at least had a point and not just mindless insult-spewing.

    I won’t lie, the whole idea of SocialAutopsy is potentially extremely dangerous- if someone is so inclined they can make up a false dummy account, set up a few things here, then set the bait. People see the false example, and BOOM it can entirely harpoon someone’s life. However, I do see the good in it, and it is a noble concept.

    However the fact is that Quinn and Harper aren’t worthy of rational discussion anymore- they forfeited that the moment they launched this campaign of synthetic hatred and lies.

  • GTR003121

    Please continue your efforts to expose Zoe Quinn, go after her hard. That bitch needs to be brough down.

  • Dustin Geels

    I’d like to point out that gamergate isn’t even allowed on 4chan in fact they hate our guts. Yes I’d say alot of us were against your bully the bullies campaign that’s my take on it even now.Alot of the younger people in the “group” go overboard really quickly But I wouldn’t bet The random troll attacks were us we’ve been trying to shut those trolls up for years now. They work as a perfect smoke screen too keep people away from talking about what we accually want to talk about.

    I’ve always wondered how it was that seemingly the harassment of zoe or others had always riased after Zoe was losing income or the spotlight same goes for harper.

  • The Gamer Of Ages

    When I first heard about your service, I thought you were like Quinn and Harper trying to make a quick buck and what not. But after seeing everything that’s happened I have to say I deeply respect your maturity and your stoic commitment to your initiative. While I believe there are some flaws with your site I will say that it’s clear that you are extremely passionate about your beliefs and your commitment to improving your idea is commendable. Thank you for this, and I wish you success in your endeavour. I will also be watching your Ted talk this summer, something that I’d never thought I’d do before now.

  • Concerned2000

    you hunt dragons, do not be surprised to find they have teeth and breath fire.
    You were surprised once, don’t let it happen again. Haul out the fireproof
    armor, heft a bigger sword, and watch your step for the piles they leave
    behind. It’s dangerous work hunting dragons, but it’s also a hero’s work. So….

    Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once

    Or close the wall up with our English dead.

    In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man

    As modest stillness and humility:

    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,

    Then imitate the action of the tiger;

    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,

    Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage;

    Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;

    Let pry through the portage of the head

    Like the brass cannon; let the brow o’erwhelm it

    As fearfully as doth a galled rock

    O’erhang and jutty his confounded base,

    Swill’d with the wild and wasteful ocean.

    Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,

    Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit

    To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.

    Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!

    Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,

    Have in these parts from morn till even fought

    And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:

    Dishonour not your mothers; now attest

    That those whom you call’d fathers did beget you.

    Be copy now to men of grosser blood,

    And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,

    Whose limbs were made in England, show us here

    The mettle of your pasture; let us swear

    That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;

    For there is none of you so mean and base,

    That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,

    Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:

    Follow your spirit, and upon this charge

    Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!’

    • Dustin Geels

      “However small we are, we should always fight for what we believe to be
      right. And I don’t mean fight with the power of our fists or the power
      of our swords…I mean the power of our brains and our thoughts and our

      And as small and quiet and unimportant as our fighting
      may look, perhaps we might all work together…and break out of the
      prisons of our own making. Perhaps we might be able to keep this fierce
      and beautiful world of ours as free for all of us as it seemed to be on that blue afternoon of my childhood.”

  • Fail Burton

    And you need to know about who and what Jesse Singhal is. He is a fabulist and serial propagandist. His ideological orthodoxy is rooted in anti-white gay feminism. He is as much a journalist as Winston Smith in 1984. There is nothing he won’t distort or memory-hole in order to promote the idea straight white males are the great evil of history. In short, his writing is rhetorically indistinguishable from that of Quinn and Harper and that whole crew of anti-Gamergate feminist fanatics.

  • dazen

    Article was well-written, thoughtful, and earned my respect. But now I am confused as to why Candace/Degree180 can’t see why SA is such a bad idea and why there was such opposition to it. You may have vetted the site with your target audience – victim support groups – but the site would not be limited to that community. Yes, opposition came from a niche group, but that doesn’t make the concerns any less valid. The niche group, for the most part, is very technology-savvy and can see the natural consequences of having such a site. There have been some well-written and thoughtful articles articulating serious concerns with SA – I hope that the Zoe/Randi issue doesn’t distract from the real issues and the real concerns of the site.

  • Lyles


    • Hahahahaha

      It is odd that nobody made a happy merchant version of LW 1.

  • klaus enjoycoke

    But your dox-database is still gonna stay buried, right?

  • LemonSloth

    For what little its’ worth, I am sorry you had to go through this. Randi, Zoe and their ilk are toxic even by Twitter standards and you most certainly got the rough end of the deal. What they did was normal for the course (for them) and is totally unacceptable. It’s even more ridiculous to think that Zoe Quinn was invited by the United Nations to speak at a conference about “#CyberViolence” and how to fight harassment, stalking & abuse.

    Whilst I am not 100% sold on the business model itself, I wish you all the best in your endeavours and hope you have an easier time of things in the future.

    And best of luck trying to get your side of the story recognised by the wider media. Many people have been trying over the last two years and faced nothing but a brick wall from larger media sources. Maybe you will have some luck where the rest have failed.

  • Shammara Blanchard

    I think you may need the help of those who have been fighting these professional victims from day one. Guys on YouTube like Sargon of Akkad, the Amazing Atheist, Thunderf00t and TL;DR.

    They have been dealing and exposing these women and other professional victims for years now. You have to fight with the tools available. These women have been a cancer. They are not afraid of those fools.

    • Cordovan Splotch

      Scratch the Amazing Atheist off of there. No need for unintelligent abrasive assholes when the other three can do the job just fine.

      • TheDevilsTowelboy

        Did he hurt your fee-fees?

        • Dindu Nuffin

          It’s just impossible to respect a man who has been raped by a banana.

          • ExiledV2

            Or who likes to get down and dirty with 13-year-olds.

      • Shammara Blanchard

        Fair enough. :-)

    • TheDevilsTowelboy

      Also Vox Day’s _SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police_ – like him or loathe him, it’s an invaluable resource for dealing with these people.

      The 3 Laws of SJW –

      SJWs Always Lie

      SJWs Always Double Down

      SJWs Always Project

      • Shammara Blanchard

        I was not aware of him. I will check him out.

  • Dindu Nuffin

    “I am sharing my story, as an entrepreneur who made a sincere attempt to take out an issue of cyber-bullying, and unintentionally happened upon what may be one of the darkest implications of the net we’ve seen to date.

    That it is a business; that trolling and harassment is not only an unfortunate societal issue, but that it is a business that affects the bottomline of many people.”


    Have you ever heard the term victimbux?

    This monthly installment is only the first layer of profits Zoe Quinn makes from being a professional victim.

    You nailed it with the first paragraph of this article.

    “Zoe Quinn sat down at her computer. She was scrolling through hashtags
    and retweets pertaining to the one issue upon which her notoriety and
    personal brand hinged to: Cyber-bullying.”

    That personal brand got her a speaking engagement at the United Nations.

    You’re fucking with Zoe’s bread and butter, consequences will never be the same.

  • Fail Burton

    Welcome to the world of sociopaths and pathological liars who hide under the rubric of “feminism.” They are obsessive fanatics and internet shut-ins. In real world terms, the combined achievements of Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper amount to less than the owner of the average hair salon or one-person house cleaning service.

  • Hendrik Vanderstijn

    It might be a valuable use for your time to meet people from gamergate. You’re not the first to be smeared by this group that often employs darvo techniques. (deny, attack, reverse victim offender)

    Darvo is why it’s hard for any online platform against bullying not be used by bullies. As kids might say “he started it!” which may or may not be true.

    Other people who’ve experienced Darvo at the hands of Quinn:

    1. Her ex, eron gjoni:

    2. Mallory, a photographer:

    3. Wizardchan (no link at their request. A forum of virgins with suicide tendencies.)

    4. The fine young capitalists, who wanted to get more women into game development:

    Above all best of luck in your endeavors and make sure you don’t take my word for it, do a little research.

    And be careful trusting media or wikipedia at face value. These things can be gamed by professional victims, much like a small team tried to game you into believing lies about gamergate.

  • ShakeandBake

    This is nothing sort of legendary!

  • Julian

    Great article. Thanks for sharing and I’m sorry that you stumbled into this while just wanting to do good.

  • piwwo

    I don’t know if you ever would read this but anyhow: When I heard first of your idea I was strongly opposed. I come from eastern Germany and I witnessed times when people got defamed and denunciated by their neighbours to the secret service. I come from times when this was social reality for millions of people in the eastern block. I know what *seemingly normal* people are able to do. Thus I labled your campaign as “online-Stasi”. The difference is just, that we in the east block overcame our system by protest and revolution against the oppressive government. That was a single point of attack where we could fight a system of injustice. Today it’s different. You can’t protest against an anonymous mob. You can’t stop a shitstorm with proclaiming civil rights. This makes such databases even worse. Even if you believed in the good of people and thought you could create something to protect innocent from hate, bullying and harrassment, I instantly though about the possibilities such a database could give. Having personal data spread over the internet is one thing. Controlling that data might be hard but also linking all the pieces together to profile someone would be hard too. Having this data put together in relation and concentrated on one database is another thing and would make denunciation a huge lot easier. Sometimes in life someone makes a mistake, or gets into the wrong wind, has the wrong friends, and you’re done. A private company concentrating all your data linked together in a bad light can pretty much destroy your life. It would lead to a system of fear and anxiety that something you said sometime could be brought together in a context to be used against you. That would be almost the same system as we had in the eastern block, a uncertain feeling of being observed and constantly on the edge that something you did somewhere would kick you off a cliff where you never recover from. That’s the opposite from freedom and it’s the opposite of safety and peace.

    And more off I instantly had the thought in mind, that this database would soon uncover people like Harper or Quinn. People would collect all informations about them and linking them together and that’s something they never would want to happen. After reading your text I knew I was right. They saw the same and that was too much of a danger for their whole income and whole purpose in life, all that effort that brought them into huge media coverage, think tanks of companies like Google, Facebook or Twitter and even as far as to the UN. You unintentionally (from your text I still think you had good intentions), stirred a hornets nest and poked two hornet queens at their most neuralgic spots.

    Hence on the one hand I am glad you stopped your project, because of what I described before. I might be sensitive about such things because of my background of comming from a system of oppression, but I believe that I got valid reasons for my sensitivity.
    On the other hand I am thankful for you revealing your story and opening an insight to a background to a game of deception and fraud of people that won’t even stop at fighting with the same weapons they claim to work against.

    I wish you well and that you come out of this stronger than you been before and that your next business idea will be good and successful.


  • Mihovil Gaspic

    This is a tough case to discuss but I will attempt to shed light on how both parties hinvolved are in the wrong.

    A) gamergate does not speak for all males or even the gaming community nor is gaming a niche sweetheart, it is a billion dollar industry pulling in millions of units downloaded etc.

    B) For a black woman to say “cyber bullying is one of the biggest issues we face today”… Really, young black males killing each other or getting killed by cops is not? Governements spying on citizens, illegal immigration, pedophile rings, gmo monopolizing food, a shitty job market and legitimate terror attacks are not? You are the victim of nothing but foul language and slurs and shame on you for playing a victim when women are being stalked and murdered (with no troll warning prior to it) , you are no better than Anita and Zoe. Grow up, sticks and stones and all that shit. People should be strong enough mentally to not let shit like that impact them because words are not hollow points or c4 explosives…words only have the power your give them as the reader.

    C) For someone with a major in journalism you can have at least proof read it or understand the definition of the words you choose to freely throw around.

    D) This so called bullying is easily solved by simply blocking profiles and getting a new email, its not fair but there is no research tying cyber bullying to murder or physical abuse. Trolling is trolling and inreality trolls seldom act on their ignorant threats. Real bullying involves punch outs, bleedy lips and stitches…that is a problem.

    E) Creating a list of minors for something that is not a crime in my opinion is violating their rights as humans and minors. Who gives u the right to put a child on blast for words … Because thats all they are words? You are no better than the folks at Facebook who sell our info to companies but at least we fools agreed to that. If you put my child on a list not only would I take you to court but would do everything in my power to make you an enemy to all parents within my community. In essence you believe you can raise other peoples children through fear, are you bonkers lady?

    D) Anonymous is not connected with gamergate officially nor are they terrorists. You must have missed the lecture on investigative journalism while studying because you figured you can enter the cyber sphere without knowing javk about it. Annonymous have actually shed light on corruption globally and serve to protect the masses from oppression and censorship.

    E) Zoe much like Anita is a clueless woman who make’s a living through lying, promoting and spreading misinformation. The woman holds no weight or clout in the real world.

    F) There is no industry in trolling babe because as someone who personally knows hackers I have yet to hear one say that they were paid or heard of someone gettigng paid to do such things. Granted I cannot speak for everybody but corporate espionage is legit hence why people get jailed over it, mean words are not phelonies. However hate speech is yet I dont see going against youtube where islamic fundamentalist groups openly call for the slaughter of all non muslims. Why not move in that direction and try mute people with real influence over teenager who really wind up killing innocent people.

    G) There have been suicides as a result of bullying and those are tragic events but your database will not change it because you are attacking freedom of speech and anonimity which was the driving force of the internet. But if you look at statistics the highest portion of deaths by suicide are actually adult males not teenagers. Knocking trolls is no different to knocking NWA for harsh lyrics or Tupac for dissing Biggie.

    h) Highly publicized, I am subscribed to numerous portals and sites which discuss tech and internet companies and never heard of yours. Sadly no one I know from npo’s against bullying ever heard of your plan nor did they agree with what you are planning to do.

    I) cyber terrorism: definition =

    the politically motivated use of computers and information technology to cause severe disruption or widespread fear.

    What fear was caused and how the fuck was any of what u said widespread?

    Just my two cents on how both of you are trying to make careers outta utter nonsense. I have been hacked, had slurs hurled at me online but guess what…Im still breathing and I give zero fs what keyboard warriors think of me. You hate on her for playing a victim but what are you doing right now? Your idea was noble but cyber bullying is not a real world issue and for someone who claims they live in that world Im surprised at the effort you put into all of this. Have you no real friends who told you to do something legit and earn a living off your talent and skills. You a beautiful and educated woman who can do WAAAAY better.

  • Ben McLean

    I wouldn’t be surprised if you were right that Quinn was involved in this, but at the same time, your own kickstarter page clearly in fact was against the kickstarter community guidelines and that’s why it was shut down. Much as I hate to admit it, seeing as how I am a strong anti-feminist #GamerGate supporter, Quinn was correct that there are multiple issues with your project both ethical and legal for which it deserves to get buried.

    • TheDevilsTowelboy

      The major issue is that it was going to steal business from the gravy train Quinn and Harper were riding – both were running their own supposed “anti-harassment” services, which were nothing of the sort, just vehicles through which they could e-beg. Candace’s project would have put a ding in their parasitic bottom line.

      • Ben McLean

        Maybe that’s what Quinn saw in it, but it had it’s own problems and would’ve got shut down by Kickstarter even without Quinn if it got enough people to simply notice what it was doing.

        • TheDevilsTowelboy

          You maybe right – but the issue here is not Kickstarter.

  • Michael Meier

    You are a Hero cadace you were right, you uncovered it all. Your Idea might not have been the best but you are a Hero. You uncovered maybe the biggest lie in the history of the gaming industry. The question is if the evidence will be conclusive enough.

  • Pierre Adriaan Du Plessis

    Controversy is an engine and some people can only sustain their social relevance by blasting more fuel through it. I’m glad I read this becasue I had a previous unfavorable view of social autopsy based on the negative buzz words. I hate that my opinion was influenced that way. I’m still no 100% sure social autopsy is a good thing, but I understand it better, enough to consider that it might actually work quite well.

  • slayersamelia

    I too am a supporter of the #GamerGate hashtag and I’ve been in it since the beginning. I’ve said many times that if, for even a second, I had believed #GamerGate was about the harassment of women or about driving women out of gaming I would never have supported it.

    #GamerGate was a response to a coordinated attack on an entire demographic – people who enjoy playing computer games. The attack came from an unexpected quarter – that being our own gaming press, but when you scratched the surface there was a driving force behind it and that was Zoe Quinn and her ilk. Even ignoring her treatment of her ex-boyfriend, she was involved in some dodgy dealings with the game press to give her naff indie game some coverage. The press in turn colluded to cover this up and push a narrative against gamers. #GamerGate became the first example of a pushback against a media narrative. The games media doubled down and as a consequence we are where we are almost two years later.

    Since 2014 gamers have been the de-facto boogeyman of the internet. We have been labelled as everything from misogynists to terrorists. But whilst it isn’t even vaguely true, as you’ve experienced, the tools at the hands of the real cyber bullies means a good number of us prefer our anonymity.

    I will admit the way your kickstarter was written didn’t make it sound professional and I didn’t scratch the surface much past that. However, further reading has certainly shown your intentions were honourable.

    If what’s happened to you is any indication though, I think you’ve discovered the true face of the cyber bullies and perhaps the main perpetrators of the “harassment” on the internet. As others have said, being neutral to #GamerGate will get you labelled as part of it. There’s a clique at work controlling this victim narrative, a clique seemingly making a great deal of money out of it (not to mention trips to the UN as an “expert”).

    Between Quinn, Harper, Sarkessian etc. there’s a lot of money to be made from victim bucks. I’d welcome someone outside of their clique taking a look. I look forward to seeing where you take this.

  • V Whitaker

    Oh boy. I wish you luck. Personally, I’m not sure that you have a really good grasp on what it is you have tapped into. That being said, I wouldn’t wish anyone to be shutdown before they even get a chance to start.

  • Utuber

    best of luck to you, actual #gamergate is behind you

  • Dm Gray

    I think the only thing lacking (and understandably so) is that “GamerGate” has been the victim of these people and their friends in the media for 2 years.

    We’re the scape goat. The bogeyman.
    A hashtag that anyone can use or claim to support, but whose worst critics have to admit is mostly made of real people that don’t engage in any abuse (the analytics suggested that the “block lists” of gamergate users featured a minuscule fraction of genuine harassment)
    These days abuse is blamed on gamergate even if it is ENTIRELY unrelated, and “professional” journalists have justified this by saying “it doesn’t mean the hashtag any more, it just means online abusers”

    I’m still credulous as to the benefits of your ideas. They just seem bad to me. I don’t think that’s worthy of hate in response though. Perhaps we’re all jaded because the women that you’ve interacted with have been in control of the “cyber bullying” conversation for years now (Zoe Quinn spoke at the UN AND with US politicians, for instance)

    I wish you all the luck in helping those in need of aid and hope the solutions you offer are positive (I’m always happy to be proven wrong)
    Hopefully you have some techies around to ensure you don’t make any missteps 😛

  • gregory alan elliott

    Why reinvent the wheel? Follow @d2davison on Twitter, and…

    Subscribe to Diana Davison’s “Feminism LOL” channel on YouTube (38,000 Subs) :

    And, see how Diana “rips Canadian Feminist/Activist Stephanie Guthrie a new one”, here:
    (17:41 minutes that will educate you as to what actually happened up in Canada regarding freedom of speech online and my Twitter Trial explored, and video(s) of Guthrie admitting/promoting online violence, or ONLINE TERRORISM as Guthrie calls it0

    • gregory alan elliott

      Forgot to add… Anita Sarkeesian and Steph Guthrie went to Toronto’s York University, and took the same Women’s Studies courses, with the same Professors… and, so did Jian Ghomeshi. So, much to discover! GAE

  • ThePaladin

    It is likely that a number of those emails came from a personal group of trolls and sycophants maintained by Quinn and Harper – we know that spontaneous mass emails have occurred in the past for numerous different targets. In addition, it is likely that Quinn ‘doxed’ your email (ie revealed private information publicly) on at least one or two of the chan boards. Failing that, she would have done so through IRC networks.

    Thus, while her own little group of incompetent blackhats are responsible for the more ridiculous comments – such as the ‘I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU’ email you reproduce above – it is likely that a fair number of honest trolls have gotten involved as well. Quinn speaks the language of 4chan and 8chan and is fluent in their culture.

    Quinn cannot necessarily be blamed for all of this. It is the general opinion amongst those unfortunate enough to engage with her that she suffers from a spectacular case of Borderline Personality Disorder. Evidence for this is particularly prevalent in her documented abuse of her ex-boyfriend whom you have unfairly slandered in this article. She did so in public, in private and through the legal system. She is prone to severe histrionics at the drop of a hat and a documented compulsive liar.

    To be blunt with you about the nature of the beast you have awoken, Quinn is an industrial strength narcissist with grand delusions about both her ability and her reach. She frequently starts projects she cannot end, greatly overstates both of the above qualities publicly (instead of simply holding them privately), runs a harassment network with absolutely no support from actual anti-harassment advocates despite being a serial harasser herself and likely simply saw you as a threat due to that fact. If your site was of any benefit, Quinn herself would be flagged as one of the most prolific harassers on the internet.

    Do not assemble any grand conspiracies about either woman involved in this debacle. Neither are capable of the kind of organised chaos you describe above. Harper in particular is an extraordinarily non-gifted individual whose presence in the open source community is most charitably described as a cancer. She was a public relations disaster for any project to which she attached herself and spent most of her time making tiny, inconsequential code changes between causing gigantic arguments, posting unflattering pictures of herself and harassing other coders. There are few internet celebrities as toxic as Randi Harper, as proven by her previous harassment in the literary community.

    While I cannot find myself agreeing with your cause – if there is documented, criminal harassment, it is a matter for the police or local authorities – I do have some sympathy for what you are about to undergo. Unfortunately, despite being two embarrassingly untalented individuals, Harper and Quinn have assembled an orbiting cloud of sympathetic journalists who, for some reason, do their every bidding. The first of their journalistic slander pieces has already emerged. Expect more of them in the coming days.

    Best of luck.

  • alex tarven

    I didn’t agree with the project one bit

  • CJSmith

    My advice to Candace, if she reads this, is to proceed with caution. I don’t like Quinn, I don’t like Harper, I don’t even agree with what Social Autopsy represents, despite the obviously innocent and good intentions behind it, and I’m not a fan of Gamergate either.

    But the very pressing issue is this: whatever the intentions of the website were before, they are certainly going to be subverted now (and likely always would have been had this not blown up, honestly).

    Trolls, whether they come from Zoe Quinns camp, Gamergate, 4chan, or god knows where-else, are going to descend on that site like a swarm, and innocent people who’ve never heard of any of this, could well end up hurt in the crossfire.

    I can honestly see Social Autopsy becoming ground-zero for a fight that Candace had no idea about up until now, and she’ll wear the very severe legal consequences if innocent people’s private information is leaked (and it almost certainly will be).

    Her site security will have to be ironclad, her legal team will have to be vast and skilled, and I just don’t think a small crowd-funded effort like this is going to be able to afford it.

    I do support your intention to stop harassment and bullying, Candace, but I don’t agree with your methods. In spite of that, you certainly don’t deserve what’s happened here.

  • Dighunter

    I’m sorry but they already turned the media against you:

    Apparently you are a GamerGate supporter now. You can rest assured 90% of other media websites will try to destroy your reputation.
    Your only avenue if you want to continue your work without Quinn destroying your life is to seek irrefutable proof to be used in a court of law. I’d start with those emails.

    I’m so sorry you got embroiled in all this. You deserve better than to have your professional career ruined by scammers.

  • QueenLatifah

    This is going to be wonderful to watch unfold.

  • Lilith

    Holy shit

  • Cap’n Questionable

    Hi, Candace. I was linked this article and found it a very interesting read. I don’t believe that SocialAutopsy is the right way to tackle the problem – though I do respect the intention to try, as I can speak from personal experience that bullying is hardly ‘character-forming’ – but I would never feel the need to send messages like the ones you received. Nor, in fact, would anyone I know – except Zoe Quinn and her ilk.

    Make no mistake, what you’ve experienced here is what people opposing them have been facing for over a year now. They are in the business of victimhood – not only do they make an obscene amount of money from it, they gather the uninformed and mean-spirited around themselves to form a miniature personal army (a concept Zoe would be familiar with, as an alum of 4chan), in order to harass, threaten and otherwise smear the names of anyone who disagrees with them or points out their shady dealings or outright lies. Whilst I am sure some members of GamerGate may have posted hurtful messages, a significant amount can be traced back to the ‘victims’ themselves (also, isn’t it curious how quickly they post their Patreon details after an ‘attack’?), and despite having evidence (timestamps, hastily-created email addresses/twitter accounts, occasions where they forget to *log out first*, etc.) their message is the one that is picked up by the media. Case in point: Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn were invited to talk to the UN about harassment of women online, which strikes glaringly against their conduct in situations such as yours.

    You have a good intention that would interrupt their ability to carry out their goals and upset their lifestyle, which is entirely about ‘treatment’ rather than finding a cure. If the issues discussed are resolved, Zoe et al will be unable to make money in the manner they are accustomed, and thus the trick for them is to ensure that never happens.

  • Jeremiah R.

    You’re messing with her victimhood, it’s extremely valuable to her (financially and socially), she’s cultivated it for years and she’d kill to protect it.

  • Strazdas

    Read the entire comment thread, not a single case of harassment to be found. interesting isnt it?

  • Jeff Pitts

    you’re one bold, brave broad. I may not agree with what you’re trying to do, but I at least respect your sincerity.

  • DanielAlanStevens

    Don’t let people like this Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper discourage you guys. It sounds like you guys are doing something great and that was an interesting read, Candace.

  • JagRay

    Good evening.

    I read through a lot of this, skimmed some. I need to make a few points. Well, not need really, but am compelled to by my own opinions.

    First, disclosure. I support the cause of GamerGate, and am opposed to the concept of modern feminism and social justice. I support equitable capitalism, being a businessman myself, I understand how it helps my business as well as those whom my business serves. I do not personally care about what people say on the Internet, and I teach my children to disregard it as well.

    I do not support your company nor its plans. While the information may already be available, people tend not to search for it. Similar to the very bystander effect you mentioned, the vast majority of people won’t bother to go after someone unless all the information is readily available. To be doxxed is a silly concept; in most cases, that info is readily available, a doxxing is really just putting all the information in one place, gathering it for mass consumption. Your database is certainly one which meets this criteria, it is the doxxing yellow pages. It allows for retribution, it allows for people to suffer real harm for things which any reasonable person would ignore.

    That being said, and despite my agreeing with Quinn on that point, you must understand that she is a despicable person. She, much like her peers in the victim business, makes her living on the perception of suffering and abuse. She swindles the useful idiots and profits from dishonesty and heinous acts. The folks who actively participate in GamerGate, of which I am not one, and those who follow it with some interest, of which I am, have long been trying to dispel the myths surrounding her and her peers for what feels at this point like years now. What you are now experiencing at her hands is what she has been doing since the beginning. Only, normally, she sends this hate to herself in order to pass the blame on her detractors. This has provided her and her contemporaries, such as Brianna Wu, considerable notoriety and income, even affording the liars such opportunities as speaking before the United Nations on issues of privilege and abuse and women’s disadvantage in the United States.

    What I am getting at with this post is that you are facing a beast, a monster on several levels. She has the support of nearly every netrocentric feminist or alternative sjw out there. Chances are high that you will lose, if not suffer severe blowback. Your post here is but one of literally hundreds which recount the exact same or very similar experience with these harpies. I wish you personally the best of luck, despite strongly opposing your cause.

    Your company, by the way, sits in a niche which many would consider SJW by nature, or very close. No doubt your database would include vast quantities of their listing and postings, but to the casual anti-SJW observer, this is an amusingly public internal battle. As is commonly said, the left eats its own.

    Good luck.

  • Cyberwulf

    Okay, one last time and I’m out: Gamergate began as a harassment campaign against Zoe Quinn when her bitter ex posted a long rambling screed against her and sicced an internet mob on her. Two years later they’re still howling and libelling her. You want to be part of that? You want to paint a harassment victim as a lying bitch who made it all up for attention and monies? Congratulations, you’ve become the people who bullied you. Get the real facts instead of jumping to conclusions.

    • Michael Meier

      You forget the racial hatred she received. How dare you?

      Those woman look extremly shady and instead of offering constructive help and embracing the one project to end all internet trolling they never gave it a chance.

    • l8ter2

      “one last lie and I’m out” he said, then spewed the same narrative that has been disputed even in courts.

    • TheDevilsTowelboy

      No one should really be surprised by you. There’s plenty out there that believe in Scientology or that the Jews were behind 9/11. OK, you’ve said your piece, now go away.

    • alex tarven

      kinda hard to white kinght a person who was incriminated by a friend & prominent cunts on the internet A.K.A Harper. Zoe is no victim. & she made it known this time. Just like she did with T.F.Y.C. & the other projects she has killed. She thrives off the attention & victim dollars.

  • TheDevilsTowelboy

    It needs to be noted that Zoe Quinn actually spoke as an “expert” at the UN to promote UN Women’s “cyberviolence” report –

    • Michael Meier

      I watched recently this brianna Wu who bashed this promising startup just yesterday.

      She bragged about black woman in Tech on the safepoint panel while talking about their head.

      No token minority anymore.
      Here is somebody who needs your help Shireen Mitchell of

      I saw brianna wu talking over your head.

    • Strazdas

      A report that UN later apologized for and turned back for a complete rewrite, actually.

  • Cordovan Splotch

    I’m one of the GamerGaters who seems to have gotten hoodwinked by this campaign against you, and for that I’m sorry. I’m still sceptical of your project until I actually see it finished and hopefully as secure as you say it will be, but I do hope it gets finished and I wish you good luck in your efforts.
    We don’t deserve retribution and I can say for myself that I don’t think any of us expect or hope for it either. As a movement, we’ve been through so much that the few left who are still active have grown somewhat hyper-defensive about their stances.
    We do have a great deal of information on our mutual opponents, which I’m sure will be offered to you in liberal amounts in the weeks to come.

    Enjoy the ride.
    Christian Friis Sørensen

  • Frank Bivens

    I feel that if you could gather your information gather all of your Paper Trails leading to these people that you could bring them to litigation for both defamation and loss of wages.

  • Hahahahaha

    2016 just keeps getting better and better.

    Godspeed, Owens. Degeneracy has a price, as Chelsea Van Valkenburg will soon learn.

    • Michael Meier

      I’m very disappointed in jesse singal who quoted her out of context to portrary the angry black woman sterotype while uncritical accepting the version of Quinn and Harper who to be honest look at the minimum look extremly shady.

  • Sebine

    You mean to tell me you went into this having NO FUCKING CLUE about GG or Hoe Quinn or any of their bullshit?

    I find that hard to believe
    Not impossible

    But hard.

    • Strazdas

      The whole GG thing is actually very much confined to gaming. Pretty much every nongamer i know has no idea what GG or Zoe is.

      • Sebine


        Seems to be a lot more spread around thanks to hoe and anita saying GG is terrorism and rapists and shit

        • nomuru2d

          She fully admitted on Twitter that, until this blowback happened and GG was namedropped, she had no idea what she was getting herself into. No practical experience in social media.

          • Sebine


  • TheDevilsTowelboy

    The unfortunate lesson here is this –

    People like Zoe and Harper earn their living by e-begging about their “harassment” stories – and most people blindly believe them. Until, like you, they get burnt. As does anyone that exercises any degree of skepticism or critical thinking.

    This is the lucrative grievance industry – and it operates very much like a mafioso protection racket. And you are exactly right – you have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

  • Nivek Sirrah

    Welcome to what Gamergate had been dealing with for well over a year. I am terribly sorry you had to go through this. While I am not a supporter and think that your database was not the best of ideas, I can say that I do think your heart and mind was in the right place and was trying to do good.

    No one deserves what you went through. A lot of us in gamergate actually went through things like this. It’s why we supported the fine young capitalists to help get female games made. (something that the very same ZQ tried to get shut down)

    I’m actually interested to see where this goes, they don’t have the normal means of taking you down. (Calling you racists and misogynists as they did to gamers.)

    I do want to say, Gamergate is not your enemy. I know some that agree with you and some that don’t but we all think that what has happened to you and your group is horrible. Just because we disagree dose NOT mean we think something should be destroyed like this.

    I hope your future days are better than these dark ones.

    Good luck!

  • StallChaser

    I would suggest you look up The Fine Young Capitalists, because the harassment you received is very similar. This is a pattern of behavior with Zoe.

    A lesser known incident was the photoshoot.
    The reason I bring it up is the part where she calls her roommate a crazy bitch, won’t let the photographer use the photos, and refuses to give any contact information for the roommate who is supposedly at fault for not allowing the photos to be used. It sounds suspiciously similar to the “anti harassment organizations” that she refuses to name or give information about that are supposedly against SA. It’s because they don’t exist, or if they do, they’re being used as a scapegoat, and allowing contact could only clear things up and expose her lie.

    There are enough completely unrelated people who have had run ins with her, in which her behavior is way too consistent for all of them to have made it up.

  • Parrikle

    I had heard of Social Autopsy shortly after the Kickstarter began, but hadn’t followed it. I have now.

    I am very relieved to see that the Kickstarter was cancelled.

    Setting up a public database with the intent of damaging people’s future careers based on what they may have said online is going to be a risky venture at best, fraught with major moral and ethical issues that need to be worked through. If this is going to be tackled, (and I don’t see how it could ever be made safe enough to be worth tackling) it would need to be handed incredibly carefully.

    My problem is that it wasn’t. Reading this I get the impression that important issues – from basics of internet culture such as doxing through to basic principles of internet security – simply weren’t understood. That there is even consideration of including known minors in the database for an unknown length of time, and to believe that this can be safely managed by automatic software that discovers harassment on its own with no understanding of context, both pretty much cement it for me.

    And then Candace creates a massive conspiracy theory based around Quinn, while seeing “The Ralph Retort” as a fair medium for her views. That’s it for me.

    • Michael Meier

      Maybe the other kickstarters were just too tame and she is too dangerous for the dangerous? The real question is not if social autopsy is ready for the Internet but if the people in power are ready for real change?

      What did heartmob achieve and all the other feel good solutions?
      Do you still want to be happy with bandaids?

      Do you have a problem with the fact that it is a black woman who solved the problem?

      • Parrikle

        Seriously? What you got out of that was that I might be racist?

        • Michael Meier

          Maybe you have internalised it so much you don’t see it.

          • Parrikle

            Or maybe you just enjoy trolling. It could go either way, but the odds seem to be on my side. :)

          • Michael Meier

            Not everybody with a strong opinnion and a will for real change is a troll.

            It is sad when people of the establishment try to call newcomer out for thinking too big.

  • Daniel Wynne

    I came here with a neutral opinion of Candace. I didn’t know who she was, what she did and didn’t care.

    I leave with a low opinion. Why? In all honesty she comes across as a condescending asshole with an over inflated sense of self importance.

    My opinion on Quinn and Harper? Unchanged. I still think they’re are pathetic, self-serving bitches who need the rug pulled out from under them.

    • Michael Meier

      If you would be neutral you wouldn’t perpetuate those angry black woman sterotypes.

      • Daniel Wynne

        When did I mention race?

        I don’t recall mentioning race.

        The only reason you could have taken any racial implications from what I said would be if you yourself had racial bias (aka racism) present in your own mindset before reading my comment.

    • TheDevilsTowelboy

      Spoken like a hero that’s never had the SJW lynch mob come after them. Bravo.

  • Wicked Annie

    For someone who trumpets that they have a degree in English, your grammar, phrasing, and spelling are atrocious. Are you still deleting comments? Perhaps have someone proofread your incoherent stream of paranoid consciousness before posting? Seriously, I think you absolutely started with good intentions, but you did not research bullying online enough – an hour spent online would have turned up Gamergate and the venomous, life threatening harassment that happened to Zoe and Randi. The fact that you didn’t know what doxing is speaks volumes. You do not profess to start an anti-bullying platform without knowing what doxing is – that strays into downright irresponsible and willfully ignorant. You avoided all questions about the technical aspect of your site and the very valid concerns that Randi mentioned to you repeatedly. Randi, however abrasive, gave you excellent tips on increasing site security. You prevaricated about whether or not your site would dox minors. You’ve lost credibility by attacking Zoe and Randi personally, mocking them in a personal manner – you look unprofessional. The piece published about you in New York Magazine today portrays you as defensive, churlish, and hysterical, and that’s how you come off right now. You do not know enough about cyberbullying and harassment to credibly be a spokesperson for a platform that wants to stop it.

    • TheDevilsTowelboy

      //an hour spent online would have turned up Gamergate and the venomous, life threatening harassment that happened to Zoe and Randi//

      And your night job is a stand up comic.

  • Michael Meier

    “African-American and Hispanic internet users are more likely than their white counterparts to experience harassment online. Some 51% of African-American internet users and 54% of Hispanic internet users said they had experienced at least one of the six harassment incidents, compared with 34% of white internet users.”

    You are not alone candace. Reach out for support and help before they ruin your reputation.

  • MonkeyLeader

    I find it funny that the top comments from the ( campaign to stop this kickstarter all have VERY similar wording and structure…. more evidence of a coordinated attack.

    I hope this kickstarter campaign comes back, because NOW I get to vote with my money… and I would love nothing more than a anti-troll website that will out these two cyberbullies for who they really are.

    Funny how two of the most notorious “victims” of cyberbullying have their own cyberbullying sweatshop. No wonder they fear this kickstarter campaign.

  • Raging Papist

    Hello Candice. I’m very sorry to about your run in with Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper. I’m a member of #GamerGate and have been since the beginning with “The Zoe Post” and the “Gamers are Dead” articles. Why I am still part of GG and what it means to me, as it is largely political, is not really relevant to you or your situation.

    But I would like to ask you to consider legal action against “Zoe Quinn”, “Randi Harper”, and any they consorted with relevant to what happened to you. If you still have the emails from them and their colleagues, they just may be held liable for defamation and slander, if this truly was an organized attack. Especially, since their campaign appears to have been (unfortunately) effective. I HIGHLY encourage you to speak with attorneys to see if you have a claim in either civil or criminal law.

    If you do, this would be an extraordinary opportunity to obtain as much “justice” for yourself as possible, as well as provide a voice for those of which Zoe and Randi have been harassed and slandered by for having the audacity of disagreement. It very well may set a precedent for the future to defend children and others from true “online harassment”. Good luck to you and your endeavors.

  • The Snallygaster

    Just a heads-up: whoever gave you the ‘I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!’ and “I CAN RUIN UR LIFE NO ONE LIKES U! LOSER! >:(‘ comments is referencing a years-old obscure in-joke from the troll and hacker community called stop-irc-bullying. If it’s really Zoe Quinn or someone she recruited to upset you, then it’s very likely that she was heavily engaged in online harassment at some point in time.

  • Kathleen Bannan

    That’s a very disturbing story. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all that drama. Hopefully going public puts an end to it for you. While I haven’t followed the gamergate drama very closely for a while, there are something I think you should be aware of that was a big problems back when I was paying close attention:

    There are people that are VERY good at getting your personal information. Here are some sites that helped me understand doxxing and how people get your information:

    Once they have it, people will sometimes do what is called a swatting. There are ways to make it look like someone is calling the police from your phone number where they’ll pretend to be you doing something terrible. That gets the swat team to move out and raid your home. If you see your accurate information being passed around or just get concerned because you’re being targeted, you should call the local police department(non-emergency line) and let them know you’re concerned about being targeted. It’s also a good idea if your information gets out to call local pizza places, food delivery places, etc. and have them verify it’s you trying to place an order so you don’t get 30 pizzas delivered to your door unexpectedly.

    Months ago I went around to many of the sites in the last link and asked to be removed from their databases. It’s not something I ever gave them so I’m not exactly sure where they got my information but I definitely didn’t want it up there in case I angered anyone.

    Some of these people are nuts. Absolutely insane, unreasonable, “someone was mean to me so I’m justified in telling people to set themselves on fire or trying to ruin the rest of their lives” kinds of crazy. Be safe and best of luck!


    This article is extremely damaging to brand reputation, sensitive egos wont like this at all. If what is depicted here is true, and I have no reason to believe it isn’t. Then Quinn and Harper potentially issued racist threats via anon email accounts, but also stirred online communities to harass a competitor (an African American female by the way) out of “their” industry. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the exact thing that they’ve built their careers around? Giving lectures and speaking out about harassment of women and minorities in the tech world?

    I think you’ll find it is.

    A bully is a bully, it doesn’t matter if you wear a skirt have pink hair and a nose-ring while proclaiming yourself an anti-bullying advocate, you’re a bully if you conduct yourself in the manner depicted here. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour.

    I hope you get your site up and running, and that it helps people acting in the way Quinn and Harper have to seriously consider their actions and motives going forward.

  • Wavinator

    Candace, I am deeply opposed to keeping lists of citizens who have committed no crime. Those who are threatening should be prosecuted, but lists of people who are sad enough to use hate speech only means that you’ll have less hateful dentists and lawyers and more hateful gas station attendants and bagging clerks. The answer to hate speech isn’t stifling speech, it’s MORE speech that can examine and dilute it.

    That said, hat’s off to you for quickly seeing through a smokescreen the press and victims rights groups were fooled by. Zoe Quinn has the ear of members of Congress and has had an audience before the United Nations. How does that happen?

    It happens because people blindly believe a narrative copy-pasted by the mainstream press about terrorist gamers who hate women. Meanwhile, the real terrorizers make a profit because their identity is unquestionable!

  • Jim Strathmeyer

    Gamergate was started because her rape victim said something about Zoe that she didn’t like. She thinks harassment is when she can’t stopping people from saying things about her that she doesn’t like. Such as talking about where she works. She considers such information “doxxing”. BTW it’s not even her real name, Zoe Quinn is the pseudonym that Chelsea Van Valkenburg uses while she is sexually harassing people.

  • Macavity

    While I applaud the idea of ending online harassment and bullying, I’m not sure that the concepts behind Social Autopsy are the correct manner of handling the matter.

    Frankly, it reminds me too much of a similarly-failed website called Peeple, which was billed as “Yelp for people” (and if you’re even passing familiar with Yelp’s reputation, you’ll understand why Peeple was a very bad idea).

    That said, the evidence you’ve presented here is… eye-opening, to say the least. Particularly the fact that not only was the hate-mail you received directed to a relatively private email that you tend not to give out, but that it only started after your conversation with Ms. Quinn – and that it stopped rather abruptly after you announced plans to go public with said emails.

    I wouldn’t call it a smoking gun myself, but it certainly is rather suspicious to say the very least.

  • paulmd199

    It’s fascinating to watch how messages are handled.

    • paulmd199

      One removed by admin, 2 “detected as spam”. Someone’s kinda sensitive. Funny thing is, I’ve remained polite and have posted no spam.

      Another way to subvert the system is to abuse the abuse system itself. Flagging attacks. All part of the game.

      • GethN7

        The opposed to GamerGate side removes all comments that don’t toe their line all the time, throwing stones in glass houses is hypocritical, to say the least.

  • Metta Mudita

    Thanks for the mention! If you’d like to learn more about the “real” reason so many people have been so critical of your Social Autopsy idea, please read my article closely:

  • Desmond72

    Good read here. We wrestling fans have a chant for Quinn and Harps in times like this…..
    “You F%*k UP!” “You F%*k UP!” “You F%*k UP!”

  • Gamergater #7230

    And so it begins…

    • exposethebad

      Wow. Just when I thought I had seen the absolute epitome of horrendous fact checking via those “journalists” I am corrected.

    • Philip Weigel

      That was fast.

    • Peeg
    • PixelBuff

      >Jesse Singal
      Into the trash it goes!

      • Cole Pram

        It is a trash article, but it clearly demonstrates how these “journalist” have each others backs. They are colluding to push narratives and use their platforms to protect people in their cliques. Pretty soon you’ll see dozens of articles down playing any involvement Quinn might have while painting Candace as just another cis-white-male GamerGate harasser.

        • TrollingThunder

          That’s the sad truth of it. I hope that Candace has thick skin and is ready for what’s coming, because I’m certain that she’s going to get defamed all over the internet because of this. That’s the tactic that these people use, they are relentless and brutal and will do anything in their power to destroy Candace personally. Not Social Autopsy, because that’s now a secondary goal to them. Candace herself has been branded a heretic by the cult, and they are going to pile it on until either she breaks or joins them.

    • alex tarven

      Jesus christ. They work fast. Gotta spin the narrative A.S.A.P before no one buy their bullshit.

  • BaldwinBravo

    I admit I had concerns about SA initially, specifically re doxing. But the explanations provided to Zoe Quinn seem quite reasonable.
    Quinn and Harper are protecting themselves from being exposed as the very bullies some of us have always known them to be.

  • Ebola-Chan✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘᶰᵗ

    I’m still somewhat against Social Autopsy because of the fact that I see too many fake screenshots. It’s extremely easy to take what someone said and edit it before taking screenshots. It’d be better if you used archives rather than screenshots because those can’t be faked so easily. I am sorry that you had to deal with what a lot of other people dealt with. Zoe Quinn used to be a part of Helldump, a sub-forum dedicated to ruining the lives of people that they deemed to be bad. They even went as far as bullying someone to the point of suicide.

  • KuroiAmaterasu

    :”Severely stockholmed”?

    • Macavity

      I suspect it’s a reference to “Stockholm Syndrome”, a psychological condition where someone taken hostage becomes sympathetic to the person (or persons) holding them hostage, sometimes to the point of being willing to render material assistance to them.

  • JuniperBreeze

    I’m actually 50/50 on SA in general, but I’ll admit that I have no idea how somebody who claims to want to ‘stop cyberbullying’ doesn’t know about doxxing, gamergate, or any of the rest, and acts like her complete lack of knowledge of the current environment of the internet and cyberbullying is somehow a benefit.

    The fact that you used to work in Wall Street and now have decided to start another business, yay. Good for you. The fact that you know two children who you’ve babysat (Uh, yay?) is… good?

    That doesn’t do much to talk about the constant harassment that women get online. I was at a conference once where, when the one female speaker got up, trolls flooded the conference hashtag with photoshopped pictures of porn. I’ve had people on anonymous accounts tell me that they were going to find me, stab me, and rape me.

    I’m a little confused how, exactly, you would link these things to their actual names and workplaces, and how you’d protect against false positives or having trolls turn it around and make fake accounts and have it work. Is this primarily aimed at students who are being bullied on the internet by people they know?

    I just don’t feel like it’s been terribly thought out well.

    • edtastic

      “That doesn’t do much to talk about the constant harassment that women get online.”

      You need to stop conflating activist and journalist with women in general. So much of this conversation about online harassment has been coopted by a small elite using it to silence public dissent. Quite often that elite consist of those with more voice than 99.9% of those online. Making harassment about journalist and activist who don’t what trolls in their mentions instead of school kids trying to survive bullying shows how misguided social justice has become in the hands of the privileged. Seriously it’s not about you or your conference hashtags. If you want less trolling against activists/journalist hosting these events you might want to open up the conversation on these topics instead of dictating to the masses from positions of relative privilege.

      • Michael Meier

        If you come from a wealthy background you can affort to wait until heartmob has an effect but like with #BlackLifesMatter the victims who receive that much harassement can not affort to wait they want real change now like social autopsy even if it is radical.

        Privileged activist without Owens personal experience of systemic opression can just not relate to it.

        • Strazdas

          You mean the victims that BLM harassed? because BLM has done nothing but harass people in their existence.

          • Michael Meier

            Candace will be what BLM should have been.

          • Michael Meier

            Judge people by their actions not labels.

          • Strazdas

            I am judging BLM advocates by their actions – namely their attempts to attack and harass multiple people and their racism.

  • James May Not

    …this is crazy as hell.

    Somehow unsurprising, though.

  • Philip Weigel

    I’m going to say this, your intentions of stopping the next generation from trolling might seem noble, and it does, but the problem isn’t even just the criminals that can use this information on a single database to find people and do bad things to them…

    The fact that you’d share this information with schools and business owners is what I have a problem with. In effect, you’re creating a worker blacklist saying “don’t hire this person because of this”. Thus you’re trying to “correct speech” people have.

    That’s one of the issues that people have with political correctness and the Social Justice Warriors it spawns.

    Road to hell is paved with good intentions is a saying for a reason.

    By doing this, you are causing people to restrict what they say and do, a form of censorship, but the internet is founded on complete and total freedom of speech.

    Yes, that speech can be offensive, nasty and downright terrible. But it’s a necessary evil. Who determines what speech is acceptable if not all of it? And what’s acceptable today may not be acceptable in a few years.

    That’s all I can say on this. This is why I was against the Social Autopsy project from the start. I never sent you a harassing email or comment though, just a FYI.

  • Throwingrocks

    Good luck. In both endeavors – you’re going to need it.

    And much as I hate to say it, you really should use the “Race Card” like it’s Donald Trump’s Visa and you have a signed contact saying “Candace Owens is permitted to use this card for any purchase she desires.” You need to go to town with that narrative – a bunch of white, middle class “feminists” are engaging in a campaign of targeted harassment at you, a “poor African-American woman” who had to work as a nanny just to get an education.

    Maybe doing that would shock the normies (ie: people who are like you were before you ran into Zoe Quinn, and who have the appropriate response when seeing the name Zoe Quinn. “Who?”) in mainstream journalism into actually trying to research this instead of just copy-paste the narrative of “You opposed Zoe, you are in the wrong.” that she’s managed to get the Games Media to run with, and as mainstream media is lazy as all hell (and don’t have nearly as much funding as they used to) they just copy-paste what Games Media says. Maybe if you slap them with the “Race Card” a few dozen times, they’ll actually do their damned jobs.

    (i know, i know – and maybe i’ll wake up tomorrow and have a pony in my backyard.)

  • Moofinator

    A thing to consider.
    It doesn’t matter if you’re neutral or pro-Gamergate. If you aren’t on Zoe or Randi’s bus, they’ll go after you like wild beasts.

    As somebody who was in Gamergate since the start, I have no animosity towards you as until the twitter madness even started, I had never even heard of you.

    Those two quite literally tried to drag you into the same hole they put us into.

    I am not your enemy and I don’t see you as one either. I want your voice to be heard just as much as mine.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      I often see people like that going after neutrals the worst, claiming if they don’t join
      ‘their’ side that they are part of the problem. Most people don’t give a flying fuck about GG but does that mean I go after them and tell them they HAVE to be in GG if they want to talk to me?

      No, because that would be stupid and forcing my interest onto them. Anti’s however try to play a game in which if you are not on their level than you are automatically a bad guy and this is something that stretches out past GG and more into anything that SJWs touch. It’s on of the reason some people are scare of them (if they are worried about being doxxed or whatever) but why a lot of people just don’t like them. They INVALIDATE the fuck out of people who don’t line up with them exactly and it gets EXHAUSTING. They make being a ‘good person’ a chore and it’s not as if you’re going about doing things that actually improve people. The only thing you do is walk on eggs to make THEM happy. It’s not about everyone as a whole but rather what other people can do to make their lives easier.

  • Prof. Faust

    “Cyber-harassment” I get, but “cyber-terrorism“? That’s rather inflammatory, don’t you think?

    When you complained Zoe’s suggestion was “ego-manaical,” were you indulging in a wee bit of irony, or was there something in her intonation that made the delivery odd? I mean, the kind of balls someone would need swinging between his legs in order to question you, of all people.

    Let us not oversell our grievances just because we feel slighted. These unpleasant people prey upon the negative emotional states of their victims. Deny them emotional release by denying your emotional response to them. The last thing anyone needs is to shoot herself in the foot by losing all sense of proportion and prosecuting a vendetta.

    The facts speak for themselves. It is enough to state the facts without editorializing.

  • Blightness

    Ah, you’re finally learning.

  • Pepper

    Here was the problem I had with the project. If a minor’s information is online, it means that a pedophile could look up the information and use it to get to those people. It feels like the project is so short sighted. You want to post information on kids who say terrible shit online but would not be able to go through with the threat since they say dumb shit. I see now that it’s to show them that there isn’t a freedom of consequence for saying horrible things. However, I feel the way you’re going at it will put the child’s life in danger by actual dangerous criminals. If you could find a way around that (like finding the parent of the child and then reporting to them of the shit their child is saying), that would allow the parent to deal with the situation. Otherwise, its dangerous.

    Other than that, good luck dealing with the media slander coming your way. Those who defy Quinn and the blue whale will always be slandered for disagreeing with them which is the very definition of harassment.

  • Spectre06 Gaming

    It is likely you did not suffer harassment from members of the “GamerGate” community. Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper are absolutely abysmal people, up there with Anita Sarkeesian. They make a living off of claiming being the victims of abuse, but both are notorious for sicking their sycophants onto people, and claiming victimhood after. Just look at Randi Harper, a woman who was told by an open source coding community to remove any mention of them as being affiliated with her, because she is toxic.

    And this would have been a way to DOX people. There would have been a significant amount of people out there, waiting to put up people like Randi Harper and others, simply because it was anonymous.

  • GethN7

    Ms. Owens, I confess, I have many grave reservation about the spirit,intention, and practical application of your notional service, but regardless, you have correctly identified the true source of your harassment, and I only pray that it ceases.

  • Italy GG

    Here’s a really concise explanation:
    There’s a clique on twitter profiting off claiming there is a boogieman in their wardrobe out to kill them. Your project would turn on the light in that wardrobe and show everyone there’s nobody in there, and their flow of victim bucks would drain up.

    As for your project, my 2cents: all citizen have the right to due process and are innocent until a court of law says differently. If your goal is to frame people as harassers w/o a verdict saying so, I will oppose it. If you just want a list of convicted criminals, I think it’s ok (but I believe police already have those lists publicly available).

  • Benjamin Peters

    I know you’re getting inundated with messages and information, Candance, but I think it’s important for you to look into The Fine Young Capitalists incident. It’s what more or less lead to the formation of #GamerGate, and that situation sounds exactly like your own. And guess what, Zoe Quinn was behind that controversy as well.

    If you want to understand Zoe, and Gamergate as a whole, look into what caused the incident with The Fine Young Capitalists game jam and the game media coverage of it when Zoe was exposed. They backed her completely, and tried to bury all of the evidence that she was harassing, DDOSing, and faking her victimhood to garner support.

    Though most members of #GamerGate may disagree fundamentally with your project, we aren’t against you personally or your fight against the snakeoil salesmen like Zoe and Harper.

    • Clayton Weaver

      I had reported it on KS because stupid misconceptions I had from the campaign video. I’ve since emailed 180, apologized for such an ass move, and even pledged to donate if they launch it again. My concerns about it were put to rest when watching her interview with TheRalphRetort.

      • Benjamin Peters

        I’m still completely against the project, I’m not going to support it. I think Candace is good people, but misguided on this project. Though I will applaud her efforts of thoroughly going through the possible problems for it and she is really working hard on making something that functions, so I give her mad props for that.

        But the problem arises when anyone puts themselves in a position of moral authority. What she may consider dangerous may be wildly different than what is acceptable to others, and vice versa. And at the end of the day, it will always be a potential weapon that can be corrupted for use against unpopular opinions.

        But we do have the double edged sword of anonymity here that we can see is being used by wretched people like Zoe and Randi. There are ways to see past this sort of coordinated attack to see who is behind it, as we see Candace did perfectly well here. The problem is that the media doesn’t do any sort of investigating and they know shit about the internet. And it shows how they’ve reported on both #GamerGate and this.

        • Clayton Weaver

          I fully support it. She is doing something right if it has Zoe and Randi scared.

      • Anon

        You’re an idiot then,

        • Clayton Weaver

          Says the faceless anon that can’t even be bothered to use proper punctuation.

  • thomin

    Candace: I’ve been involved with GamerGate from the start and just like you won’t endorse GamerGate, I won’t endorse your start-up, because I still do see harm in it.

    Having said that, I think that we are still on the same side of this issue. What you have glimpsed at here is exactly what GamerGate has faced for over a year now. It may be shocking to you, but everyone in GamerGate knows that being a professional victim is a business. I’m sad you had to find out this way. Zoe and Randi have a history of harassment of the worst sort, Zoe even came down hard on a forum for depressive young men only to play herself up as a victim and get some press for her “game” Depression Quest.

    Everybody who has a quick neutral look at what these people do can see this. Unfortunately, this takes effort and a public that is more interested in virtue signaling than actual action goes with the narrative that “feels right”: Women can only be the victim and whoever denies it is an evil misogynist. The Wikipedia article you read is a case in point.

    The unfortunate reality is, that you as a minority woman with a history of being bullied has less chance of being believed than these two white con-artists. Their narrative is simply more sexy. Everybody wants their beliefs confirmed that the Western World is sexist to the core, that gamers are evil and racist and that they don’t want women amongst themselves. It’s an insane narrative, but it works. It gets you clicks, ratings, advertisers, donors, etc. And it makes those peddling the narrative look like white knights, fighting the good fight. And most importantly, it is simple, you can tell it in 2 minute segments or 140 characters at a time.

    Perception is everything. And as bad as the experience was for you, in a way I’m glad that someone from the outside, who would usually immediately take the anti-GamerGate position and think we’re all basement dwelling misogynists, saw the ugly truth behind the victimhood business which is not only shameful and ruthless, but also harms real victims by muddying the water. People who have been dealing with this crap for so long naturally tend to assume fraud behind every new victim that comes forward.

    I’m sorry for your experiences, but the more this sort of thing happens, the faster frauds like Zoe or Randi will be uncovered in the public eye.
    Oh, did I mention that Zoe spoke at the UN for victims of cyber bullying? That’s just like giving Saudi Arabia the chair in the human rights committee…oh…wait…

    • Voiced

      Well, to clarify, it UN Women, not the actual UN. Even though it’s one of their branches, it’s still important to note.

  • AdamOS

    I’m noticing what look like alot of sock puppet accounts, probably from the Quinnster and The Harpi herself. I don’t agree with 180’s agressive policy of cutting out comments that don’t agree though. I would like to see all opinions that are intention on debate and discussion and i would like for all opinions to be put down or raised up by a group of my peers. We need to b critical for everything, nothing is above it.

    • Trickle_Down

      I really don’t give a shit what Randi’s 50 twitter sockpuppet accounts have to say.

      • AdamOS

        Agreed, but there are people who have genuine disagreements who i think it doesn’t do them service to be ignored. Cracked did the same thing when they put up their first quinn article and took down all comments contrary to the narrative they wanted.

  • Clayton Weaver

    It has been truly entertaining to watch all these trolls fall over themselves. I’m astounded by the people who obviously missed your TheRalphRetort interview where you stated this was for employer use and not public use. Yet I see people still whining about the public ramifications. I also see where people ignore that, in this very letter, you state that the information is public on their profiles to where if a person knows your name they can easily Google it and find the same information with some effort of actually looking.

    It’s fun to watch those who claim to be civil and intellectual write “open letters” and replies filled with childish cursing and pathetic attacks. I hope SocialAutopsy launches and I hope you choose a secondary way to get funding so I can donate. It will be fun to watch them squirm knowing they will be held accountable for their two years of lying about GamerGate and playing the victim.

  • Ratchet

    The difficult thing you’re going to come across is the mainstream media often pander to these people and match with their agendas, and I’ll prove it right here. Look at your first impression of GamerGate. It wasn’t what, at least from my experience, the majority of people involved believe it to be – a move for better, more ethical games journalism, but a horrid, vicious hate group, an internet bogeyman that stalked the interwebs in search of woman to harass. That was your impression of it, and the same thing will happen to Social Autopsy. People completely out of the loop will see it as “that site that wanted to dox kids”, because they fed into the media’s lies. Honestly, I’m disappointed that, after having the same tactics thrown at them, GamerGate fed into it just as easily, and I include myself in that as well. However, unlike Anti-GG, I’m willing to accept where I’m wrong, and while I can;t say I fully comprehend Social Autopsy, I intend to view it with a more open mind from now on.

    To get back on point though. You’re going to have to fight the media at large as these people have influence everywhere. Google, the UN, all of the above. Obviously, it starts by circulating the facts, and although I am just one person, I’m intending to help that along by sharing this article. If we all do it, we’ll get it noticed. This is winnable, it definitely is. You just have to stick with it, and accept that you’re constantly going to have to bat down lies and mistruths spread about what your company is every day to stop these people from getting their way.

  • tantalus888

    I’m sorry you had to be exposed to the worst of the Internet. Zoe and her ilk are the worst kind of terrorist. Best of luck with your site.

  • EJ Spurrell

    Real talk:

    I don’t know if I can stand with you on Social Autopsy. It goes against my principals to publish contact information for people who have not given me leave to, and I am concerned of the impact it could have on people’s lives.

    If it’s simply people who send threats, I can look the other way. But too often lately I’ve seen people brought to court for doing as little as disagreeing with progressives over Twitter (such as the Gregory Allan Elliott case in Canada recently.)

    However, I was also a big supporter of the #GamerGate hashtag (which, to me, was always just a way of passing information about possible corruption in video game media & beyond), and I fought when I was labeled a harasser (something that, again, goes against my principles.) And I grew more and more frustrated when groups such as Women Action Media revealed that “harassment” from GamerGate users amounts to 0.6% of the whole, that the other 99.4% of people using the hashtag were thrown into the pit with them, so I naturally stood against it. I have met a great many GamerGate supporters.

    Not one of them has ever advocated for harassment, and a great many of us believed it was all coming from false flag attacks in order to support the Patreon accounts of Harper, Quinn and even Wu.

    This article has caused me to feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from me.

    I still have concerns about Social Autopsy, but if you’re going to dig into the truth behind what’s been happening around and to GamerGate, then I’m going to listen.

  • Elizabeth

    Although, I still have a thousand questions on how your project would work, I do see what Quinn has done as disgusting, yet not surprising. I did a whole thesis on #Gamergate a while back and did find what happened to her appalling, but she has seemed to have harnessed the attackers to be her own minions of hate. You direct blind hate in the direction you want, you have yourself an army and do whatever you want.

    Hopefully you can find a way to prove what has happened as well as better explain your project when you are able to get it up and running. The fear of employers, family members, etc seeing what I put online as “private” is still there–even as someone who would never cyberbully…or bully anyone for that matter.

    Good luck.

  • Captain Hero

    Watching that interview between you and Ralph confirmed my suspicions. When I saw their opinions on your site, I knew they had other reasons. They are probably crapping their pants over your site. Those two women are snakes. And professional victims.

    You just stepped into an alien world. Just sayin’.

  • paulmd199

    Subversion of systems. Another fun topic. To begin to subvert, you must first understand how a system works. A simple challenge and response to start.

    Where do SA admins draw the line in determining abuse? It turns out, very aggressively. For one, they don’t like criticism much. Removing such mild mannered posts as this, while leaving the response suggests the cuss words weren’t the problem… that leaves the criticism.

    The more aggressive the cut, the easier to abuse for doxxing.

  • JackDandy


  • Enneandria

    notice how theyre all male misogynistic gamers rofl. it seems like zoes obvious facade doesnt put on a good falsetto. glad u caught on Candice its nice to see that the victim narrative isnt lost on everyone.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      That’s what I noticed; things were TOO perfect with all of this since it played into what Quinn and Harper always cry about who attacks them.

      That and the fact that the domain names and the way they used their threats screamed more of someone trying to pretend to be someone else.

    • Wavinator

      When Sarkeesian published her Tumblr “24 hours of harassment” (which consisted of such horrors as “you suck”) the accounts at least were varied, including men AND women gamers who wanted to be e-famous. The media ate it up nonetheless, sadly.

  • Fair Use

    The dream of accountability is tarnished by those who professionally “game” our best accountability systems. If it helps anyone reading this comment, it’s not possible to shut down Bitcoin donations. (Not to my knowledge.) Like cash in the mattress, it’s nearly impossible to seize and difficult to trace, except for law enforcement. See paper wallets. Easy to spend on tech at NewEgg and other sites. Surprisingly easy to convert to cash as needed. Easy to steal off of computers, so don’t store them there. “Her and Zoe” should be “she and Zoe.” Your boobs are perfectly fine. Why do I have to keep saying that? Rich guys prefer them smaller. Little known fact.

  • grannygood

    Wow there is so much wrong here and so much that is actually slanderous. I am sorry that you didn’t get funding for your kickstarter and that you are hurt that people pointed out that your website was basically paid doxxing and had issues. But the very fact that you claim to be experts at online harassment and your company is all about dealing with it and you don’t even know what gamergate and Zoe Quinn is really a huge indicator that the concerns about your company’s abilities are valid. I have news for you, anyone can get your email. The fact that you think Zoe personally lead some attack on you show a complete and underlack of understanding of how doxxing works, you know the very thing you claim your company can deal with.

    The fact that inspite of having no support for your assertion you have decided to attack and blame a person that actually was the victim of the behaviour you claim to want to prevent is very worrying. I am glad your kickstarter failed and I hope that you actually educate yourself about online bully before smearing people but since you already felt you should make a business out it with no knowledge I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  • QuothTheRaven

    So… I see a lot of complaining about Zoe Quinn, and in some places you veer into writing fanfic about her (which is REALLY weird), but I see pretty much nothing to rebut the criticisms that people (in and out of GG) have about Social Autopsy. As it stands it seems like you’re on your way to creating the next Peeple, which is to say a well-intentioned idea with horrific implications to anyone who understands how the internet actually works. Your reactions to criticisms have been just bizarre at times, and this article seems to continue a trend of grabbing hold of basically anything other than the substance of criticisms.

    I don’t have an opinion of Zoe Quinn one way or the other. It’s one of those things where people have muddied the waters so much that there’s zero hope of actually sorting out the truth, so maybe you should set that matter aside and look at what people who don’t make other people insane are saying about it.

  • Brother AbdulMajeed

    What are those two things with coloured hair in the picture?

    • Voiced

      The one on the right is Zoe Quinn. The one on the left is Alex Lifschitz, her (current? former? hard to say) boy toy she has wrapped around her finger.

      • Cosmic Squid Queen

        Are you SERIOUS?

        • Trickle_Down

          You know why these white knight types get so triggered when poltards call them “cucks”? Because many of them are literal cucks. Also, see Jake Rapp.

        • Voiced

          Completely, dead serious.

      • Strazdas

        I recognized Zoe but thats Alex? wow.

  • richardpwnsner

    You need a crash course in the internets. I suggest skimming through Encyclopedia Dramatica and Know Your Meme, then revisiting some of your deductions.


  • AdamOS

    If you want proof about Zoe Quinn, look at the comments. And no i’m not refering even to the content of the comments but the names. Look at everyone’s names. There is very little people willing to use their names out of fear of her. She has created a culture of fear and raised an army of zealots to fight for her. Fuck that.

    I get your system isn’t perfect but there’s good solid intent there, and it’s clear that you are looking for all the measures you can put in place to keep things safe. I don’t agree with your methods but i love your message. I identify as a supporter of GG and i support your message of understanding and your intent to make the internet safer for people. You are facing a culture of false victims used to getting and doing as they please because of a corrupt media narrative that was bent around them. And it’s been like that for years finally culminating in a culture war.

    Fight the good fight, and fuck the people claiming to represent anyone but themselves. I can also say confidently that this article has garnered alot of support within the Gamergate community, so far as i have seen anyway, there’s humming and hawing about the idea because of the potential abuses(even with safety measures in mind), but you as a person, people can get behind and whatever idea’s and campaigns that follow will be met with fairness and understanding as is what you deserve. Peace Out.

    • Bobby Obvious

      I agree. Look at every thread started on, 4chan, etc in that short window after Zoe threatened. Look at the upvotes and the positive comments. Look for patterns in the naming for accounts (including emails and Twitter). Look for patterns in the writing (Randi screwed up in the past – impersonated her son, if you can believe that). My guess is that a number of sock-puppet accounts will be exposed. I’m wondering how many of them are owned directly by Zoe and Randi.

      I admit that I’m skeptical of SA and I was definitely skeptical that you had proof of Zoe and Randi’s involvement. I now believe you on the latter. They were probably worried that they themselves would be exposed once their anonymous accounts would be investigated. She knew their names and juussssttt didn’t want to report them…yeah, right.

      In some sense, I shouldn’t be surprised given the history with FYC.

  • paulmd199

    Gamergate in a nutshell…. Gamergators versus social justice warriors.

    SJWs like to create save spaces where no one says mean things to one another. Rainbows and unicorns, bonus points for rainbow flags and coexist bumper stickers. Gamergators gen’lly the opposite… they like to say mean things because they can. Bonus points for being racist, bigoted, sexist or homophobic.

    It’s almost Pavlovian… criticize one set, and get the other set praising you. Criticize the other, same thing. Tell them they’re both assholes, they’ll double team.

    They almost can’t help it. Both tend to stomp on you when you try to argue with them.

    It’s what extremists do.

    • Siriuss Blackk

      hmmnope, i dislike the SJW/feminist narrative of safe spaces and other BS and i feel offensive language should be acceptable, that doesn’t mean i’m not civil or that i’m racist, sexist or homophobic

    • Trickle_Down

      Picture of paulmd199:

      • paulmd199

        You forgot my ISIS tattoo, but otherwise, not a bad use of a recycled pic yo found off the interwebz.

        • Trickle_Down

          Aw, thanks. I’d complement you, but even as SJW meatpuppets go, you’re mediocre.

          • paulmd199

            That isis thing is only half a joke.

    • Gamergater #7230

      *sigh* Don’t listen to him Candace, the gaming community are the most tolerant, accepting and diverse demographic you will ever come across. Paul’s description of the #Gamergate community is completely alien to me.

  • Jak Constantine

    Great post. You should talk to The Fine Young Capitalists, they were treated the same way by Zoe Quinn. Also Mike Cernovich, he got doxxed and almost swatted by Zoe Quinn.

  • exposethebad


    You may be confused as to why such a project (especially in its infancy) would draw out such horrendous behavior from a select group of, albeit, a few people or a group. In this case it has one connected reason and that is money. These individuals, quite literally, have made a large amount and large amounts of monies off of playing the victim in many cases and fabricating stories which fit their agenda(s).

    I won’t rehash you on such issues as you are, obviously, an educated woman with a clear understanding on being able to discern what from what in terms of behaviors and can easily do the research on your own. So for me to leave you the long track record connected to these individuals and groups would be an insult to your own abilities to research information and make your own judgments about them.

    That being said and to the point – your project undoubtedly directly threatens such things as it would cut off their ability to effectively play victim and would allow potential investors and/or supporters to trace the actions back to the source which would, again undoubtedly, be the same people who are making the claims. In many ways you are the perfect storm to take on such a situation as you are (to put it candidly) black and a woman which, in the eyes of the ridiculous agenda machine, rank (as appalling as that sounds) above their woeful attempts.

    I do wish you the best of luck with both the project and your future endeavors. You should, however, expect to see more of these “odd” and random occurrences take place from various accounts. Sooner or later they will realize it won’t phase you and they will likely move into their next and only remaining option which will be the very heart of the gamer gate issue – the abuse of journalistic integrity. So be on the lookout for articles beginning to spring up from specific sites which may come down on you/your project.

    Given the information you posted and given the large amount of information you have collected I would (highly) recommend looking into a libel suit as the admission from Harper and her statements undoubtedly constitute a malicious intent. Add that to the other information and a civil suit would likely be acceptable. I would also recommend contacting your local/regional civil rights leadership over the “nigger” comments. Such accounts can easily be tracked to their sources. I myself can do it so I am sure those other entities can (and will) do it to help with your information gathering.

    I wish you well.

    • Voiced

      I would second this last paragraph. You can definitely prove damages to your business and can definitely prove malicious intent with her medium post.

      • exposethebad

        Absolutely correct. The exact words used in her statements show a clear malicious intent to a reasonable person. Not to mention the burden to show intent is much less in a civil scenario so it really would be the wise choice. In fact I see it as the only choice considering the players involved and their track records.

  • Barbara H

    No one is going to cover your harassment by Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper.

    Just look at the mind boggling amount of lying the media has done about Alison Rapp. While working for the leading kids gaming company in the world Alision Rap:

    * Was an child pornography advocate
    * Bragged and joked about her child pornography view on Twitter
    * Worked as bargain bin prostitute
    * Wrote disgusting child rape fiction involving movie and video game characters
    * Posed with Nintendo gaming gear in her online ‘erotic’ pictures.

    All that and the media is still desperately trying to either bury the story or claim Rapp is a feminist hero.

    Zoe Quinn’s vicious online harassment of others and her history of doxing have been known and documented for two years now and the media will not cover it. They are 100 percent invested in the Zoe Quinn Victim Narrative.

    Randi Harper was kicked out of the FreeBSD community for harassment of the project’s developers and yet she is still being held up by the media as an ‘anti-bullying expert’.

    No one is going to touch Zoe Quinn and Randi Harpers harassment of you. No one. The articles are already coming out smearing you and trying to paint them as The Victims.

    • Barbara H

      I would love to see the day where the media finally reports on Zoe Quinn:

      * Her history of being a member of doxing/harassment communities and bragging about it

      * Her sickening attack on the Wizardchan depression board

      * Her supposed attempt to use the death of Robin Williams to promote her junk game

      * Her and Randi Harpers sham non-profits

      Every single person in the media knows their careers are over if they dare step outside the Feminist Victim Narrative. There is zero incentive for any reporter to do the investigative work the massive Professional Victim culture desperately needs.

    • hurin

      If Alison Rapp had a Wikipedia page it would just repeat the media narrative that she dindu nuffin, and Kiwifarms unearthing how she was in fact working as a prostitute and had been defending an actual pedophile would be deemed unreliable sources.

  • paulmd199

    It’s always like this. Each side generally pretty viscous to opposition. Each convinced the other is totally evil, whilst both ignore just how petty they themselves are being.

    A third set actually doesn’t care, and is stirring the pot just to stoke the flames.

    Same shit, different assholes.

    • Gamergater #7230

      He’s talking shit, Candace. Read Etherblaze’s testimonial below. It’s much closer to the truth.

  • Etherblaze

    I think your heart’s in the right place. Though I’m not sold on your database and documenting harassers (I can still be completely anonymous and harass and threaten someone). I think you should teach kids and parents about cyberbullying, harassment and how to handle it. I think that might be a better way to use your time & money.

    And I’m a supporter of #GamerGate. This isn’t the first time that Quinn has been a villain. TFYC ran a campaign to get women into games development, which she tried to sabotage. You know how got that funded? Supporters of #GamerGate did. It’s a hashtag created because of the corrupt games media, fellating each other and pulling each other up–people who are friends with Quinn. Gamers and GamerGate were slandered to hell and back by people like Quinn and the media. Now it’s the horrible misogynist, racist, sexist, violent, terrorist boogeyman. There’s a saying going around: “You don’t join GamerGate. You just get thrown into the pile like the rest of us.” If you have opinions that vaguely align with ours, you’re branded as it.

    Ever heard of a bunch of people who want a better gaming press and games be called “worse than ISIS” by journalists? Now you have.

    First thing people look to blame for anything bad now, is “GamerGate”. I assume Quinn was banking on this when she and Harper torpedoed your initiative. They didn’t know you were smarter than that.

    There is a huge cabal of unpleasant people like her and Harper “infesting” the gaming and technology sphere, with the media in full support of them.

  • Brother AbdulMajeed

    The victimbux pie is only so big.

  • Daryl Corey

    Welcome to the Pit Candace it is nice down here when you get used to it. Anyways you met the Crybullies and SJWs got a taste of things. They will get worse the media will probably be slandering you next and so on persevere.

    • Cyberwulf

      Candace, I hope you take note of the term “cry bully”. This is what Gamergater call people who talk publicly about bullying they’ve suffered. Sounds a lot nicer than “snitch”, doesn’t it?

      • Thinaran
        • Cyberwulf

          Yes, it is correct. You’d like to dekude yourselves but that’s exactly how it’s applied. You are the equivalent of the jock who beat you up and threatened you if you told on him.

          • Strazdas

            I think you got it mixed up, youre describing Zoe.

          • ReLiC71

            She’s not a jock. She’s just rather … sturdy.

      • ThePaladin

        Nonsense. You know very well what ‘crybully’ entails. The kind of person who will scream at the top of their lungs about how oppressed they are while doing everything in their power to oppress others.

        Social justice and feminism is full of them. People who do not have the courage of their convictions and more importantly, carry enough guilt that they feel their guilt must never be revealed.

        Your attempt to whitewash the issue won’t pass, I’m afraid. Crybully is a very real term for a very real phenomenon of harasser activists for whom there is always a good target.

  • /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    business as usual for the people you’re criticizing in this article

  • Doge

    Thank you Candace.
    I would suggest watching some @Thunderf00t YT videos and @MargaretsBelly YT videos that discuss the well known (at)FemFreq AKA Anita Sarkeesian… a good friend of Zoe Quinn[not her actual name]. Thunderf00t & MargaretsBelly are good at breaking down much of the victim con going on with Zoe and Anita. A con on the general public that saw them going all the way to the UN to try and shut down speech.

  • Ryan Smith

    Candace- as others have mentioned, if you are serious about continuing to dig, you should do some reading on KotakuInAction. You should get in touch with The Fine Young Capitalists, or at least read about them. You should touch bases with Eron Gjoni.

  • Sammy Whiteley

    oh my god, this is beautiful. They’re really ripping each other apart here. This is more than I could have ever dreamed of!

  • paulmd199

    You’ve barely begun to realize just how badly Socialautopsy could have been subverted. Nor have you yet to realize the standard pattern of things.

    This forum this far is one set of fanbois against another. Variously malicious. Each assured that only their side could hold the truth. It’s the usual pattern.

    “Of course Zoe and Randi are an evil cabal”, “gamergate is misunderstood,” “you are the epitome of all evil”

    It is all 100% bogus. A fight between extremists.

    Best thing you could is not to add to it. Let this cool down, actually study the issues at hand, and if you’re genuine, start over.

    Also, delete this disqus forum. Really delete it, not just remove the link from your main page. It will continue to fester beyond your control.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      Hmmm, someone implying that Quinn and Harper have NEVER done anything shady. Sure that’ll go over well.

    • Gamergater #7230

      He’s full of shit Candace. Don’t worry, you picked the right side.

    • Strazdas

      Pretends to hate both sides – check

      wants Cadence to quit – check

      asks for discussion censorship – check

      Anita is that you?

  • Sera Non

    Look at the top pic. See the guy on the left, sitting in the chair? Just look at his expression. Cosplaying as the Wendy’s mascot has brought him no joy in life.

  • Janet Morris

    That could end badly for Adele.

    • Earl Hapsburg


  • bob

    Damn! Not only that Trump has a good chance of being president, but…….. *this* just happen.

    Think it’s safe to say 2016 has been the most interesting year.

  • catallion

    Just to add a bit of information, not absolutely everything was coordinated by Zoe and/or Randi. On the 13th of April, a person specifically despised by both of them and many other people, spread information about this project to the gamergate community on Twitter. These people were somewhat related to Cathy Young and that blog post that happened around that time, and they were also responsible for the petition against your kickstarter. This is where I first heard about the project as well. This means that gamergate, the group that Zoe “warned” you about, knew about your project a day before you were being hassled her (if I’m reading your described timeline of events correctly). Which in turn would actually help solidify your conclusion that she was the one emailing you anonymously. However I just want to point out that also means she was not the ONLY person, give or take Randi, that was against your project. Some or perhaps even most of the negative responses you got on twitter were not from this anonymous collective of accounts that were all actually the same person. However, it’s interesting that the actual harassment and threats did not happen until you denied Zoe her request for you to cancel. This only further helps show that gamergate for the most part doesn’t actually mindlessly harrass people they disagree with. This has been a very interesting event to follow to say the least.

    • Michael Meier

      So gamergate knew a day before it but the harassement started 40 minutes after zoe got the mail?

      • ExiledV2

        The whole internet knew a day before it. Check out the thread on Kiwi Farms, for instance.

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          They might have KNOWN but where was the actual threats against Candance before that moment? That’s what is so odd about the whole thing.

          EVERYONE knew about this, not just GG, EVERYONE. But the trouble only happened in a short span AFTER getting into contact with Quinn and it was a FLOOD. Not like a trickle in; a FLOOD right after giving someone your personal email that they alone should only know. Yeah, Candace came under attack but not from the people that so many would have guessed because they had no way of getting to Candance through a means in which only a few people had known about but ZOE DID.

          There that and the piss-poor attempts in trying to make GG-esque style threats all in a short span of time.

        • Steve Macintyre

          Kiwi Farms is a Something Awful forum. Ergo: Goons, aka trolls of which Zoey Quinn is one of. If anything, this only solidifies the usual goon shenanigans.

          • ExiledV2

            Kiwi Farms stopped being associated with SA a long, long time ago. They despise Quinn; check the thread they have on her there. It’s hella fun. :)

      • exposethebad

        Exactly. Nice try. The bottom line is simplistic:

        1) Material connected to Quinn & Harper – substantial

        2) Material connected to anywhere else – none

        They can try to beat this drum all they wish but the facts, substantiated material, circumstantial material, as well as the admission all track back to Zoe Quinn and Harper.

      • Gamergater #7230

        That’s how it looks, yes :)

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      A lot of people were against SA, not just GG. People who had been bullied before were against it most because the tactics proposed on SA were things that had been used on THEM so it struck a chord with a lot of people.

      Having said all of this, Quinn jumped the gun on this. She jumped the gun by acting too fast after the information was given to her. GG did have the info on a public basis but so did everyone else. It’s just that GG was the larger target to settle upon as the ones to decry because, well, it’s easy. Even with this, Candance insinuates that the real threats only came after getting into contact with Zoe so yes, it is odd. If GG were so deep into this, why didn’t the big stuff come out then, not moments after getting into contact with Quinn? It’s the smoking gun right there but since Quinn can’t shoot for shit, she easily allowed herself to be seen but she continued to try to pass the buck to someone else, even if it was pointless by then.

      The thing I find most disturbing is how Quinn is so used to getting her way and having things shut down that this was her only strategy; cutting everything off and getting the pity for herself. She’s done it before but this time she made a MAJOR slip because I can bet she did not expect Candance to NOT fall for this. Yeah, SA might have been a bad idea but Quinn more or less picked the wrong fight this time considering in the long run, Candance did NOTHING to her to warrant this type of attack but hey, that’s our Quinn!

    • Trickle_Down

      The fact that a personal army request was posted to ggrevolt against this project on the 12th and got nothing more than a shrug is pretty damning for Zoe and her crew. GG’s “evil faction” couldn’t even be bothered with this project, yet whenever Zoe got rebuffed, all of sudden, randos nobody ever heard of start the hate faucet.

      “Crash Override” is probably just Randi’s nickname for her botnet. She always was nothing more than a skiddy (like everyone else in “Anonymous”)

  • Adolf Hitler

    FYI, if your kickstarter goes up again, I will donate a lot of money from some of my resources in Argentina.

    • exposethebad

      “You’ll RUIN EVERYTHING!”

      – Adolf

    • Strazdas

      How are those Nazi gold reserves in Antarctica holding up?

  • Adolf Hitler

    Best of luck in your fight against Gamergate. I hope you succeed in your noble endeavor, so we can end free speech.

  • Michael Meier

    Candace or to the others do you have any research on how disproportionally african americans are target of racist online harassement? Anybody who she could talk to?

  • Adolf Hitler

    This is an amazing idea. I hope this database succeeds because it will finally end the free speech on the internet, and ensure my rise to power!

  • Ashley Lynch

    The only thing you’re a victim of is wading into the murky territory of battling online abuse without even the most cursory research or exploration. The simple fact that you admit you had never heard the term doxing is proof enough that you’re in way over your head. The fact that you got played by Gamergate and somehow conflate that with actual targets of harassment who oppose your poorly planned website shows that you haven’t paid attention or done your homework. I’m not going to fault you for not knowing the ins and outs of gamergate, despite the fact they’ve made many people’s lives hell over the past couple years, but I will fault you for pretending to be an expert on the subject that brings expert solutions to the table — that, you are not. This whole operation IS a trainwreck and it will either continue to fail disastrously, hurting many along the way, or it will fizzle out. I sincerely hope it’s the latter.

  • JCarlHenderson

    I’m writing here as someone who is part of the Gamergate movement—and under my real life name (going counter to the typical Gamergate stereotype).

    Just in case you have not already read this somewhere: there is no organized Gamergate, and it has no leaders. And as such, I can’t speak for Gamergate, this is just my opinion.

    Gamergate is a Hashtag, a loosely-linked movement of people who found themselves fed up with a) lying and unethical journalists, b) a new wave of censorship attempts against video games, and c) the growing influence of what have commonly come to be known as “Social Justice Warriors” on the hobby. Gamergate exploded when what appears to be a coordinated media attack against gamers hit in the last week of August 2014 (the “Gamers are Dead” articles, see ).

    When the news of the Social Autopsy kickstarter hit various Twitter and various pro-Gamergate forums (such as Reddit’s r/KotakuInAction) people were very concerned that the system could be used for “Doxxing”. Gamergaters were especially sensitive to this, because we have often been accused of doxxing our opponents. But to complicate matters further, there is no generally agreed on definition of what “doxxing” is. Is gathering publicly available bits of information (home address, emails, phone number, etc.) on someone and putting them in one place doxxing—or does “doxxing” have to involve outing of a pseudonymous identity? The repeated accusations of “doxxing” against Gamergate have encouraged many in the movement to adopt the broader definition, under which Social Autopsy could fall.

    Many people in Gamergate were opposed to the Social Autopsy, and posted about it and may have written some letters to Kickstarter. The general attitude towards Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper’s opposition to Social Autopsy ran from “well a stopped clock is right twice a day”, to Quinn was afraid of the competition for something she was planning to bring out, or that Quinn and Harper feared their own bullying tactics could become readily available via a third party system they had no control over.

    Though Gamergate has no “members”, I hope it is clear that neither Quinn or Harper are part of the movement.

    I’m sorry you have encountered a firestorm of anger and misinformation reported in the media about your project. I’m also sorry I personally rushed to make a premature judgment about Social Autopsy. While, I do have some issues with what you have proposed, I believe you have every right under US law to create and operate such a site.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      I go with the latter on things, that Quinn and Harper were aware that such a tool getting out could mean that many of their own ‘stories’ could get uot on a larger front and since they have no real control over SA, it would mean they would have to find new ways to cover their tracks or make up new BS cry stories of how any info that could appear on SA was just ‘GG trash troll junk’ or whatever. This makes it all the more clear at how hostile Quinn gets in the later emails, how it sounds like she sees the site as a threat, especially AFTER so many threats were sent. You would THINK that if Quinn weren’t behind this (the emails), the first thing she would do was try to console instead of act so shifty and support this instead of sounding so hostile that it would bring suspicion to her….which it DID.

      The whole issue with the email getting leaked is the trouble spot in all this. You give ONE person who opens themselves up as trusting your email but then suddenly you’re flooded with tons of shitty looking ‘threats’ afterwards. Hmmmm…..either widdle Zoe made a boo-boo and ‘accidentally’ showed the email to all them scary Gaters or she and her friends decided to have a little ‘fun’ by spreading around what would look like GGs. Again, Candance said she had never really looked into GG before all of this and from what little info is often said about it the USUAL thought of the group is being a bunch of immature male gamer nerds right?

      So why not make a bunch of sock accounts that act like that to drive the message home? Too bad Quinn left so many bread crumbs and tried so hard to play up a stereotype that she left herself wide open. It’s like Quinn buying a shitty police Halloween costume from Dollar Tree and then claiming she’s a cop in order to intimidate someone when she left the tags all out for the public to see and catch.

  • ExiledV2

    “A 2 1/2 minute video, of what she perceived to be an unintelligible group of young women talking excitedly about how they were going to “break the internet”.”

    Actually, yes, what you were saying in the video was unintelligible to anyone technically versed in what you are proposing. Databases and analytics don’t break the internet. It was a nice video full of meaningless buzzwords.

    “Because we had switched the verbiage on our campaign last second, a decision I had made personally, to make it more digestible.”

    I’m terribly sorry, but that decision made you look like an airhead idiot.

    “I had never heard her name in my entire life, and hadn’t the slightest inclination as to who, or what Gamergate was.”

    This is actually troubling. You’re working on a project dedicated to Internet anti-harassment…and you’ve never heard of the Gamergate debacle, which has had several news articles written on the subject and which has a Wikipedia entry. It’s pretty much the largest Internet harassment discussion ever, has been for the past 1-2 years…and you’ve never heard of it.

    More on this later.

    “Call me old fashioned, but I live outside of the virtual world and have had to make a living outside of my television set.”

    That’s fine. It also sounds like you didn’t do any research when you decided to step into the business of the virtual world. But more on that later.

    “I had spent the prior 4 years of my life working on Wall street”

    No one cares. Your Wall Street cred is irrelevant on the internet. It’s bullshit. Sorry, but that’s how it works here in the virtual world.

    “I wanted to put an end to the era of internet thugging.”

    You can’t. Sorry. Nothing you do will end it. Some research would have told you this.

    “It is something I’ve genuinely never understood, how people so recklessly utilize the web to invoke terror upon others.”

    Google is your friend!

    “I was somewhat embarrassed that I had missed a scandal which she so pompously assumed I must know, given my campaign.”

    You should feel embarrassed. It shows you didn’t do any research. At all.

    “Not once, ever, in the six weeks of initial feedback from many communities and organizations, had we heard the word “dox”.”

    Considering it has been in use for over a decade on the internet in relation to harassment and the revealing of personal information in harassment, I again have to question your ability to research.

    “We had imagined that if organizations could sign up for SocialAutopsy and tell these young adults that they did “social background checks” on all of their students, students would think twice before hitting the enter button.”

    I’m sorry, but even if the ‘organizations’ you were in touch with loved the idea, that’s a stupid idea. Essentially, you are creating a doxxing database. It’s not a new idea. It’s been done before by trolls themselves, just not publicly. See Kiwi Farms for an example. Or baphomet on 8Chan.

    “We weren’t so quick to assume that everyone in the world would though, so we knew that we first had to launch and actually EXIST first.”

    Or you might have asked people who are actually on the internet, who are involved with this on the internet, and who have experience in this sort of thing. Or heck, even a few programmers or computer scientists.

    “why the hell would they be upset that a third party site knew that they worked at Trader Joe’s?”

    Because trolls will take that information, call up Trader Joe’s, and begin a harassment campaign against that person. For fun. And they will do it for months until the person is fired.

    “Even more: why on earth would a “doxxer” come to our database to find that information when it’s in plain site on the person’s other profiles?”

    Because instead of doing the research themselves, you’ve made it into a nice publicly available package that cuts down the time.

    “Is it a coincidence? That everything Zoe feared for us happened within hours of her warning me it might?”

    No, it’s not a coincidence, but not for the reason you think it is.

    Public notice of your Kickstarter hit Facebook and was being heavily shared hours before Zoe called you. In 2 hours after I saw the first mention of it, it was on every tech site I know. By the time Zoe called you, it was old news.

    That’s how the internet works.

    “My initial suspicion was the Zoe perhaps tipped the gaming community off and they were now coming down on us: hard.”

    No, they knew about it long before Zoe.

    “What stood out to me was the fact that this e-mail came in to my personal e-mail address.”

    Your personal email address is dead fucking easy to suss out. Anyone with a small amount of internet knowledge can do it.

    “My personal e-mail was then signed up for two porn sites, again odd, considering guessing my e-mail address would be an unnatural route for any person to take given the publicity of our campaign.”

    Wrong. Standard trolling tactic.

    “And within minutes, we saw it being circulated on twitter.”

    No shit. You seriously think that Zoe is the only person who knows how to Google?

    “I felt I was under attack by them, and knew Zoe had tipped them off.”

    You have provided no actual proof of that, only your suspicions. And frankly, your suspicions are formed by ignorance of how the internet actually works. If you were actually informed on the internet instead of being a finance wonk, you’d know this.

    “The rumor was that we were creating a site that would “dox” minors.”

    Not a rumor. It’s a very succinct statement of what you’re doing, whether you intended for Social Autopsy to do that or not. But intentions are meaningless in the internet world.

    “Less than 48 hours on Kickstarter, and for certain, we had somehow managed to go viral—but this was an odd instance of viral. We had gone viral within the very niche community of gaming, to which, we had no prior interest or connection to. That isn’t how viral works.”

    No, it’s not an odd instance of viral. It’s exactly how viral works. Please, educate yourself better.

    “In fact, we were viral only within the gamer community. It had somehow been contained, and the lies were growing more and more aggressive with personal shots taken at my character.”

    That statement is a lie. As I said, it was on every tech site I know of within a couple of hours – not just gaming ones.

    “I was labeled a femi-nazi, which really? Had no one read my articles regarding how I hated feminism for the sake of feminism, and lambasting the #freekesha campaign? I was photoshopped to appear anti-Semitic, although I had written once about the Jewish man I once dated, quite favorably. I was labeled a pedophile-supporter, an idiot, you name-it. It was vicious.”

    Again, standard trolling. You’d know this if you researched internet harassment in any way.

    “I have no idea who Randi Lee Harper is.”

    Again, shows you did not research your subject.

    “My boyfriend caught wind of a post from The Ralph Retort, that he labeled “fair”, which was a breath of fresh air from the vermin-like journalistic endeavors that we had seen being exercised thus far.”

    …and you know nothing about The Ralph Retort. Oh Christ, you are definitely ignorant.
    Here, be educated:

    “No, really. That’s a direct quote, and not from any of the children under the age of ten that I once babysat. Yes, it is ironic that within this writing capacity she somehow felt empowered enough to take swipes at my professionalism and intelligence.”

    WELCOME TO HOW WE TALK ON THE INTERNET. Yes, from the point of view of an IT professional, your idea is stupid. It sounds like something a marketing or sales wonk came up while drunk on buzzwords and bullshit. It’s an ignorant idea. It’s a BAD idea. It will not work the way you think it will.

    In fact, if Social Autopsy ever comes to fruition, I guarantee it will end your career (internet or finance) in a most spectacular fashion. It will taint everyone who works on it. The lawsuits themselves will be entertaining. You will be in the midst of it, bewildered and confused as to how this could ever happen when you had such good intentions.

    This is going to go worse for you then it did for Justine Sacco. (You should Google her, by the way.)

    “Why did our kicksktarter campaign get so viciously attacked after 12 hours?”

    Because it was a shitty idea.

    “Why had it gone viral within just one community?”

    It didn’t. It was all over technology. Even Popehat, a free speech advocate, was aware of it.

    “Why were we on reddit, blogs, 4chan, being tweeted every 3 seconds, receiving hate mail, threats, and spam from every direction? ”

    Because that’s where the trolls live. Which you should know, if you know anything about internet harassment.

    “Why had someone taken the time to photoshop my face beside a swatsika?”

    Because that’s what trolls do to everyone.

    “Why had someone called the Tyler Clementi Foundation and asked them why they were supporting an organization that was doxxing minors?”

    Because that’s what trolls do.

    “Why had someone opened a counterfeit Twitter account pretend to be me?”

    Because that’s what trolls do.

    “Why had they started a petition?”

    Because that’s what people who want to start petitions on the internet do.

    “Why had they inundated Kickstarter with e-mails, and why was Randi Harper now penning a piece that was 2,567 words long?””

    Because you gained the attention of the internet, and guess what! No one on the internet thinks you have a good idea!

    “It was a lot for 24 hours. It was too much, in fact.”

    Nope, it’s actually pretty mild for 24 hours.
    Clearly, you don’t know your history of internet harassment or you would be aware of that.

    “One of our twitter followers may have said it best when he offered that “effort takes so much… effort”.”

    It’s actually no effort at all. Yes, I’m being serious.

    “These people (all anonymous I should mention) were not just voicing their opinions, they were spending hours and hours of dedicated time making sure I knew how awful I was and why I had to stop at everything.”

    I don’t understand how you can claim to be so expert on internet harassment and not understand what the trolls do.

    And then you get into the conspiracy bullshit, which I find tedious to quote. So let me get to the meat of the matter.

    There is no cyber-industry for bullying.

    You’ve already admitted that you don’t know the history of internet harassment. You don’t know the facts of Gamergate and the players. You don’t know what Reddit, 4chan, 8chan, Kiwi Farms, or baphomet is. You don’t know anything about the online culture of internet anonymity.

    Here’s some other things you don’t know. The history of trolling on Usenet in the 1990s. Who Serdar Argic is. Flamewars. Net.weenies. Warlording. alt.tasteless. LJDrama. Encyclopedia Dramatica. The Livejournal communities stupid_free and sf_drama. Fandom Wank. /pol/.

    To quote a certain famous series, “You know NOTHING, Jon Snow.”

    No one’s making money of this. It’s being done for the lulz. There’s no cabal run by Quinn and Harper that’s manipulating this. Your attempts to prove it will actually be supported by trolls, with fake evidence being handed to you, manufactured by trolls themselves. And then months into this? They’ll show that you’ve created a paranoid conspiracy theory based on bullshit they created. The trolls think that sort of thing is hilarious; they regularly pull the long con.

    Of course, what I personally find amusing is that even though I tell you this, you won’t believe it.

    Ah well. I guess I’ll have to invest in popcorn futures.

    • Trickle_Down

      Hi, Randi!

      • ExiledV2

        Nope, not Randi. I’m a fuck lot older than she is.
        And a dude, dude.

        • Cole Pram

          Is this like that time her son went on twitter to denounce GamerGate and spent a few days circle jerking his “mom” before his account strangely disappeared. Gee, I wonder why so many people don’t believe Harper and Quinn.

        • Trickle_Down

          Of course. All of Randi’s sockpuppet accounts are dudes.

          • ExiledV2

            Go look for me on Usenet back in the day, broheim. 😉

    • Janet Morris

      Nah, she’ll probably just delete the comment.

      • ExiledV2

        Yes, I expect that cowardly tactic. It’s why I saved my reply.

    • Strazdas

      you are asking for someone to educate themselves and link to encyclopedia dramatica? seriously?

      • ExiledV2

        She’s an expert in internet harassment. Shit yeah, I’m serious.

  • exposethebad

    Out of curiosity were the porn sites they signed you up for Maria Mint’s? Just saying…..

    • Siriuss Blackk

      that would be hillarious, but i don’t think that’s possible as those were all taken down

      • exposethebad

        That would have cracked me up big time and given their propensity to throw each other under the bus I had to ask. They are done though, there is no scenario where they win this situation considering they are outmatched and their track record is established. I fully expect them to go into meltdown mode sooner rather than later since they know their troll accounts are about to be made public.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      Did you see some of the domains sent from the fake accounts? That alone was hilarious.

      • Strazdas

        its very easy to fake the sender in email. i could send you an email from any institution you want. Those could easily be ALL sent from a single email adress with fake sender data.

  • Victor_Gallagher

    Oh! This is to good to be true. Best of luck.

  • Trickle_Down

    You’re either really brilliant or really insane.

    Since you stand against the blue-haired land whale, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and will go with brilliant.

    Keep digging!!

  • Nic_223

    Zoe Quinn is a known doxxer and harasser so is Randi Lee Harper but you probably know that by now. Its good you shine a light on these frauds and their corrupt friends.

  • TheEdgeLord

    Consider yourself special. You’ve immediately seen through what most others haven’t been able to decypher within a 2 year span.

    The amount and depth of collusion in the online-victimhood-industry knows no bounds. The people you have rightly identified as manipulators and schemers, are very well connected to the upper desktops of social media managers and opinion makers.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      I can only guess that’s because Quinn acted so quickly in trying to scare Cadance that she left her ass uncovered to clues of what she or her supporters were doing. Once that was exposed, it sort of feels like a spit in the face. Zoe made it out like everyone but HER was the bad guy, that GG was going to make her miserable. And then in a short span of time, the threats come but they are NOT from the people you were warned about but rather from the person you were told to trust.

      • C4Cypher

        And in one fell swoop, the actual GG goes from nervously preparing to oppose the SA website to cheering on Candace as she takes on uncovering the truth behind Zoe and Randi.

        • KiTA

          Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. While speaking for GG as a whole doesn’t work — we’re not a hivemind — most of us have kinda come to the conclusion that Ms. Owens means well but doesn’t quite understand some fundamental parts of the internet. She’s certainly no SJW, which is what we were worried about initially.

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          I still don’t like the idea based on how easy it could be to abuse which in what has happened….it kind of was.

          I think what people are just so STUNNED about was how Candance posted what happened to her and traced things back to see that someone she thought she could trust turned out to be the monster instead of the the group Quinn had blabbed about.

          I guess that’s why GG is sitting back and laughing because the blame WAS put on GG but for once, someone looked deeper into and saw ‘Hold up a second. None of this even was a problem until YOU mentioned them.’ and after following the breadcrumbs, it lead back to the Quinnmiester with Harper adding into the trouble by acting like a jerk per the norm and making threats as if they could DESTROY Owens instead of acting mature and trying to get in touch with her to actually discuss thing.

          That’s what is so telling about Quinn and Harper. They made threats after the fact despite saying they are advocates for women’s safety online and what have you. Instead of being advocates they themselves acted like bullies and as such showed their true colors.

          • Nivek Sirrah

            Indeed. I’m sitting here sipping my tea going “wow, so I guess there shall not be a new slew of poorly researched news posts about how terrible gamergate is. Fancy that.”

            This woman is sharp. But as she said she has not spent a lot of time online, this might be why she is trying to “tame it”. She just dose not understand the nature of the beast, yes?

            Either way. I’m looking forward to seeing this develop.

          • TrollingThunder

            Unfortunately there will be a slew of poorly researched news posts about how terrible gamergate is. It’s already started with everyone’s favorite bootlicker Jesse Singal.

  • hurin

    It’s a troll account.

  • Cosmic Squid Queen

    I am actually against the idea of SA because of how easy it can be abused but having read the articles and the slew of PAINFULLY fake ‘threats’ it sort of proves my point that anyone can make a sock to send out threats to cause a stir but in this case, those socks came back to choke the original sender because of the clues stacked against them. They left their own trail of breadcrumbs in order to scare someone into submission but all it did was show just how fearful they were of their own skeletons.

    One thing I noticed in those emails that were sent to you were the ‘names’, the way they were written and so on. All ‘men’ (judging by their names), all written like 14 year olds trying to suond bad-ass and with laughable email addresses. That there should have sent some redflags because just looking at them sound like some sort of phishing domains and other made up bullshit. I mean, ‘’ or whatever it was called. Are you SERIOUSLY going to take that as something legit? And ‘gamedevplayer’…..


    And if I do recall, only Zoe had access to your private email right? No one else? So either she made up all these socks herself or she gave the email to her cohorts to make it easier to be so wide-spread in such a short time. Either way, your private email was leaked by someone who is too much of a cowards to fight the battle without her rouge gallery of buddies who wanted someone else to take the blame. The problem is, whoever was behind this bit so hard on playing the most obvious cards on what they THOUGHT would appear like GG to an outsider but they came out looking like middle schoolers trying to phish as someone else.

    And reading all of it was HILARIOUS because man, they took every cliche in the book to attempt to be GG. Have all the senders be male, shove ‘game’ and ‘dev’ somewhere in their names, have short but Tumblr-esque death threats.

    This…..was sort of the thing that had a lot of people iffy about SA and that is how easy it is to sock and phish a someone else but as Zoe has shown, you can slip up with that just as well. I don’t agree with the SA tactics (seeing as I don’t believe in doxxing since it has lead to innocent people being screw over by others like Quinn) but after getting to know the situation better, what happened that caused the blow up is telling. Zoe and Haper have things to hide and the fact they tried to SCARE you should show that the only care to cover their own tracks, not for those who are actual victims. What are both these women ‘victim’s of exactly? As far as I can tell, nothing. They are both very well off, most often getting more money than the people they claim are so privilaged and they always have an audeince who is willing to listen and swallow any BS they shoot out. If you are a minority, they will only take you in if you fall in line with their ideals but one thing you did not do was fall for that BS. You didn’t and I commend you for that because what has just happened here is the biggest pile of shit I have seen Quinn do since the 5 Guys incident.

    I really hope this is the thing that just finally sucks away Quinn’s popularity, if you can call it that, and she just goes away and does her own thing without trying to drag other people into her mess. Reading this was a delight if only to see how desperate people were to try to scare you off and seeing just how poorly they did it. I’m serious, I can not stop laughing at the ‘threats’. The short ones read like a seven year old who’s just discovered swear words and the internet for the first time.

    • bob

      Maybe this recent event will get her to take the first step to see the light.

  • Broken Word

    Why U censoring comments???
    Can’t take criticism?

    • Michael Meier

      Do the radical thing and believe a black woman when she says she got harassed.

  • Blake Clouser

    There’s two levels here Candace:

    1. Finding indisputable proof that Zoe was behind all this.

    2. Having the media run a story that undoes their propping up of her victim narrative back in 2014. They might fight you on this or are already trying to unravel your account.

    I wish you all the best and making this happen. It would make history.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      Yeeeeees, Quinn does need to be exposed if only to show how she’s been manipulating people and using that manipulation to scare people into folding around her or using a pity story to get money.

    • Burning

      That’s the thing. This evidence is circumstantial at best. But in the past many folks have come out with 100% irrefutable evidence on both Zoe and Harper and the media still would not cover it, but keep pushing their victim narrative.

      • Siriuss Blackk

        all the more relevant to dig up that 100% irrefutable evidence and build a strong case

        • Burning

          I don’t think it will matter to the media. At all. Take Rapp for example. She just recently not so subtlety admitted to whats being going around. And I’m still seeing “gators get a women fried from Nintendo for being a woman” articles pop up around the clock. Then when you point out the mistakes, they double down, and block you.

          • TheDevilsTowelboy

            It won’t matter. The media mainstream is irreparably corrupt and have been up to their ears in the SJW bullshit narrative for years. They know they are all liars and like all liars they would rather drown kittens than come clean. And because they are all equally culpable, like all liars they will circle the wagons and backup each others lies.

            So the only real recourse is to document and expose their lies. It’s a slow process, like the ocean grinding a cliff face, but with each of these lies a few of their readers will wake up – and when they do, it is a one way process. They will be lost forever – the trust is destroyed and they won’t ever be won back. That is the message that has to be driven home to the publishers.

          • Dindu Nuffin

            The narrative is more important than the truth to these people.

            It’s not that they don’t know they’re lying, they’ve already come to terms with it and think they are lying for the greater good.

            When you lay the truth bare before their eyes they have to run away from it, knowing full well that it’s the truth, knowing full well that they will continue to lie.

            Don’t think you can reason with these people, it’s the people watching you might be able to help.

      • l8ter2

        “This evidence is circumstantial at best.”

        There’s headers in all of the emails that Owens received. A good computer forensic crew can figure out who sent them.

        • Cole Pram

          And a savvy I.T. person would know how to fake the headers and use a VPN.

          • Anon

            Can you do it?

          • Sebine

            You can do anything you set your mind to.

          • Cole Pram

            Yes, I can, but I have a degree in computer science and 10 years as a software developer.

          • Anon

            Exactly, but most people can’t, so I’d find it unlikely. Too much effort for minor internet drama.

      • Jeremiah R.

        That’s because it’s so tightly wound with “The Narrative”. Binding it all with “intersectionality” and creating an overarching victim class, for the purpose of societal control. Gamergate overturned a few rocks and were branded as outlaws; I’ve been doxxed twice (not that it matters because I’m already retired and rely on no one to make a living) and now my family just shrugs when the online hordes come to attack. Social Autopsy would be far worse for them, potentially uncovering for the public what we in GG already know, the “victims” are also their own attackers.

        • Nezumi

          That’s basically my theory on this. The Literally Who’s are scared because they KNOW their narrative is a giant heap of bullshit. They know that they’re the ones doing the (fake) harassing and the doxing. Hypothetically, if someone were to reveal who all the “harassers” were, I guarantee that 80% would be anti-GG harassing themselves with probably about 19% being third party trolls out of the lullz, with MAYBE 1% actual GG’ers being shits.

      • Steven Taylor

        Hell, Brianna Wu was caught harassing herself on a Steam forum because she accidentally forgot she was still logged in with her admin account, and nobody outside of the gaming community ever said anything about it.

    • magnusdei

      1a) Randi Harper pretty much admitted that.
      1b) The rest of the circumstantial evidence is more convincing than any evidence any level of cyberattack occurred against Zoe Quinn.
      2) The media is fairly obstinate when it comes to admitting mistakes, and that’s assuming it has no agenda. I can imagine it has its claws out to try to undermine Ms. Owens as we speak.

    • Clayton

      If they can get evidence Zoe was behind these attacks, they can seek legal repercussions. Zoe can’t afford them, even if she’s milking her scam money.

    • pancakewizard

      Looking at twitter right now, it certainly appears that Zoe did share the email Candace sent her, uncensored, via her private account, with other people

      probably need to follow the mentions a bit to see the point where they prove it’s the same email.

  • ExiledV2

    “A 2 1/2 minute video, of what she perceived to be an unintelligible group of young women talking excitedly about how they were going to “break the internet”.”

    Actually, yes, what you were saying in the video was unintelligible to anyone technically versed in what you are proposing. Databases and analytics don’t break the internet. It was a nice video full of meaningless buzzwords.

    “Because we had switched the verbiage on our campaign last second, a decision I had made personally, to make it more digestible.”

    I’m terribly sorry, but that decision made you look like an airhead idiot.

    “I had never heard her name in my entire life, and hadn’t the slightest inclination as to who, or what Gamergate was.”

    This is actually troubling. You’re working on a project dedicated to Internet anti-harassment…and you’ve never heard of the Gamergate debacle, which has had several news articles written on the subject and which has a Wikipedia entry. It’s pretty much the largest Internet harassment discussion ever, has been for the past 1-2 years…and you’ve never heard of it.

    More on this later.

    “Call me old fashioned, but I live outside of the virtual world and have had to make a living outside of my television set.”

    That’s fine. It also sounds like you didn’t do any research when you decided to step into the business of the virtual world. But more on that later.

    “I had spent the prior 4 years of my life working on Wall street”

    No one cares. Your Wall Street cred is irrelevant on the internet. It’s bullshit. Sorry, but that’s how it works here in the virtual world.

    “I wanted to put an end to the era of internet thugging.”

    You can’t. Sorry. Nothing you do will end it. Some research would have told you this.

    “It is something I’ve genuinely never understood, how people so recklessly utilize the web to invoke terror upon others.”

    Google is your friend!

    “I was somewhat embarrassed that I had missed a scandal which she so pompously assumed I must know, given my campaign.”

    You should feel embarrassed. It shows you didn’t do any research. At all.

    “Not once, ever, in the six weeks of initial feedback from many communities and organizations, had we heard the word “dox”.”

    Considering it has been in use for over a decade on the internet in relation to harassment and the revealing of personal information in harassment, I again have to question your ability to research.

    “We had imagined that if organizations could sign up for SocialAutopsy and tell these young adults that they did “social background checks” on all of their students, students would think twice before hitting the enter button.”

    I’m sorry, but even if the ‘organizations’ you were in touch with loved the idea, that’s a stupid idea. Essentially, you are creating a doxxing database. It’s not a new idea. It’s been done before by trolls themselves, just not publicly. See Kiwi Farms for an example. Or baphomet on 8Chan.

    “We weren’t so quick to assume that everyone in the world would though, so we knew that we first had to launch and actually EXIST first.”

    Or you might have asked people who are actually on the internet, who are involved with this on the internet, and who have experience in this sort of thing. Or heck, even a few programmers or computer scientists.

    “why the hell would they be upset that a third party site knew that they worked at Trader Joe’s?”

    Because trolls will take that information, call up Trader Joe’s, and begin a harassment campaign against that person. For fun. And they will do it for months until the person is fired.

    “Even more: why on earth would a “doxxer” come to our database to find that information when it’s in plain site on the person’s other profiles?”

    Because instead of doing the research themselves, you’ve made it into a nice publicly available package that cuts down the time.

    “Is it a coincidence? That everything Zoe feared for us happened within hours of her warning me it might?”

    No, it’s not a coincidence, but not for the reason you think it is.

    Public notice of your Kickstarter hit Facebook and was being heavily shared hours before Zoe called you. In 2 hours after I saw the first mention of it, it was on every tech site I know. By the time Zoe called you, it was old news.

    That’s how the internet works.

    “My initial suspicion was the Zoe perhaps tipped the gaming community off and they were now coming down on us: hard.”

    No, they knew about it long before Zoe.

    “What stood out to me was the fact that this e-mail came in to my personal e-mail address.”

    Your personal email address is dead fucking easy to suss out. Anyone with a small amount of internet knowledge can do it.

    “My personal e-mail was then signed up for two porn sites, again odd, considering guessing my e-mail address would be an unnatural route for any person to take given the publicity of our campaign.”

    Wrong. Standard trolling tactic.

    “And within minutes, we saw it being circulated on twitter.”

    No shit. You seriously think that Zoe is the only person who knows how to Google?

    “I felt I was under attack by them, and knew Zoe had tipped them off.”

    You have provided no actual proof of that, only your suspicions. And frankly, your suspicions are formed by ignorance of how the internet actually works. If you were actually informed on the internet instead of being a finance wonk, you’d know this.

    “The rumor was that we were creating a site that would “dox” minors.”

    Not a rumor. It’s a very succinct statement of what you’re doing, whether you intended for Social Autopsy to do that or not. But intentions are meaningless in the internet world.

    “Less than 48 hours on Kickstarter, and for certain, we had somehow managed to go viral—but this was an odd instance of viral. We had gone viral within the very niche community of gaming, to which, we had no prior interest or connection to. That isn’t how viral works.”

    No, it’s not an odd instance of viral. It’s exactly how viral works. Please, educate yourself better.

    “In fact, we were viral only within the gamer community. It had somehow been contained, and the lies were growing more and more aggressive with personal shots taken at my character.”

    That statement is a lie. As I said, it was on every tech site I know of within a couple of hours – not just gaming ones.

    “I was labeled a femi-nazi, which really? Had no one read my articles regarding how I hated feminism for the sake of feminism, and lambasting the #freekesha campaign? I was photoshopped to appear anti-Semitic, although I had written once about the Jewish man I once dated, quite favorably. I was labeled a pedophile-supporter, an idiot, you name-it. It was vicious.”

    Again, standard trolling. You’d know this if you researched internet harassment in any way.

    “I have no idea who Randi Lee Harper is.”

    Again, shows you did not research your subject.

    “My boyfriend caught wind of a post from The Ralph Retort, that he labeled “fair”, which was a breath of fresh air from the vermin-like journalistic endeavors that we had seen being exercised thus far.”

    …and you know nothing about The Ralph Retort. Oh Christ, you are definitely ignorant.
    Here, be educated:

    “No, really. That’s a direct quote, and not from any of the children under the age of ten that I once babysat. Yes, it is ironic that within this writing capacity she somehow felt empowered enough to take swipes at my professionalism and intelligence.”

    WELCOME TO HOW WE TALK ON THE INTERNET. Yes, from the point of view of an IT professional, your idea is stupid. It sounds like something a marketing or sales wonk came up while drunk on buzzwords and bullshit. It’s an ignorant idea. It’s a BAD idea. It will not work the way you think it will.

    In fact, if Social Autopsy ever comes to fruition, I guarantee it will end your career (internet or finance) in a most spectacular fashion. It will taint everyone who works on it. The lawsuits themselves will be entertaining. You will be in the midst of it, bewildered and confused as to how this could ever happen when you had such good intentions.

    This is going to go worse for you then it did for Justine Sacco. (You should Google her, by the way.)

    “Why did our kicksktarter campaign get so viciously attacked after 12 hours?”

    Because it was a shitty idea.

    “Why had it gone viral within just one community?”

    It didn’t. It was all over technology. Even Popehat, a free speech advocate, was aware of it.

    “Why were we on reddit, blogs, 4chan, being tweeted every 3 seconds, receiving hate mail, threats, and spam from every direction? ”

    Because that’s where the trolls live. Which you should know, if you know anything about internet harassment.

    “Why had someone taken the time to photoshop my face beside a swatsika?”

    Because that’s what trolls do to everyone.

    “Why had someone called the Tyler Clementi Foundation and asked them why they were supporting an organization that was doxxing minors?”

    Because that’s what trolls do.

    “Why had someone opened a counterfeit Twitter account pretend to be me?”

    Because that’s what trolls do.

    “Why had they started a petition?”

    Because that’s what people who want to start petitions on the internet do.

    “Why had they inundated Kickstarter with e-mails, and why was Randi Harper now penning a piece that was 2,567 words long?””

    Because you gained the attention of the internet, and guess what! No one on the internet thinks you have a good idea!

    “It was a lot for 24 hours. It was too much, in fact.”

    Nope, it’s actually pretty mild for 24 hours.
    Clearly, you don’t know your history of internet harassment or you would be aware of that.

    “One of our twitter followers may have said it best when he offered that “effort takes so much… effort”.”

    It’s actually no effort at all. Yes, I’m being serious.

    “These people (all anonymous I should mention) were not just voicing their opinions, they were spending hours and hours of dedicated time making sure I knew how awful I was and why I had to stop at everything.”

    I don’t understand how you can claim to be so expert on internet harassment and not understand what the trolls do.

    And then you get into the conspiracy bullshit, which I find tedious to quote. So let me get to the meat of the matter.

    There is no cyber-industry for bullying.

    You’ve already admitted that you don’t know the history of internet harassment. You don’t know the facts of Gamergate and the players. You don’t know what Reddit, 4chan, 8chan, Kiwi Farms, or baphomet is. You don’t know anything about the online culture of internet anonymity.

    Here’s some other things you don’t know. The history of trolling on Usenet in the 1990s. Who Serdar Argic is. Flamewars. Net.weenies. Warlording. alt.tasteless. LJDrama. Encyclopedia Dramatica. The Livejournal communities stupid_free and sf_drama. Fandom Wank. /pol/.

    To quote a certain famous series, “You know NOTHING, Jon Snow.”

    No one’s making money of this. It’s being done for the lulz. There’s no cabal run by Quinn and Harper that’s manipulating this. Your attempts to prove it will actually be supported by trolls, with fake evidence being handed to you, manufactured by trolls themselves. And then months into this? They’ll show that you’ve created a paranoid conspiracy theory based on bullshit they created. The trolls think that sort of thing is hilarious; they regularly pull the long con.

    Of course, what I personally find amusing is that even though I tell you this, you won’t believe it.

    Ah well. I guess I’ll have to invest in popcorn futures. Be seeing you.

  • chizmad

    I innicially was against the campaign, but now i see why we need it. This will expose the radical feminists that corrupted feminism and the edgelords who killed gamergate.

    I dont care if peoples public info is made public or easily available. This will cut down on liars and trolling and douchebags who use their anominity for profit or personal gain. Even if you are a political activist online, if your not being a douche then this shouldnt effect you

  • sl

    I know zoe personally and she thinks this is hilarious. She just handed your email to some people at 8chan and you’re pissing your pants.

    • Gamergater #7230

      She wasn’t laughing very hard on the phone though, was she?

    • C4Cypher

      If I didn’t know better I’d think you were validating the idea that Zoe deliberately tried to false flag harassment against Candace.

      • C4Cypher

        Damn it, I tried to archive before the comment was deleted.

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          Print screened for you.

  • Devon Smelker

    As a member of Gamergate I can say that while I will never support your SocialAutopsy, because internet anonymity can be good or bad depending on how its used, I am not surprised Zoe & Harper would stoop to this. They have taken down and attacked anyone that goes against their narrative, ESPECIALLY if that person is female.

    • Sammy Whiteley

      oh hi Devon, fancy seeing you here? I absolutely agree with everything you’ve said.

  • Billo Qasira

    the economy of clickbait internet leftism created this. The Guardian, Buzzfeed, etc etc all played their part. And its all coming apart. Gamergate was a glorious push back that showed they could be pushed back. Things will never be the same again. And clickbait outfits are dying.

  • exposethebad

    I find it overly humorous that the professional troll brigade who have monumental track records of this type of behavior are now complaining about their posts being zapped. Smells like burgers and fries on disqus at moment. I wonder why…..

  • howdoyoulogin

    Zoe to date has shut down TWO charities. First she shut down TFYC by ordering her white-knights to hack them, then she followed up by telling people to donate to her personal Paypal and pretending it actually linked to iFred (later she claimed she misspoke and meant the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, but simple inquiry found out neither charity got sh!t from her). THEN she decided to go full feminazi and shut down Polaris’s $400,000 Game Jam because she told everyone she was a game developer when she can’t code at all (one of the guys she slept with for the express purpose of getting help with HTML code). This is a FEMINIST and she actively attacks charities, one of which was specifically for WOMEN.

    She doxed her boyfriend after SHE revealed to HIM that he needed to get tested because he slept with 5 other men by proxy. She doxed lawyer Mike Cernovich because he wouldn’t take her mentally retarded case to court, and now she’s trying to back the f*ck out of her court case because she is *losing*.

    The narrative dies here. Social Justice and the professional victims they deify like Sarkeesian, Quinn, Wu, and Harper, are nothing more than objectively useless failures who have made nothing at all of any value. But please, SJWs, tell me how shutting down charities is ‘progressive’ and how someone talking about their ex is grounds for an organized hate campaign of virginal white-knights.

    • Voiced

      Typo, let me fix it. Eron didn’t sleep with 5 others, that was Zoe.
      “…She doxed her boyfriend after SHE revealed to HIM that he needed to get tested because SHE slept with 5 other men by proxy…”

    • Cyberwulf
      • Michael Meier

        I Trust Cadace more than some anonym Trolls on those Websites.

        • hurin

          He is not anonymous. Ryulong who wrote them is actually quite famous. You should check out his Encyclopedia Dramatica article.

          • Michael Meier

            I think people should do the Radical thing and trust a black woman when she says she was robbed of her startup and harassed by those notorious Trolls.

            I Trust Candace Owens more than some shady figures with a history of harassment.

          • bazzar

            on that subject Candace should check out Randi’s ED article if she needs a laugh, even funnier is that it’s all true.

    • JohnFlynt

      These are total lies. Zoe did nothing wrong except have a vagina

    • hurin

      Mike Cernovich got involved because Zoe got a gag order against Eron that Mike believed was unconstitutional. The case is still on it’s way trough the court system.

  • Voiced

    Candance, I will speak about how I heard about this as well as give an apology. My apologies for the length.

    When I first heard about SocialAutopsy, it seemed like a good tool that could very easily go awry. I first heard about it as a bad idea regarding adding minors because it would violate COPPA based on the wording of your kickstarter video. I had some concerns, though you have said you have worked with legal teams so I will trust that you aren’t violating them. You have also mentioned in your interview that it will not be a permanent attachment (should I be remembering right), and so that takes away 75% of my concerns away. And for initially misunderstanding, I am sorry.

    My other main concern was that people would get added willy-nilly for trumped up reasons of harassment, transphobia, etc. The reason this was a major concern with me was because I and so many others have been slandered in the worst ways by people with power (some of whom have already been mentioned) and have twisted the definitions of harassment and diluted them to the point where even criticism is harassment. And then there would be 10 articles in major websites saying how horrible we all are. Even now I see teenagers on Tumblr ruining lives of grown adults via doxing and calling people’s work places because they lost an argument. You say you will be vetting each one, and after listening to your interview I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it will be vetted properly. And so I again apologize for jumping to conclusions about your intentions.

    I completely understand that you want nothing to do with GamerGate, and as a supporter I am totally fine with that. I am sure you are already being given so much information you don’t want, but let’s just say the rabbit hole is so much deeper than it appears, and don’t believe everything you read. I would prepare for a media blitz from the press like Vox, Polygon, Kotaku, Guardian for going against the “Victims” of GG, having been through two years of that myself, I can assure you it is not fun.

    I hope everything turns out alright, and I hope we can be one step closer to an end to cyberbullying.

    ~Voiced Asrai
    #GamerGate Supporter
    Anti-Bullying and Women in Gaming/Tech advocate

    • Gamergater #7230

      Candace, I can attest to what this guy says. We’ve been viciously slandered by the press, simply because we wanted to hold them to higher standards – and they will try to tear you down too, just for refusing to condemn us. I would understand if you gave in to their pressure but I would not hold it against you as I believe you are the right person to do what you’re trying to do.

      I wish you the best of luck, and don’t worry too much about Zoe – in the end, the truth always comes out, and your testimony is a breath of fresh air that puts our pitiful media to shame. I applaud you :)

  • disqus_h112MEVpDt

    Both Zoe Quinn’s nonprofit Crash Override Network and Randi Harper’s OAPI were only created to funnel in their patreon donations to evade taxes. They created those nonprofits and made each other part of their board or directors so they can give each other salary without having to claim self-employment taxes. All under the guise of being a pro bono help network despite not having done anything except bully competitors out of the “market”.

    • Robert___T

      Where might a guy read more about these connections? This is the real heart of what’s going on!

  • Matthew Nelson

    From my perspective, GamerGate is the most successful smear campaign of any group I have ever seen. How else could you describe simultaneously creating a culture-wide boogeyman to pin all societal ills on, generate a revenue stream for being such a “strong woman standing up to harassment”, as well as discrediting any legitimate concerns that group might have. Especially if that group may have concerns with how you conduct business.

    Making GamerGate’s public face might be the greatest thing Quinn, Harper, Kotaku, Polygon, and the rest have done for themselves. And they’ll do anything to keep it that way, it seems.

    • Gamergater #7230

      I’ll say here what I’ve always said – I’ve been following #Gamergate since before it even had a name, and I’ve NEVER seen ANY of my followers harassing ANYONE.

      • Siriuss Blackk

        exactly, i’ve been a part of it as well (although far more recently), i’ve seen criticism left and right but never sustained/targeted harrassment or threats of any kind

      • Pris

        Same here. Watched in fascination as the media built up it’s narrative. When I heard the media describe #GamerGate as a “hate group” it never rang true with me. #GamerGate is a hash tag. Who are the hate group? Those using the tag? Those self-identifying as “GamerGaters”? Those that disagree with the media narrative? I rarely see them name individuals but I did once see Total Biscuit described as “the worst harasser in Gamergate”. Either way, the media description of them has never rung true.

  • jennytablina

    I’m gonna apologise because I think I was slightly guilty of falling for the bait being dropped initially. Reading this article was eye opening.

    Quinn has manipulated and messed with a lot of people, those in #gamergate included. Part of the reason she’s probably on your tail is because for people like her, they never thought twice about what they put online. They’ve been able to control the flow. I’m on two massive twitter blocklists even though I would never say boo to a goose, thanks to Harper and Quinn.

    They can just cry and lie and act like info that was out there publicly is personal info people dug up. Your project reminds me of a slightly less wild Encyclopaedia Dramatica or Kiwi Farms. You might find it worth your while taking to those people as they tend to chronicle people who tend to act like jerks online. Anon can be used for good too, though naturally some people fear having their closets open (can’t imagine why!)

  • disqus_izKB2mVZ9T

    Ouch! Now that was a scorching read! Gamergaters will feel exonerated, if it can be proving Zoe did that to you, then, well. BOOM.

  • PixelBuff

    Basically the exact same tactics she used against The Fine Young Capitalists a few years ago, part of the early shitstorms that sparked #GamerGate.
    If history repeats itself here like it did with #GamerGate you’re in for a good year of media slander from all of Zoe’s press friends. Good luck.

  • Tits McGee

    I don’t know all the particulars of your project, such as how you will vet the “bullies” submitted to your site, but on it’s face I think it is a bad idea. Like what happened to your Kickstarter, the same thing could happen with SocialAutopsy, get Dogpiled by trolls to smear someone that has comitted the sin of wrongthink. that being said, welcome to gamergate, you don’t choose to join, you get thrown in. Best of luck, I really enjoyed reading your article, nice to see something so well written.

  • MrSonicAdvance

    There is quite a cabal of deeply unpleasant people making a good living from pretending to be victims of online abuse. You are on their turf.

    • Anon

      This. You tried to compete with them for the limited funding pool of autistic beta males who feel sorry for you.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      If anything, had this actually worked it would have been open season for everyone. It’s one of the flaws that people have pointed out about SA but it was a flaw that could actually do something for the professional victim groups, mainly that they could be targets to this and since this is not a project of their own they would be powerless to do anything to cover themselves this time. If anything SA would be like their own blockbot in that it targets people on a wider scale (in the case of the blockbot, it’s blocking of course) even if a nice chunk of the people on the list (myself included) HAVE NEVER SPOKEN TO THESE PEOPLE WHO USE THE FREAKING THING but only watch people who have or have said a trigger word or whatever that puts you on the list.

      SA would have opened up a LOT of things about these people and it would be something that could strip them of their easy riding Patreon for nothing campaign. If Quinn really cared about Candance or her cause, she would not have acted so hostile towards her when suspicion came towards her once the emails began to pour in. Quinn and the rest of her ilk constantly brag about how they’re always fighting for the protection of minority women like Candance (and myself once more) but once Quinn got a hint that Candance was getting TOO close she lashed out like a rabid cat and turned rather than trying to discuss things with her like the rational, intelligent person ‘I got to go to the UN so I is smart’-Quinn parades herself out to be. She knew she had been caught and she had been caught with the most lame of tactics which looking back is EMBARRASSING. This grown-ass woman did something that a TEENAGER would have done which is ironic all things considered. I can only imagine the hours wasted she and whoever else was involved in this WASTED making up those badly named emails and coming up with those ‘threats’. I can bet they were all laughing at themselves that this would work and that Candance would go about blaming gamers for this as planned but when things busted through?

      All I can do now is just sit and watch. I want to see how far things are going to stretch before something finally snaps.

  • Cyberwulf

    If you want to know the truth about Gamergate, check this link:

    Please be warned, the people supporting you now have their own agenda. I believe your intentions are good but you’ve wandered into a minefield.

    • Voiced

      RationalWiki? That’s name has been a joke for a long time, it’s anything but Rational.

      • Michael Meier

        Cadace is more convincing than some anonym Trolls. She knows what she is doing.

    • hurin

      RationalWiki? Why not like to Encyclopedia Dramatica while you’re at it. At least that site got humor.

      And wasn’t that article written by Michael Cohen aka Ryulong who got banned from both Wikipedia and RationalWiki?

    • Steve Macintyre

      Pfft. not. For a *REAL* explanation of gamergate, check out this video by Internet Aristrocrat/Mister Metokur.

    • Anon

      If you want to know about Rationalwiki, read this

    • GethN7

      As a former member of that asylum before it went south, I can say with absolute confidence you would be a fool to trust anything RationalWiki says on that topic.

      I know, I did a six part Medium expose on their shoddy work.

    • Strazdas



      Choose one.

  • FlameBeast

    I will just leave this here.

    • Michael Meier

      No wonder Owens got harassed I’m shocked, the more I read the deeper the rabbithole goes.

    • Cosmic Squid Queen

      Did Harper just try to doxx a debt collector?


      • Macavity

        She didn’t “try”, she succeeded.

        And she did so about five years ago.

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          I only became familiar with Harper and some of the shit she’s done once the GG then started going and I was put on the block list despite not even knowing her.

          THIS shit is the reason why I am against doxxing because it’s never about ‘justice’. It’s about getting revenge over petty shit. It’s not the deb collector’s fault that she can’t keep up with her money and yet she wound up getting this person fired over her own failures.

          This makes this situation all the more better Harper is getting a good taste of her own medicine but not in the way one would have expected. One might have thought she would wind up ending up doxed as ‘revenge’ but it was her own actions that got her caught, mostly going after Owens but doing so in a way that showed just how hostile and nasty she can be. Harper came after Owens without any real provocation and then made threats about ‘taking her down’ because she knew that SA opened a new door in which there was no real protection Harper could hide from if SA gave EVERYONE, not a select few in the clique, a chance to ‘dox’ people so she was just as vulnerable as everyone else.

          Urgh, I’m just going to get some tea and a snack after all of this. Reading about the shitty things that Harper, Quinn and all the others do just brings about misery but they feed off that.

  • hajiminion

    You’re not the only one who got famous for having a potentially vulnerable idea.

    I hope you’re okay, but know you’re probably not. You got caught in a horrible turf war.

    • Siriuss Blackk

      she’s actually been handling this stuff like a total boss 😉

      • hajiminion

        So far, sure. But the second she says something y’all don’t agree with, things could get ugly.

        • Strazdas

          i cant speak for others, but as a supporter of GG i dont agree with her. Sure its beneficial to me that Zoe gets exposed for what she is but i think the SA database is a bad idea regardless. And i saw a lot of others express this opinion here as well. So no, your prophecies does not seem to work.

  • Gamergater #7230

    Hello Zoe 😉

    • JohnFlynt

      You need to be arrested.

    • bazzar

      you forgot the pic spelling that out in chips from 5 guys.

  • Burning

    Ok look. The email thing is suspicious. I have no doubt Harper and Zoe are in cahoots to start a smear campaign. They have been playing gamergate and the mainstream media like a harp from hell for almost two years and nothing has been / can be done about it.

    With that said, even after you have explained the project in more details, and have a very good theory on two of the most despised people in the victim narrative money grab system; Personally, I think it’s still immoral and lots of people will as well.

    • Siriuss Blackk

      here’s a tip for you: they’ve already stated it will be happening regardless, figure out a form in which this concept would be least harmful and help them shape the project such that it will be like that

      • Anon

        Here’s a tip for you: We will abuse the shit out of this platform, and by “we”, I mean trolls and harassers.

        • Siriuss Blackk

          i’m anticipating as much, which is why it’ll have to be troll-proof or it’ll simply break

          • Anon

            Nothing is troll-proof. We always find a way.

          • trashcanchockie チョッキ

            i think i’m gonna puke from how hard you’re trying to be edgy my dude
            what’s next? we are anomalous? we are region? expecto patronum? please

          • Strazdas

            ok, now i want to see that quote said in a serious manner. IM going to adopt it for my CIv games to mess with my buddies.

          • Anon

            lol u mad faggot?

          • Strazdas

            There is no such thing as troll-proof

  • Earl Hapsburg

    Zoe Quinn and Randi Lee Harper have a well-documented history of harassment, hate speech, and mental instability. I wasn’t totally for the idea of Social Autopsy but I would like to stand up for Candace Owens being attacked viciously with seemingly no one else to stand with her. Very unimpressive tactics by Zoe and Randi, as usual.

  • RuralScot

    Thank you for your story, Quinn and Harper are scum.

    • WEL

      And it’s not like it hasn’t been known for years tho, it’s just that their followers just choose to ignore it. Here is a 4 parts piece on Harper by Sushilulu where she describes all of her harassment patterns and it is so on-point it’s hilarious:

      • Siriuss Blackk

        received that exact response talking to someone yesterday, fact that quinn and co are essentially worst offenders is something that has apparently been circulating since the very beginning

      • Javier Vega

        When Shushi Lulu release those articles at Ship2block Sushi had her Xbox account hacked.

  • The Poultryarchy

    This is exactly the pattern of behavior Quinn used with relation to the Fine Young Capitalists charity years ago when she was ‘Women in Gaming’ rather than ‘Women harassed in tech. Contacting the developer out of the blue and demanding they alter their product to her wishes. Immediately followed by the relentless online attacks (both verbal and DDOS). The next phase, in case you were curious Candace, is slander from her allies in the press. Good luck, the ride never ends.

    • hurin

      This time Zoe’s allies cant use racism or misogyny, so my guess is they will accuse Candace of being ignorant.

      Despite the fact that Zoe and Harper have failed at everything in life except turning victim status into a career.

      • Siriuss Blackk

        they’ll probably accuse her of being an “oppressive straight cisgendered ignorant shitlord” xD

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          Or that she isn’t woke yet.

          • bazzar

            Stay woke, stay broke.

      • The Poultryarchy

        Good Guess. Singal already started with exactly that narrative. It’s less fun, watching it like this. When you already know what is going to happen…

      • Fair Use

        Or file rape charges. The professional victim/so-called-feminist sociopath’s favorite weapon.

      • Cyberwulf

        Candace, I’d take note of this comment too. Gamergaters will treat your race and gender like Pokemon types. (“SJWs are weak against black women!”) This is because most of them think the words “sexist” and “racist” are the same as “shithead”. Their grasp of social justice/progressive theory is extremely shallow.

        • Cole Pram

          Wow, you’re really mad they keep deleting you propaganda aren’t you.

          • Cosmic Squid Queen

            ‘B-B-But the Gaters are the ones who attacked you! Quinn is innocent!’

        • dirtysteve

          I think you’ll find it’s because Social Justice/Progressive theory are being used in a shallow, aggressive manner to reinforce identity politics.

          You may be used to blaming GamerGate for your own flawed ideology, but in the wider world, that won’t fly.

        • Cosmic Squid Queen

          Um, I think you have that backwards. GG never gave a shit about race or gender, the SJWs HAVE as they play types with people all the time.

        • oldoddjobs

          They think our devastating magic words are at the same power level as “shithead”

        • hurin

          That is because the world of gaming is a meritocracy. Your social justice/progressive theories are completely alien to us.

          But at least we did not waste years of our lives going deeply into dept, in order to get an ‘education’ that actually makes you sound more stupid than a High School student.

        • TrollingThunder

          How’s that Women’s Studies degree working out for you? Did it at least get you laid?

          GG doesn’t care about race or gender. Never has. It’s you people that use race and gender as a weapon to be wielded and thrust into peoples’ faces anytime you are backed into a corner. All of you white middle of the road assholes claiming to think for minorities is amazing, but maybe someday you’ll grow up and realize what a piece of shit you are. Maybe.

      • Cosmic Squid Queen

        If they do, it only proves they never cared about helping anyone but themselves but all the while, it has been fun watching the usual SJW crew tripping over themselves on what to do in this situation. They messed with the wrong person in this because while it LOOKED like things were going to turn their way (Candance ending up blaming GG and gamers in general) once she looked into things a lot more, it became clear she found them with their hands in the cookie jar. They can cry foul all they want but something has just come out.

        As I said in an earlier post, the sock-puppets kind of show some of the weaknesses that SA would have since someone was able to sock puppet as other people in order to go up against Candance. Either way, this has become entertaining to watch unfold.

      • TrollingThunder

        They’ve more than once called her ignorant, and they are also accusing her of being a Gamergate shill, which is hilarious. I don’t know if they actually believe this shit or if they just fart out insults until something sticks to their leg.

    • TrollingThunder

      You’re exactly right. It’s already begun with Jesse Singal’s “article” in NYMag.

  • Michael Meier

    Dear fellow feminist who complain about your comments being removed: Sometimes marginalized voices require for us majority to stand back and give them the stage. Especially in light of the instituional privilege and our colonial heritage I would hope you would be more sensistive to her perspective.

  • exposethebad

    You have my interest and support Madam Candace. First time I have uttered those words in a long time but, well done, well done indeed.

  • Scripturient Knight

    To my eyes it seems the once noble idea of the #gamergate hashtag has become a self fulfilling prophesy of sorts. Those apposed to fair games journalism lied and slandered those using the tag until they became what was said about them. Angry people willing to slander, spam, and harass. Now the problem has gotten worse, #gamergate is being used by the very people that it opposed in the first place as an attack dog. You phrase it right so that it pisses the followers off and then let them run wild with half baked truths and ideas. Meanwhile you rake in the victim money as everyone has no reason to doubt the wild tales of a anti-corruption movement turned wild mob.

  • hurin

    Zoe is the girl made of lies. Back in 2013 she claimed to have been harassed by people from WizardChan (a message board for severely depressed suicidal males). Who supposedly had been calling her phone and leaving nasty messages.
    Funny how it happened just as she was failing to get her game trough Greenlight on Steam.

  • JohnFlynt

    Zoe Quinn is a brave woman trying to stand up against bullies and Owens needs to kick her.

    • Siriuss Blackk

      hello brianna

    • TheDark Mage

      For your sake I hope she doesn’t because all the patreon gouging these “women” are doing needs to be stopped besides…they’re mad they’re not getting a slice of the pie and if this is Brianna Wu you already got shut down by comments on a samus article by me…I thought you’d have learned better by now #Gamergate

  • Ace Ventura

    There is more evidence for who is responsible for online harassment in this one article than Zoe Quinn has been able to to produce for almost two years in her own defense. The fact you made the harassing emails stop is particularly damning, well played, well fought, and best of luck!

  • keddren

    “My boyfriend caught wind of a post from The Ralph Retort, that he labeled “fair”,”

    Oh dear.

    • hurin

      Ralph is like a drunk playing dart. Occasionally he hits the center.

      • Voiced

        I will agree somewhat. Sometimes he writes inflammatory tripe, however the interview he did with Candace was well done.

        • hurin

          I am not a Ralph fan either. But the video of Brianna Wu getting him ejected from a panel was hysterical.

          • Josh Bray

            He is still tabloid-esque, but honestly he is getting better in his experience. His content is a lot better when he is focusing on issues rather than clique-ish drama from the interwebs.

    • 24spencer

      even a broken clock is right twice a day

  • Michael Meier

    Keep on the struggle Cadace. It is sad how they can’t stand to see a Black Woman suceed.

    This entire episode proves to me that Racism is Alive in America in 2016.


    • Strazdas

      shouldnt you be raiding a library or something?

      • Michael Meier

        Who are you?

        • Strazdas

          Someone that has followed the exploits of BLM

  • sorrykb1

    I’m sorry, but you’re utterly deluded. PLEASE take a step back. Please stop.