Who wants to take an underwater train ride to China?! China is planning to build a high-speed rail connecting China and the continental United States that will tunnel under the 125 mile stretch of ocean beneath the Bering Strait. And that's just one of three other wacky ambitious plans they have that completely disregard the reality of the natural environment!
US China relations are fraught with tension and promise. US President Barack Obama is orchestrating a US military pivot to the Asia Pacific region and that spells trouble for China's Communist Party's plans for the region. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has become the new face of China, but how these two leaders will handle scandals, corruption, hacking, economics, and foreign relations? This playlist is your guide to US China relations!
Chinese culture and society are constantly changing, but culture and society is exactly what anyone who's interested in China wants to know. This playlist will help you navigate the rapidly changing landscape of China, and how current events and politics impact modern China's culture and society.
Human rights in China? What's that? Forced organ harvesting, prisoners of conscience, slave labor, labor camps, and a general crackdown on dissidence of any kind has made China one of the most repressive, totalitarian states in the world today. And they also hold a giant portion of US debt! What could go wrong?!
China has one of the most shadowy and frankly confusing political systems ever in history. What with a crisscrossing network of favors, corruption, and "guanxi" it's hard to keep track of who's helping who and who's trying to stab someone in the back. Corruption and personal favors override the namesake constitution. If you want to know who's who and understand what's happening in the topsy turvy world of Chinese politics, this playlist is for you.
Pollution and China seem to go together a lot in the news these days. Unchecked pollution has caused severe environmental damage to China's air, water, and land that is causing endless health hazards and problems. Then there's problems of SARS, bird flu, tainted goods like milk and children's toys that the Chinese Communist Party does it's best to cover up. That's why I'm uncensoring it for you guys on this playlist.