SubredditDrama 内の darthbaggs によるリンク Couple gets married in NZ, /r/Worldnews debates what religions are real.

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Uh, Pastafarianism hits the first two points perfectly and the second two points sort of. I mean I've never heard about pastafarian heresies, but in theory nothing prevents that. And as the linked post its very self shows, pastafarians are capable to reproduce biologically.

interestingasfuck 内の ion_citat によるリンク Bullet Spinning On Ice After Being Shot

[–]Works_of_memercy 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The man's no fool, you can see that he turned his face away for this exact reason. Safety first!

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm not whining about downvotes, I'm asking why you're doing it. Like, the entire reason for me being curious is that I'm not upset at all, and no reasonable person would expect someone to be upset about that, so it would be weird if you were doing that to upset me, yet I can imagine no other reason.

I don't understand your second sentence at all. Whining about downvotes sometimes does count as drama, but we are not in /r/drama (and, as stated above, I'm not whining about downvotes).

SubredditDrama 内の buckleberry によるリンク What is the sound of one hand slapping? Days long fight in r/zen

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Oh, by the way! A little known fact: when you snap your fingers, the sound actually comes from the middle finger hitting the base of the thumb and the ring finger, not from the thumb and the middle finger disconnecting or how to call it.

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I didn't give a definition of "normal" anywhere, you keep making things up.

Oh, also, I wanted to ask for a long time, I noticed that there's a certain kind of redditor who downvotes the comment they are replying to, just before replying. What exactly do you think when you're doing that? Like, "oh, I will take her imaginary internet points away, that'll teach her!"?

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Actually /r/drama is a pretty nice subreddit, most of our mods are minorities and each is worth about a hundred million dollars on average.

We do get an occasional pro-gamergate edgelord occasionally, and there was that frostfedora guy who fucked dogs, but nothing like the true edge of sharing swimsuit pics of one's 8 year old niece, if that's what you had in mind.

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Where's anything remotely resembling "no u" in my comment? Are you just saying this stuff at random?

nvm, talking to you as if you were a normal person was a mistake.

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

But that was your own complaint! Are you upset that I "passively aggressively sneered" that the correct interpretation of that statement was kinda obvious?

I mean, it was kinda obvious if you looked at the context, namely that it answered to a question "why should feminists care about this stuff". I don't think I was sneering all that unreasonably hard with that. Is this the white fragility I've been hearing about?

And by the way, was my guess about you misunderstanding the quoted comment right after all, or maybe you got it right but disagreed?

Drama 内の Yung_Don によるリンク Plea to down the pitchforks on a social justicey vidya forum backfires in hilarious fashion.

[–]Works_of_memercy 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Where people feel an incessant need to be "right" about something that doesn't have a "right" point to be made. Where people need -- NEEEEEEED -- to have the last word when it's been dropped. Even when the topic's been requested to be dropped by the person that started the topic, people will still insist on butting heads instead of moving on.

So basically she's complaining that a lot of people have this need to claim that they are right, and always want to have the last word, and that is very upsetting to her because then she can't appear right and have the last word about everything?

worstof 内の zmemetime によるリンク "If you preach equality among genders, then gender inequality is sorta your responsibility"

[–]Works_of_memercy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

They can't even say "This is your fault" even if it is false.

I think they meant it as "then dealing with gender inequality is sorta your responsibility". Kinda obvious from the context.

While you and /u/zmemetime interpreted it as blaming feminism for gender inequality somehow I guess? The alternative, that you guys honestly think that an opinion that feminism should be an egalitarian movement is an /r/worstof material, is pretty terrible.

Drama 内の lvl99SkrubRekker によるリンク Randy Harper, Land Manatee and woman who doxxed a debt collector for coming after her pleads with a doxxing website for the socially enlightened to stop.

[–]Works_of_memercy 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be fair, anyone who is upset that someone preemptively blocked them on twitter for whatever reason is a raging retard.

Drama 内の zahlman によるリンク Remember /r/ainbow? Randomly decided to check back on them today. Glad I did. Read the article, too; very insightful.

[–]Works_of_memercy 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's just really telling to me that people seem to be missing that point, and coming back with an attitude of "Who do you think you are to question our actions and intent? [..]

I get you.

What I was trying to say was that it's not really as bad as it seems. Yay!

First, I totally understand your frustration about the feeding frenzy about "punishing those Southerner bigots", but the principle of charity demands from us to assume that the people participating in it just are not aware that it's really problematic. Nobody has ever explained it to them! They don't really believe all that shit, they are just chanting what everyone else is chanting!

Second, the reaction to your article in /r/ainbow is, like, definitively explained by the fact that your article a) tried to wrestle with a very complicated issue, b) sort of failed on account of being really unacceptably vague about it, and making sense only to a person who is already on board with you (see the notion of "inferential distance" and how it tends to cause catastrophic communication failures), and c) accidentally raised a shitton of red flags that a usual GSM community is on a vigilant watch for (it's not a coincidence that your received a much warmer welcome in /r/drama, and I shudder to imagine what would've happened if you tried to post your article to /r/lgbt or some other more orthodox feminist community).

Consider, if you prefaced your article with this:

I wholeheartedly support various corporations and individual artists showing North Carolina that no, not everyone is secretly homophobic but afraid to show it, but secretly supporting their brave oppression of minorities, this is the best shit ever. But I'm also getting some very bad vibes from the reaction to this, it's as if the people I respect revel in the idea of giving up on the South altogether and "letting it rot".

Do you realize that even if you make a fence around NC (and make them pay for it!) and let it rot in its backward bigotry, that wouldn't stop GSM kids from being born there and having to live in that hell you made "for the bigots", only worse for them than for the bigots?

So how about we stop with hating for the sake of hating and talk about the stuff that can actually help things?

... and then your article as it were, with all of its justified butthurt about being used as a punching bag for cheap political points, and the part where this polarizing shit doesn't help, and even the part where you yourself identify with the Southerner culture, the good parts of it, and do not enjoy all of it being painted as bigoted, because that's who you are and proud of it, dammit.

Do you think anyone in /r/ainbow would totally skip that introduction and go for writing the responses you actually received there as it actually happened?

I can't imagine it happening. So, it's not that /r/ainbow is populated by angry people who'd rather build a wall around the South and let it rot, it's that you suck at writing articles that are supposed to convince people who are not yet convinced. But that is fixable! You can get better at this! And people are not assholes!

And on the other hand, I'm telling you, your article was guaranteed to elicit the response it did, because fuck me sideways but it did raise all those red flags while being atrociously vague about actual object-level issues. And if you keep writing articles like that, unconcerned about what impression they'd make, you're going to have a bad time, friends turning away from you and your favorite subreddits banning you. Though you'd always be welcome here, so there's that.


(which I have written about in far more words, but was restricted due to the nature of the article)

Yeah, "sorry for writing such a long letter, but I didn't have enough time to write a shorter one". The problem with your article is not that it's too short or doesn't explain your feelings adequately, it's the opposite, that it's too long and one kinda has to read all of it to get what's your position is, maybe. Make them shorter, make them structured, with a short introduction complete with a conclusion, and then a long meditation on various angles and stuff.

Drama 内の Cleverly_Clearly によるリンク SRS shows up when /u/NixonForBreadsident dares to suggest that rape victims go to the police instead of stewing in their own misery. Also, what about the men?

[–]Works_of_memercy -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

By the way, this is the second time this happened in the past couple of days and I can't but be reminded of the Kosma Prutkov's aphorism:

The rake intending to sup too late in the night risks having a very early breakfast.

SubredditDrama 内の buckleberry によるリンク What is the sound of one hand slapping? Days long fight in r/zen

[–]Works_of_memercy 40ポイント41ポイント  (0子コメント)

not the most zen of activities

It depends. See, any fool can keep calm and one with the world and thoughtlessly aware while sitting alone in a quiet dark room. But it takes a true Zen master to keep the surface of her mind smooth like a mirror while calling people bitches and inviting them to fite her irl on the internet!

Drama 内の Cleverly_Clearly によるリンク SRS shows up when /u/NixonForBreadsident dares to suggest that rape victims go to the police instead of stewing in their own misery. Also, what about the men?

[–]Works_of_memercy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

One guy is

Of the general population, men are still less likely to report being raped because of the social stigma and ridicule they face from both men and women alike, even from trusted friends and family.

And /u/NixonForBreadsident goes

Of the general population

Ah yes, I forgot male rapes don't count because they're in prison.

and completely neglects to address the actual point.

Say what you want about gators, but SJWs have nothing on them in terms of getting outraged at imaginary slights and dodging arguments. It's all the testosterone and the rage boner draining blood from the brain, I guess. Females can't match that; basic biology mate.

Drama 内の zahlman によるリンク Remember /r/ainbow? Randomly decided to check back on them today. Glad I did. Read the article, too; very insightful.

[–]Works_of_memercy 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

That was the crux of the argument, that for the most part, the South is given short attention by progressives who want easy symbolic victories to claim they helped create change, and then leave without helping address the long term systemic issues.

First of all, I don't get the way you treat solving long term issues (such as poverty and bad education) as equivalent and interchangeable with applying the threat equally (which I presume would involve boycotting Northern states that enact bigoted laws?). That's completely different things, it doesn't make sense, -- except if what you were doing was venting your frustration about being given up on and treated as a collateral damage when the South is used as a punching bag for scoring cheap political points, and that's the unifying principle of your otherwise not very coherent complaints.

But a person who doesn't already share your frustration is going to see your complaints entirely differently: they are going to interpret them as being about the actual concrete issues, all those companies withdrawing and artists canceling tours. Not "these are the examples of the only cheap shots you're willing to take, which is a deep attitude problem that I'm really bothered about", but "stop taking these cheap shots".

And then the most predictable thing happens: unfortunately, feminism has developed quite a few thought-terminating cliches and a lot of people in feminist spaces are pretty trigger happy in applying them, so the stuff you said gets pattern-matched against "concern trolling" and "dudebro says both sides are bad" and "dudebro asks why so intolerant to intolerance" and "tone policing" and "stop hurting racists' feelings" and so on, and people attack you and everything you said. And then you think that since your point was "don't give up on us" and they are disagreeing with you then they must sincerely believe that giving up on you is the right thing and you get angry, and, well, that thread happens.

To avoid that happening you have to make a principled decision about these object-level issues and state it loud and clear. That yeah, the backlash against North Carolina is very, very good (I hope). Because before that there was a lot of bigots who lived in a comfortable reality where they can go and hurt The Gays (which is good!), that gets commie liberals upset (which is good!) and they complain a lot (which is a music to our ears!) but then nothing happens because everyone secretly hates The Gays. And now that reality got one hell of a crack in it.

Only after that you could hope that your complaints would be given a remotely fair reading. Like, that you guys seem to be entirely too happy about it, like a sadist who found an excuse to hurt a child, rather than a parent enacting a necessary punishment. Or point out that there are other issues elsewhere that mysteriously aren't being addressed, and maybe it's because, again, backlash against NC is in a very concerningly large part because NC is easy to label as "other" and hate unreservedly, and that's bad because there are people living there, you know. And so on, it's all very valid points, but people read the part about you being upset with particular things and assume that you are upset about those things themselves and not the big picture, and get angry at you.

Drama 内の zahlman によるリンク Remember /r/ainbow? Randomly decided to check back on them today. Glad I did. Read the article, too; very insightful.

[–]Works_of_memercy 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think the problem is that you don't actually clearly articulate your point (and I'm not sure you even have it sorted out in your head):

We want to have you do more than just shake your head in disappointment and cheer when pop stars cancel their concerts. Pledging not to spend your tourist dollars here is meaningless when you weren’t going to come anyway. Cheering for corporations that withdraw jobs isn’t going to help us in the long run because being poor and unable to fund our schools is part of the problem.

... so which is it, "we want you to do more than cheer for companies withdrawing", or "we want you to stop cheering for companies withdrawing"?

Because that's two very different things. Do you know the story about the racist tree? Yeah, that's how social progress is made, you get bigots look around before telling a racist joke, you get bigots to suspect that maybe not everyone else is secretly a bigot and is only pretending to be nice, you get bigots to realize that they are going to get seriously fucked over for real if they keep it up, like in real monetary terms, you get bigots to hide they bigotry and to begin being a little bit ashamed of it maybe, just as a survival reflex. That's all steps to not having bigots at all, and I'm not sure you can easily skip over them.

So, you can get way further with a kind word and a gun than just with a kind word. And what you say in your article is that the south needs money for education and it needs to not feel completely alienated and given up on and that people should not give up and must keep fighting and supporting southern LGBT organizations, all those very right things along the lines of, we need your kind words to win this fight. But then you also add, and by the way please stop pointing that gun at us, it makes us uncomfortable.

And that's when you lose everyone. Because people who were totally on board with fighting bigotry with kindness and education and stopping poverty, and agreeing that you shouldn't paint the South as irredeemable enemies that we should write off and wait to die, and so on, are suddenly, wait, no, that gun is actually just as necessary a part of the healing process! Sure, corporations pulling off increases poverty somewhat and that's bad, but the point they make is really really important and by far outweighs the harm! You can't make bigots afraid to show their bigotry without actually hurting them at least a little! Yes, that makes them upset and feel threatened and that's exactly the point!

And then you get the shitshow you got in comments there, with people interpreting everything else in your article as a justification for why we should be nice to bigots and avoid hurting their feelings, while you are getting more and more upset about what you see as people being adamant about writing the South off as a lost cause and doing nothing helpful and only harm them and cheerfully harm them as much as possible.

programming 内の taiarmin によるリンク The incident where a bit of VAX assembly was the only way to save the day

[–]Works_of_memercy 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

That requires a complete change of paradigm from "you have to have the right to modify this thing, or you fail" to "the user decided to connect this virtual thing that you modified to the actual thing".

Like, everything is virtualized and you can download a program from the most malware-infested corner of the internet and run it and it would work perfectly regardless of which permissions you decide to give it.

This is the reason people would play your html-based game or a flash game without a second thought, while you have to convince them that you're trustworthy if you want them to play your game that's a native application. That's the only reason for flash (or otherwise web-paradigm) games blowing native games out of the water, in terms of popularity.

Because with native software currently it's one hell of a lever available to malware: your options are, 1) "Yeah let it have the full access to my SD card" or 2) "Nope, I will not run it". Instead of, "yeah, let's run it" but then 1) let's allow the modifications to its output folder to be visible to other programs, or 2) all the rest of the stuff is nope.

I naively expected the proliferation of smartphones to bring the Right Way To Do It there and then to the desktop. But no, the owners of the respective walled gardens want to stay relevant, they want you to depend on them for verifying your apps (no matter how bad they are at it), so they go with an inferior security model. Because if you could safely run any app you downloaded from the internet, why wouldn't you download it from the internet instead of buying it from the appstore?

programming 内の magenta_placenta によるリンク 90% Indian engineering graduates are not employable – why? (2014)

[–]Works_of_memercy 30ポイント31ポイント  (0子コメント)

ITT: a bunch of anecdotal evidence used to conclude that Indians are terrible programmers.

Well, I hope that at least some of the people saying that understand that for example is a current CEO of Microsoft, and there are a lot of other Indians in well-earned and well-utilized positions of authority. See the Microsoft stuff lately.

So, like, if some strawman racist would say that all Indian programmers suck, we can point her that way and have her eat the crow.

But that doesn't invalidate all those other experiences with bad Indian programmers who are in it strictly for the money and have terrible programming skills and terrible work ethic and terrible understanding of communication and are pretty much terrible in every respect and there's more of them than there are programmers in the US and the EU combined. So for every actually good Indian programmer there's a thousand that are just really really bad, but very eager to get a programming job.

Drama 内の tendtodisagree によるリンク Prince Rinsed. Will it last, or will sync save the day?

[–]Works_of_memercy 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

xNotch is not autistic, but he is rich as fuck which makes him a minority obviously.