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Friday Free Talk (self.Anarchism)
AutoModerator[M] が 投稿 - stickied post
@meta is private right now because of brigades. (self.Anarchism)
thecoleslaw, communist, & social ecologist が 投稿 - stickied post
Update on living with/next to a Grey Wolf: E.g a Turkish Neo-fascist. (self.Anarchism)
nibycolispI dont even know what to fucking think now が 投稿
New UserSteal Something from Work Day 2016 (crimethinc.com)
-Hecate-Insurrectionist ~ Transhumanist ~ Anarcha-communist が 投稿
New UserA Riot For Every Police Murder (Montreal, Canada) (itsgoingdown.org)
-Hecate-Insurrectionist ~ Transhumanist ~ Anarcha-communist が 投稿
5 Notes Left On An Anti-Capitalist Bulletin Board (cracked.com)
Sachyrielcontagious hallucinogen が 投稿