conspiratard 内の jcm267 によるリンク Apparently some people just discovered that the top moderator here is also top moderator at /r/the_donald

[–]jcm267[S] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't delete your reply. Upon reading your other reply (which I didn't delete BTW) I see justification for another ban!

conspiratard 内の jcm267 によるリンク Apparently some people just discovered that the top moderator here is also top moderator at /r/the_donald

[–]jcm267[S] -6ポイント-5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I try to be fair-minded. Everyone has their biases.

Scott Adams, the Dilbert guy, never votes and never endorses a candidate because he wants to try to stay unbiased. That's the best approach I guess if you want to be fair about everything.

George Soros

That's the closest thing to an equivalent of the Koch stuff. If anything this is much worse. Soros' reach is widespread, he's looking to make America less like America and more like Europe, and he's not even an American.

white genocide

Talk like that gets most offenders banned at /r/the_donald very quickly! If we find them, they're tossed.

agenda 51

Glenn Beck loves this one!

I really do think "fascistic" is a good term to describe the SJWers. It's sad. When Married with Children was on the social conservatives tried to get it shut down. These days it's the SJWers that'd probably try the hardest to shut it down. Great show BTW it's the only series I own on DVD.

conspiratard 内の jcm267 によるリンク Apparently some people just discovered that the top moderator here is also top moderator at /r/the_donald

[–]jcm267[S] -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

They've always been fair game. The rules aren't changing here, I put this up in response to a meta post some SJW loser posted yesterday. Frankly it's probably for the best because there's some people who want to turn this into /r/ShitRConservativeSays and this is supposed to be about conspiracy theories.

I just typed a reply to another person here but he deleted his comment. I guess he's afraid I'd ban him? I'll post it below the solid line.

I'm not a birther and never have been one. I really like Trump on immigration, trade, and tax reform. Trump is alone on immigration, besides Trump only Sanders seems like he means it on trade (but he's crazy on a number of other issues including taxes, social issues, Israel, etc), and Trump's not much different than other Republicans are on tax reform though I do think he's got the best plan.

Frankly a lot of the obsessions of the left turn me off. For instance look at the whole Koch hate stuff and the ways they'd like to basically punish all of the billionaires and corporations. This stuff is far more destructive than any birther comments. Also, Senator Sanders is arguably the biggest conspiracy theorist in the race right now and he's got the support of the same SJW crowd that we're talking about here.

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267[M] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It was him who got banned. He circumvented the ban with a similarly named alt (which is a violation of site-wide rules).

european 内の IM_DONALD_TRUMP_AMA によるリンク /r/the_donald moderator promises to unban all /r/european posters who got banned for racism.

[–]jcm267 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, you moron. You white nationalist retards are toxic. If you wanted Trump to get elected you would accept this. But you don't want Trump to get elected. Well, either that or you're profoundly stupid.

forwardsfromgrandma 内の CakeScientist によるリンク I'm convinced that you could swap post from /r/The_Donald and this sub and no one could tell the difference

[–]jcm267 -10ポイント-9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've said numerous times that I think it's great if our stuff gets to the front page because then lots of folks will share it on facebook, twitter, etc and you may eventually get the same thing you downvoted at /r/the_donald forwarded to you by your grandmother.

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267 -16ポイント-15ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not interested in debating it and you were trolling. This stuff has NOTHING to do with conspiracies.

There are numerous professional organizations that identify it as a mental disorder. The DSM still classifies it as a disorder, the reclassification was in 2012 and was totally political. This is a case of the politicization of mental health. Groups that still call it a mental disorder or a mental illness are attacked routinely. The ACP and the WHO still haven't reclassified it!

We're talking people with normal bodies who seek to drastically and irreversibly change their bodies in order to become closer to something they could never truly become.

Bottom line is this little crackpot movement of yours is bad for gender equality. Very bad. I want no part of it.

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267 -12ポイント-11ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm serious. I don't want boys on the high school girl's lacrosse team. The activists in this movement do. Do you want boys competing on girl's sports teams?

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267 -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

What's the point in demodding myself? It doesn't hurt to hang onto them.

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267 -28ポイント-27ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm disappointed, too. My governor in particular is quite a nut. He passed a bathroom bill a few years ago forcing establishments to allow men to use women's restrooms and locker rooms and he's lashing out against states that pass laws designed to keep men out of the ladies room. Not only that but this nutty governor who passed two of the largest tax increases in the state's history thinks he's going to be able to recruit business from NC by telling them that in our state men can use either restroom. It's madness!

The sales pitch must be something like "Ignore our high taxes, cumbersome regulations, and high utility costs. Here men are allowed to use the women's room!"

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267[M] -9ポイント-8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Former mod of /r/OccupyWallStreet here. My friends and I really cleaned up the place in our short time there but the backlash from /r/conspiracy types was so great that the top mods caved in and de-modded us.

conspiratard 内の LDSchobotnice によるリンク [META] Why is a mod of /r/The_Donald also a mod here?

[–]jcm267[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

I created /r/conspiratard.

Transgendered people suffer from a mental disorder. Their wants do not trump the safety and comfort of women in restrooms/locker rooms, they have no right to trample all over Title IX, and they certainly aren't justified in demanding that their hormones and surgery be covered on health insurance. I feel sorry for them, but when the left is pushing all that stuff like it's the next frontier on civil rights I am going to say "no".

EDIT: Locked due to heavy brigading from fascistic SJWer subreddits.

usanews 内の jcm267 によるリンク California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom

[–]jcm267[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I strongly support legislation that keeps men out of women's restrooms.

NolibsWatch 内の TheGhostOfDusty によるリンク The mask slips off of jcm267's latest hate project - "We're only allowing Islamophobia" - "our 'no racism' rule will no longer be enforced with regards to the middle east [sic]"

[–]jcm267 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, pretty much everything there isn't going to happen.

This crap is part of why I won't accept the mod position you offered me BTW.

european 内の IM_DONALD_TRUMP_AMA によるリンク /r/the_donald moderator promises to unban all /r/european posters who got banned for racism.

[–]jcm267 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some clarification. Anyone who is a white nationalist is not going to be unbanned.