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POZCON 5Introducing the POZCON Public Health Threat Advisory System (self.PublicHealthWatch)
Goy_Terrorist[M] が 投稿 - stickied post
POZCON 1There is actually a gay porn sub on Reddit. But other subs get banned. So being degenerate is okay apparently. (np.reddit.com)
TheRealKnightOfRenTake 1 of The Sub. And Call Me In The Morning が 投稿
POZCON 1Proof That Child Molestation Leads to Homosexuality and More Child Molestation (np.reddit.com)
FhearSliabhNeilMoonshine Medicine Man が 投稿
POZCON 2Pedophiles Respond to a Molestation Victim by Claiming They'd Never Hurt Anyone (np.reddit.com)
FhearSliabhNeilMoonshine Medicine Man が 投稿
POZCON 1Heavy opiate user and mother of 1 redditor ponders the dangers of opiate use during pregnancy with her second child (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 2Redditor sleeps around, contracts herpes from unprotected sex with untested partner (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 2Junkie redditor overdoses for the last time (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 3Redditor asks r/abortion how to avoid having an abortion. Goes as well as planned - mentally ill redditor gives her opinion (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 2Typical 2016 College Relationship (np.reddit.com)
FhearSliabhNeilMoonshine Medicine Man が 投稿
POZCON 3Lonely Redditors Seeking Advice on How to Find a Quality Prostitute (np.reddit.com)
FhearSliabhNeilMoonshine Medicine Man が 投稿
POZCON 1Homosexual redditor likes to be hit and fantasises about hitting children - public health hazard (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 2Redditor is anxious to find out whether or not filling his body with synthetic female hormones will disfigure him sufficiently enough (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿
POZCON 3Loveless Woman is Triggered by Fellow Employee's Happiness (np.reddit.com)
FhearSliabhNeilMoonshine Medicine Man が 投稿
POZCON 1Redditors try and persuade confused uncertain child to meet with a (((therapist))) and transition from boy to boy in a dress (np.reddit.com)
pahispuaProfessional pathologist が 投稿