NeedAdvice is a subreddit for getting outside advice about things going on in our lives outside of our relationship with significant others, potential significant others, and significant others of days past. Your relationship, your parent's relationships, your friend's relationship... if you are dealing with any person's romantic relationship, it doesn't belong in here.(This is code for "no romance related stuff")
Sadly, we often give bans and time outs for these violations, because if we don't, then people keep on submitting and giving advice in these threads. So both submitters and commenters will find themselves on the downside of time outs.
- Nothing illegal
- This is not the place for DAE posts. If you have a DAE type question, please take it to /r/doesanybodyelse.
- No revenge threads. No "how to get even" type threads at all.
- No threadjacking. If you don't like the advice someone gives the submitter, then offer advice of your own
Other helpful subs:
Lets show our good manners to everyone, regardless of their color, race, religion, handicap status, sexual orientation, and so on. When I say respect a person's sexual orientation, I mean anything between two or more consenting, human, adults.
Anyone linking or suggesting TRP or TBP will be banned.
Throwaways are fine. Since we do allow the use of throwaways, we don't allow people to solicit money in here. Please view any effort to solicit money in here as a scam. But any need for donations can go to /r/assistance or /r/care.
Please use a name (a made up one would be fine) for the characters in your event. It is just easier to follow along if you are using names.
Walls of text are not your friend, it makes it very hard to read your post. Walls of texts are huge paragraphs with no line breaks.
I used to link to the military sub, but due to responses like this to honest questions, I really hate to do it:
Imgur link
If someone were to start another military sub, I'd be happy to link it in our sidebar.
If you think you are thinking of harming yourself or are experiencing suicidal thoughts of any degree, please consider also posting at /r/SuicideWatch. You are still welcomed to post it here, but they use gentler words. Need serious help with suicidal thoughts or feelings? In the United States, call 1-800-273-8255, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. In The UK? Talk to Samaritans.
If you or someone you know has a video game addiction, please read this. I really feel like this explains it better than anything else I have ever seen, and I would like to thank /u/doctordaedalus for taking the time to write it.
Please don't post your personal content in here. Things like your personal website and things of the sort.
If you post something and don't see it in the "new" setting, please message the moderators, with a link to your post.
Anybody cross posting any threads to the drama causing subs (subreddit drama, any of the SRS, just anything to increase the drama in a thread) will be banned. That just won't be tolerated at any level.