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[–]EconHelpDead 2ポイント3ポイント  (6子コメント)

So in the model mentioned above (the Solow growth model, which is the standard growth model), output depends on three different things. Capital, labour, and the effectiveness of labour. This last term can also be called "technology", "innovation", "Total Factor Productivity". It's represents output not due to the number of units of capital and labour.

In the Solow model the production function (how much is produced) takes the for Y=f(K,AL). That is Y (output) will be equal a function of capital, labour, and "technology/productivity".

If we think about this, we realise that output for worker is going to depend on K and A, capital and productivity. Increases in productivity (innovation) raise the level of output, as do increases in the level of capital per worker.

The issue here is, to increase the amount of capital per worker, you need more capital, and the amount of capital depends on the amount of output.

This is because we say that savings will be equal to investment (S=I) and that the amount invested/saved will be a fraction of total output, or sY. So an increase in the savings rate, s, will increase the amount of capital, which increases output. But we cannot keep increasing the savings rate, it has an upper bound. This is why in the long run economic growth per worker will be caused by increases in TFP/A/Productivity.

See this paper to look at the difference between capital accumulation and "innovation".http://www.nber.org/chapters/c10990.pdf

[–]jollybumpkin[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

This sub is amazing, the people who write these comments are amazing, Reddit is amazing. I just gotta give some gold here, to show gratitude and respect. I'm going to choose someone at random, so here you go EconHelpDead.

[–]EconHelpDead 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Haha thanks, really you should send gold to /u/say_wot_again instead of me, as he put the work into getting this sub off the ground (I think...)

Edit: Well, too late now... Thanks!

[–]a_s_h_e_nModerator 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

SWA's done a lot behind the scenes but you've done just as much on the front lines

[–]say_wot_againModerator 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I will routinely see a thread, think "Ooh, this would be fun to answer!" and then realize that /u/EconHelpDead has already beaten me to it. He's really put the sub on his back in a lot of ways.

[–]zzzzz94Quality Contributor 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you like talking or reading about economics /r/badeconomics is the best sub for popular economics discussion by far