全 75 件のコメント

[–]cheeky_throwaway101 23ポイント24ポイント  (1子コメント)

Great article, and has some major points that I was going to bring into my own piece soon. A lot of the examples you mention above are traits that they advocate to adopt on Red Pill Women.

Often you find in TRP, men struggling with the ability to fully swallow the pill and think that if they get with an RP woman things will suddenly be different.

The truth is that we push ourselves to become Alpha here at TRP. (which is what every woman seeks to pair with). These RP females will do everything they can to get with an Alpha.

The Red Pill women may claim that they are different, they may believe that they are better than other women. But really we need to remember AWALT and the fact that they are still using behavioural manipulation to bag an Alpha (albeit with much more positive traits that appeal to us, which does in turn work in our favour.)

Often in that sub you see late twenties women approaching the wall looking to adopt many of the traits that you mention in your piece OP, thinking they have turned a new leaf and now they are suddenly and magically a new RP woman. But their past is their past, they can't unsuck all those dicks.

I'm going to end this rant here as it's 5 in the morning and I need sleep.

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, and you can't change a zebra's stripes. Even if she does adopt "new" attitudes/behaviors, the underlying personality is the same, and anything should simply be considered an act.

Changing one's self is extremely hard (I believe firmly in self improvement, and have learned this lesson myself) at that level and hence it's laughable to think a woman could make significant personal changes. They do not possess the honorable personal motivation.

In this case it would be simply for personal gain, then back to their real selves once comfort has set in, I suspect.

[–]nodoxsavefreespeech 21ポイント22ポイント  (2子コメント)

This is where dread, reward, and punishment comes into play. Otherwise known as bitch management.

We should APPLAUD and reward women for taking on these traits. This is a good thing. This is a GREAT thing.

Where this post is lacking is leaving out that if your women gets soft on you and reverts to Common Bitch Tendencies (CBTs), due to AWALT, that this is a reflection on your Bitch Management skills (BMSs).

As you should NOT be marrying you have the power to implement every level of dread rather easily. Bitch gone soft? She doesnt value you as highly as she once did. Let her know that nexting is an option. And as always with dread...

Dread is best when implicit, unspoken, and conveyed by actions/lifestyle. Demonstrate, don't explicate.

[–]Su-Wu_Red 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is a good nuance to OP's post. These characteristics are good in general. Would you really turn down a sportscenter bj from a reformed girl who cooks and cleans etc? Sounds like a good plate. What we should be afraid of is the bait and switch, where you give your commitment and don't receive what was advertised. Especially for those guys who do LTRs.

As nodox rightly points out, this is where BMS comes in.

[–]2Deapluv[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Excellent points on CBTs (love the term lol). I agree, and was looking mostly to keep my post concise.

[–]1Entropy-7 14ポイント15ポイント  (5子コメント)

If you meet a woman between about 27 and 33 who is exhibiting all the mentioned behaviours you might pause and think "Wow, how is it she is still single?" Well, pause and think again. Do you really think she has been acting like this for the last 10 or 15 years and not been able to land a guy?

Similarly, when you see find an 8+ who is still single at that age you have to stop to consider the possibilities: 1) She consciously rode the CC to party and get freebies from her bevy of guys 2) she is bat guano crazy and drove the guys away 3) she has ridiculously high standards.

[–]roeddit 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Girls will protest that it's #3 - "Being with anyone before you would have been settling", but it's probably #1.

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)


Thanks to the ideas I've learned here and personal observations etc. I now tell men (especially vulnerable guys):

If she's single at that age, there's a reason why.

So far experience has verified this pretty much every time.

[–]Polaris382 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The exception would be previous LTR. A girl Im with now was with an ex for over 7 years at 26.

Did she go CC riding after their break up? Maybe, who knows. I dont really think so, but its definitely a possibility.

[–]Endorsed Contributorsqerl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Thanks to the ideas I've learned here and personal observations etc. I now tell men (especially vulnerable guys):

If she's single at that age, there's a reason why.

So far experience has verified this pretty much every time.

Add me to the list. I remember asking my ex, "Why is an intelligent, attractive, successful woman at your age, single?" I got a coy little shoulder shrug, a cute smile, the eyes that look innocently away and she says, "I don't know...."

Everything entropy said happened. 1, 2, 3 were all true. She used her looks to get men to give her what she wanted. When they were tapped dry, she would make bigger and bigger demands. There was no feeding her inner beast. The men would invariably go crazy and her relationships ended in a massive emotional shit hole.

[–]CocoaPill 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

This post comes at a very appropriate time for me. My current girl exhibits some of these behaviours... I could subconsciously feel something was not right and your points help me see clear now.

It is a bit of bitter reality to accept but she has to be downgraded. Thanks OP

[–]Endorsed Contributorsqerl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I could subconsciously feel something was not right and your points help me see clear now.

Me too. My gut was telling me something was off. It took alot of TRP to put the pieces in place. Then it all became clear. Good job listening to your gut. I tried to suppress it and it nearly cost me. <fist bump>

[–]Rhynovirus 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

You just described the ex who sent me spiraling toward epiphany.

In reality: she was an alpha widow and her act lasted 8 months before I caught her kissing someone else... the Alpha that widowed her!

[–]Endorsed Contributorsqerl 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You just described the ex who sent me spiraling toward epiphany.

Me too. Took me many months to see how the ex continued to pursue her tingles when I wasn't around. She really had her act cleaned up. Hid all vestiges of her past.

[–]ClimbingTehLadder 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yeah you confirmed my sister is screwed. She's 27, sees the wall coming. How is she preparing? Doing absolutely nothing. She could stand to lose about 20 lbs, but doesn't give a fuck, eats whatever she wants, still has the party hooray mentality, but wants to "settle down." AWALT

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

When you live in self-absorbed perception and deny reality, anything is possible, lol.

Sounds like she'll end up like most women: alone and pretending not to suffer inside, or with a passive man who'll give her sad validation.

[–]2Deapluv[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes some women (like a lot of men too) are afraid to confront the reality of their situation

[–]memphisjohn 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

For a while, before I discovered TRP, I was (unknowingly at the time) orbiting a woman who meets this description exactly. This is about as accurate a summary as I've seen of this particular person's situation.

It's funny; about the same time I discovered TRP and cut contact / de-orbited, she cleaned up her social media... gone were the party pic's, the "Sunday funday's" with groups of thuggish-looking tough guys... replaced by artsy shots of indy coffee shops, and interior decor. No more posts about wine and drunken nights out, instead pics of her (new) puppy and cooking great meals with her married friends.

Spot on. There are no unicorns.

[–]iLLprincipLeS -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eh, at least they put some effort into it. They're not that bad as possible-LTR-upgrade-from-plate.. but to wife one..

[–]honorableRP 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Cleaning up and deleting all party photos and drinking photos from social media

Recently a party-slut girl I know from college (28 now) completely deleted her old facebook profile and started a new one, re-adding all her friends.

Instead of going through and deleting 5+ years of party pictures she felt it was easier and probably safer to just start completely over.

Guess who just got engaged?

[–]aanarchist 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

sounds like a lot of the shit the red pill women do to try to snag a guy

[–]maxrp 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've observed their writtings and its awful self-sabotaging nonsense not living in the real world.

[–]jwquiroz 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The vanilla sex/sexual prudishness is so common. They even make noises of being hurt when you initiate intercourse; as if they barelly used their pussy. Then they tell you the story of their sexual life: "this is my 2nd time really and I have never had an orgasm." Right, right... then they dont want to do something other than misionary!

[–]GainzdalfTheWhey 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

Man, my post wall ltr is exactly like that, not in the way she's a confirmed reformed hoe. We've discussed her past relationships and men shes been with and I believe she didn't ride the CC (not all women ride it, most though), but maybe shes an even bigger psychopath than me and could convince me.

How should I investigate? She doesn't have social media and no male friends, so its difficult to investigate. (I've been told to use time and learn if women slips on this behaviour)

There is another post wall plate that we talk a lot about feminism and shes also disgusted by it. I guess girls learn to adapt later on lol.

And 27 is pre wall? I see loads of woman at 27 that are sjwy, feminist, annoying, childish at 27.

[–]memphisjohn 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

How should I investigate?

no need... it doesn't matter; AWALT

[–]GainzdalfTheWhey 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Doesn't matter in which way? Are you saying I shouldn't mind if she's prancing like op said but has a ridiculously high N count? Or straight never be with women at a specific age that appears nice, because she might have been a whore?

[–]mrpCamper 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I was talking to a 26 year old single girl the other night at happy hour and she definitely sounded like she was hitting the wall.

[–]hb8only 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel wall starting about 25...

[–]verify_account 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I see the renewed interest in lifting/working out/staying in shape in a lot of pre-wall girls. It could also be that they realize they haven't bagged a man yet and won't if they get much fatter, but it's the same thing.

[–]cheeky_throwaway101 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yoga is also, something they hop on around the 30+ mark.

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Great post; gave me plenty to watch out for and to ponder.

"sexual prudishness, vanilla sex" Yeah that one I can buy, definitely, considering the stories we've seen where the woman in question was quite whorish sexually with past men, yet now treats her current man/husband with far less sexual satisfaction now. For him to discover later, and her to hamster it away.

However, I still feel women even though they may be feeling the wall approaching, don't want to admit it, and make few if any real changes in behavior because of their innately difficult, rigid, and "independent" personalities. I have seen that personally. Not sure about the percentages of that vs. other women.

Women who reach the age of ~30+ years never seem to comprehend that their attitudes and behavior are what got them to that point to begin with, and hence don't learn anything and just keep doing the same, with the bonus of becoming more bitter with time and even MORE off-putting to potential mates, INSTEAD of the opposite.

This is another argument for sticking to only younger women.

[–]iLLprincipLeS 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

jesus fucking christ... that list.

you know when you discover one of her little secret? then it all falls down like a house of cards.

can't make a housewife out of a ho

[–]yaysmr 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

No mention of this but the big one I observed:

Suddenly finding religion and being real devout about it.

This might depend on your area, but it was eye-opening to me when I saw women in my peer group that I knew had been all-out partiers in college and beyond suddenly start posting about finding Jesus and how thankful they are that all that sin in their past is forgiven.

It is like a cheat code for getting a 'clean break' from their prior behavior and signalling just how mature and good they are. And in the event that anyone calls them on it they can get all high-and-mighty: "That was me before I came to Christ, I am now a new person and I while I regret all the sins I've committed, they are forgiven and I have devoted my life to serving him."

Basically Jesus becomes their new alpha and they seek a Christian BB who doesn't mind waiting until marriage for sex.

[–]2Deapluv[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh yes that too! I felt the list could go on forever lol, but yes finding Jeebus is right up there. Family values!

[–]MrBellagio 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

wow. I was dating a 29 year old (1 year older than me) about 6 months ago who matched almost every warning on your list. On paper, she was fucking perfect. At 29 claimed she was a virgin (kept me waiting for a month), suddenly found an interest in baking and pilates. Yes somehow, despite being a virgin and "never having seen a cock other than yours" she gave world champion BJs.

Something just didn't smell right about her and I ejected. Been happy ever since.

[–]sonofchad 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's crazy how women know they're going to hit the wall so they just mask their true nature and turns themselves into a unicorn.

[–]nudgy_peppers 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Something I have been kicking around for a bit.

she will never lose the baby weight

If you make the colossally stupid decision to get hitched don't you kind of want this? I know a thousand redpillers are crying out right now, but for some women the wall doesn't hit them that hard. They stay thin and pretty well into middle age. Don't those women have more opportunity to cheat than little mrs. pork chop?

[–]PlanB_pedofile 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Biggest red flag. NON MARRIED SINGLE MOM!

Just what the hell happened that caused a man to be separated from his flesh and blood?

the divorced single mother story can kinda swing. Men do stupid shit like cheat, or addiction, or fall into complete betaness.

But if she's a single mom with 2 baby daddies, that's a red flag no matter what age she is.

I'm watching a shit show right now. Former party girl/bartender who now found god. She has 2 kids from 2 men, married a beta bucks, divorced beta bucks after 3 years, now dating a man with a higher smv from her former BB. Relationship is still in the honeymoon phase and she's stopped taking her birth control. Not even 1 year yet. She's hoping to snag this guy with a kid before he slips away or catches on by year 2.

[–]Modredpillschool 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Very nice insight, thanks!

[–]Scurvemuch 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Its even funnier to watch if you happen to be married, and your wife does many of these things while with you.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 1ポイント2ポイント  (29子コメント)

Yeah, maybe. But. Sometimes, after a woman divorces, she comes out the otherside and goes shit, marriage can be a mindfuck. You invest a decade (10+ years) of your time into someone, trying to be the breadwinner, then they let you down majorly and you go, if I have kids, I want their dad to be someone who would be an amazing dad. Honestly, I have had two drinks in over a decade, don't smoke, spent 8 years of my life in university, never cheated him in thought or deed even once, was considerate and cleaned and cooked for him and he would have tried to get money out of me in the divorce (but didnt because his friends gave him mad shit over it). That said, I'm surgeon with my own business - my car is and probably always will be a trash heap and I will always hate sports on tv. But at 28, I'm stuck starting over and being lumped with cc girls. I guess the point I would like to make is, for some people, life takes an unfortunate turn and you invest incredibly heavily in a person and it doesn't work out, and then you get put into the same category.

[–]Endorsed ContributorMattyAnon 15ポイント16ポイント  (7子コメント)

We know that not all women ride the CC throughout their 20's... but all women hit the wall.

You haven't mentioned your n-count, so I'm guessing your party years ended early (ie 18 ish).

he would have tried to get money out of me in the divorce (but didnt because his friends gave him mad shit over it)

There is massive social stigma to men claiming alimony even when it would otherwise be warranted.

You got luckier than most men do - thank your lucky stars you're not paying out for alimony and child support for children you are banned from seeing.

you invest incredibly heavily in a person and it doesn't work out

Lesson learned: be the guy that women invest in, not the reverse. You won't get alimony, but if she's the major earner you won't have to pay it either (unless there are kids).

Seriously girl, we get your point, but you still have it better than the vast majority of men so suck it up buttercup.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

Very low n count, yeah Im wall adjacent (look at my past post, you can probably find the photos of me pretty quick.) A friend of mine pays full childsupport and hasnt seen his kids in a year and it is the most tragic thing on earth. Family law is 100% fucked.

And I do "suck it up". But I do wish that, when I was younger, someone had said to me "it doesnt matter how smart or successful you get, guys just want someone hot so get super hot." And not said "focus more on being a bad ass in your career. Men love driven women."

[–]Endorsed Contributorsqerl 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

But I do wish that, when I was younger, someone had said to me "it doesnt matter how smart or successful you get, guys just want someone hot so get super hot." And not said "focus more on being a bad ass in your career. Men love driven women."

I dated the successful career woman that was seemingly a unicorn. She was super hot (especially when younger). Her hubby divorced her after 25 years for a younger model. So perhaps, had you focused on "super hot", you 1) wouldn't have your career and 2) you would be discarded after a quarter-century because the guy that only wanted super-hot opted for younger -again... anyway, be careful what you wish for....

[–]aanarchist 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

no smart and successful is great, you just have to be a pleasant woman to be around. most career women are fucking harpies, or like brogirls.

[–]Docbear64 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You sound smart and realistic You'll find someone new just make sure that the next someone is someone worth your time and attention . clearly you don't need hi for his cash so make sure his personality and ethics are worth your attention . And of course know that he won't be a perfect man , that doesn't mean he won't be good man.

[–]Endorsed ContributorMattyAnon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

But I do wish that, when I was younger, someone had said to me "it doesnt matter how smart or successful you get, guys just want someone hot so get super hot

Personality and low n-count also count for a lot. Specifically charm and appeal and not having 5 children from 5 different fathers and being well known by all the local football team.

Unfortunately for you if you're telling the truth: women fake these qualities very well when they want to find a beta male to support them. So chances are you're lying to try and make yourself higher quality than you really are (AWALT)...

So then the question is... why should we believe you, given that there is a 95% chance you're lying?

[–]tb87670 3ポイント4ポイント  (11子コメント)

Unlike a man you did not lose house, kids, and a large part of your entire career earnings through divorce so things can't be too bad. You do not have it anywhere near as bad as a man, especially this equality BS and how apparently your ex was shamed out of alimony he 'deserved' just as much as many women 'deserve' theirs.

But at 28, I'm stuck starting over and being lumped with cc girls

As for you being lumped in with cc girls I can see how that would suck for a legit good girl, it is that way though simply because so many women are partaking in such behavior nowadays. You fail to realize how this messes up guys in the deal, most of the 'good guys' women claim to want are indeed sexless, sexually frustrated, and deemed either unattractive or 'creepy' because they are not exciting enough. Most women are not giving sex to most guys in their class, hypergamy is shuffling 6's into the arms of fewer male 7's and female 7's into the arms of even fewer male 8's etc. like a screwed up pyramid scheme. I'm only saying this so you can visualize the other side of the equation: guys in the average 5-6 range who can be deserving of average and below-average women end up getting nothing at all in the real world. As a woman you can go out and get laid any time you want even if you are a 5. No man can say that with certainty they are getting laid that night, even very attractive ones will have occasional dry spells or a rape claim can be pulled out of nowhere.

If you are looking into a long-term partner well blame feminism for men not wanting to commit. Men are getting such a shitty deal in society anymore many are checking out from the game altogether. I known one that dated 11 women then turned gay, told me nowhere near as much bs and he's much happier and he wasn't "born gay" as they say. Yes, this is a common thing as I heard about it several times now and yes that is how bad women are treating men today. My advice to you? Don't give it up too easy like first date after a beer (this is a red flag for guys looking for an LTR) but likewise don't be a prude and hold out as if you are worth your weight in gold. Have realistic expectations and do not expect the other party to do 99% of the work, it's a push-pull and give-take thing. Keep the reciprocation going back and forth for a while and see how things pan out but remember to be feminine. Men like women, masculine likes feminine. It might sound sexist or whatever but each gal I was with that was feminine seemed way happier with life than normally less feminine and tomboyish ones.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 1ポイント2ポイント  (10子コメント)

Thanks for the advice. I genuinely appreciate it. Minus earnings, it is definitely harder to be a man in today's paradigm than it is to be a woman. Absolutely. But, from my point of view, it's frustrating when you can do "all the right blue pill things" and still have life be a bucket of suck when you get lumped into a category. I don't drink so that isn't going to happen. I'm not holding out on anything, but by the same token, I want to be with someone I respect and love. Outside of my work, I am super driven, but I always let my ex be the man in the relationship. I left because I had to carry a 70-80 pound dog down and then up a set of stairs in the rain and he refused to help me when I had said to him that the dog was very very heavy and I was afraid of getting hurt. I fell on the way back up, saved the dog but injured myself and then knew I had to leave, because if he let me get injured for no good reason other than "its wet, dark and cold outside", what would that mean for any future kids we had? This was someone who I had fallen in love with at 17, cut serious slack for ten years, who believed in no sex before marriage and had me wait 6 years, during the marriage had an active sexlife with and never said no to and I been super loyal to. My point is, sometimes in life, you get that unfair stigma when you are starting over.

[–]tb87670 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

It's not an unfair stigma. You were already married. That means some other guy was inside you regularly and likely did everything in the playbook with you, that alone can bug many men when they think of it. It can be hard for a guy (especially bluepills) to accept a woman that had a few one-night-stands let alone a woman that was with a particular person for years. Here at TRP I learned to inquire about past relationships, a woman who only sleeps with one guy at a time but has a high turnover rate is barely above the woman who just outright sleeps around. But a woman who was faithful to a single partner for a long time that's just a notch below getting a woman who hasn't dated ever at all and is a fairly good sign.

Think of it from the perspective of a man. A woman is a risk. Many are going MGTOW simply because false rape accusations and financial burdens are fairly high risk in the current environment. Some men literally give up because interactions with women do not pass the cost-benefit analysis. Make yourself worth it for the man, that is the best advice I can give if you want to attract one. All women know how to make men happy, many just refuse to. I point out to single mothers who give the craziest kinkiest and most abundant sex a man will ever experience all while cooking his meals and massaging him etc. She does this because she is attempting to lock him down, and many examples exist how those women cut off all that good stuff once the guy is locked down. Do not be like that. Keep it up, ensure it's a good reciprocation and do your part as well.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

I did and plan to. I'm a pairbonder. and it broke my heart that I had to end it. But, now it's over, I find it difficult to know where I stand re SMV. The one thing I honestly took for granted was the amount of time and effort it takes to go out there and date and meet people.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Another thing was that you get tunnel vision for a decade. You don't keep your eye off it for a second. But then, in an instant, it's gone. And now it feels like i'm waking up and finally seeing things as they are. I had let myself go. He didn't care, but, I realise now that I had taken the easy way out on myself. But now, I could never go back to thinking that way. That feeling of dread keeps me awake at night. And it's scary but I am fine with it because it's honest. Am so sick of people lying to me, saying I don't need to change, to "treat yo self" to make themselves feel comfortable. That crab in a bucket mentality.

[–]Duchenne4089 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

While I appreciate that you visit TRP and soak up valuable information, I think redpillwomen is a better place to learn. The advice you get from the women there is more valuable than ours, since we are men and only see our part of the equation.

[–]TryDoingSomethingNew 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

"*All women know how to make men happy, many just refuse to. *"

I can't stress this enough. This and the bad attitude I find with women near my age or even 10 years below is one major reason I'm usually with younger women.

[–]Lucillebluthtwo 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

And thanks for your thoughts. I guess to stay in a long term relationships, there's always give and take and meeting the other's sexual needs are paramount to both being happy. One guy I went Out with for a few weeks was a car parts sales guy, loveliest guy ever, but, when we discussed drive, he said once a month or so. I like things easily 3-6 times a week, depending on the craziness of my work schedule and I couldn't even get him to agreeing to once a week and it was a deal breaker. So yeah, if people are upfront, it helps.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]Lucillebluthtwo 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Except it was me and I got injured. Not really badly but dude, if he wont help me when I tell him i am scared of injuring myself, then he wont be putting food in a feeding tube for me either.

    [–]NastyCupcake 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

    There are plenty of great men who believe the unicorn, what are you bitching here for?

    [–]Lucillebluthtwo 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Not a unicorn nor claiming to be. Just don't like brush tarring. You are probably right though.

    [–]NastyCupcake -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    "nor claiming to be." - I never believe information that hasn't been denied.


    Man I saw your picture which can be viewed here(https://imgur.com/a/dLSHB) and I have a suggestion for you to improve, get rid of that 1000 cock stare.


    [–]NoIamNotARobot 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

    You are not being lumped with cc girls. If you go on a date with a guy and tell him what you just wrote, he won't put you in the same category with "I used to party hard, but now I found jesus. Let's take it slow" girls. But, this is a website that gives advise to MEN. A man who would be with you, would have to provide(time/money/effort) for kids who are not his kids. That's why the TRP says your SMV is lower.

    ps: Anger-phase dudes will downvote your comment into oblivion.

    [–]Lucillebluthtwo 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

    But I don't have kids... Why who any kids of a future partner not be his?

    [–]Lucillebluthtwo 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Just to clarify - we were at the stage where we were just about to start trying for a family...

    [–]NoIamNotARobot 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Sorry, I misread your comment. tb87670's comment is solid then.

    [–]massageanest 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    What about girls that have most of these qualities way before they hit the wall (early 20s) that are not looking to get married? Or are they looking to get married...

    [–]Vaping_Hitler 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Filly = unbred horse. I'm pretty sure you mean "mare." The point is that the behaviors established at the end of adolescence are inescapable in the longterm. This holds true for men as well as women. The men we were at 18 are the men we are at 40. That's why change is so difficult. If you were a beta wuss at 18, the price you have to pay is constant vigilance. Men sometimes can pull it off, women never can.

    [–]The__Tren__Train -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

    You seem to know this topic quite well..

    Are you writing from personal experience?

    [–]maxrp 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Indeed its missing some example observations from op's life.