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[–]5mastersThần Võ Đạo 神武道 -3ポイント-2ポイント  (6子コメント)

You are no martial artist /u/randaethyr. Real martial artists do not talk shit on other schools like you, and they don't challenge masters to fight. Real Martial artists do not hide in the shadows attacking people anonymously, they show their face. I really have no idea who I am talking to right now. In our culture, its really some cowardly shit to challenge someone to a fight without showing your face.

As far as your challenge to our Sifu to fight.. we have stated the requirements.
1) Show your face.

2) Because you were the aggressor in this situation and presented the challenge to fight, you pay for our ticket to Orlando, including hotel and cash to travel. Its really not that large of an expense to host an accomplished kung fu master, especially after disrespecting him like you have.
OR Come to Philly.

3) Whether you come here or we come to you, as you agreed before, we decide the rules of the fight, where and when. Sorry there is no way out of this one for you, as you have already shown so much belligerence including attacking us on our schools Facebook page, childish name calling, and refusing to show your face. We do not negotiate.

[–]Randaethyr[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (5子コメント)

2) Because you were the aggressor in this situation and presented the challenge to fight

Let's get something straight here homeslice, YOU issued a "challenge" because I criticized your terrible "sparring", which began by stating that your "master" would kill me.

Sorry there is no way out of this one for you

Just show up already you basic bitch. That's all it takes, just get your bitch ass here.

As far as agreeing to "the rules of the fight", I thought you guys didn't have any rules because you were some tough guy combat fighters?

Make up your mind please.

[–]5mastersThần Võ Đạo 神武道 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

You made the challenge to fight. not us. I really have no idea what you are talking about, you have been the belligerent aggressor since this started not me. Look at this post you just made and your comments. its such childish name calling nonsense.

Just show up already you basic bitch. That's all it takes, just get your bitch ass here.

I can say the same thing to you, its so ridiculous, except for we don't know where "here" is! You say orlando.. where in orlando? where is your school? Where do you train? Who are you?

As far as agreeing to "the rules of the fight", I thought you guys didn't have any rules because you were some tough guy combat fighters?

Again this really doesn't matter. Personally I would consider a fight with empty hand kyokushin type rules, but my teacher would not. I have not spoken to him about any details, but it would be his decision to make. The point is that you offered us to fight on our terms, which are undecided at this point because we still have not gotten past our first requirement, showing that you are even worth fighting.

[–]Randaethyr[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (3子コメント)

I really have no idea what you are talking about, you have been the belligerent aggressor since this started not me.

So you're just going to ignore this?

Come on Paul, you can delete your comments on Facebook but you can't delete the screen caps I took.

where in orlando?

Near the University of Central Florida. Let me know it's going down and I'll get a venue.

where is your school? Where do you train?

I already told you who taught me how to fight and who I trained with, including a link to the IKF memorial page for one of the guys who taught me how to fight.

Who are you?

I posted with my real Facebook profile you dingus.

So are you going to show up Paul Davis, or am I wasting my time with your basic bitch shenanigans?

[–]5mastersThần Võ Đạo 神武道 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

So you're just going to ignore this?

you are ridiculous man. yes I said that, after you stupidly challenged my teacher to fight on the other thread. I am not going to argue with you about who offered to fight.

I already told you who taught me how to fight and who I trained with, including a link to the IKF memorial page for one of the guys who taught me how to fight.

I really don't care who taught you. I want to know where. I want to see your face, and if you were man enough you would post your sparring so people could see who is talking so much trash on a master. You would put out all of the info that we have online, and give an address. But thats never going to happen because you are a anonymous internet coward, really. Your Facebook profile doesn't even show your face.

Its ridiculous to think that any real martial artist would jump on a plane tomorrow just because an anonymous troll online says their form is shitty, then wait somewhere that they told them until they came. Do you really think I am that dumb?

So are you going to show up Paul Davis, or am I wasting my time with your basic bitch shenanigans?

At this point, if any fight is going to happen it is going to be my teacher's decision and his rules. We have already established this, and you have agreed to it.

This is my last comment until tomorrow or possibly later, I really don't care what shit you say, I won't be responding until I speak with my teacher.

[–]Randaethyr[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

So you're a basic bitch.

It's an easy yes or no.