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More "Economics is a Pseudo-Science" Pseudo-Arguments (nytimes.com)
kznlolto iterate is human; to recurse, divine が 投稿
That's just a theory. A Game Theory! (np.reddit.com)
say_wot_againSend questions to /r/AskEconomics が 投稿
Inferior goods and substitution effects represent "irrational" behavior. (nytimes.com)
mjucftThe communist daughter が 投稿
"Or maybe, economics is mostly horseshit" - An analysis of /r/politics economic discourse (self.badeconomics)
CupinacupEconomics is basically Thermodynamics with money が 投稿
Defaulting on debt decreases risk and won't raise the interest rates on government bonds (np.reddit.com)
zzzzz94Minister of Bourgeoisie Enlightenment and Propaganda[🍰] が 投稿
Everything companies make now sucks because they only care about profits! (np.reddit.com)
God_Given_TalentExploring the market for kneecapping が 投稿
Paying Interest on Bonds is Useless (watershedsentinel.ca)
tradetheorist3The world will end when robots have comparative advantage が 投稿
"Mexico will pay," and other Trump Tall Tales (washingtonpost.com)
mobysniperProponent of Geckonomics が 投稿
Intentional Inefficiency is a Scam to Trend Towards Full Employment (np.reddit.com)
ShanknadoI did an econ once が 投稿
Ticket scalping is "price gouging" and people should not support it (np.reddit.com)
kznlolto iterate is human; to recurse, divine が 投稿
Ron Paul supporting only the lowest hanging of bad economics financial scams about your money being worthless. So give your 99 dollars of worthless money today! (self.badeconomics)
PlowbeastDon't blame me. I voted for Adam Smith. が 投稿