全 27 件のコメント

[–]theultmatecadUnplugging 4ポイント5ポイント  (6子コメント)

Game is most important to married men. There is no reason to avoid game because you are not single

I never understood the resistance:

Married men take incredible risks compared to their single friends. They limit their sexual relations to a single woman and they risk half their assets and access to their kids THEN say they dont need game.

Dead backwards and absolutely an espousing of Bluepill fantasy

[–]RedDreadWolverine[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Because most men these days are so mentally weak that they think knowledge automatically equals execution. Execution is the part that actually requires effort. If I game women and never fuck them or am even alone with them, I'm not doing anything morally wrong. Just giving some woman something to smile about. Even if you take "sins of the heart" for example, if I'm just playing the game and learning a skill there's no wrong doing if I don't actually intend on fucking someone else. What's my wrong? Letting my wife know I have other options? Didn't see that one in scripture.

[–]theultmatecadUnplugging 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I dont think its a moral reason that men resist. Its that they dont feel they need game because they are married.

As if marriage guarantees one sex love, and respect.

[–]Redneck001MRP-APPROVED 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Most married men assume that since they're married, they can quit trying.

That's a horrible path to take. Fat, weak, lazy guys get the relationship they deserve.

[–]theultmatecadUnplugging 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you arent gaming the wife, generating tingles and drama, then she will find what's missing. Guaranfuckingteed.

Women say they want a partnership yet they really need to be manhandled and told what to.

[–]IASGame 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The trick is that learning game for real pretty much requires experience "in field". You can't really replace practice by reading more and more theory.


Now I know you are not faithful, but many/most of us here in MRP are still exclusive.


Personally as I am in a LDR I can even get plenty of opportunities to practice (although I haven't been doing it), but even if I do (and a couple of times I did go out to practice), I still won't be able to learn that much as my personal boundary is this side of making out.

[–]theultmatecadUnplugging -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, not close. And the LDR comment has my sides hurting from laughing.

Men in relationships need game badly. Or they wont be in a solid relationship for long. Not one on his terms anyway

[–]TheFamilyAlphaMRP MODERATOR 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Solid post - I still have yet to finish the book but I've gotten far enough into it to know there are several gems that every man should be made aware of.

Another point to add to this would not only be when is the last time you had a quality conversation with your wife but also, when is the last time you made her laugh?

this shit should be fun and interesting. Not everything has to be this deep profound discussion, as OP stated some conversations are solely for her.

Make her feel the whole range of emotions - from suspense to laughter, sadness, to pure bliss. Learn how to talk to your wife and don't scare the cat

[–]IASGame 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Other than the books, has anyone else here been looking at game material? There is a recent thread about it, I looked at the basics that YaReally suggests frequently (MM and the following two videos).


I want to learn about the Juggler Method because at least while I am married, I care more about Rapport than banging other women.


Pasting it again (better formatting this time for reddit):


– Mystery Method (I prefer the seminar where he teaches it over the PDF, I like Mystery’s passion for what he’s teaching, the vids were on YouTube at some point…Magic Bullets is a more brief version of MM if you want the tl;dr version of it)


– Liam Mcrae’s Rapid Escalation video on YouTube


– Richard LaRuina Formula For Night Game on YouTube (specifically 27:00 to 50:00)


– RSDJulien’s SHIFT (internal game/mindsets/beliefs)


– and RSDJulien’s PIMP (external game aka shit to execute infield)


– and if you just want overall social skills building rapport/comfort with people in general then check out Juggler Method.


I’d say that’s the most efficient route to get legit well-rounded solid pickup skills infield fast. And read TRM of course lol And do your FRs even if you don’t show them to anyone, just writing shit down recapping the night helps your brain focus on how you could do better.


I would these resources out in the order listed too, tho if you’re already going out (so you have decent inner game) and just need help with externals watch PIMP then SHIFT, but if you’re not going out at all yet and are scared to go out, reverse the order of those two and watch SHIFT then PIMP.

[–]KyfhoMyobaMRP Approved 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Magic Bullets is a more brief version of MM

Magic Bullets (from the LoveSystems people) tends toward a very scripted kind of exchange. I do not recommend it for married guys except as a way to gain social proof from strange women, i.e., don't use it on your wife, you'll run out of material.

I would also recommend Ross Jeffries' Speed SeductionTM most highly.

[–]Scurvemuch 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you're not capable of showing value even if you're high value, she'll find validation elsewhere

This is a key to the AF/BB ot Push/pull of MRP, or if you like The BF (beta fucks) dynamic....

Specifically - your SO should be able to experience your value herself. It is not enough to withdraw value that you think you added. She has to experience it. Deep feelings of the value you provide are not just visual experiences, they are also physical ones, and apply to lifting as well as conversation.

[–]hamsterbaitingUnplugging 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is part of how another dude steals your girl, he has more interesting stuff to say and he's a better storyteller then you. Women are wired to seek validation from men. If you're not capable of showing value even if you're high value, she'll find validation elsewhere.

Awesome post. Sacking up and applying this a few years ago could have saved my marriage.

[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Roosh has taken a lot of heat because of his big RP break but Day Bang really changed my life. It sets out so easily how to talk and flirt with girls. He doesn't get into escalation to sex or anything like that it is just how to talk and flirt- you know, what our dad's all taught us when we graduated from Middle School. Or not.

[–]MRPguyMarried 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Agree that game is important. As was posted before, it's especially important to the married man. I found Day Bang to be extremely useless and boring.

Reading field reports and top posts from MRP has been much more beneficial. Day Bang was a snoozefest.

[–]ReddJive 0ポイント1ポイント  (12子コメント)

I am reading both of Roosh's books and seeking out PUA stuff as a way to game my wife.

Thanks for this insight in how it helped. I wasn't sure how it would, but I was reading because....

That said I have a similar wife as you but it differs in that if she thinks her opinion is right there is no moving her, even in the face of being wrong. She won't even hold a discussion on it.

Still...Anything to break down those barriers.

[–]RedDreadWolverine[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Stop looking at all this stuff as a way to manipulate her into thinking you're awesome and actually be awesome. If I can smell your desperation for validation on your posts here it's probably strong enough to make her vomit in person.

[–]ReddJive -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

I am preparing my OYS post for this week but I am not seeking validation. As I move along there has been significant uptick in her attitudes. I view gaming my wife as making her comfortable and easy going when around me. Then couple that with how I begin communicating my plan for the family.

The fullness of time.

Not...how do I get her in to bed and fucking like crazy. The particular part of PUA that interests me is in how easy the communication flows. Even in my college days it was never easy for me.

Still...when we have a discussion she is resistant to insights I have to offer. Even though she has started to brag to her co-workers and friends about some skills or insight I have (the new change in the last few weeks). Privately? She will argue how I am wrong until the sun goes down.

I take this on as me as coming off to strong or being too harsh in my approach during the conversation. IT has nothing to do with sex but how I am communicating with her. Validation? No. Like I've said that train has left the building. I don't need her to validate my life any longer but I need to communicate the direction the train is going. Whether she jumps on or not? Her call.

[–]RedDreadWolverine[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Wrong. You say, "party train is leaving the station, get on or stay here." she doesn't need a destination she needs a ride worth taking. Stop bargaining with life and make it bargain with you faggot.

[–]TheFamilyAlphaMRP MODERATOR 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stop bargaining with life and make it bargain with you faggot.


[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 0ポイント1ポイント  (5子コメント)

if she thinks her opinion is right there is no moving her, even in the face of being wrong

And you do your thing anyways. she doesn't have to be on board, just out of the way

[–]ReddJive 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

I got that. I didn't communicate correctly earlier about T train analogy. I had a different vision of the analogy. My fault.

It's when OP talked about throwing out a question or talking of a point that's of interest to me. My wife will jump on it like she's winning a war. She doesn't have fun casual conversations.

I take this as my failing as I've done something. So it's something I'm working on. Conversely I do wonder if it also bleeds over in other ways I communicate other things. If not...so be it...but I'm getting here that it doesn't effect other areas.

[–]RedDreadWolverine[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

I already told you why she's doing that. You can't "logic" your way out of the situation you're in. Read lift and look inward. Stop posting here and just read. We know you're full of shit the same way military can spot people stealing valor through impersonating them. Go through the hard shit and stop looking for shortcuts. We will welcome you when you've actually completed basic. Now run along.

[–]ReddJive 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

stolen valor?

I don't understand your analogy there. As a disabled vet though being compared to them you lost your point with me and went straight to ad hominem attack.

It was the equivalent of "putting your hands" on a trainee. If you've been through military basic you'll understand the meaning.

[–]Scurvemuch -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

As a disabled vet though being compared to them you lost your point with me

Before you get all high and mighty disabled vet on us here, consider why he chose the stolen valor analogy and how it can apply to you. Consider that it doesn't matter if your DI put hands on you or not... just that the result is a Marine.

[–]RedDreadWolverine[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

He's looking for offense. I'm honestly looking out for the guy. He's doing what I was doing at first and writing unneeded long winded posts that clearly show his hand instead of just reading, keeping his head down, and getting through the process.

If you've really been through basic you know the best thing you can do is not be the best or worst. But make sure no one remembers your fucking name.

Reddjive You're acting like you know when you obviously don't.

You're posting way too much. We're not going to rub off on you because you're active in the sub.

Put your head down, get to work and stop posting so much. You're not adding to the conversation.

[–]screechhater 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida

Fucking mind blowing. Finding balance and understanding the underlying current of the majority of shit tests and how to meet them head on. Throwing the "seeking of validation" out the window via her (and or anyone else again) and allowing all barriers to come down and truly engage her on a level I never quite understood.

[–]ReddJive 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for the tip.

I'd put this one off for later as it was in the "advanced" curriculum. Guess I should move it up and start in on it.