amy slaton


hello my name Amy. i live in a small town. i enjoy horror films.. i love me some vampire, hello kitty, and monster high.

morganfield ky, usa




  1. Going for a walk to clear my head of everything, it a beautiful chilli morning:

  2. Need to go far away and get my mind off this stupid shit:

  3. Time to watch a movie and eat chocolate cake by myself:

  4. Cold and it raining. Hope it don't storm cuz I'm alone. Where the big strong men at i...:

  5. Being single sick!!:

  6. Bout to head to McDonald's to hang out any cute guys wanna meet me there:

  7. Nothing to do so i guess I'll go to bed nighty night:

  8. I need a strong guy that not afraid of little pain, like biting:

  9. So boring nothing to do here!?!:

  10. Also he and single again:

  11. Can't trust anyone now a days:

  12. So bored where at the Marion Kentucky man at??:

  13. I guess I'm single:

  14. Lonely Easter:

  15. Sick of being hurt!!!:

  16. Just wanna find love...😩😭😩😭😩😭😩💔:

  17. Tired of being single:

  18. Another boring day!!:



