rupaulsdragrace 内の MouthPop によるリンク iD: Drag's Cis-Male Problem

[–]mothahasarrived 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

They rightfully acknowledge that RPDR is the driving force in the mainstream popularisation of drag but fail to take that into account any further. I bet a sizeable portion of the people decrying Drag Race’s “Cis Problem” wouldn’t even interact with drag if it weren’t for RuPaul and Drag Race. They say Drag Race limits them but they fail to realise Drag Race created them and inspired them and that’s a level of delusional and self-centred entitlement that must be hard to get on all T, all shade.

rupaulsdragrace 内の MouthPop によるリンク iD: Drag's Cis-Male Problem

[–]mothahasarrived 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

And Raja, all of these "RPDR is so Cis" people fail to recognise that Ru has actually given the crown to three people who don't identify as cis lmao, I guess they have to disregard it to suit their narrative.

RPDRDRAMA 内の myhatrules によるリンク Stefano03 can't wait for Derrick to fail

[–]mothahasarrived 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stefano went overboard but 95% of the main sub is over Derrick, I'm surprised she got so heavily downvoted for it.

rupaulsdragrace 内の amorouslovers によるリンク This youtube comment makes sense. (Food for Thought)

[–]mothahasarrived 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

"This is season X" usually gets thrown around when a queen cannot do something even passably that has been a part of the show for a long time and they should know how to do it, the prime example being sewing.

rupaulsdragrace 内の CptJHark によるリンク Challenge Wins + Winners

[–]mothahasarrived 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

It would be very interesting but near impossible, Bob would have to win two out of the next three or Kim/Robbie/ChiChi would have to win the remaining three in a row and I see that never happening in a million years for any of the 4 queens.

I think top 3 will probably all have two wins this year or maybe one will have 1 win which hasn't happened since S1.

rupaulsdragrace 内の glacieux によるリンク Kim Chi... [probably spoilers]

[–]mothahasarrived 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I doubt it will require any real food political knowledge, it just sounds like a mixture of the patriotic message and perfume commercial and if a queen can come up with a funny character and a good catchphrase she'll be set so it's probably up Thorgy's alley.

rupaulsdragrace 内の CastleCat16 によるリンク Magnolia Crawford in Snatch Game

[–]mothahasarrived 35ポイント36ポイント  (0子コメント)

She said in her whatcha packin? that she would've done JonBenet Ramsey, Mary Kay Letourneau, or Tonya Harding so basically any woman at the centre of an American scandal.

rupaulsdragrace 内の saintrorem によるリンク S8 Ep. 6 Challenge: Wizards of Drag Challenge Specs

[–]mothahasarrived 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This episode is going to be interesting cause we have pretty much no idea of anything except Kim and Chi Chi survive until Shady Politics.

I think Naomi is a shoe in for the win and this will be her redemption episode, hopefully they don't shove that down our throats and Naomi brings it to justify a win if she wins. I can also see Kim getting a lot of praise for her great makeup and garments and I think Chi Chi and Tonya will have the best performance out of the 7 and Chi Chi can turn a good look from nothing.

Bottom 2 will probably be a combination of Derrick, Robbie, Bob, and Thorgy, with either Robbie or Derrick going home. Robbie doesn't have a story and Derrick's story seems to be wrapping up soon, so I think one of them will get the axe.

RPDRDRAMA 内の saintrorem によるリンク When you comment, the trolls win.

[–]mothahasarrived 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is she the one that loathes Kim and Bob? I hope they both make top 3 just to see her have a fit over it.

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク Parliament house is playin with us!

[–]mothahasarrived 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bob has gigs in Iowa and Missouri that weekend so maybe she booked there before knowing about WP. I'm not sure about Chi Chi but it's probably for a similar reason (or in some weird twist neither of them make top 5 lol).

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク Parliament house is playin with us!

[–]mothahasarrived 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Violet, Ginger, Pearl, Kennedy, Trixie

Bianca, Adore, Courtney, Darrienne, DeLa, Laganja

Jinkx, Alaska, Roxxxy, Detox, Coco, Ivy

They historically have booked people outside of top 5, it's a guide not an absolute. Naomi/Kim/Thorgy/Robbie likely makes up 4/5ths or 3/5ths of the top 5.

rupaulsdragrace 内の [deleted] によるリンク does no one else see it? @bloodbending's comment

[–]mothahasarrived 25ポイント26ポイント  (0子コメント)

So you, energybending, want us to tell you that bloodbending's comment is valid?

No shade girl but I'm having a hard time not thinking you're that IG user just fishing for vindication about your opinion. Tacky.

EDIT: ...

rupaulsdragrace 内の HeyHeather によるリンク Dear Logo...

[–]mothahasarrived 125ポイント126ポイント  (0子コメント)

I hope that's not your song cause if it is then it sucks.

rupaulsdragrace 内の itsgalindawithaga によるリンク Predictions for Wizards of Drag **possible spoilers**

[–]mothahasarrived 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wait I'm pretty sure someone else is doing Dorothy cause this (spoiler) isn't Lion makeup at all and is signature Robbie paint, meaning Chi Chi is likely Cowardly Lion.

I think the Kansas line could be for anyone as well (not that Robbie is definitely not going home, she could easily be eliminated), it's the perfect pun for the challenge.

rupaulsdragrace 内の LazyAussie によるリンク Laganja and Gia Australian tour - Biblegirl dropped?

[–]mothahasarrived 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah I saw the page a few weeks ago and 3:53 was there, she must've pulled out. I might go now cause I was not going solely cause I refuse to financially contribute to this.

rpdrtearanny 内の LHarkins によるリンク We're half way through. Time for a halfway home review.

[–]mothahasarrived 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bob: Probably the best at the challenges so far, her only blunder has been not killing Bitch Perfect but other than that she has constantly out done herself and many others. I've loved her looks so far (bar that horrid eyepatch) and think she's gotten extra hate for basically not being a fashionista which people seem to have grown too attached to since last season. I think she'll definitely lipsync once this season but she's a lock for top 3 at this point (unless she's the one talking shit about Ru lol). I want her to win and I think she'll either win or be a close second and either way I'll be happy cause she has a successful career ahead of her either way.

Chi Chi: Chi Chi has been amazing at pretty much everything and I even thought she was the best in her singing trio and it was the attitude that undid her. For a "cheap" queen she definitely knows how to produce a fierce garment and I've found myself loving all her looks reguardless of how simple the judges tell me they are. I pray to gay god that she's in the top 3 but I feel like she'll probably go at top 4/5 but I hope I'm wrong.

Derrick: Funnily enough every time she's consciously done Britney I think she's done great but other than that I think she's been anywhere from okay to just plain bad. Her fashion is also hit or miss, sometimes I think she looks really good/polished, and other times I think she just looks cookie cutter and boring. I could see her being carried to top 5 just for the drama cause her miscommunication with the others sure makes for good drama, but I also think she could go home next episode and considering how this season hasn't been the best for Derrick I hope she goes sooner rather than later.

Kim: She kinda reminds me of Violet; Sometimes she can pull a good performance but most times it's not cute. Great fashion but I don't think everything she's worn has been amazing. She's probably gonna be top 3 and the edit would definitely suggest that, and I would like to see her as top3/4 and wouldn't mind if she won, there are worse possibilities than a Kim win imo.

Naomi: Naomi has been disappointing so far, her best challenge performances have been episode 2 and 4 and she was still overshadowed by the winers by a large margin. I think she's been okay but she hasn't had that big moment yet and is just fading to me. I enjoy her looks but do not like that they are literally all constructed around being in lingerie, it's very one-note to me and I hear myself saying "panties, bitch" every time she walks down the runway. Ideally I would like to see her get a soft rudemption and then be eliminated at episode 7 cause we all know she doesn't follow food, but I feel a strong rudemption/top 3 edit coming on and I don't want to see that especially after it didn't work last year with Pearl.

Robbie: Robbie is a rollercoaster of strengths and weaknesses. I think she was great in episode 2 and 4 but the in the others she has really fuckin sucked and she has even been selling herself as a sister to Jinkx and Ben so it's surprising that she has fucked up where she says she should be doing great. I especially feel like her Snatch Game was a let down, It almost came off like "Well Jinkx did someone obscure and won so I should do that as well", it was just disappointing. I've liked all the looks she's brought though, I think she has an eye for clothes but not the hand to make them as seen in episode 1. Considering she's been such a rollercoaster she could be going home next week or be top 3 for all we know but I would like her to go around top 5 cause I feel like she's good TV but not a strong competitor.

Thorgy: Thorgy is really killing the challenges, and she hasn't messed up once. I've loved a lot of what she's worn but I think she sometimes risks doing too much with the look like in episode 4, her best stuff is usually when she keeps it simple and clean. I want Thorgy in the top 3 so bad and I think she's a lock for at least top 5 at this point. I want her to win a challenge and think she has a good chance in episode 7 but I think it could be interesting if she made top 3 with just constantly being in the top 3 but not winning or fucking up, I guess we'll see.

Rankings: Bob (top), Thorgy, Chi Chi, Kim, Robbie, Naomi, Derrick (bottom)

rupaulsdragrace 内の CastleCat16 によるリンク Derrick vs Acid Betty

[–]mothahasarrived 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is Chi Chi but Derrick was a bitch to her when she apologised to her. So yeah giashesfucked.gif

rupaulsdragrace 内の CastleCat16 によるリンク Derrick vs Acid Betty

[–]mothahasarrived 81ポイント82ポイント  (0子コメント)

She went on a long winded rant about how she was a model and Betty was disrespectful in Untucked joking about how she wasn't a 'real' model and that Betty should respect her because she fought for the country in the army.

They both seem to jump at opportunities to play victim and fish for vindication from fans, it's not cute.