1: Egg ★@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:30:04.40 ID:CAP_USER*.net
伊『Football ITALIA』が伝えたところによると、本田はイタリアサッカー界の気に入らない点として勝利に執着しすぎるメンタリティを挙げた。イタリアでは勝利を重視するあまり世代交代が遅れる傾向にあり、それが世界の強豪国の流れに乗り遅れている原因の1つでもある。本田は日本でも世代交代についての議論があると語り、イタリアと日本の違いについて持論を展開した。
「それは日本でも起こっています。僕は日本代表として2度ワールド カップに出場しましたが、まだ30歳にはなっていません。にもかかわらず、日本のファンはすでに僕より下の世代の話をしていますから。それはイタリアでは起こっていないことです。イタリアは未だ過去に成功したモデルにとらわれているので」
本田を含め、長友佑都や岡崎慎司など近年の日本代表を支えてきた選手たちは2018ワールドカップ時にはベテランの域に入っている。彼らに代わる絶対的な選手が出ていないことも問題で、現状では彼らに頼るしかない。もし本田や長友ら現在の主力選手の多くが2018ワールドカップに出場すれば、彼らにとってキャリア3度目のワールドカップということになり、これは世界の強豪国から見るとなかなかにレアなケースだろう。本田の言葉通り日本代表も リスクをかけた世代交代を考えるべきかもしれない。
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3: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:32:41.81 ID:3OULlLty0.net
9: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:34:41.08 ID:BZ8rmNZJ0.net
5: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:34:07.68 ID:BwDQxxKd0.net
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8: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:34:29.70 ID:I0FfOnG+0.net
10: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:34:49.78 ID:+lEe9/hG0.net
12: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:35:53.94 ID:+3/RxpKv0.net
15: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:38:16.14 ID:AHH6wdzd0.net
17: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:39:46.63 ID:GjePKUf50.net
18: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:39:50.15 ID:OtLoh8wT0.net
20: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:41:40.07 ID:QHIlHrpHO.net
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25: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2016/04/09(土) 11:44:59.78 ID:N/ULnXFb0.net
29: 名無しさん@架空です
2016/04/09(土) 11:46:18.34 ID:kzbvpg1I0.net
⇒Honda: 'Italian system too old'(football-italia.net)
⇒Honda: 'Italian system too old'(football-italia.net)
Milan's Keisuke Honda believes Italian football is 'too attached to the past', whilst looking ahead to the game against Juventus.
The Rossoneri will play the Old Lady twice again this season, the first game being tomorrow evening at 19:45 UK time.
The second game, however, will be the Coppa Italia final, and the Japanese player believes that's the bigger game.
“If I must choose, then I have no doubts,” he told the Gazzetta. “I'd rather win the Coppa Italia. But I'd like to win them both.
“Something I don't like about Italian football? The mentality. People only think of winning, so they prefer not to run any risks.
“This holds you back. Italian culture is too bound to the victories of the past. There's a lot of historical memory.
“But they could do with a general renewal, of the kind that already happened in other European championships.
“We had it in Japan, too. I played two World Cups, the Champions League, and I'm not 30 yet. But people already discuss my team after me.
“Here things are different. Italian football remains attached to the model which brought them so much success in the past.”
Honda was then asked for the reasons behind Milan's crisis, which has been going on for several years now.
“There are many reasons. But you mustn't mistake this Milan for the one that used to win everything. When I came here, I realised it wasn't the same club I'd seen on TV.
“We're trying to return to those levels, but it's a long road. When I watched Milan on TV I admired not just their technical skills, but their personalities. The individual had an identity within the group.
“Technically speaking I cannot be compared to those champions, so I must be even more professional. This is the mentality that the club should convey, and we the players must stick together and build the new Milan.”
“The four Coaches I had here at Milan? They were all very different, but I must thank them all. It was nice to know them, especially such superstars as [Clarence] Seedorf and [Pippo] Inzaghi.
“[Current Coach Sinisa] Mihajlovic is very careful and honest. He gives you trust and courage. The club needs him, he's going to develop this team.”
The Rossoneri will play the Old Lady twice again this season, the first game being tomorrow evening at 19:45 UK time.
The second game, however, will be the Coppa Italia final, and the Japanese player believes that's the bigger game.
“If I must choose, then I have no doubts,” he told the Gazzetta. “I'd rather win the Coppa Italia. But I'd like to win them both.
“Something I don't like about Italian football? The mentality. People only think of winning, so they prefer not to run any risks.
“This holds you back. Italian culture is too bound to the victories of the past. There's a lot of historical memory.
“But they could do with a general renewal, of the kind that already happened in other European championships.
“We had it in Japan, too. I played two World Cups, the Champions League, and I'm not 30 yet. But people already discuss my team after me.
“Here things are different. Italian football remains attached to the model which brought them so much success in the past.”
Honda was then asked for the reasons behind Milan's crisis, which has been going on for several years now.
“There are many reasons. But you mustn't mistake this Milan for the one that used to win everything. When I came here, I realised it wasn't the same club I'd seen on TV.
“We're trying to return to those levels, but it's a long road. When I watched Milan on TV I admired not just their technical skills, but their personalities. The individual had an identity within the group.
“Technically speaking I cannot be compared to those champions, so I must be even more professional. This is the mentality that the club should convey, and we the players must stick together and build the new Milan.”
“The four Coaches I had here at Milan? They were all very different, but I must thank them all. It was nice to know them, especially such superstars as [Clarence] Seedorf and [Pippo] Inzaghi.
“[Current Coach Sinisa] Mihajlovic is very careful and honest. He gives you trust and courage. The club needs him, he's going to develop this team.”