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User in r/philosophy: "For every animal you don't eat, I am going to eat two" and other carnivore/vegetarian drama (self.SubredditDrama)
______________pewpewWhite men are the true SJWs of reddit. が 投稿
SnackLeague of Inception drama as users get fed up with mods who are fed up with users being fed up! (np.reddit.com)
PapaJackyIt Could Be Worse が 投稿
Slapfight/r/calvinandhobbes debates the merits of learning history - "Tell me, what the fuck have you gained by knowing about Hitler? Wanna know what I had for dinner today? You seem to be interested in useless things, you retarded piece of shit" (np.reddit.com)
ahampsterI'm here for the unlimited breadsticks が 投稿
SlapfightStraight forward hipster drama in /r/blackpeopletwitter. (np.reddit.com)
jumtrumhttps://i.imgur.com/d4dxc2k.png が 投稿
SlapfightKitchen Drama in /r/talesfromyourserver. (np.reddit.com)
PinkSugarBubblePopcorn Industry Shill が 投稿
Royal RumbleMuch popcorn on worldnews when merits of abandoning children are discussed. (np.reddit.com)
uniqueguy263Navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills が 投稿
Trans DramaDrama in /r/news on a report that a woman was ejected from McDonald's for looking like a man and using the women's restroom (self.SubredditDrama)
Erra0Here's the thing... が 投稿
RarePhotographer has his gear bag run over by a truck during a photoshoot. Who is to blame? (np.reddit.com)
Oxus007Recreationally Offended が 投稿
Slapfight/r/AdviceAnimals debates if Star Wars is unrealistic. (reddit.com)
elephantofdoomI like TumblrInAction が 投稿
Political DramaAn article about Clinton being endorsed by the White House gets posted to /r/politics. Some users take umbrage with positive representation of Hillary. (self.SubredditDrama)
MrMond4yelectric witchcult fanatic が 投稿