Donkey Dix

Anita Sarkeesian's Connection To The Tribes Series and Grapevine Gossip on Historical Internet Communities Something Awful

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Friday, April 8, 2016

Overwatch GM and Community Manager Dan Touesnard "Chump" Gossip and Corruption Behind Bizzards New Game

Radical woman's superiority pseudo-feminist e-gang ShitRedditSaysmoderation group is created by a Canadian Southern Ontarian Darknet Offsite faction of SomethingAwful's laissez fair/fyad subforums. Containing many cultist extremist "gaiaist pagan farmers/hells angels pro-violence vigilante beliefs.

Blizzard community manager Daniel Touesnard Chump either sleeps with a couple of these womyn when younger or marries into the cause with them during the Lassiez Fair somethingawful dramas of 2007/2008.
Feminist ghost busting of creeps and rapists that seemingly escaped justice (through plea bargain or dismissal of charges due to lack of beyond a reasonable doubt) starts happening in the real world through the use of marking targets on the darknet and social grapevine of fyad and /r/torontoanarchy's real gang/drug affiliations and communist ideals.

@caro_ the sister of Wiki Kathy implicates herself as SomethingAwful moderator Ice Queen and Callipygian Weasel

Lowtax's wife involves herself by claiming the pro gamer identity of GaTeWay (the youngest trans/female pro gamer in history) and fails to perform when called out by the real gateway's friends.

Wikikathy aka Katherine Konitzer habitually participates in the most extreme forms of ghostbusting including gang jump ins and beatings, cucking, crazy making, and secret polyamorous relationships on her partners as revenge for her multiple rapes in childhood.

Ghost busting includes profiling targets well in advance through the darknet and communal journaling similar to LiveJournal.

Wikikathy aka @pr0spector88 claims to be married to Daniel Chump Touesnard on somethingawful while simultaneously throwing one of Chump's ex friends and teammates Alex "Dare"Levert (formerly known as the real GaTeWay) into jail for false and baited charges due to not wanting troll history or e-sports groupie past information released to the public.

Reference Links done in alt lit spam throughout the blog as well as:

Anita Sarkeesian involes herself in both knowing Dare and Chump and Wiki Kathy and tries to mediate.

Shitredditsays is run by goons as a quasi real/fake troll. That is local Torontonian pseudo-feminist controls it radicalized trolls from somethingawful and FYAD and and many of the moderation team has slept with Alex "Dare" Levert.

Many of them super 3rd wave #killallmen radical antifeminists or woman supremacy supporters.

Many of them from Toronto and after 18 years online now in government jobs.

Dare fucked lots of them and devirginized a few in his young teen years.

Anita and Lowtax's wife stole dare's feminist ideas from when he was a teen and sold them for large profit as their own. Including antia's york university masters thesis which dare wrote almost verbatim years in advance on a private forum they both frequent (and gave to anita for free as are any of his other ideas unless specifically charged for).

All the scorned women with secret lives on livejournal or sexual assault stories or rape fantasies despise Dare for his hybrid hillary 2016/bernie sanders style values of transparency and devise ways to bankrupt him kill him or accuse him of rape or throw him in jail.

Recently they used a gang troll to threaten him with death on irc email and discord chat. When he sent his ex gf wikikathy a fake joking death threat via text she reported him to the police where he was thrown into big boi toronto south prison. Prison is no joke in canada when ur accused of crimes multiple times against womyn.

Dare has a severe tbi from a carjacking, and his skull is held together by screws and bolts. One punch inside jail or a fall and hes as good as dead.

Wikikathy has been tied to various other "ghostbusting" vigilante take back the night style physical attacks vs accused womyn abusers as has anita. Their internet gangsterism spilled over from swatting and false rape accusation entrapment schemes into full out hiring local toronto run and gun gangsters (who sometimes post on /r/torontoanarchy) to carry out hits on "males they felt escaped justice via plea bargain" in some kind of communist anarchy political movement.

The machinations of the whole plan are all discussed behind closed doors on the helldump/doxxxing/secret communist government fantasy forum and darknet doxxxnet, Gay Nigger Association of America, etc.
Further connected reading on extremist women supremacy on the internet and puritanical family values:

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