dare sends k8 a joking death threat over text message as hes fed up with the threats himself and thinks shehas his number blocked
k8 presses charges
dare goes to jail for the weekend at toronto south where he has all kinds of adventures like meeting his attempted murderers (who tell him they know k8 by her street name from smoking meth "harley quin" and that he was marked to be gang initiated but chose to fight the group of them during his "mock carjacking"
dare makes it out of jail without dying or b eing given an std/immune virus
dare decides to doxxx all SA members he knows as theyve been gossiping about him in secret for 20 years
purely a southern ontario offsite FYAD/
many ****redditsays moderators now hold government and judicial jobs (LOL)
k8s sister @caro_ and k8 are counting on the charges against dare becoming gamer gate v2 so they can get famous
mabel ratted out everything to dare in private message when k8 approached him to take his virginity
dare isnt jealous but doesnt want to do the next 7-8 in solitary wearing a psych ward dress in prison so hes chosen to go public
complete with nudes of k8 (that were taken by her other boyfriends)
as chronicled here
apparently groove hates dare because of his online ironic racism on tw and attitude towards fragile but egotistical SRS mods so there is that war going on in real life too
dare is also trying to make this nejoyable as possible for all viewers and media stalkers by writing in tribes talk (also he has no legal internet connection so he is without Grammarly or jessica valenti who typically edits his professional writing for him for free!

yes dare knows anita sarkeesian and jessica valenti in real life
and yes k8 and caroline kontizer both ****ed steve aoiki and various other celebrities and have a reputation around toronto as being closet polyamorous
as in they cheat on all their doods and dont tell them using them facade of being poly