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1 - 04-08-2016, 02:32 PM
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k8 is a ****redditsays mod and legendary GOAT troll of somethingawful's fyad forum under many aliases (wiki kathy, nightbae daywheat, despore, you rock, unassertive boy 99, picnic princess, tactical urban homo, communist *****, etc) kates sister caroline is (ice queen and callipygian weasel)
dare has ****ed/associated with 8 of 13 known ****redditsays mods
they all hate him (most are victims of childhood sexual abuse and he pushed a lot of them sexually)

at the same time k8 claimed not to be an e-sports groupie

but apparently had had a relationship with chump dan through the lasiez faire SA political war forum
canadian LF politics continued on the offsite
k8 became an esports groupie and does lots of porn behind closed doors (including deflowering young tribes players)

all of this and her past relationships with tribes players were not told to dare

including her relationship with kov hh (who let her peg him and is a furry these days as well as a weed dealer with groove in toronto)

groove and hh hate dare

slam fettuccine and elixir (and Jazmin) took over SA 10 years ago in secret and are now upper management (and k8's and her sisters bosses)

k8 works apparently for blizzard and is now claiming to be married to chump

she sprung this on dare while simultaneously getting anita sarkeesian (their close friend and fellow SRS mod) to stalk dare at his literal house and send him email death threats
mad_monk is offline
Last edited by mad_monk; 04-08-2016 at 02:46 PM.
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2 - 04-08-2016, 02:33 PM
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Odio is offline
3 - 04-08-2016, 02:36 PM
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dare sends k8 a joking death threat over text message as hes fed up with the threats himself and thinks shehas his number blocked

k8 presses charges

dare goes to jail for the weekend at toronto south where he has all kinds of adventures like meeting his attempted murderers (who tell him they know k8 by her street name from smoking meth "harley quin" and that he was marked to be gang initiated but chose to fight the group of them during his "mock carjacking"

dare makes it out of jail without dying or b eing given an std/immune virus

dare decides to doxxx all SA members he knows as theyve been gossiping about him in secret for 20 years

purely a southern ontario offsite FYAD/ phenomena

many ****redditsays moderators now hold government and judicial jobs (LOL)

k8s sister @caro_ and k8 are counting on the charges against dare becoming gamer gate v2 so they can get famous

mabel ratted out everything to dare in private message when k8 approached him to take his virginity


dare isnt jealous but doesnt want to do the next 7-8 in solitary wearing a psych ward dress in prison so hes chosen to go public

complete with nudes of k8 (that were taken by her other boyfriends)

as chronicled here

apparently groove hates dare because of his online ironic racism on tw and attitude towards fragile but egotistical SRS mods so there is that war going on in real life too

dare is also trying to make this nejoyable as possible for all viewers and media stalkers by writing in tribes talk (also he has no legal internet connection so he is without Grammarly or jessica valenti who typically edits his professional writing for him for free! )

yes dare knows anita sarkeesian and jessica valenti in real life

and yes k8 and caroline kontizer both ****ed steve aoiki and various other celebrities and have a reputation around toronto as being closet polyamorous

as in they cheat on all their doods and dont tell them using them facade of being poly
mad_monk is offline
4 - 04-08-2016, 02:36 PM
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kate dox and nudez (from the porn she posts on 4chan and the darknet in public not revenge porn but porn for SA employees) and here
mad_monk is offline
5 - 04-08-2016, 02:39 PM
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RandalltheVandal is offline
6 - 04-08-2016, 02:44 PM
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7 - 04-08-2016, 02:44 PM
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This is worse than reading GoT Season 6 speculation
NightTrain is offline
9 - 04-08-2016, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
This is worse than reading GoT Season 6 speculation
sounds like its best explained in a anders brevik level manifesto then because this cant be teh real world of trolling
mad_monk is offline
10 - 04-08-2016, 02:46 PM
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dare is being represented by the same lawyer that got ghomeshi acquitted
mad_monk is offline
11 - 04-08-2016, 02:49 PM
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the girl in the porn pic doesnt look @ all like the rest of them
Ztir is offline
12 - 04-08-2016, 02:50 PM
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the girl in the porn pic didnt have a nose/cheek job and is possibly barely legal

those pictures are from a long time ago most if not all are at least 3 years old

plastic surgery and make up r cool things
mad_monk is offline
13 - 04-08-2016, 02:55 PM
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dare is being represented by the same lawyer that got ghomeshi acquitted
That has to be expensive, lucky Dare has the cash.
Quark is offline
14 - 04-08-2016, 02:57 PM
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we've got no more vacancies for mentally ill, attention seeking, compulsive liars on this forum

jog on
coombz is online now
15 - 04-08-2016, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Quark View Post
That has to be expensive, lucky Dare has the cash.
apparently dare's mom is mortgaging her house to support him

as this was always k8s wish and dare's half siblings (from another marriage) who were jealous of dare (ratted out by his ex wife) for getting a sole inheritance of a couple million and desperately wanted a cut

with the house liquid they are hoping to sue him or entrap him in another relationship or some such nonsense

its all fun and games till the truth comes out

eh tw user "no clu"
mad_monk is offline
16 - 04-08-2016, 03:04 PM
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dare im kind of angry u didnt include isuk in the manifesto

i printed and read it all and even emailed 2 all my internet friends from sA
KittyCat is offline
17 - 04-08-2016, 03:26 PM
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care level 0
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