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[–]FistDerringer -11ポイント-10ポイント  (11子コメント)

Because said group is very much pro-censorship, harassing devs, etc. That's why the mocking line is even present in the game. But, said group got offended and demanded the devs do something to appease them.

[–]el_throwaway_returns 1ポイント2ポイント  (7子コメント)

Because said group is very much pro-censorship, harassing devs, etc.

Yeah, but that didn't actually happen. People didn't like the joke because it was bad. That's pretty much the end of the story.

[–]jojotmagnifficent -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

No, the line was present because the author used the game as a ragebaiting platform (her claim, not mine). People are mad because the idiot was actually allowed to intentionally do her job badly for no good reason. Ruining a game a lot of people were looking forward to for no good reason.

[–]basterfeldt -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

One line ruined the game?

[–]jojotmagnifficent 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, one line didn't ruin the game. The motivation behind it and the behaviour of the author/Beamdog regarding the issue however mean I cannot ethically support the purchase of this game. I was really looking forward to it, but if they want to throw insults at me and treat me and many other gamers like shit based on some shitty strawman then fuck them, I'm not playing the game. Besides, all reports say the writing is shit anyway, which isn't surprising as the author demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of any of the subtlety behind numerous characters in the original and instead seems to think you can boil everything down to oversimplified cookie-cutter topes.