Advice 内の TheParhelicCircle によるリンク Am I right to end a friendship over a single event? If so how should I do it?

[–]MassMacro 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The old saying "it's my party & I'll cry if I want to" comes to mind. I think with friends, you have to take them for what they are - the good, the bad, & the ugly. People make mistakes; people have their shortcomings. Is it really that big of a deal? And if you dropped her for this, what kind of friend does that make you?

Advice 内の social_axenity_teen0 によるリンク Ideas to hit on my crush?

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nah, "anonymous" seems a bit cowardly if you don't mind me saying so. Man up! Tell her how you feel & what you intend to do about it. Even if it doesn't work out, it's good to practice "the art of keeping it real" for later in life.

Advice 内の FriendThrowaway32 によるリンク Advice on losing a friend over different beliefs

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I've lost a friend over political views (his choice, not mine). Basically I just took it as a blessing. One less racist asshole in my life? He's doing me a favor. More importantly, I'm a guy that never quits on a friendship - he wants to quit? Then he isn't ride or die like the rest of the people I roll with - you know, true friends.

Do as you feel you should. You can certainly reach out, but you'll have to be prepared to reopen old wounds if you do so. I'm not sure what's to discuss? You basically called her out for sleeping around (not sure how that was at all helpful). And to get her to change her backwards opinions on gays may not be possible.

Personally I've never considered differences in politics a worthy reason to end a friendship. I think part of it is the old maxim "keep your friends close & your enemies closer."

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の zombiesingularity によるリンク A Freedom Bus in Libertopia

[–]MassMacro 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha! And then it basically comes down to "well, if you don't like it, leave the area", which is an argument that libertarians refuse to apply to themselves when discussing things like taxes.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の zombiesingularity によるリンク A Freedom Bus in Libertopia

[–]MassMacro 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

"It's the bus company's riiiiiiiiight to force blacks to the back! They should be thankful that they're allowed to ride the bus at all! Who cares if they're able to commute to things like 'work' without being subjected to bullshit discrimination? My money says they don't work anyway! They're all lazy & good fer nothing!"

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Plowbeast によるリンク Ron Paul here with a paid advertisement of financial DOOM! Your only choice is to give your worthless money to the guy who gave me worthless money to say this.

[–]MassMacro 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Stansberry? Who ever heard of a Stansberry?" ...Porter Stansberry... why not just name your kid Whitey McPrivilege?

But in all seriousness... it's a bit of a red flag when you google somebody's name & it tries to autocomplete with the word "scam". Apparently our boy had a little problem with the SEC, resulting in a fine to the tune of $1.5 million. But good ol' Ron "Jimmy Swaggart" Paul doesn't care - just keep fleecing the sheep for as long as possible.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の EightRoundsRapid によるリンク [Tales From Modmail] Pasta was served. Pasta was greedily consumed.

[–]MassMacro 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

In all honesty, it's not about "personal responsibility" for them & it never has been. Have they ever called out some trust-fund kid coasting his way through life for not being "personally responsible?" No, and the truth is, he's often the most irresponsible motherfucker on the planet.

"Personal responsibility" is merely an excuse used by right wingers who wish to relentless bash members of society who are weaker then themselves - that's all it ever has been, & that's all it ever will be.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の EightRoundsRapid によるリンク [Tales From Modmail] Pasta was served. Pasta was greedily consumed.

[–]MassMacro 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

The guy was on a bit of tear the other day.

Here he is ripping single parents:

Dear single parents who got a divorce: you picked an asshole, and you rightly couldn't stand to stand them, or you picked a good person and you scared them away and couldn't work it out. No one else should have to bear the cost of your fucking stupidity- if they choose to do so, that's lovely that they're subsidizing your irresponsibility, but there shouldn't be threats of violence to ensure that the costs of your irresponsibility which was not just a result of some act of God or freak accident which you had no control over are paid for by someone else. There's nothing ethical about that, even if you cry muh chillens. If a plane crashed into your house and took out your partner, maybe there could be a case that you're "entitled" to support, but realistically that should be done by a person's local community, you know, people that are actually fucking qualified to determine if someone is responsible or legitimately deserving of support unlike a bureaucrat whose only incentive is to expand their federal fiefdom.

...blaming abused women:

Unlike people who like to pretend they have no personal responsibility I have some capacity to recognize (and therefore avoid) abusive relationships. 95+% of women who are in abusive relationships are not dating brilliant sociopaths who just hid it until marriage, there were signs that they chose to ignore because hey muh biology why override basic drives with reasoning and foresight? I hope rub your few brain cells together hard enough to recognize and avoid abusive relationships, and when your stupidity does land you in one that you don't try to make everyone else pay for your bad decision-making.


It was not her fault that she was abused and manipulated in childhood, it was her fault that she failed to go to therapy and fix that damage that caused her to think marrying and mating with a man with immense personality disorders would be a healthy, responsible, and ethical thing to do.

What an angry guy. One of the hallmarks of political ideologies such as his is attacking the less fortunate, & the absolute willingness to make an asshole of himself in order to make his lame libertarian pseudo-intellectual talking points.

Advice 内の woaherrol によるリンク I've lost myself and I need help

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you aren't getting interviews, I highly recommend tweaking your resume to perfection. If you don't have much experience you really need to feature your functional skills heavily.

Advice 内の Meditative_Power によるリンク [serious] It kills me not knowing.... ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED THANK YOU SO MUCH!

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Try different businesses out, try different types of jobs out, & see what sticks. There's no way to measure pleasure or success if you don't mix it up a little bit.

Advice 内の [deleted] によるリンク Do most people like having a job? I feel like I hate it and I din't know what to do.

[–]MassMacro 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, most people I know are not exactly thrilled about the need to have a job, but that's why they call it work. Basically, most of us have two choices: earn a living (which requires you to be away from real life/fun stuff for 40-50 hours per week), or sponge off of others - eat your friend's food, sleep on their couch.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Zifnab25 によるリンク ITT: Libertarians defending Donald Trump

[–]MassMacro 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The converse may also be true:

"Everything I know I learned from muh daddy, & he was a Republican" :)

"But Republicans have a bad reputation" :(

"How could I support right wing politics without exposing myself as an asshole?" :/

"I know! I'll call myself a libertarian & argue for the exact same shit; I'll just hide my agenda through coded language." :D

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Zifnab25 によるリンク ITT: Libertarians defending Donald Trump

[–]MassMacro 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, they have this huge complex where everything that they do is completely alternative & thoughtful, in contrast with the rest of the "sheep" who support whatever happens to be mainstream.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の TheZizekiest によるリンク Inflation is a form of theft

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I honestly don't think you're fully comprehending Ron's point here. It's not the rich that are effected by inflation.

Au contraire. In that same exchange he points out that "if you have a devaluation of the dollar by 10%, people have been robbed of 10%." Clearly this has little immediate bearing on people without money/savings, compared to someone who's net worth dropped from $1M to $900K.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の TheZizekiest によるリンク Inflation is a form of theft

[–]MassMacro 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ron Paul made similar comments once during a hearing involving Ben Bernanke. "People that saved are being robbed!" Good old Ron, fighting the good fight by standing up for the rich.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の BenzJuan によるリンク Gavin Seim in Salem, Oregon: "There should be no peace until (the Bundy Gang) are out of jail"

[–]MassMacro 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

In another post, Seim refers to occupier Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, who was fatally shot by state troopers during a confrontation outside the refuge, as "a peace maker to the end," saying, "Had LaVoy come out guns blazing, he would have been perfectly justified."

Well he was certainly carrying a peacemaker.

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の mitsukurina によるリンク "We should learn from Scientologists."

[–]MassMacro 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

There are indeed plenty of similarities to begin with. Just replace "L. Ron Hubbard" with "Ron Paul" & "Suppressive Person" with "Statist" & the transition is complete.