/r/topmindsofreddit's crosspost linked to a popular post having 98 upvotes:
/r/topmindsofreddit brigade takes over 4 health subs to circumvent posting on electromagnetic fields and naturopathy, to remove posts and ban. Brigadier /u/51Mike1980 gave an ultimatum constituting blackmail. He refuses to restore /r/neurology to its founding mod, /u/brain_doc.
Two months ago, /u/NewJerseyFreakshow promised /r/topmindsofreddit would cease submitting crossposts to link posts on electromagnetic fields and directed energy weapons. /r/topmindsofreddit had crossposted several dozen link posts, downvote brigaded, report as spam brigaded, infiltrated other subs to derail discussions and lie:
List of /r/topmindsofreddit crossposts to posts in /r/targetedenergyweapons and posts on DEWs and electronic torture in other subs.
List of /r/topmindsofreddit crossposts to posts in /r/electromagnetics and posts on EMF in other subs.
I have not disclosed my sex. I do not have an alt. Good that /u/NewJerseyFreakshow verified his promise had included my mod badbiosvictim1. Earlier this week, he repeated his promise in my post in /r/veterans but his promise had not included badbiosvictim1:
"We promised we wouldn't feature you or your subs. That means /r/electromagnetics and /r/targetedindividuals and your comments wouldn't be featured in TMoR. We've been over this a million times and you still lie. Pathetic, but then again I've come to expect that from you. Our promise on that still stands and has not been breached."
Archived at
This is the second time /u/NewJerseyFreakshow breached his promise. The first time was when /r/NewJerseyFreakshow to remove /u/P51Mike1980's crosspost of my post:
(Not very) Clever Top Mind places a space in a link to break it. He sure got us!
Topmindsofreddit joins crosspost in other subs
/r/NewJerseyFreakshow and /r/topmindsofreddit evaded promise not to crosspost in their sub by joining a crosspost in /r/drama of my post in /r/neurology:
//rtopmindsofreddit has a history of joining crossposts in other subs.
Conspiracy Hater, /u/75000_Tokkul uses /r/SubredditDrama to brigade a drama-free submission about 9/11 in /r/videos. Linked, de-bunking comment now the top/best comment with over 150 upvotes.
[–]jacks1000 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)