

All About User Flair

Mandatory Flair

All users must set their own flair prior to participating in this community. Please click on the "edit" link next to your username, and click on the pink box that allows you to enter your own text. This feature is located underneath the subscription button and above the sidebar information.

Several key pieces of information must be included:

  • Age Range - Under 18, Early 20s, Mid 30s, Late 40s, etc.

  • Relationship Status - Monk Mode, Single, Dating, LTR (Long Term Relationship), Engaged, Married, Divorced, Widowed

  • Relationship Length - Total months or years with your SO. Married women can choose if they want to list both how long they have been married, and how long they have been together in total.

  • Men please also add that you are male, and be sure to follow these guidelines.

Some examples: "Under 18, Single", "Mid 20s, LTR, 2 years", "Late 20s, LTR, 6 months, Male".

Options for married women: "Early 30s, Married, 6 years" or "Early 30s, Married 4 years, 6 years total".

Please do not veer from this format unless you have special permission from a moderator. We will contact you if your flair is being upgraded. We keep track of who has earned our endorsement and users who abuse the flair option will face penalties.

Awarded Flair

Flair is also used as an acknowledgement of progress and knowledge. Women who consistently participate and display a firm grasp of basic concepts will have a small heart flair added by moderators to reflect their status. Fully endorsed contributors (with the large, fun flairs) are selected by moderators when they have demonstrated an advanced level of understanding and application of RPW ideas.

These women are representatives of the sub as a whole and will be treated accordingly by all users. Their words hold more weight, which means that they have a greater responsibility to submit quality content. ECs do not get special privileges when it comes to following the rules, in fact they are held to a higher standard. ECs abusing their authority will have their flair removed.

revision by Camille11325— ソースを見る