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This is a Japanese Junior-high English textbook.

Why does the art look like it came from Pokemon concept art?
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More ellen baker pls.
Fucking red sox fan huh. She must be a slut.
Her moms probably Irish too, but married an English master race husband
I swear to god I've seen this artist before somewhere
Post more baker sensei
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Baker confirmed top weeb
has the anime look always been in educational material?
'the anime look' is actually pretty common in Japan and you can see it literally anywhere. I remember seeing one in a construction site few years ago
Cute as fuck
Where the porn of her?
I fucking swear I've seen this artist in porn before.
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>Troy Baker stopped voicing weeb games because his wife left him and moved to Japan
.....I wonder if they have Bible mangas.

was asking if it's recent or has been around for awhile. know caricatures have existed longer but they don't look... anime-ish (something like sazae-san)
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Someone post the image of an english teacher correcting a paper saying that Love Live isn't real
They do. I saw a couple of them at church the church library when I was a kid.
By the way, this thread is not anime related

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I know there are here in Flipland
Ms. Baker best girl already
/ss/ when?
That's nothing. There are such things as yaoi political doujins in Indonesia.
>the U.K. (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

I assume this paragraph is explaining that England and UK doesn't meant the same thing and the UK is made of multiple countries and England is just one of them?
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I want Deepa Mitra to ride my white cock.
Dibs on her.
KyoAni adaptation when?
The fuck? Is it SetNov?
Are ther sex ed anime textboks in japan?
>Ms. Baker

wtf are they removing honorifics? fucking memesubbers
How old do you think Baker is?

>SOL of an expat English teacher in Japan

I think I remember reading about a doujin with Jokowi in it. Apparently it was sold in AFA one or two years ago.

Are you Indonesian?
Guitar-chan best girl.
as expected wetbacks flock to offtopic threads in all boards, fuck off
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nihongo wakarimasen

Also Engrish thread?
Where are the negroes, beaners and chinks? Fernandes doesn't count, looks like a comic relief character.
Racist as fuck textbook.

she's a teacher, probably mid 20s. think the age is intentionally inspecific because it's flexible and lets the viewer imagine what (s)he wants

tl;dr not important, it is what you want it to be
Yes, under a rock, apparently.
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Already done.
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You mean nihon-go walk-arimasen?
Becky confirmed for Iorin's mom
Isn't it a country for mudskin?
Her otouto is a top cutie
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>Alice must have a blond hair, Alice must not have a black hair
Karen wants Alice to get a blond Chiaozu haircut?
Only if the SOL part also shows a Gas Panic
Fuck, that would hilarious
i wonder if alex-kun is genki
Is this the kind of handbook an officer gives his soldiers 10 minutes right before they invade the country?
Alex Green moves to japan in search for his sister who was spilt up with when he was still a child. He finds out the high school that her sister ellen is going to and enrols. After enrolling he wakes up late for his fist day of school. While running to school he bumps into the girl with the pink t shirt and sees are panties.
Becky Jones confirmed for liking anal.
>english teacher in anime
>has a worse accent than a 5th grader

Can literally no one in this fucking industry speak English? It's usually just a few lines per series.
Bring back Meari-san and Takashi-kun.
Paulo is just dead inside, Was the book written after the 7-1 in the WC?
Holy shit this triggers my autism.

How can they expect to learn proper English when they still have moonrunes on their textbooks?
No wonder junior high students from other east asian countries have better command of English compared to nip highschoolers
Not anime or manga, take it back to >>>/jp/
Don't they first learn English in junior high or something?
>A dog - Come here

I don't get this one.

Wow, they changed New Horizon a lot since I was teaching it. Now the kids are going to have more unreasonable images of their ALTs.
Great twitter convo though, looks like lots of the Japanese are just as amused.
It's not like socially retarded weeaboos that go there to teach are actual teachers either. We're sending the shittiest of the shitters.
What the fuck is this?
>Alex Green
Not Guy Jean
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>die job
Die job boto

Did you ever take a foreign language in high school? The books always are mostly in the native language.
Since when are language teaching books ENTIRELY in the language you're trying to learn?
every time
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>Cheese Eye
Where did you even find this?
What doujin did paulo fernandez escape from?
An Aikatsu one.
Okay guys let's count in japanese
Shit taste.
Shit, I should go to Japan and proofread this shit for them.
I'll admit it, Ellen Baker is a cutie.
>disliking black hair
This looks to be the newest New Horizons 1 textbook, which is the entry level 7th grader textbook for JHS. Kids will be learning the alphabet between now and June, so yes, there are moonrunes.

It became officially required by the National Government to have foreign language education start in Grade 5 elementary. However, it isn't a comprehensive focus- lacking the writing/reading components and built around getting kids interested in the world/foreign cultures and language.
Mine were, in college.
>Baker-sensei will never teach you English
>English textbooks for junior high

Even my SEA country stopped using textbooks beyond elementary. This is admittedly Singapore we're talking about though.

The problem with nip English teaching is that it is, to my understanding, heavily rote-based, like reading from a phrase book instead of emphasizing actual communication skills.

wud still tease Ms. Baker
Nah, the real shitters are the ones going to China, Thailand, and the rest of Asia. Japan's frat boy party land for english teachers.

I've been taught English since kindergarten and I remember the books we were taught after being in English. Why would they be in your native tongue ?
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Someone tweeted this 2 hours ago

good image

How Deepa is your love
She is from India.
>Since when are language teaching books ENTIRELY in the language you're trying to learn?
The learning curve is pretty real, at least if you actually want to become reasonably fluent at all truth be told.
After you pass Genki I and II, you're in big-boy land. Heaven help you if you literally have not MEMORIZED Genki 1/2 completely for the kanji (grammar come more naturally after you finally can slog through more fucking kanji so you can get more practice).
Ponytails are the best.
>blonde hair
Do japs REALLY thing every foreigner is a blonde, blue eyed aryan God?
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I'll fight you nigga. Meari-san is the cutest.
>why would books used by kids who are just beginning to learn a new language be in a language they can understand?
Are you retarded?
I think I love her.
>a Red Sock fangirl from Boston

I-I'm not sure if this is not out of her character
>No Honker and Karen.
It's a shit book
Did an H-artist draw these
>Do japs REALLY thing every foreigner is a blonde, blue eyed aryan God?
Does /a/nonymous REALLY think every Japanese girl is a cute, adorable, pure waifu?

>answer is no for both questions, and deep down we all know this
>but if we're going to put up with some form of media, we might as well make it nice to look at
>You will never cum deepa in her mitra

No, but it seems you are. That's why we had a fucking teacher, to explain that shit to us.
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Holy shit
she is an exchange student, she doenst really teach anything, she is just there to talk in English and serve as an living example of the language, a regular Japanese teacher with almost no knowledge in the language and a text book will be the one actually teaching the language
Baker-sensei is only there to do some warm ups and play with the kids
Imagine japanese middle schoolers with Boston accents
That's why the teacher is there dumbfuck.
>Does /a/nonymous REALLY think every Japanese girl is a cute, adorable, pure waifu?
Only if she's not 3D.
Is Kinmoza popular there?

Why does she look Japanese?
>you will never do warm-ups with Baker-sensei
Would you still fuck her, /a/?
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Which asian country are you talking about buddy?
But she doesn't, she's even wearing pants.
Americans shouldn't be allowed to teach foreigners English.
As a SEAn, I've been taking English since 3rd grade and mandarin since 9th.
Both english and mandarin textbooks were completely in their own native language without an ounce of my mother tongue to illustrate what's happening in the books.
Everything is up to the teachers and their skills.

There's literally no excuse for nips to not be able to do the same.
What they're doing now is basically dumbing down their own students
>Atsie sammy eel oh piggy nigh?
What in the name of Christ is this meant to be
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>What time is it
>Nanny tokey arimasen
Every time I see this image.
Breasts too saggy even for a cake.
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>America will never awesome textbooks like these
How could I ever hate you, Japan
So you never had to use the book for homework and just had your teacher translate everything in the book for you? What's even the point of that?

I'm glad I learned other languages from books I could actually understand instead of depending on my teacher to do anything with them.

Will never what ? Don't keep us hanging.

Ms. Baker best girl.

Deepa Mitra a shit.
>No absolute territory

why the fuck are you even teaching these body parts, you hardly use them on a normal conversation
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atsui samui iro [verb]nai
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More than NNB less than gochiusa, I would say
>Baker-sensei is only there to do some warm ups and play with the kids
Yeah, right. "Play".
Exchange Teacher *
something like JET
They're finally moving away from rote-based Education. There's a lot of pressure and movement from the top right now to push "Active Learning" and modernize the teaching. Younger teachers are starting to make an impact now, but the older generation's still dragging their heels. This is unfortunately how things go.

Should be said that the goal of English education for a long time was demonstration of familiarity, not fluency. This got locked up in the entrance exam system and now, despite Government bureaucracy trying to pressure teachers to change. Thanks to having long ago turned over test-making to 3rd party companies to make, making the system change has fallen on universities changing their requirements.
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We get better books.
Nipple is very important on its own. A good amount of the people who read that book might grow to become important h/manga artists or regular comiket attendees

Thanks for proving you're a retard.
>"I'm going to eat your KINPATSU"
If it's like a [Language] 3 or 4 course I could understand, but a book for beginners? Putting it 100% in the other language would be retarded because you would have no idea where to start without having a dictionary handy. Especially if it's a language with an entirely different alphabet like Japanese -> English or vice versa.
What about English would you want to ask Ms Baker, /a/non-kun?
No they don't, it just makes it clearer in the manga style of drawing. Why do you care?

Incoherent rage. I hate this generation.
Blow job
Assuming both students have the same level of education in their own country, even PRC chinks have better command of English than nips and that's certainly saying something
>tfw americans clap
Because foreigner = blonde is getting REALLY old.
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>Jiggy jiggy fooney high kin serampan nai rosokoo doko?
They teach you the basics and you build your way up from there retard.
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Damn, I love it when artists references get spotted.
my russian books have been entirely russian for like the last 5 years
i don't know jack shit, but that isn't the fault of the books
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I want Ms Baker to proofread my writing assignment and give me insightful advice on how to be a better scholar after school.
Where is probably the only proper translation on whole 2 pages.
Holy shit.
Then don't read this middle school textbook if it bothers you. Or dye your hair blonde and join the masterace.
How do you think a kid learns his first language anyway, reading a book that's just a series of "googoo-gaga" noises stringed together?
Nice argument, did your teacher help you with that as well?

To be fair, Japan's cultural homogeneity and prevalence of their native tongue makes substantial exposure to English in daily life pretty much impossible. When all manner of signs and instruction manuals are in Japanese, it really sets the tone throughout the nation. At least, that was what some Todai debaters told me after we BTFO'd them in competition as high-schoolers .

There is also, I suspect, an undercurrent of nationalism that has stunted the development of English education in post-war Japan.
Native Japanese people have like 99.9% dark hair and dark eyes, blonde hair and blue eyes is just an easy way to mark someone as a gaijin unless you're going with rainbow anime hair colors.
Apparently this is a girl.
What do YOU say when Yuki has a new bag?
>お尻 fanny
>股間 femoral

what the fuck are they teaching these kids
>Paulo Fernandes
>From Brazil. He is the coach of the soccer team
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It's from a joke textbook.
It's like the textbook kantai parody featuring Kongo teaching English. There's a whole subculture of English class related jokes because everyone goes through the classes in school.
why imagine?
I know, but there's just SO MANY hair colors you could give a character to mark them as a foreigner, even black that isn't raven black like japs usually have.
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This can't be real. Tell me this is not real.
What if I just want her to suck my dick on the roof?
That's racist.
>(bottom right) Shinobu's response to everything the immigration officer says is just "Harou~!!"
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Ellen-chan, I'm so hard

But you're my argument. You're fucking yourself without my help.
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This should be illegal.
This isn't a textbook. It's some dumb emoji text book or something sold in bookstores about Romeo and Juliet.

It's still unbelievable that someone would create it, but I've seen worse wastes of time on the internet.
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Mrs. Baker looks a bit like a docile Saber. My guess is that she has quite a lot of British blood in her.
Are there any more of these?
Closest thing to that is the webcomic "Let's Speak English!" by Mary Cagle.
What manga is this?
I want to go Deepa into Mitra
>I've seen worse wastes of time on the internet
Having heard how Americans pronounce Japanese, this does come very close.
i bull shit my way through high school spanish. there was so much resistance and indifference to learning in the class the teacher would give passing grades just so he didn't look bad. still know more japanese from anime than i learned from those 2 years of classes
epic, epic for the win
she would probably get retained from dong that
>remember class, it's pronounced 'cah'

You were taught Japanese in your Spanish classes ?

Indeed. It will take a long time and almost certainly radiate outwards from inner-city schools. I anticipate significant cultural and social barriers, but who knows what will happen.


Are you havin a giggle m8?
>How do you think a kid learns his first language anyway
Teaching people how to read and write for the first time is completely different from teaching a second/third/fourth language, though. And this difference is probably why it's so hard for illiterate adults the learn it.
Nice anime/manga thread you guys are having here.
I can passably read and understand Spanish but fuck if I ever actually got a handle on writing or speaking it
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I think it's supposed to be a joke
It's just because they're big. Germany is bad, because they're big enough the German market can sustain itself. Spanish places are terrible, because it's half the fucking globe. French are fucking horrendous, and they're also huge. Meanwhile you won't find a swede who doesn't know English, because the alternative is enduring our abysmal entertainment industry.
He meant 小さい"chiisai"
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>Not learning English with the superior method.
it's cutesy artstyle! That counts as anime, right?

don't think someone would ask that question if there were legitimate confusion
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>it is a black
>know more japanese from anime
can you read?
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>not they're

Shit textbook.
It's novelty thing like classical literature translated into klingon and shit.

That one actually works better if you want to learn japanese. But to be fair, the guy who worked on it a guitarist,not a professional translator
Here comes the fun police.

>b-but this thread is off-topic!

Who cares? Learn to have fun once in a while you fucking shithead, people like you make this board unbearable.
It's a really bad corruption of 'hitotsu, futotsu, mitsu"

No he didn't. He meant "cheese eyes". Learn to fucking read shitlord.

rote memorized the syllabry about 13 years ago. point is that i remember absolutely no spanish
>muh hepburn
What country was this again? India?
The guy marked the "s" in opposite to have a "z" sound. Is that normal of British english? I say "Ah-puh-sit" for that word.
The reason they will never be able to learn right there.

Yeah, a huge domestic market would reduce the need for English substantially. I'd argue Japan, and by extension Korea, has it worse because they are even further from English than the Germanic languages.
Okay anon, hitotu, hutatu and mitu then.
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>Jiggy Jiggy fooney high
what the kuso did i just read
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What about Yumi?
At least we can all agree Becky is best girl.

We're going to miss what ? What the fuck is this cliffhanger.
Ken confirmed for harem protagonist.
I thought Japanese nodded their head up and down for yes?
Brown? Nips, chinks and gooks dye their hair with that color all the time.
The only color they can use is blonde, because red is not that common.
Ricardo x Becky OTP
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My maths professor was Japanese and when he spoke English using katakana. Always talking about "daraibingu za fankshon efu obu ekkusu"

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>spoke English using katakana
Tell that to the puslishers, my fucking japanese textbooks were 70% english.
>We're going to miss what ?
what the fuck is "high kin" supposed to be? why wouldn't they use miru
I think most normal English speaking people say opposite as "op-o-sit"
Lotsa japs love finland. I've met several finland otakus who couldn't stop talking about moomin and santa claus
The characters from the Genki textbook will always be #1
To be fair the way JET is set up you aren't really teaching at all because you're a baka gaijin and you can't be trusted. You have to be in a private supplementary institution in Japan, that kids / college students pay good money to get into if they're actually serious about having conversational mastery over English, before you're even teaching at all.

More time for partying I guess.
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>you will never be this genki
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As an English major, seeing all this Japanese text is disgusting. You should never rely on your native language when learning another.

My country has a lot of Japanese families that come here for a few years because their parents work at the local car business and I teach their children English. We do just fine with 100% English material and communication (my Japanese is very basic too so I couldn't rely on that even if I wanted to) and I notice the severe pronunciation problems that they have because they are used to translating everything to kana.

It's terrible, the regular non Japanese students that I have don't have half the issues that they do.
It's more polite, I guess.
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拝見, haiken, I think.
Absolutely. I just feel you're thinking about this in reversed order. It's not normal to just happen to pick up another language, you need a reason for it. There's no need to make excuses for not having bothered, if there's little reason for learning it in the first place. Learning a language is a pretty substantial investment so that's what needs to be justified.
>kin for ken
Southern US speaker detected
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>Ken cheating Yumi with Lucy
JET and similar ALTs are just there to prevent this from happening.
>To be fair the way JET is set up you aren't really teaching at all because you're a baka gaijin and you can't be trusted.
Not if you know the language. In most of my classes there was just a teacher who sat at the back of the class and did nothing while I taught. Maybe they'd occasionally tell the class to shut up when they were noisy. However, I wasn't a JET but the guy who previously taught at the school I worked at was, and I believe he had the same deal.
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This is a Japanese driving instruction book.
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>How do you do?
>Good morning
>Good day
>Good evening
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Oh god, and in that same thread they're laughing at our japanese textbooks.
>asian country good at English
Is fag has never been to Asia before. Japan is the worst but it is not mandatory like we have spanish in cali. Korean actually good at it, but with their stupid study-or-die mentally no wonder why their student suicide. The same thing apply to many other Asian countries, this is pretty much common sense.
I feel like I've seen that girl get raped in an NTR manga.
I was always wondering why in IPA, ひ is considered to have a mixture of sh and h as the given consonant sound, because I couldn't hear it...but here on this page, man "hito" is getting confused as "sto" and "one - hitotsu" is getting confused as "stoats"
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>Watarkshee am buy worry
>oh char parra parra

Silly me. How did I not notice.
Thanks for the link. Glad to see that the textbook for JHS year 1 they're making the focus of the curriculum of semester 2 and 3 on pronunciation, phonics and phonetics. This has been a serious gap for a long time. Really curious to get my hands on the new textbook now.

Not as pleased by slash reading being the textbook focus for year two, but at least they're honest about year three just being prep for High School.Need to see their CAN-DO lists.
she is way too cute
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I'm getting way too invested in the lives of the fictional characters from this school textbook.
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>Not recognizing based Ken-sama.
>english major
Go back to college and get a better one anon
I think he means "using the Japanese syllabary".
Ellen needs to throw away silly pants and get some sexy skirts.
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The native language here isn't English so I actually have a market. I agree when it comes to Americans/British/etc though.

Holy shit. These Japanese driving textbooks are intense as fuck. Anime when ?
>I couldn't hear it
You're just deaf. Some people just don't notice sounds that aren't in their native language

Don't try learning Mandarin or Russian, you'll never hear half the words.
What word is "jiggy-jig" supposed to be?
I'd go Balls Deepa in Mitra if you know what I mean.
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same anon except I did 3 years of spanish instead.

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> provides us lesson two
> but not one

kill yourself
Have you ever taken a driver's ed class? All they do is tell you cars are metal death traps that will murder you, your loved ones, and countless innocent bystanders.
Do you think there's a Mr Baker in her life?
This is made up.
I'm pretty sure nods and shakes are universal.
Her dad?
>It's like the textbook kantai parody featuring Kongo teaching English

Oh god, why have I not heard of this? Link please

I was just relaying what the Todai students told me. I see it as a vicious cycle where English is simply irrelevant in daily life and the strong JDM entrenches this irrelevance. It doesn't help that the country is so culturally homogenous and far from cosmopolitan, especially outside major urban centres.
Is she the female protagonist from Code Geass - Boukoku no Akito?
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Finally, an anime character that shares my name
They're not universal.
Hi, Jake.
But that's forbidden!
>being this amerifat
>mfw most of /a/ is too young to remember the Full Metal Panic-inspired english workbook from years ago

It was the shit. Wish I knew where I saved it.
Only if Baker is her maiden name.
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wont forget six
But there are lots of animes called Saya?
>ひ is considered to have a mixture of sh and h
It's the first time I hear this, but now that I look at it I actually say "hi" in japanese like "çi". And I'm not even a nip.
It's always been weird how rare the name seems to be for gaijins in anime considering how fucking common it is here.

There were four other Jakes in my grade back in middle school, and it wasn't even a big school.
Tbf, they're not entirely wrong
Quads say yes
These threads make me feel like I'm back on GAIA, they are so comfy
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Holy christ, this is gold
Depends on the ALT, really. I prepped and taught my own classes. But you are right that juku or eikaiwa schools are places you'll 'get to teach' while also getting fucked in the ass by your corporate masters.

Best is to land a comfy university English professor position or move into direct hire in the municipality.
I know one too, actually.
I can hear in German though. I clearly hear it in "ich", but in "hito" it doesn't sound the same to me.
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It hurts.

I think you're confusing it with the head bobble or the "indian head shake". The head bobble, depending on the context, can mean "yes", "good", "I understand". But even in India, nodding means "yes" and the head shake from side to side means "no".
>Full Metal Panic-inspired english workbook
Tell me more

Fuck this guy. Why can't my portmanteau ride with us ? What the fuck. I'm not going anywhere near this retard's cab. I'd rather walk.

How is gaijin professor life there?
As a 7-1 hue I can confirm that english books here are completely in english

Ms. Baker a cute
>hear it in "ich", but in "hito" it doesn't sound the same
Its not the same sound.
That's what I meant. I was describing ç by saying it is like a mixture of sh and h. As I mentioned elsewhere though, I can hear ç in German "ich" or the "ig" ending, but for Japanese, I can only here "hi", not "çi" even though I know what "çi" sounds like.

Same with Mandarin. I can discern all of the sounds, but I can't hear pinyin "h' as IPA [x]. I know what x sounds like (my native language has it, and multiple languages I have look into have it), but I can't hear [x] in Chinese speech for some reason, it just sounds like h.
What if she's actually Mrs Baker?
Yes, my music teacher.
Better just call her Baker-sensei to play it safe.
I meant Full Metal Jacket.
And the drill sergeant is a little girl
Yes it is. Both of them are IPA /ç/. Look it up.
What if she's actually Mr. Baker?
You're from the south of Germany? Do <ich> and <ach> sound different to you?
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Looks too christmas cake.
That's it. I'll be making this class later in AA2
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Pic related.
>Full Metal Panic
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>i like you, come over to my house and fuck my sister
I'm Japanese junior highschool student for now
if i say "come on, slut" to foreign English teacher
what will happen?
So new it hurts
Not German, but yes, <ich> and <ach> have a different consonant sound. ch is normally [x], but after front vowels like i or e, it has the sound of [ç] in standard German. So although historically ich sounds like [ix], in modern standard German it is [iç], where as ach is still [ax] since it is not preceded by a front vowel.
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True, you can't expect to become a knee hong go master without the basics.
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I corrected myself alright?
>tfw we were 4 roberts on the same soccer team
Ellen Baker is best girl, even if she's from Boston
>No Muslims
But that's politically incorrect.
Liar, Japanese students use "bitch" instead of slut.
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>real americans don't look this cute
>Born and raised in New England
>Live in Boston for work
>Teach my Japanese friends that sweet Boston accent
One of them took English pronunciation classes and can match tone and accent perfectly. I said the word "conjugation" while teaching her about English verb forms. She repeated the word in a perfect Boston accent and I almost shit my pants.

Shit was wicked weird.
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Real 2d Americans do.

thank you based anon
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One more for the road.
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>Who - Dalley
I think it was 雌豚(めすぶた).
...spanish resistance?
Best girl confirmed
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for junior highschool students
They should hire people like Hisasi to draw english textbooks, that would surely increase people's interest on the subject.
No, he's right.
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Being nip who dislikes anime must kinda suck.
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>つ and っつ are both tu
Why wold you even do that?
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Why are nips so bad at English? Shouldn't all first world nations make a big deal about learning English? Even in Bangladesh we had English classes starting from pre-k. Is anime to blame?
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>Green eyes
>blonde north americans
>brown haired finn
>people who can't speak english teaching others to speak english
The ones in university are all right
I searched for more insult word
ビッチ is the word you're looking for.
Deepa Mitra could have been a mother to me.
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>sigh oh narrow

We talking what I think we talking ?
Language learning for things that aren't ridiculously complex to read operates on the simple concept of bashing the basics into your skull, then exposing yourself to the language as much as possible.
There are no junior high kids who don't like manga. They don't know the kanji yet to read actual literature. They either read light novels or manga.

This is why Japanese education treats kids like kids who don't know anything. They can't even read the newspaper til halfway through High School.
>Five suits
>Eight yachts
>Nine cocoanuts

Rich as fuck.
Students at language focused schools are ok. Science students and grad students, despite being required to know English, all suck at it. It's actually a big problem in their education system in terms of putting out scientists able to function in the greater community.
>How can they expect to learn proper English when they still have moonrunes on their textbooks?


>Why are nips so bad at English?
Because English is kuso.
>Shouldn't all first world nations make a big deal about learning English?
The lingua franca of the EU is German.
>Even in Bangladesh we had English classes
Only because Britain fucked you in the asses.
She herself said Ms Baker >>139644527
Great, 10 minutes of Wikipedia IPA tables and my head hurts, because it looks like my ears are flat out broken.
>The lingua franca of the EU is German.
I'm pretty sure he was talking about "first world nations".
>first world
that's wrong, though.
>Oh my pompom
Was this written by a Moogle?
I learned to read and speak Spanish by watching Telenovelas
Japan suffers the same fate as other isolated monolingual first world countries - England and the USA. Namely economically they dominated their regions for a long time and could afford to make others learn their language. What impetus is there to learn a different language? Ask your average American or Brit how well they speak the language they studied in JHS and HS.
There are six official languages on the UN, and those are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.
So you know the textbook response, but that doesn't explain why your ears are shitty. Hmm.
Nigel Farage will make EU great again.

Eastern Europe is the only part that lacks the first world nations. Everything else is game.
I'm curious about this too. Do kids in japan only watch anime? I pretty much learned basic English as a kid by watching american channels, and now I'm here, fluent I guess.
Ms is distinct and denotes that the speaker is either unaware of the marital status of the woman or unwilling to disclose the marital status of the woman.
How many languages do you actually speak, /a/?
I think they are sun and moon leaks.
Unlock cuckoldry route then.
>Do kids in japan only watch anime?
and Korean dramas.

I'm European, so plenty.

moving books? cartoons? can only guess what that means because common root etymology
I hadn't thought about tv. When I went to school in Bangladesh, all the kids channels, CN, Nick, were in English. That probably had a huge influence. Nowadays they dumb most things in Bangali or Hindi.
K dorama is the best.
Two and a half
Google it, retard.
What were you doing exactly?
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I swear to fucking god.
bout tree fiddy
Is this yuri?
I don't remember any American programs that aired in Japan that wasn't dubbed. But then again, I didn't look very hard.
>cuckoldry route
Its called NTR. Take this cuck shit back to whatever board you came from.
Native Latvian(which is pretty much useless outside of the country), English and I can swear and understand some basic Russian. So pretty much 1 and a half language all together.
I want to eat Baker's Cake.
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>you will never have supplementary classes with Ms Baker
>you will never watch japanese talk shows with Ms Baker
>you will never watch the fireworks with Ms Baker

just give me a Ms Baker SOL so can delay my suicide for three months
Pretty sure most of the American cartoons they get in Japan get dubbed. I know Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon air japanese dubbed shows over there.
Telenovelas are basically really, really shitty TV series with episodes broadcasted daily.

English, Spanish, German, Italian.
I can't actually speak Latin, but I can read it.
I don't think that's just japan problem though. Over here the language classes are just learning set of words for the textbook lesson to not fail test which will be the next day. Day after test you start another lesson, another set and nobody cares you don't remember shit from the first one. Occasionally mix in some grammar.
I was learning German for 9 fucking years and can barely tell what's my name and where i live. And i can safely say it's the same for good 70% of my classmates. Probably more.
If it's the same in japan and i imagine it is, you can't really blame them. Surely it varies school from school and teacher from teacher, but still. I'm glad i managed to pick English from games and movies by some miracle.

you said the word, there's no point in communicating if the receiver doesn't understand
Post more Baker-sensei
2, because I was blessed to be born to sane parents who lived in a decent country, and then I learned Japanese for weebshit much later of my own volition instead of wasting my time in school learning some pathetic eurocuck language.
Super comfy. Japanese academic circles have a lot of politics (well, they do everywhere) but you hang with a lot more smart and creative people who are actually interested in engaging about serious topics over a beer.
Can nippon girls love gaijin girls?
German, English, Latin and I'm currently learning Cantonese.
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>The lingua franca of the EU is German.

You really believe this?
Same with Russian where I live. Those who wanted to learn and understand Russian did their own thing like watch Russian movies, tv shows, etc or speak Russian at home on top of the classes. Someone like me who is a weeb and didn't put effort in outside the class, can only swear and tell his name.
I've never seen such a waste of paper before.
Telenovelas is something like soap operas
>probably speaks 4 versions of the effectively the same language or very very closely related languages, like all the Scandinavian minus Icelandic; or maybe counts Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian as different langauges; or Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Catalan.
Go welcome some more refugees.
Why am I not suprised
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Is it worth learning sign language?

Mad american in action.
Absolutely not.
Jack Smith is so fucking alpha, he is probably smashing all 3 of those girls,
But that's forbidden love because anchor babies.

t. Domhnall Drumpf
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Now that I think about I can't remember the last time I answered a question by nodding or shaking my head.
Nickelodeon is closed in Japan many years ago.
and most Japanese doesnt pay for TV.

so only about one fourth of Japanese household can access to CN or Disney channel.
Cantonese? That sounds like a hassle. Why not Mandarin?
English is just a disgusting peasant version of German.
English and Portuguese. I can read spanish, italian and know everyday japanese, but since I can't fully express my thoughts in those languages, they don't count.
Only if you marry a deaf 3DPD
>The lingua franca of the EU is German.
>The french language of the EU is german
Oh you.

Is your're are waifu deaf?
I don't really care for China much outside of Hong Kong.
It's all about Tom&Jerry and ol' Tex Avery stuff for the little kids. Visual humor without needing a lot of English.

Everyone knows Disney movies, especially girls, by the time they're through Elementary.
>anchor babies
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american and english

i learned spanish but forgot a fuck ton of it, but can still read it ok.
Too bad, I actually know a few languages that are not even in the same language family as each other, mate.

And I notice you didn't deny what I alleged.
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what is this?
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You bet your ass we do.

>Implying this isn't how nips pronounce it anyway
I guess it's fine if you're also learning to read the words.

HK people speak Mandarin as well, and if I recall, Cantonese is harder because there's a lot more specific intonations than the 4 for Mandarin.
>Manga Shakespeare Macbeth
I dunno, but I find Scottish brutes much moreo exciting than shirtless samurai.
Even if that were so, it is different enough that no one could claim that learn English is like learning German in the same way that learn Spanish is like leaning Portuguese.

English is the worst Germanic language though, I agree. It was the most corrupted due to French influence. It is conservative in some few ways through, since it kept stuff like "th" and "wh" though.
>2 and half hours ago
>still no porn

Glorious nippon scribbles, folded over 1000 times.
Fuck off to /a/ whiny faggot.
A reminder that I should go to bed soon. :^)
I'm not seeing the point of this exchange, Anonymous.

it's noon
A soldier holding a spear.

can't read hieroglyphs
>literal americlaps
It's pretty early in the morning here in Japan.
Enjoy getting tormented by evil spirits all year.
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>is black/ambiguously brown

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English and north arabic
You have to study a third language in middle school, but nobody actually remembers any of that
Is that how you treat a teacher, young man?
>argentina is whiiiite
>not having the ghost busters on speed dial

tbqh didn't sleep at all last night

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