全 10 件のコメント

[–]gibbous_maiden 6ポイント7ポイント  (4子コメント)

  1. The basis of the Red Pill ideology is misogyny. Although they sometimes talk about self-improvement, their idea of self-improvement is solely about validating their feelings of power and ownership of women. It's deeply self-absorbed misogyny. As for politics, their political views are inherently misogynist as well - all Red Pillers demand that women shut up and submit to all of men's desires. And when those women are reluctant, the Red Pill men resort to gaslighting, manipulation and abuse in order to exploit those women. Pick-up Artistry is slightly different in terms of how it's followers talk about exploiting women, but the underlying misogynistic beliefs are identical.

  2. They have a very nature-based approach because they like talking about sexism as if it's an unchangeable biological reality (as opposed to being social oppression that can and should be abolished). The "alpha male" they're talking about is a kind of man who establishes so-called natural dominance over women. He's not only the king of all other men (usually called "beta males", who are ridiculed as effeminate because of not being as aggressively misogynistic as "alpha males"), according to Red Pillers, but he's also the man who they think every woman on the planet is attracted to. Red Pillers think of the "alpha male" as the highest standard of masculinity because he's all about dominating and exploiting women with confidence and without remorse.

  3. They like to brag because it makes them feel manly and superior to other men.

  4. Unfortunately, many women have shared experiences of being manipulated by Red Pill men, pick up artists, etc. That's because all of these ideologies are about men abusing women in order to gain access to their bodies. And yes, many of the tactics these men espouse are intended to exploit women's fears - such as being neglected, unloved, or physically/mentally harmed by men. Oftentimes, these men specifically prey on women who suffer from trauma because many female survivors of trauma are more vulnerable to male manipulation and exploitation (for example, a female survivor of abuse who doesn't speak out against a Red Piller manipulating her because she feels that she deserves to be mistreated).

  5. They don't like women to express opinions because they only want male opinions to have a place in their discussions. They have no regard for what women think and feel.

[–]Bantam_Storm 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

What I discovered about it are a couple of things.

  1. They dole out useful, but obvious life tips like eat healthy and workout like they are the first ones to think of it.

  2. They've gone way beyond trying to help men out in situations like custody battles and divorce. That would be legit. Now it's turned into homophobia. I wish I could find the red piller's username, but he said a few months back "They're faggotizing Star Wars too:. Whatever that means.

Finally, they structure posts like a college essay. Like that somehow makes every hyperbolic diatribe seem factual. They're not just a bunch of angry pick up artists.

[–]1432101232103231 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

  1. TRP is an ideology based on a particular type of gender dynamics and pseudo evo psych. Their beliefs about gender are inherently misogyinistic. Many of them (desperately) want to have sex. The strategies they use to get sex, the self-improvement, politics, etc all come out of this same ideology.

  2. This is all because of the pseudo evo psych. They honestly think that their beliefs are based on science, so they try to use science-y language wherever possible.

  3. Part of their ideology is that some men are "alphas" and some are "betas." Alpha males have higher status (social, economic, whatever) and are able to get all the sex. Betas have lower status and either don't get sex or only get sex with women that the alphas have rejected. By writing about their status, they show that they are "alphas" and therefore able to get sex.

  4. Yes, absolutely. In fact, many of the "strategies" they discuss are common abuse tactics. See the Duluth wheel for example.

  5. That would break the circle jerk.

[–]future_space_boobseternally feasting on boners 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

they are deeply lonely people who never quite figured out the world of dating, and they are looking for someone to pin that loneliness on while also maintaining their illusory masculinity. thats why you have guys who claim to be wildly successful essentially begging their internet friends for approval. they need to be able to blame their failure on increasingly nefarious external boogieman-- a social justice warrior conspiracy, feminism, andrea dworkin and anita sarkeesian-- in order to maintain their facade of victimhood. now, the problem they actually have in dating is that they just don't like women and women stay away from them. they expect women to be adorable, cute, quirky prizes always on and always available rather than actual people with complex personalities and hopes and dreams. theirs is a very mechanical view of relationships ("i put in my love and commitment, and sex comes out") that is surprisingly easy to detect and avoid, although they don't believe it.

once you strip away all those emotions and insecurity they're just textbook reactionaries: "by empowering women feminists are actually preventing normal nice guys like me from finding a girlfriend or getting laid because I don't look like brad pitt! only guys who look like brad pitt get laid! allowing women to vote has been the downfall of society! women should be reminded that they're only good for sex to keep them in their place!"

ultimately they're just a small group of angry guys screaming into the void. nobody takes them seriously just as nobody takes someone who's stance is "i don't support gay marriage because eww" seriously. but knowing their tactics is helpful-- that way if you ever run into one IRL you can shut him down quickly.

[–]Gynocratic_MisandrstRocky McChesterflex 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

  1. The basis for their ideology is that being 'nice' is a recipe for rejection. The rest of their ideology is an appeal to perceptions on how (they think) women just spring for assholes (read: alpha males), a myopic view of evolutionary psychology, and an opinion that feminism as a movement has placed women at a legal advantage. The legal advantage is, of course, divorce court, alimony, child support, and the idea that women are handled with care by courts. Their politics mirror their naturalist/survival of the fittest mentality: free-market libertarian thinking. Of course, this underwrites their privilege, and confirms frequently racist attitudes to minorities and women (i.e. they think minorities would be better off if they weren't inferior in some way, and that women would get equal pay if they took the same difficult jobs men do).

  2. The big joke about TRP is that none of them are 'alpha males', which is what they imagine to be the pinnacle of female sexual desire. So, they have a lot of advice about how one might appear to be an alpha male; be a jerk, confidence, entitlement, etc. Their reporting is a way of confirming their beliefs about how particular ways of acting will closely mimic how an alpha male acts. Opinion confirmation allows them to use their tactics and act on their beliefs with more confidence, which will create more field reports. I would wager that the majority of field reports are fiction, though.

  3. There is a perception that an alpha male will enjoy more success – financial, sexual, social – than others. It is strictly an appeal to ethos; they wish to improve their perceived character in that subreddit in order to improve their social standing. If one improves it enough, they may be able to sell t-shirts, or pick up artistry books.

  4. Sadly, many of their tactics do work, not just on women, but people. Manipulation is a real thing, and the more sincere you can appear, the better it works. For some, it is not difficult to find an insecurity in someone, and then exploit it. The core of manipulation is to offer, either genuinely or not, the object of the insecure person's desire. It can be a material thing, social acceptance, love, sex, anything; it can even be 'manufactured' in the individual, most commonly with guilt. This question prompts a much deeper conversation about how it works, and why people do it.

  5. They hate women. They like to say they don't, a lot, but really, they just do. They're bitter that they "can't be themselves", or they attribute their failures to women, or they feel that the world is against them. The truth is that there are millions of disenfranchised youth (and older people, too) looking for someone to blame. Some people blame previous generations, some people blame bankers, some people blame government. The people at TRP blame women; they think they are psychologically isomorphic: they seek to secure a particular kind of male, and anything they show is in the service of that goal. The reality of it is that many failures one can manage all on their own, and that in many scenarios, success was an impossibility and that failure is no one's fault.

[–]PorterDaughterenters discussions vagina-first -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

1) The Red Pill is a standard cult. It states that it's aim is so teach "sexual strategy", but they wrap it up in an ideology that the entire reality is based on power structure dictated by one's sex life. I wish I was joking. They believe the entire society revolves around the "sexual market", where women have the upper hand because "it's easier for women to get laid".

Think Marx, only with sex instead of money, and women vs. men instead of proletariat vs. bourgeoisie.

In truth, you have to see it in the context of the cult members- TRP's members and are mostly bitter men with low self esteem who put way too much emphasis on sex as a part of their lives. The enormous importance they give sex with women make them hate women for not sleeping with them- in their eyes, women deprive them of what gives them validation.

2) The "Alpha Male" embodies everything they want to be. Mostly it seems to be based on the stereotypical jock - be it the highschool bully that bothered them or popular frat guy in college they wished they were. They wish to embody this archetype through practicing the Red Pill. A "natural Alpha" is an alpha that didn't have to subscribe to the Red Pill to act like the Red Pill claims alphas should act.

Field Reports are bragging rights (remember, they see sex with women as the key to their validation, telling as many people as possible about it is part of the validation achieving process), and are usually steeped in fiction, if they are not entirely fictional.

3) As I said- validation. These little manchildren crave validation. Most of those descriptive are fictional, or generously embellished.

4) The tactics these people spread do have a potential to work on women- specifically insecure and unstable women.

5) It's an echo chamber. No one who dares contradict TRP's core values is allowed to post, and most women would contradict those core values. On top of it, remember that in their ideology, Men and Women are enemies. Even the few women who agree with them are seen as rivals and threaten them.