BestOfOutrageCulture 内の cdts によるリンク "I once wondered what Romans felt like in the 5th century. I no longer do, I'm seeing the slow-motion collapse of Western civilization in real time."

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

the only reason that Constantinople fell was due to the botched 4th crusade that ransacked the city due to not getting paid

so in a certain way Christianity indeed destroyed rome , sorry reactionaries

GamerGhazi 内の GhaziMods によるリンク Call-To-Action Posts and You

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

so when is it ready? and how much help do you need, me and the individuals down at r/BreitbartInAction can help

GamerGhazi 内の GhaziMods によるリンク Call-To-Action Posts and You

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

as a person who has nearly gotten ban due t multiple attempts at calls to action

maybe, maybe. yes we need them, but i don't want them be posts - i want them as comments in response to gator activity (like in the recent baldour's gates crisis ) - moderation goes without saying

GamerGhazi 内の casersatz によるリンク Milo Yiannopoulos: Breitbart’s star provocateur, Gamergater, and Trump champion, explained

[–]xenoghost1 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

off course it is stunt, milo refuses to pay his employees so how would he pay a college kid if the guy is anti-intellectual? that would be like me giving money to the westboro baptist church

which is kinda of a pitty, since i wish i could apply so i can scam milo

GamerGhazi 内の astrixzero によるリンク SPJ gives third prize in "Excellence in News Reporting" to the Escapist hitpiece on Star Citizen

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

true enough

still this hilarious that three awards went to kotaku - and that this might have been a little stunt to avoid GG eating them alive

GamerGhazi 内の astrixzero によるリンク SPJ gives third prize in "Excellence in News Reporting" to the Escapist hitpiece on Star Citizen

[–]xenoghost1 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

the best part is that liz did it for money

hoping it would bring clicks to the escapist and legitimize her as a journalist

GamerGhazi 内の astrixzero によるリンク SPJ gives third prize in "Excellence in News Reporting" to the Escapist hitpiece on Star Citizen

[–]xenoghost1 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

guys can we instead celebrate the fact two of the high prizes went to Kotaku

that the SPJ, a GG affiliated organization to the point that my local chapter nearly had to file for bankruptcy due to Airplay , granted the "unethical" Kotaku top billing? and that the local gators had to dig through piles of MRa bullshit in order to please themselves - as much as an ethical violation that is it just gives me a weird warmth, that gators are looking at themselves and realize that they might be full of shit

GamerGhazi 内の astrixzero によるリンク SPJ gives third prize in "Excellence in News Reporting" to the Escapist hitpiece on Star Citizen

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

sad ain't it- hopefully they jump off the boat, but i don't see that happening

GamerGhazi 内の -Guardsman- によるリンク Is there a distinction between the alt-right and the far right?

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

oh no i know, but that doesn't change that i feel sad for him, he sympathized with them and they now treat him like this

wonder how they feel about trump's Jewish family (one of his daughter is a convert, she married a Jew, so trump has like two Jewish grandchildren)

GamerGhazi 内の subvertc によるリンク How to be an anti-feminist youtuber.

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

the 30,000 word long twitlonger thing refers to TB since he is the only fucker who uses it , apparently jim distanced himself from TB over it

GamerGhazi 内の subvertc によるリンク How to be an anti-feminist youtuber.

[–]xenoghost1 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

the statement which soured relations between jim and TB-

but by that account unless one of TB's harassers/fans is Adrian viedt , i doubt he is being killed by a harasser, hence proving he doesn't really get harassed and needs to get a thicker skin or do what he already did (leave social media, close comments, and almost wholly ignore his fanbase) because he is a professional victim (according to the most recent gator revision it is someone who simply begs for sympathy now, not even profiting , just sympathy, this was revised after the firing of ms.rapp who didn't ask for anything more then some sympathy) who when confronted with a hard question screams "I HAVE CANCER!!! HENCE YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE ME!!!"

GamerGhazi 内の subvertc によるリンク How to be an anti-feminist youtuber.

[–]xenoghost1 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

and universal health care

and diplomacy

and immigration

and women's rights

and his hate for the GOP

he is pretty liberal tbh, he is a fuckin coo-coo as far as medicine (he thinks pasture is full of shit and has some anti-vaxx stances) and islam (not as far as dawkins,since he thinks there can be good muslims, but far from us since he says only muslims commit note-worthy terrorism, even though he acknowledges white terrorism is a thing) is concerned- but he is far from a fucking conservative , he is just a weird liberal granddad who general mainstream liberalism has left behind who is always saying "back in my day" and is critical of the youth - but at the end of the day he tends to fall into line (1 million dollars to barak obama is hardly an act you can ignore)

nintendo 内の DeltaFornax によるリンク It still boggles my mind that Waluigi's been around for almost 20 years, and still hasn't featured in a Wario game.

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

it was popular- and i do think it helped a bit, ut then again the cheer madness that waluigi demonstrates might have helped him more now that i think about it

GamerGhazi 内の -Guardsman- によるリンク Is there a distinction between the alt-right and the far right?

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

hopefully that never comes true... not because i sympathize with milo (i want to see him go bankruptcy and be forced to go on the welfare system he hates so much while i mock him on the side as the colossal asshole i am)- but because if they are willing to kill their tokens and supporters, you can imagine what will happen to us (not to mention betrayal is the worst feeling ever)

GamerGhazi 内の -Guardsman- によるリンク Is there a distinction between the alt-right and the far right?

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

i view it from a more secular stand point:

they are simply trying to execute (a variant of) the madagascar plan (look it up)

Games 内の megapowa によるリンク Huge FortressCraft Evolved Update! Now with full Mod support!

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

  • - cubic world -

for some reason those words bring me memories of a better time, a time before minecraft 1.0 , a time prior to let's play saturation , a time of wonder

there was this little RPG going by the name of cube world - an mmorpg with heavy crafting and exploration elements, it had so much potential, but then it fell on the way side, updates became rarer and rarer to a point where there wasn't an update in almost two years .. eventually it was removed from steam and eventually everyone forgot about it... it had so much potential and so much creativity and yet it went nowhere

i heard that recently it got some updates and that the dev intends to continue work on it, but i feel it is too little too late - that t's moment is gone

Games 内の Doomsday751 によるリンク Heroes of the Storm: Tracer Gameplay Reveal

[–]xenoghost1 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

still waiting for blackthorne to be patched in

any day now

nintendo 内の DeltaFornax によるリンク It still boggles my mind that Waluigi's been around for almost 20 years, and still hasn't featured in a Wario game.

[–]xenoghost1 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

interestingly - according to an interview with miyamoto and some other devs involved with the mario series and even the wario series (and you might have heard this from a popular tumblr post) : waluigi isn't necessarily wario's brother

he might just simply be this guy who is friends with wario and tends to tag along to play sports, he could have his own friends, pastimes and even job and only joins wario for things like sports and parties -

there also the real life reason that he was camelot creation, and nintendo doesn't want to get to attach to him in case of a camelot bankruptcy and subsequent purchase by another company or just a souring of relations (see geno) - it's a bit confusing who owns waluigi (see miracle man or movie bob's video on the controversy to who owns the license to miracle man) and i don't think nintendo would go to court over or pay royalties for waluigi

which really leads to the final reason : nintendo didn't really think waluigi would be popular enough to merit attention - hell if i am not wrong to say waluigi's fame comes from the fact that his character in brawl in the family was fucking awesome (WALUIGI TIME), which ascended him from daisy and birdo status (a weird cast member from a spin-off who is sort of a gag , but is throw into the sports/karting/party title to fill out and add diversity to the roster) into beloved internet joke (seriously, read brawl i n the family, it already concluded- but i swear it is hilarious , specially their interpretation of waluigi)

EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の rkkim によるリンク Exposing the Racist History Of Libertarianism

[–]xenoghost1 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

as long as the assholes aren't disturbing the peace everything is ok, but if they start acting like white supremacist - then they can be kicked out

now reality is that the KKK only go to places where the owner or the employees are members (they also have a permanent boycott of black businesses since the 30s) and white supremacist avoid Jewish establishments - so yes they are protected from discrimination, as long as they don't act as assholes, but since apparently since it is impossible for white supremacist assholes not to at as white supremacists assholes in public (see Donald trump) they are going to get booted out , or at least they assume

GamerGhazi 内の kyunkyunpanic によるリンク Play-Asia still trying to milk the DOA X3 drama from 4 months ago

[–]xenoghost1 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

play asia played itself - but this is the behavior of a desperate company (promoting kusoge under the guise of free speech for months ) shows they might not even make it to December - hell the real question is how many gators are actually loyal to the store and if they keep it alive enough to one day get pissed because they fell out of line with high command (a few gators who catch the news make up stories based on the news and then promote them, hence creating the closest thing to an official position of GG)

europe 内の woetotheconquered によるリンク Sadiq Khan: There are too many white men on Transport for London

[–]xenoghost1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

there is a degree of truth to both statements - tradition is a strong,strong thing

hopefully things change though

GamerGhazi 内の kyunkyunpanic によるリンク Play-Asia still trying to milk the DOA X3 drama from 4 months ago

[–]xenoghost1 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

reality is if they have time, which is the whole premise of my post

did you know is now shipping to america

europe 内の lemontolha によるリンク Opinion: Germany’s refugee crisis has left it as bitterly divided as Donald Trump’s America

[–]xenoghost1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

so not that bad (the telegraph i have heard is the more respectable brother of the mail)